Peter Newmark 彼得·纽马克

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(Newmark, 1981: 39)
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
3. Communicative and Semantic Translation
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
3. Communicative and Semantic Translation
3.4 Comparision between CT & ST e.g. A. 成事在人,谋事在天。 ——Man proposes, Heaven disposes. ——Man proposes, God disposes. B. 因此,宝玉只和众丫头们掷股子赶围棋作戏。 —So Pao-yu was left to amuse himself with the other maids at dices or draughts.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译) —Bao-yu played "Racing Go" with the other maids. This was a game in which you moved your Gopieces across the board in accordance with the throw of dice, the object being to reach the opposite side before every thing else and pocket all the stakes.(David Hawkes 与 John Minford 译)
Bissiger Hund or Chien méchant !
——Dog that bits! /Savage dog! (ST) ——Beware of the dog! (CT) (Peter Newmark, 1981:39) (Peter Newmark, 1981:39)
参数 传送者/受话 者重点 文化 时间和来源
《翻译研究散论》 (Paragraphs on Translation, 1985)
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
2. Newmark's Main theories
a. Communicative Translation(CT) & Semantic Translation(ST) 交际翻译 与 语义翻译
1. A Brief Introducion of Peter Newmark
彼得 · 纽马克( 1916 — 2011 ),是英国翻译研究界 的元老,曾为英国萨里大学(Surry University)的教 授。纽马克是著名的翻译家与翻译理论家,他从事过多
3.1 Theoratical Background 3.2 Theoratical Basis
3.3 Definition of CT & ST
3.4 Comparision between CT & ST 3.5 ST = Literal Translation ?
4. References
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
(Newmark, 1981: 38)
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
3. Communicative and Semantic Translation
3.1 Theoratical Background
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
3. Communicative and Semantic Translation
3.4 Comparision between CT & ST
T h o u g h t h ere a re n o t a f ew d i f f er e nc es b e tw een CT a nd ST, "Communicative and semantic translation may well coincide—in particular, where the text conveys a general rather than a culturally (temporally and spatially) bound message and where the matter is as important religious, philosophical, artistic and scientific texts, assuming second readers as
Peter Newmark
Communicative & Semantic Translation
Context 1. A Brief Introducion of Peter Newmark 2. Newmark's Main theories 3. Communicative and Semantic Translation
Free Translation
Equivalent Effect (Nida,1964)
For Newmark, the equivalent effect is " illusory", and that " the conflict of loyalties, the gap between emphasis on source and target language will always remain as the overriding problem in translation theory and practice. "
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
3. Communicative andቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱSemantic Translation
3.3 Definition of CT & ST
Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original. (Peter Newmark, 1981:39) 交际翻译试图使读者阅读译文所产生的效果尽可能地接近原语读者 阅读原文所产生的效果。语义翻译则试图在合乎第二语言的语义和句法 结构下,将原文的准确语境意义尽可能贴切地译出。 (李德凤等译)
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
3. Communicative and Semantic Translation
3.4 Comparision between CT & ST One basic difference between the two methods is that where there is a conflict, the communicative must emphasize the 'force' rather than the content of the message. (Peter Newmark, 1981:39)
他还是一位语言学家,并担任英国语言学家协会会长。 他的主要兴趣就是把语言学的相关理论应用于翻译实践 中,把翻译研究与英语语言研究相结合。主要著作有: 《翻译问题探讨》 (Approches to Translation, 1981)、 《翻译教程》 《关于翻译》 (A Textbook of Translation, 1988)、 (About Translation, 1983)、
b. Metaphor Translation 隐喻翻译
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
3. Communicative and Semantic Translation
3.1 Theoratical Background
Literal Translation
适用于绝大多数语篇,例如非 文学作品、技术性和资讯性语 篇、宣传广告、标准文稿和流 行小说
适用于严肃文学、自传、“个人倾诉”、任何 重要的政治(或其他)声明
目的语文本中传递原语文本讯 息的准确性
(Jeremy Munday著,李德凤等译,《翻译学导论》, 2007:67)
——(陈德章编著,《英汉翻译入门》,2012:15 )
B. 猴王道:“今日虽不归人王法律,不惧禽兽威服,将来年老血衰,暗 中有阎王老子管着,一旦身亡,可不枉生世界之中,不得久住天人之内?” (《西游记》,第一回) ——Yama, the king of the underworld ( 余国潘译) (ST) ——the king of hell (W.J.F.Jenner 译) (CT) ——(姜静,卞建华,《语义翻译和交际翻译——<西游记> 中佛教用语的翻译策略对比》,2012)
语义翻译 重点放在以传送者作为个体的思维过程;只有 当内涵意义是讯息的主要组成部分时才帮助目 的语文本读者去理解这些意义(e.g. A) 持守于原语文化内 并无固定的时间或特定的空间;翻译需要随时 间不断更新
交际翻译 主观的重点放在目的语文本读 者、调向一种特定语言和文化 将异域元素转化入目的语文化 短暂的根植于自己当时的语境 或可以“优于”原语文本;即 使语义内容有失也能“增添” 感染力和清晰度
Peter Newmark: Communicative and Semantic Translation
3. Communicative and Semantic Translation
3.3 Definition of CT & ST
e.g. A. You flatter me! ——你吹捧我。/你拍我马屁。(ST) ——你过奖了!/哪里,哪里!/岂敢岂敢!(CT)
与原语文本关 永远“不及”原语文本;意义“失真” 系 原语形式的使 一旦偏离原语语言规则,就必须在目的语文本 用 中折转;“忠于”原语文本作者
目的语形式 更复杂、累赘、详尽、浓缩;倾向于超额翻译 (overtranslate)(e.g. C)
重视原语语言形式,但否定 “忠于”目的语规则 更流畅、更简洁、更清晰、更 直接、更常规;倾向于欠额翻 译(undertranslate)
视了翻译与意义、思维和语言普遍性的关系,如何翻译应当视翻译目的、读者特点和 文本类型而定。由此他提出了“语义翻译”和“交际翻译”,前者对作者忠实,后者 强调对译文读者忠实。 (张春慧,Peter Newmark 的语义翻译和交际翻译, 2009)
3.2 Theoratical Basis 纽马克语义和交际翻译理论的提出是以德国心理学家 、功能语言学家卡尔 · 布勒 (Karl Buhler)和雅各布森(Roman Jakobson)论述的三大语言功能为依据,即 表情功能;信息功能;感染功能;他还采纳了弗哥茨基(Vygotsky)关于思维本质