


Period 1:分词短语作状语





Light travels most quickly.光传播得最快。

Factories and buildings are seen here and there.到处能见到工厂和建筑物。


He has lived in the city for ten years.他在那座城市住了10年。

If spite of the difficulties, we went on with our work.尽管有困难,我们还是继续工作。


He is proud to have passed the National College Entrance Examination. 他因能通过高考而感到自豪。

The box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太重,我抬不起来。


He is in the room making a model plane.他正在房间里做一架飞机模型。

Not knowing what to do, he decided to ask the teacher for advice. 他不知道怎么办才好,决定去向老师寻求意见。

Encouraged by the teacher, I made up my mind to learn English well.在老师的鼓励下,我决心把英语学好。(5)名词(短语)

Wait a minute.等一下

Would you please come this way.请这边走,好吗?

The road is fifty kilometers long and ten meters wide.这条路有50公里长,10米宽。


Once you begin, you must continue.一旦开始,你就得继续下去。

It is very difficult to live where there is little water.在没有水的地方,活是十分艰难的。

I must work harder in order that I may catch up with others.为了赶上其他人,我必须更加努力学习。



How about meeting again at six?


When it rains, I usually go to school by bus.



Last night she didn’t go to the dance because of the rain.


Since you are very busy, I won’t trouble you.既然你很忙,我就不打扰你了。


I shall go there if it doesn’t rain.


As(so) long as you work hard, you can make rapid progress in English.只要你努力,你就可以在英语方面取得快速的进步。


She put the eggs into the basket with great care.她十分小心地把鸡蛋放进篮子里。

He has greatly improved his spoken English by this means.他用这种方法极大的提高了他的英语水平。(5)伴随状语

She came in with a dictionary in her hand.他走了进来,手里拿着一本字典。

The teacher came in, followed by a group of students.



I went there to see a friend of mine.我去哪里去看我的一个朋友。

Bring it closer so that I may see it better.把它那近些,以便我可以看得更清楚。


He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.他累极了,立刻就睡着了。

He is so good a teacher that the students love and respect him.他是一位很好的老师,学生们都敬爱他。(8)让步状语

She Array worked

very hard


she is old.









when you


you are

warmly welcome.不管你什么时候来,你都会受到热烈欢迎。


They were greatly moved to hear the hero’s story.听了英雄的故事,他们深受感动。

I quite agree with you.我完全同意你的意见。


I am taller than he is.我比他高。

The more I speak English, the better I’ll be.我英语讲得越多,就讲得越好。




Hearing the news, they got excited.(时间)听到这个消息,他们很兴奋。

Be careful while/when crossing the street.(时间) 过街口时,一定要小心。

Having been bitten by a snake, she was frightened at it.(原因)由于被蛇咬过,她很怕蛇。

Given a chance, I can surprise the world.(条件)给我一个机会,我会让世界惊奇。

The cup dropped to the ground, breaking into pieces.(结果) 茶杯掉在地上,摔成了碎片。

Having been told many times, he still repeated the same mistake.(让步) 被告诉了很多次,他仍旧犯同样的错误。

The teacher came into the lab, followed by some students.(伴随状况)




1. D to get a ticket for the 2008 Olympic Games, George has been standing in a queue for two days.


B.To be determined

C. To determine

D. Determined

分析:方法一(打回原形)来源句型Sb is determined to do sth, 这里的determined是个形容词,来源于过去分词determined,我们说过所有的分词都可以当做形容词来看待。现在我们把这里的determined 当做它的本源过去分词看待。


After George is determined to get a ticket for the 2008 Olympic Games, George has been standing in a queue for two days.


Determined to get a ticket for the 2008 Olympic Games, George has been standing in a queue for two days.

这里的determined来源于be determined,是被动语态的分词,直接用就可以了,既然已经是分词了,我们就不需要做任何变化了。


A.Determining, doing表示1)表主动2)表同时进行(与,或),句中是有主动的意思,可是没有同时进行的意思,是先觉得,然后才去站队买票。


D .determined,done表示1)表被动2)表完成(与,或)从句型be determined to do sth看有被动,有完成(下定了决心,然后去站队买票),另外与sb determine to do sth不用的是前者表示状态,后者表示动作,既然是状态就暗含了已经处于该种状态的意思或者说完成。

问:如果用sb determine to do sth,该如何改写这个句子呢?

答:After George has determined to get a ticket for the 2008 Olympic Games, George has been standing in a queue for two days.

→去掉after,George后,剩下了has determined, 这里的determined是个过去分词,有同学问可不可以直接用determined,我的回答是如果不是碰巧有sb be determined to do sth 这个句型,是不可以的。

回到主题来,has determined 要把has变成过去分词,因为五种分词短语做状语并没有had done这种结构,所以只能将has determined变成Having determined. 也就是说,如果有E选项是Having determined 我们可以选择。

2.Having Finished his homework, he went out.(T)

Finished his homework, he went out.(F)

Finishing his homework, he went out.(F)

方法二:having done表示1)表主动2)表先于“主句”谓语动词发生,他完成了作业后,然后出去了。符合以上两点。





After he finishes his homework, he will go out.

After he finished his homework, he would go out.

After he had finished his homework, he went out.



我们来看第三个句子,after去掉,相同的主语he去掉,had finished变成having finished就可以了。

那么如何变前面两个句子呢?这个就有点复杂了。按照我们通常的打回原形的方法,去掉after,he,因为是主动把determines,或者过去时动词determined变成determing不就可以了吗?现在问题来了,determing,是doing表示的是1)表主动2)表同时进行(与,或)主动是没有错,问题是不是同时进行呀。所以这种通常的做法在这里行不通了,我们还是不得不用Having determined.既表示主动,又表示先于“主句”的动词。看第三个例句,我们来进一步认识一下having done的用法。

3.Because the boy has lost the key, the boy can’t enter the house.

Because the boy had lost the key, the boy couldn’t enter the house.


用方法一,打回原形:去掉连词because,去掉相同的主语the boy,分句就剩下has lost the key和had lost the key了,这时候把has和had想办法变成分词的形式就可以了。有人会问:直接把has和had删去,lost不就是分词吗?问题是如果这样,我们就同时删去了has和had所蕴含的“先于主句谓语动词发生”的意义了。把has和had变成现在分词having就可以了。有人又问:变成过去分词had不可以吗?我的回答是不可以,因为我们所列的五种分词作状语的表现形式并没有had done,所以我们只能选择用having done.

4.Seen from the hill, our school is much more beautiful.

Seeing from the hill, we can find our school much more beautiful.


方法二:第一句:seen, done 表示1)表被动2)表完成(与,或),our school当然是被看,所以表被动没有问题,第二层意思我们取“或”,没有这层意思。



If our school is seen from the hill, our school is much more beautiful.

If we see from the hill, we can find our school much more beautiful.(这里的see是vi.)

第一句去掉if,去掉相同的主语the school,去掉be动词,直接用seen这个过去分词就可以了。

第二句去掉if,去掉相同的主语we, see这个动词是个一般现在时态的动词原形,要把它变成分词才可以。因为是主动,所以我们把它变成现在分词seeing就可以了。

5. A down the street the other day, I saw a terrible accident.


B. Walked

C.To walk

D.Having walked

分析:我沿着街走的同时,我看到了车祸。此句话包含两层意思:1.主动 2.同时发生符合doing表示

1)表主动2)表同时进行(与,或)所以选A没有任何问题。请按照,done和having done蕴含的意思去分析B,D两个选项。C不定式我们以后再做分析。

6. C in white, she looks much more beautiful.

A. To dress

B. Dressing

C. Dressed

D. To be dressed.

分析:为了了解dress的用法,请先看牛津高阶词典有关dress的例句:* Hurry up and get dressed! 快点穿上衣服! * Is she old enough to dress herself yet? 她会自己穿衣服了吗? * He was dressed as a woman, ie wearing a woman's clothes. 他男扮女装. * a woman dressed in green 穿着绿衣服的女子.

我们来看例句Hurry up and get dressed! = You hurry up and you get dressed! Sb get dressed 与sb is dressed 不用的是前者是动作,后者是状态。表示某人穿什么颜色的衣服有个比较常用的表达式Sb is dressed in red/white/black---

方法一:If the girl is dressed in white, she looks much more beautiful.

If去掉,相同的主语the girl去掉,be动词去掉。过去分词dressed直接保留,这里的done,同样1)表被动2)表完成(与,或)的含义。

有同学问不是有sb dress herself这个短语吗,那么为什么不能选择B.Dressing这个选项呢?


herself in white, she looks much more beautiful.

A. To dress

B. Dressing

C. Dressed

D. To be dressed.

题干多了一个单词herself,这题正确答案就是B. Dressing了。

打回原形看下:If she dresses herself in white, she looks much more beautiful.

7 D good care of , the old man is living a happy life.

B.Taking B.To be taken

C. Having taken

D. Taken


C选项表示如果改成Having been taken 就可以选了。请自已去分析,分析不明白的话,记得第一时间问老师。

8. A automatically(自动地),the email will be received by all the club members.

A. Mailed out

B. Mailing out

C. To be mailed out

D. Having mailed out


D项要改成Having been mailed ,可以考虑选D。其他自己分析,不懂问老师。

9.Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always A the same thing.


B. said

C. to say

D.having said

分析:该句要表单主动以及和answer carelessly这个“主句”谓语动词同时发生两层含义。所以算A.saying

10. B for the break down of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.

A. Blaming

B. Blamed

C. To blamed

D. To be blamed



11. C this cake, you’ll need 2 eggs, 175g sugar and 175g flour.

A.Having made B. Make C. To make D. Making

分析:A项having done表示1)表主动2)表先于“主句”谓语动词发生,题干有主动,但是第2)层意思没有,实际上逻辑上讲make this cake还在需要这些东西之后发生;D项doing有1)表主动2)表同时进行(与,或)主动的意思有。因为是或的关系,所以D项目可以考虑。但是比较起C项,我们选择最优的只能是C。是个不定式做目的状语的情况。另外,不能选D的一个重要原因是,在前文中“分词短语作状语的句法功能”有说:分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等,但是没有提到表示目的的情况。


12._____the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more hours a day.


B. Complete

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9315906603.html,pleted D To complete

13._____their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.

A.To throw

B. Thrown

C. Throwing

D. Being throwing

14.The yound man, _____several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping, decided to have another try.

A.to make

B. making


D. having made

15._____, the student insists that he be separated from his desk mate, who is naughty.

A. To avoid being affected

B. To avoid to be affected

C. Avoiding being affected

D.Avoiding to be affected

答案:D,C, D, A


现在分词作状语 一、现在分词具有形容词和副词特征,用作副词时,充当时间、条件、原因、伴随、结果、方式以及让步状语。 1. 作时间状语,可改为时间状语从句,分词前可加while或when等连词。 When comparing different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. =When we compare different cultures… (06全国) 2. 作条件状语,可改为条件状语从句,分词前可加once, until, if等连词。 Turning to the right, you will find the path leading to the park. =If you turn to the left … 3. 作原因状语,可改为原因状语从句。 Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time passing the exam. =Because/ As he had been ill in bed… (04福建) 4. 作结果状语,可改为which引导非限制性定语从句,分词前可加thus,加强语气。 Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, reaching a record $57.65 a barrel on April. =…, which reach a record $57.65 a barrel on April. (05山东) 5. 作让步状语,可改为让步状语从句,分词前可加although, though, even if, even though等连接词。 Though lacking money, his parents managed to send him to university. = Though his parents lack money, they … (02上海) 6. 作伴随状语,相当于and连接并列谓语。 About one-six undergraduates in Beijing this year are willing to spend as much as 2,6oo Yuan on driving courses, seeing it as an investment in their future. = …, and see it as an investment in their future. “You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted, running away =…and ran away (05全国) 7. 作方式状语。Jack came here, running. 二、现在分词的时态以及否定形式 分词的动作与谓语同时发生用一般式,可转化为on+动名词或when/while引导的时间状语从句,从句根据语境用一般过去时或过去进行时;分词动作先于谓语动词用完成式,可转化为after+动名词的一般式或after /when引导的时间状语从句,从句中用完成式;现在分词的否定式:not+分词构成。 Hearing his father’s voice, the boy turned off the TV set at once. = On hearing his father’s voice…或When the boy heard father’s voice, he… Having waited in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. (04北京) =After waiting in the queue…或When Tom had waited in the queue for half an hour, he… 三、现在分词的逻辑主语及独立结构 分词作状语,逻辑主语与句子主语一致;如不一致时,分词带上自己的逻辑主语,形成独立主格结构。 误:While watching television, the doorbell rang. (05全国) 正:While watching television, we heard the doorbell ring. (05全国) 误:Being sunny, we went on a spring outing. 正:It being sunny, we went on a spring outing. 四、掌握以下区别 1. 首动词的用法区别


分词短语作状语的时态和语态 1. 分词的时态及其判断 * 过去分词没有时态形式的变化,因此been done 和had done 任何时候都不会出现。 * 现在分词有两种时态形式: 一般形式:doing 完成形式:having done * 判断分词用什么形式主要是要与句子中的主要动词行为发生时间进行对比,如果同时或相继发生,用一般式;如果分词的行为的发生时间早于主要动词的发生时间,则用完成式。例如:--Working there, we learned a lot from them. (劳动的同时学到了许多) --Looking out of the window, I saw groups of children play games. (先望出去,接着就看到,视线没有断开) -- Having finished his work, he went to help his classmates.(完成工作在前,帮助他人在后,中间有停顿) -- Not having done it right, I tried again. (没做好在前,明显停顿后再次尝试) * 伴随状语是与主要动词的行为同时发生的动作,如果有前有后就不成其为伴随,所引不能用完成形式having done 表示,否则就是逻辑错误。 2. 分词的语态及其判断

* 过去分词本身就表示被动 * 现在分词的被动语态同样有两种形式 一般式:being done 完成式:having been done * 主动与被动的判断主要是要找到分词的逻辑主语,一般说来,用作状语的分词,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语,它们之间有两种关系:逻辑主语是分词行为的支配者,即主谓关系——用现在分词主动形式表示; 逻辑主语是分词的行为对象,即动宾关系——用过去分词或现在分词的被动形式,分别表示: 过去分词——与主要动词先后发生,如: -- Inspired him, we decided to work harder. (被鼓励接下来决定更加努力) 现在分词一般式——与主要动词同时发生,如: -- Being surrounded, the enemy was forced to surrender.(被包围的同时被迫投降) 现在分词完成式——先于主要动词的动作,如: -- Having been asked to stay, I couldn't very well leave. (先被要求留下,(考虑后)觉得不好离开。 * 独立主格结构:


教学目标:讲解现在分词作状语及区分不定式、现在分词作状语的异同 重点难点: 1.现在分词和不定式作状语时,其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语保持一致。 2.分词作状语时,要看它同句子主语之间的关系,以确定是现在分词还是过去分词。 3.注意非谓语动词与句子谓语动词的时间关系,以确定分词的时态形式 4、弄清非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系,以确定非谓语动词的语态形式. 5. 连词+分词形式(分词作状语的省略问题) 6.不定式作结果状语和现在分词作结果状语的区别。 7. 现在分词的独立主格结构和评价性状语 Step 1 lead in 朗读下面一首唐诗,找出其中的现在分词形式 Thinking in the Silent Night 静夜思 Before my bed there is bright moonlight 床前明月光 So that it seems that frost on the ground. 疑是地上霜 Lifting my head, I watch the bright moonlight. 举头望明月 Lowering my head, I dream tha t I’m home. 低头思故乡 Step2 现在分词作状语的意义 动词的现在分词作状语,修饰动词,相当于状语从句,在句中表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式或伴随情况及独立成分等,作时间、原因、条件、让步状语时多位于句首;作结果、伴随情况状语时常位于句末。 一. -ing分词短语作时间状语,代替一个时间状语从句(引导词有when ,while ) 温馨提示: 1.现在分词所表示的动作与主句的动作一般是同时发生,有时可由连词when, while引出。 2.现在分词所表示的动作一发生,主句的动作就立即发生时。如: When she saw those pictures,she remembered her childhood. =Seeing those pictures, she remembered her childhood. 看到那些画,她想起了自己的童年。 As soon as he heard the good news, he jumped with joy. =(0n)Hearing the good news, he jumped with joy. 他一听到这个好消息,就高兴地跳起来。 二.-ing分词短语作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句。(引导词有because ,as ,since) 如:As he was ill, he didn't go to school yesterday =Being ill, he didn't go to school yesterday. 由于生病,他昨天没有上学。 三.-ing分词也可作条件状语和让步状语,相当于一个条件状语从句。(引导词有if,unless,once) If you work hard, you will succeed. =Working hard, you will succeed. 如果你勤奋一点,你就会成功。 If you turn to the left, you will find the path leading to the school.


过去分词作状语 一.过去分词作状语的基本用法: 过去分词作状语主要是说明谓语动作发生的背景或条件;表示原因、时间、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。过去分词可置于主句前,也可置于主句后,用逗号与主句隔开。 1. 原因状语 Choked by the heavy smoke, he could hardly breathe. 他被浓烟呛了,几乎不能呼吸了。 Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了。Frightened by the n oise in the night, the girl didn’t dare to sleep in her room. 受到夜晚响声的惊吓,那姑娘不敢睡在她的房间。 2. 时间状语 Left to itself in the room, the baby began to cry.当被孤独地留在房间里时,婴儿哭了起来。 Asked why he did it, the monitor said it was his duty. 当被问及这件事时,班长说这是他的职责。 Approached in the dark, the lights looked lonely and purposeless. 在黑暗中走近时。那些电灯显得孤单而无意义。 3. 条件状语 Seen in this aspect, the matter isn’t as serious as people generally suppose. 如果从这个角度看,问题并不像人们一般预料的那样`严重。 Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快。 Given better attention, the accident could have been avoided. 要是多加注意,那次事故就能避免了。 Watered more, these cabbages could have grown better. 如果多浇点水,这些大白菜还可以长的得更好。 Compared with you, we still have a long way to go. 和你相比,我们还有很大的差距。 4. 方式或伴随状语 Surrounded by his students, the professor sat there cheerfully. 那位教授在学生的簇拥下,兴高采烈地坐在那儿。 He stood there silently, moved to tears. 他静静地站在那里,被感动得热泪盈眶。The old man went into the room, supported by his wife. 那位老人在妻子的搀扶下,走进了房间。 5. 让步状语 Beaten by the police and sent to jail, Gandi created the principle of nonviolent resistance. 尽管受警察的殴打,被投入监狱,甘地却首创了非暴力抵抗的原则。Defeated again, he didn’t lose heart. 尽管再次被击败,但他没有灰心。


其实分词做伴随状语就是分词做方式状语的一种,伴随是一种方式。大多情况下其实方式状语从句都等于伴随状语从句。只有在just) as…so…结构中位于句首,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,意思是"正如…","就像",多用于正式文体 分词短语作伴随状语 伴随状语的特点是:它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的 1)现在分词与过去分词作状语的区别。 现在分词做状语与过去分词做状语的最主要区别在于两者与所修饰的主语的主动与被动关系的区别。 1)现在分词作状语时,现在分词的动作就是句子主语的动作,它们之间的关系是主动关系。 )过去分词作状语时,过去分词表示的动作是句子主语承受的动作,它们之间的关系是被动关系。 比如 The teacher came in the classroom with handing a book in his hand. with handing就是个例子 过去分词,现在分词都可以做伴随状语,即在某件事情发生的时候相伴发生的事情这个句子老师进入了教室,他是拿着本书进入教室的,在他进入教室的时候他的手中有一本书(相伴)知道意思了吧。 做题的时候要注意区分什么时候使用过去分词和什么时候使用现在分词做伴随状语。一般的无非又几种情况: 1,过去分词表示一种完成了的或者是被动意义的动作 分词作状语(关键找逻辑主语) a)放在句首的分词往往看作时间状语1以及原因状语2 1. Looking (when I looked) at the picture, I couldn't help missing my middle school days. 2.Seriously injured, Allen was rushed to the hospital. =As he was seriously injured, Allen was rushed to the hospital. b)放在句中或句末常常看作为伴随状态(并列句) The girl was left alone in the room,weeping(crying )bitterly. (但注意特殊:Generally/frankly speaking... / taken as a whole(总的来讲)不考虑逻辑主语,看作为独立成分)


分词作状语练习题解析 1. 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、让步、条件,方式或伴随状况。通常可转换成相应的状语从句;表示方式或伴随状况时可以转换成并列句或非限制性定语从句。例如: Put into use in April000 , the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. 分词短语作时间状语 Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network , Alice was in low spirits. 分词短语作原因状语 Given time , he’ll make a fist-class tennis player. 分词短语作条件状语 We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, thinking that all children like these things. 分词短语作伴随状语 2. 有时为了强调,分词前可带when, while, if, though, as if, unless等连词一起作状语,以便使句子的意思更清楚、更连贯。例如: When comparing different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.


高考英语专项复习:过去分词短语作状语分类练习 过去分词由于其内在的语法特征,常常有被动的含义。过去分词短语做状语,与主句主语之间常构成被动关系;所表示的时间,往往发生在主句谓语动词之前。一般来说,过去分词作状语,有三种不同的分类标准:1)就状语类型而言,过去分词短语在句子中常常做原因状语、条件状语、时间状语、伴随状语、让步状语等等;2)就逻辑关系而言,过去分词短语做状语时,既可以表示主句主语的状态特征、心理感受,也可以表示与主句主语之间构成被动完成关系; 3)就句子结构类型而言,分为过去分词短语作状语、含有过去分词的独立主格结构作状语、含有过去分词的with的复合结构作状语和if, unless, once, when, while, though, although, as if/though等引导的省略句作状语等。 (一)以逻辑关系为划分标准: 1.过去分词作状语表示主语的状态特征: 1)________ (gift) in music, he could many English songs when he was at the age of eight. 2)________ (experience) in teaching working, my maths teacher is popular with all the students. 3)________ (devote) to his career, the doctor worked day and night and fell down in Wuhan. 4)________ (skill) in paper cutting, my grandma got her fame in the paper-cutting competition. 5)________ (break) on the road ,the car can’t move forward a little. 2.过去分词作状语表示主语的心理感受: 1) _______(frighten) in the darkness, the little girl was not afraid to go home alone. 2)_______ (excite) about the final exam, my son jumped for joy. 3)_______ (satisfy) with what he did in the English Speech Contest, his teacher praised him. 4)_______ (disappoint) at the result of the game, he stood there, saying nothing. 5)_______ (puzzle) about how to do the maths problem, he asked his teacher for help. 3.过去分词作状语与主语之间构成被动关系: 1)_______ (help) by professor Liang, they have made a breakthrough in key breeding


现在分词和过去分词做伴随状语的句式Oct 11, 2020 “Sb do, doing / done.” 说明: 该句式,逗号之前是主句,逗号之后是现在分词和过去分词做伴随状语。也就是,分词的动作和主句谓语的动作同时发生。现在分词doing 和主句的主语,在逻辑上是主动关系。过去分词done 和主句主语,在逻辑上是被动关系。例如: 1.The bell rang, announcing the end of the class. 铃声响了,宣布课堂结束。 2.He lay still, catching his breath. 他静静地躺着,呼吸困难。 3.Father sat in the chair, watching TV. 爸爸坐在椅子上,看电视。 4.Mother was in the kitchen, cooking for the whole family. 妈妈在厨房,为全家人做饭。 (说明:1-4句,是现在分词做伴随状语。) 5.The teacher came into the classroom , followed by his students. 老师进来了,同学们跟在身后。 6.The teacher stood there, surrounded by the students. 老师站在那里,被同学们包围着。 7.Richard Jones returned home, exhausted. 他回到家,精疲力尽。 8.I watched the moving model of the machine, absorbed by its efficiency. 我观察着这台运行的机器,被它的高效率吸引住了。 (说明:5-8句,是过去分词做伴随状语。)


创作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW 创作者:凤呜大王* 其实分词做伴随状语就是分词做方式状语的一种,伴随是一种方式。大多情况下其实方式状语从句都等于伴随状语从句。只有在just) as…so…结构中位于句首,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,意思是"正如…","就像",多用于正式文体 分词短语作伴随状语 伴随状语的特点是:它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的 1)现在分词与过去分词作状语的区别。 现在分词做状语与过去分词做状语的最主要区别在于两者与所修饰的主语的主动与被动关系的区别。 1)现在分词作状语时,现在分词的动作就是句子主语的动作,它们之间的关系是主动关系。 )过去分词作状语时,过去分词表示的动作是句子主语承受的动作,它们之间的关系是被动关系。 比如 The teacher came in the classroom with handing a book in his hand. with handing就是个例子 过去分词,现在分词都可以做伴随状语,即在某件事情发生的时候相伴发生的事情这个句子老师进入了教室,他是拿着本书进入教室的,在他进入教室的时候他的手中有一本书(相伴)知道意思了吧。 做题的时候要注意区分什么时候使用过去分词和什么时候使用现在分词做伴随状语。一般的无非又几种情况: 1,过去分词表示一种完成了的或者是被动意义的动作

分词作状语(关键找逻辑主语) a)放在句首的分词往往看作时间状语1以及原因状语2 1. Looking (when I looked) at the picture, I couldn't help missing my middle school days. 2.Seriously injured, Allen was rushed to the hospital. =As he was seriously injured, Allen was rushed to the hospital. b)放在句中或句末常常看作为伴随状态(并列句) The girl was left alone in the room,weeping(crying )bitterly. (但注意特殊:Generally/frankly speaking... / taken as a whole(总的来讲)不考虑逻辑主语,看作为独立成分) C.difference between "being done"&"done" 1)being done---->"又被动,又进行” 2)done------->“又被动,又完成” 1),2)均可作原因状语从句,而且更倾向于“done”,因为简单 eg.(being) deeply moved, she couldn't help crying. 但作条件(a),伴随状语只能用(b)2),不能用1) eg.(a)Once seen, it can't be forgotten./If asked so many questions, Mary's face will turn red. (b)she watched all the gifts ,greatly amazed.(=she watched all the gifts, and was greatly amazed在一般句中:v1,and v2/ v1,v2,and v3) 结论:当发现所要填非谓语为被动时,能用"done"就用"done"(除了有先后顺序(用(having done/having been done),详见D) D.having done1)/having been done2)作状语时,分词的动作先于谓语动词eg.1)Having handed in the paper, he left the room.(分词逻辑主语与主语相同,用having done) 2)Having been given a map, we found our way easily.(分词逻辑主语与主语不同,是别人给的,用having been done) 再给你解释下伴随状语 伴随状语出现的条件是由一个主语发出两个动作或同一个生语处于两种状态,或同一个主语发出一个动作时又伴随有某一种状态。伴随状语的逻辑主语一般情况下必须是全句的生语,伴随状语与谓语动词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的。 你所问的是这一种


V-ed分词作状语和短语动词 一.V-ed分词作状语 及物动词的过去分词作状语,表示被动和完成的意义,功能上相当于一个表示时间、原因、条件、结果、让步和方式等的状语从句,其逻辑主语一般与句子主语一致。 1. V-ed分词作时间状语(相当于时间状语从句) ①Born at the beginning of the century, he became president in the early 1940’s. 他出生于世纪之初,到了20世纪40年代初期成为了总统。 ②Seen from the hill, the village looks more beautiful.从山上看去,这个村庄更加漂亮了。可以转换为When it is seen from the hill, the village looks more beautiful. 2. V-ed分词作原因状语(相当于原因状语从句) ①Confused by the stones flying at them from all sides, the boys ran into the building. 孩子们被从四面八方朝他们飞来的石头弄糊涂了,于是他们跑进了那幢大楼里。可以转换为They were confused by the stones flying at them from all sides, so the boys ran into the building. ②Tired and hungry, the little girl sat at the wall corner. 又累又饿,小女孩坐到了墙角处。 ③Discouraged, she decided to leave the city of Beijing. 心灰意冷,她决定离开北京城。 3. V-ed分词作条件状语(相当于条件状语从句) ①Given more time and support, we could have done it better. 如果当时给我们更多的时间和支持,我们会做得更好。可以转换为If we were given more time and support, we could have done it better. ②Put into use as soon as possible, the hotline will do us a great favour. 如果被尽快地投入使用,这条热线将会给我们很大的帮助。 ③Watered once a week, the vegetables will grow better. 一周浇一次水,这些蔬菜会长得更好。 4. V-ed分词作让步状语(相当于although / though引导的让步状语从句) ①Attacked many times, the residents in London didn’t give in. 尽管被攻击了很多次,但伦敦居民并没有屈服。可以转换为Although they were attacked many times, the residents in London didn’t give in. ②Laughed at by other boys, he still continued to complete the task. 尽管遭到其他男孩的嘲笑,他仍然坚持完成了这项任务。 ③Tried again, the experiment still couldn’t give us a satisfying answer. 又尝试了一次,这个实验仍然不能给我们一个满意的结果。 5. V-ed分词作方式或伴随状语(相当于方式状语从句,当表示伴随时,相当于一个并列句) ①Followed by his wolf dog, the hunter walked slowly in the forest. 猎人在树林里慢慢行走,狼狗跟在后面。可以转换为The hunter walked slowly in the forest and his wolf dog Followed him. ②The hero sat there telling stories, surrounded by a lot of students. 英雄坐在那儿讲故事,许多孩子围着他。 6. V-ed分词作结果状语(相当于结果状语从句) ①He failed in the competition, blamed by his companions.


1、状语从句中的谓语动词是系动词be时: 1.1、当从句主语与主句主语相同时,只要去掉从句中的连接词与主语并把be改为being. 即可。 As he is a tailor, he knows what to do with this material. →Being a tailor, he knows what to do with this material. 1.2、从句的主句主语与从句主语不同时,只要保留从句的主语,其它变化同以上1.1。 As he is still a child, you shouldn't be too hard on him. →He being still a child, you shouldn't be too hard on him. 1.3、当从句是否定句时,只要在being 前加否定词not ,其它变化同以上1.2。 As he was no tall enough, he couldn't reach for the apple. →No being tall enough, he couldn't reach for the apple. 2、当从句的谓语动词是进行时态(现在进行时态或过去进行时态)时: 2.1、当从句主语与主句主语相同时,只要去掉从句中的引导词与主语并去掉助动词be保留现在分词即可。有时为了强调进行状态,亦在分词前保留being. While he was reading the book, he nodded from time to time. →While reading the book, he nodded from time to time 2.2、当从句与主句的主语不同时,除保留从句主语外,其他变化同以上2.1 When he was giving a telephone call, his wife was reading a novel. →He giving a telephone call, his wife was reading a novel 2.3、当从句是含not的否定句时,只要在being 前加否定词not ,其它变化同以上1.1与2.2 As Tom is not working in his office, No one receives the telephone. →Tom not working i n his office, no one receives the telephone. 3、当从句中的谓语动词为一般时态(一般现在时与一般过去时)的实义动词时: 3.1、当从句主语与主句主语相同时,只要去掉从句主语并将实义动词改为现在分词即可Look round when you cross the street. →Look round when crossing the street. 3.2、当从句与主句的主语不同时,只要保留主语,其他变化同以上3.1 When they left the airport, we waved again and again to them. →They leaving the airport, we waved again and again to them. 3.3、当从句是含not的否定句时,只要在现在分词前加not,其他变化同以上3.1与3.2 As he didn't know anything about the accident, he went to work as usual. →.Not knowing anything about the acc ident, he went to work as usual. 4、当从句的谓语动词是一般时态(一般现在时与一般过去时)的被动态时: 4.1、当从句主语与主句主语相同时,只要去掉从句中的连词与主语并去掉be保留过去分词即可。 As the teacher was surrounded tightly by a group of students, he couldn't get away. →Surrounded tightly by a group of students the teacher cou ldn't get away. 4.2、当从句与主句的主语不同时,只要保留主语,其他变化同以上4.1 A. As the car was trapped in the sand, we had to go for help. →The car trapped in the sand, we had to go for help. 4.3、当从句是含not的否定句时,只要在过去分词前加not外,其他变化同以上4.1与4.2 As he was not killed dead in the field, he escaped at the very night. →Not killed dead in the field, he escaped at the very night. 5、当从句的谓语动词是完成时态(现在完成时与过去完成时)时:


非谓语动词:过去分词 过去分词(短语)作状语 过去分词表示完成或被动,作状语时,表示动作发生的背景或者情况,在意义上相当于一个状语从句,其省略的主语(逻辑主语)就是主句的主语,且与主语之间存在被动关系。过去分词作状语可以表示时间、条件、方式、原因、让步等。过去分词的否定式就是将not放在其前面。 一、过去分词作状语时的具体用法: 1)过去分词作时间状语时,相当于一个时间状语从句。有时过去分词前可加连词when或 while来强调时间概念、 例:1、Asked (When he was asked) what had happened, his face turned red、 当她被问及发生了什么的时候,她的脸红了。 2、When heated (When it is heated), water changes into steam、当加热时,水变成水蒸气。 3、Told that his mother was ill(When he was told that his mother was illl), Li Lei hurried home quickly、李蕾得知母亲生病了时,马上赶回了家。 4、Seen from the moon(When it is seen from the moon) , the earth looks green、从月亮上 瞧时,地球就是绿色。 2)过去分词作原因状语时,相当于一个由as, since, because等词引导的原因状语从句。例:1、Deeply (Because they were) moved by the movie, the children began to cry、由于被电影深深地感动,孩子们哭了起来。 2、Frightened (Because she was frightened) by the horror movie, the girl didn't dare to sleep alone、因为被惊悚电影吓坏了,这个女孩不敢单独睡觉。 3、Caught in a heavy rain (Because he was caught in a、、、), he was all wet、 4、Satisfied with what he did (Because the teacher was satisfied with、、、), the teacher praised him in class、由于老师对她所做的事情很满意,于就是在班上表扬了她。 3)过去分词作条件状语时,通常放在句子的前面,相当于if, unless等引导的条件状语从句。例:1、Compared with you (If we are compared) , we still have a long way to go、


现在分词短语作状语 一、时间状语 1.分词动作一发生,谓语动作紧跟着发生,这时用现在分词的一般式作时间状语,其逻辑主语为句中的主语。常用的动词,如:hear, see, arrive, return, get to, look, open, close, leave, turn around, walk等,表示一个极短暂动作。 此种情况可以换作on+动名词,表示相同的意思。译作"一(刚)……就……"。 此种情况也可以换作是when引导的时间状语从句,该从句的动词多用一般过去时表 示。如:Hearing their teacher's voice, the pupils stopped talking at once.(= On hearing their teacher's voice… = When they heard their teacher's voice, the pupils…)一听到教师的声音,学生们立即停止讲话。 2.谓语动作发生在分词所表示的动作过程之中,则用when /while+现在分词的一般式,分词的逻辑主语为句中的主语。此种情况可以用in+动名词的一般式代替。也可以换作when、while引导的时间状语从句,该从句的谓语动词用进行时态。如: Don't be careless when /while having an exam. = Don't be careless in having an exam. = Don't be careless when / while you are having an exam. 考试时不要粗心。 注:此结构中,不能用其他连接词替换when或while。 3.分词所表示的动作完成之后,谓语动作才发生,则要现在分词的完成式,即having done 的形式。分词的逻辑主语应是句中的主语。 这种情况可以用after+动名词的一般式表示。 这种情况也可以用after /when引导的时间状语从句来替换,该从句的谓语动词用过去完成式。如:Having finished his homework the boy was allowed to watch TV play. After having finished his homework, the boy… After /when he had finished his homework, the boy… 二、原因状语 1.分词短语在句中作原因状语时,相当于一个原因状语从句。与时间状语一样,也要注意分词所表示的动作与谓语动作的先后关系。当分词所表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生或几乎同时发生时,用分词的一般形式。此时分词的逻辑主语须是句中的主语。这样的原因状语可以换成because, as引导的原因状语,该从句谓语动词用一般过去时。 Not knowing how to work out the difficult physics problem, he asked the teacher for help. 因为不知道如何解这道物理难题,他求助老师。 = Because he didn't know how to work out the difficult physics problem, he asked…help. 2.当分词表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,可以用现在分词的完成式在句中作原因状语,其逻辑主语须为句中的主语,该短语的作用相当于一个原因状语从句。该从句的谓语动词须用完成时。如: Having lived with the girl for 5 years, we all know her very well.
