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Unit 1 Good morning

单词:good好;好的morning早上afternoon中午evening晚上night夜晚goodbye再见today 今天ant 蚂蚁bear熊

短语:Good morning 早上好Good afternoon 中午好Good evening 晚上好Good night 晚安

句子:How are you?你好吗?

I am fine.我很好。

How are you today ?今天你好吗?

Unit 2 I’m Danny

单词:boy男孩girl女孩big大的small小的tall 高的short 矮的thin 瘦的cow奶牛dog 狗

句子:I’m Danny. You’re a boy.

I’m a girl.

I’m short. You’re tall.

Who am I?

Unit 3 Are you Alice?

单词:sorry对不起one一two二three三four四five 五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十elephant大象frog青蛙

短语:touch your knees pick up sticks draw a snake do it again

句子:Are you a girl? Yes,I’m a girl./No,I’m a boy.

Who are you?

Unit 4 Can you swim?

单词:swim游泳draw画画run跑write写fly飞skip滑雪sing唱歌giraffe长颈鹿hen公鸡dance 跳舞read 读cool酷

短语:ride a bicycle sing a song

句子:What can you do? I can

Can you draw? No,I can’t./Yes,I can.

Can you guess who I am?

Unit 5 That’s my family



句子:Is he your brother? Yes,he’s my brother.

Is she your sister? No,she’s my friend.

Unit 6 My hair is short

单词:hair头发head头big大的eye眼睛nose鼻子mouth嘴巴long长的kangaroo袋鼠lion 狮子


句子:My hair is long.

Your eyes are big.

Unit 7 In the playground


monkey猴子nightingale 夜莺


句子:What can you see?

I can see a swing.

What colour is it?

It’s yellow.

Unit 8 In my room

单词:bag 书包box盒子desk桌子chair椅子apple苹果car汽车book 书本pencil铅笔ox公牛pig猪work工作sleep睡觉pencil case铅笔盒

短语:on the desk在桌子上on the chair在椅子上in the bag在书包里in the box在盒子里in the pencil case 在铅笔盒里

句子:Put the book in the bag.

Unit 9 Dinner is ready

单词:bowl碗plate碟子spoon 勺子chopsticks筷子queen bee蜂王rabbit 兔子


句子:Yes,please. No,thanks. Here you are.

How many bowls? Four bowls.

Unit 10 In the sky

单词:sun太阳moon月亮star星星bright明亮的sky天空snake蛇tiger 老虎

短语:in the sky在天空

句子:Can you see the moon? Yes,it’s big.

Is it big? Yes.It’s big.

How many stars?

Unit 11 In the forest

单词:fox狐狸hippo河马meat肉grass青草cute可爱的hopping 跳跃stong强壮的animal动物duck鸭子dove鸽子swan天鹅

短语:look at me in the forest

句子:Look at.....

It’s ......

Unit 12 In the street

单词:flower花tree树climb爬pick摘draw花colour颜色cut剪park 公园beautiful美丽的cry哭fox狐狸yak 蚝牛zebra 斑马zoo动物园

短语:in the street

句子:What’s this?

Don’t run.


Unit 1 What can you see?

单词:white brown black red yellow green orange beautiful rainbow bird bees rabbit


句子:What can you see? I can see three rabbits.

What colour is it? It’s brown.

What colour are they? They’re white./They’re black and yellow.

Unit 2 Touch and feel

单词:hard soft bag doll nice watch

短语:happy birthday touch and guess open it

句子:What is it ? It’s a peach.

Touch this.Is it hard? Yes./No,it’s soft.

Do you like it?

Unit 3 Can you hear a train?

单词:train car bus ship

短语:bus stop wait for

句子:Can you hear a train? Yes./No.

Unit 4 Thing I like doing

单词:skate hop run skip fly swim together
