新世纪高职高专英语第二册unit 1

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yield to for a time at the mercy of at the time of greatest danger in the hour of need by one’s own example
the combination of leader and people
the necessary qualities
motherland: one’s native or ancestral (祖先的) country which you feel you belong to
New Words
1. arise—arose—arisen vi. 1) appear 出现,发生
A new difficulty has arisen. 出现了新困难。 2) arise out of / from: follow as a result of sth. 产生,造成,引起
conquer and destroy
the most active resistance to
compare with
保持独立和自由 remain independent and free
in spite of
屈服于 一度 受制于 在最危险的时刻 在最需要的时候 身体力行 领导者和民众的结合
4). What is the most important thing a patriot should know?
(Of all the things mentions in the text, the most important thing a patriotic citizen should know is the people of his country.)
6) lawful legal unlawful illegal
7) take an opportunity seize a chance
8) risk n. v. risky adj.
Listening and Answering:
1). What is patriot?
(A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it.)
to know.
Language points:
1. arise, bound, command, value, yield – P.6-7
Mark the phrases on P.117 and the following phrases in your texts:
sacrifice oneself to
责无旁贷地恪尽职守 be bound to do one’s duty
risk one’s life to do
2) Line 9: “…, when the great test came, …” …, when the country faced a severe national crisis, …
3) Lines 17—18: “The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found willing to yield to the enemy.” The answer is that the people in all these countries have refused to give in to the enemy.
arisen, rise, roused, arouse
2) authority n. authorize v.
3) border边界
margin 页边空白
side 旁边、面
4) combine v. combination n.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
5) continuously adv. continuous a. continuity n.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
raise: lift or move (sth.) to a higher level 举起、抬起 raise one’s hand
rouse vt. 惊起,唤醒(多用于具体意味)
The dog roused the fox from the bushes. arouse: awaken vt. 引起、激发、唤起(多用于抽象
2.What time does the sun ____?
3. The elephant, if ____ , might get dangerous.
4. If you want to ___ my interest in foreign languages, Why don’t you pay for me to study abroad?
Patriotism is a normal attitude or feeling. It has existed in all ages and among all peoples. Evidence of this universal feeling can be found in the prominence the literature of many countries gives to patriotism. Many outstanding literary works praise the loyalty to one’s country and willingness to suffer even death in defense of her freedom and dignity. In wartime, patriotic songs and slogans have helped unite citizens in support of their country.
country: an area of land with its own government, army etc., for example, France, Japan, or the USA
nation: it is a word used especially to talk about a country’s history, way of live, and social and economic conditions.
熟悉 传给
do one’s best to improve oneself be familiar with hand down
Difficult Sentences
1) Line 8: “Why is it that some nations have disappeared altogether?” Why is it that some countries have been conquered and become a part of others?
Background Information:
Patriotism is defined as the love and loyal support of one’s own country. It includes attachment to a country’s land and people, admiration foe its customs and traditions, pride in its history, and devotion to it sometimes even at one’s own expense. The term suggests a feeling of oneness and membership in the nation.
arose people’s sympathy (a)rise vi.----- (a)rise— (a)rose—(a)risen
(a)rouse -- (a)roused-- (a)roused vt. rise, rouse 多用于具体意味 arise arouse 多用于抽象意味.
1.I’m afraid a difficulty has _____.
state: It is used to talk about a country as a political organization with its own political system.
colony: a country that has no independent government of its own, but is controlled by another country, especially one that is a long way away.
Unit 1 Patriotism
Lead In
• Watch the videos of military review
What’s your feeling when you watch the military review?
As an ambitious young man, what contributions can you make to the building up of a strong and prosperous China?
2). Why is it that some nations have disappear according to the text?
(The reason is that in times of danger there were not enough men and women who were ready to sacrifice themselves to defend their country.)
4) Lines 18—19: “For a time they may have seemed to be at the mercy of a conqueror, but….” For a period of time, they may have appeared helpless before a conqueror, but…
3). What qualities should a leader have?
(Great leaders should first of all be able to command. And they should also be unselfish and value what they work for and what they help to make.)
5) Line 44: “…, and getting first-hand knowledge of their scenery, …” …, and getting intimate knowledge of their scenery, …
6) Lines 46—47: “…, and we put them first.” …, and we should take them as the first things
problems arising out of the lack of communication rise—rose—risen vi. 1) go upward 上升,上涨
The cost of living continues to rise. 2) get up 起立、起身、起床
unable to rise because of injuries 因受伤而起不了床 3) (of sun, moon, etc. ) appear above horizon 从地平线上升起