涉外文秘英语 教案 阮蓓怡 se-7

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Section One: Conversations
Mr. Thompson knows that Mr. Smith is in town and asks his secretary Liulin to make an appointment for him. Liulin gets through with no problem and Mr. Smith agrees to the meeting. ( At Mr. Thompson's office) Mr. Thompson: I'd like to see Mr. Smith on Tuesday afternoon. Would you phone him at the hotel, Room 608, and ask him if he is free to come at 3:00? Liulin: Certainly, Mr. Thompson. (Dials) Operator: China World Hotel. May I help you? Liulin: Good morning. Would you put me through to Mr. Smith, Room 608, please? Mr. Smith: (Picks up the receiver) John Smith here. Liulin: Mr. Thompson would like to see you on Tuesday afternoon. Could you come at 3:00? Mr. Smith: Tuesday at 3:00? Yes, I think I can manage that. Please tell Mr. Thompson I'll be there. Liulin: Thank you, Mr. Smith. (Receiver replaced. To Mr. Thompson) Mr. Thompson, Mr. Smith will be here at 3:00 on Tuesday as you asked. Mr. Thompson: Thank you, Liulin.
Conversation II
Mr. Franklin wants to meet Mr. Thompson this week. Liulin: General Manager's office. May I help you? Caller: This is Helen of BED. I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Franklin, our General Manager. Liulin: I see. What can I do for you? Caller: Well, Mr. Franklin would like to make an appointment to see Mr. Thompson sometime this week. Liulin: Well, Mr. Thompson will be available on either Wednesday or Thursday. Caller: Thursday would be fine. What time would be most convenient? Liulin: Any time in the morning. Caller: How about 10:00 in the morning? Liulin: All right. At 10:00 Thursday morning. Caller: Thank you. Liulin: Thank you for calling. Good-bye. Good-
Exercise: Fill in each blank to complete the following conversation.
Susan: Oh, Liulin, is Mr. Thompson free Thursday morning? Some suppliers from Korea are coming to see him. (有些朝鲜的供应商想见他。) 有些朝鲜的供应商想见他。) Liulin: Let me look at his diary. _________________________ (早上他挺忙的。) (早上他挺忙的。) He's having a meeting from nine to eleven, and then he's seeing Mr. Baxter at eleven thirty. _________________ (下午怎么样?) He's free after two. (下午怎么样?) Susan: No, the afternoon's no good. ______________________ (供应商们下午就 (供应商们下午就 走了。) 走了。) Liulin: Well, he's free between eleven and eleven-thirty. _________________ (那 eleven(那 段时间行吗?) 段时间行吗?) Susan: Yes, that would be fine. Liulin: OK, I'll pencil you in for eleven, then. _________________ (过一会儿我会 (过一会儿我会 与你再确定一下的。) 与你再确定一下的。) Susan: Thanks, Liulin!
Readings: How to Make Appointments
Your clients will contact you either by telephone or make personal visits to the office whenever appointments are needed to be made. The scheduling of appointments will vary depending on the type of business that you're involved with. For instance appointments may be scheduled at 1/2 hour intervals, 15 minutes, or 1 hour. This will be dependant upon your office. Most offices though, can attend to business within 30 minutes. So today we'll work on very brief intervals for scheduling appointments. We'll cover aspects relating to: Appointments Your Client's appointments Your Boss' appointments
Fra Baidu bibliotekonversation III
(Mr. Thompson in Liulin's room telling her to cancel all his appointments after 10:00 on Thursday.) Mr. Thompson: Ah, Liulin. Can you cancel my appointments after 10:00 on Thursday? I'm taking my wife out to lunch early, right after the sales meeting. It's our wedding anniversary, you know. Liulin: Oh, really? Congratulations! Mr. Thompson: Thanks, Liulin. (Mr. Thompson walks away) Liulin: Oh, dear. (Liulin calls Helen to inform her about the change) Helen: Helen May. Liulin: Helen, it's Liulin. I'm afraid Mr. Thompson's busy at 10:00 on Thursday. Can we postpone the appointment? Helen: No problem. Do you have another time in mind? Liulin: Would it be possible to make an appointment for sometime tomorrow? Helen: I'm afraid tomorrow is a busy day for Mr. Franklin. Liulin: In that case, what about the day after tomorrow? Helen: That would be fine. Say, at 10:00 in the morning, would that be convenient to Mr. Thompson? Liulin: Let me look at his diary. He's a bit busy in the morning. He's having a meeting from nine to eleven, and then he's seeing Mr. Baxter at eleven-thirty. How about in the afternoon? He's free after two. elevenHelen: Ok. That's good. Thank you. Liulin: Oh, well, that's all right then. Bye. Helen: Bye.
How to Make Appointments
Diary You need to have a hard copy diary to record your appointments in. The type of diary you use will of course depend on whether you use 30 minute intervals, 15 minutes, etc. Your boss will also have his own personal diary that he carries with him. These diaries will have identical entries in them. Updating Diary This is a daily duty you must attend to. First thing of a morning is a good idea. You will update your diary with the one your boss has so that each diary has the same appointments entered in. This way there is no forgotten appointments. If your boss leaves his diary in his office, you can update it throughout the day as well if time permits. Any times that you know your boss will not be available, mark the diary accordingly, so that you do not give out appointments for those times. This can be quite embarrassing and makes unnecessary work for you in having to contact the parties involved. Also any public holidays, regular meetings, business trips away, all need to be marked in your diary as soon as you become aware of them. Usually, when you get your new diary at the beginning of the year is an excellent time to mark these things in. Draw a line through the appropriate date or time.