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Shijie Trading Co.,Ltd Beijing, China 2nd March,2003 Wallance & Co., Ltd 43 Regent Street London, UK Dear Sirs, We learn from Thomas Pennie Corporation of New York that you are producing hand-made gloves in a variety of artificial leathers. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality at moderate prices.
Please don't look upon this letter as a refusal, but rather as a mark of our genuine wish to enter into business with you on terms that will bring lasting satisfaction to us both. Yours sincerely, China National Import & Export Corporation Shanghai, China XXX
China National Import &Export Corporation Shanghai, China 19th November,2006 Washington's Emporium Corp. California Branch California, USA Dear Sirs, We are glad you approached us with a view to placing an order and to learn that your new venture has got off to a good start. The question of concluding on T/T at 30 days with newly established businesses is never an easy one.
Design No.1 to No.4: US$25 per dozen CIF Los Angeles. Design No.5: US$30 per dozen CIF Los Angeles. Shipment can be made within one month from receipt of your Letter of Credit. For payment in cash, we are prepared to reduce the price by 3%. The above offer is for the amount of not less than 300 dozen per design and available up to the end of this month. We look forward to receiving your order at an earlier date. Yours truly, Shijia Trading Corp. XXX
Shijia Trading Corp 13th July,2006
Messrs. Wallance & Co., Ltd 43 Regent Street London, UK
Dears, Thank you for your Order No.CSH0232 for our Rose Brand Chinese Silk Handkerchiefs after our friendly negotiation. This order shows again your confidence on us and we can assure you of the high quality as well as the punctuate delivery so long as the relative L/C reaches our end in time. We suppose the conclusion of this transaction will lead to more business in future.
函电操作:发盘函1 事件描述: 世嘉贸易公司(Shijia Trading Corp.)6月2日收 到洛杉矶客户来函及寄来的5个花色的中国丝绸手 绢样品,询句能否按来样供应。在与厂家联络后, 世嘉公司按照客户要求邮寄了回样,并在发盘中说 明第1至4号花色是CIF洛杉矶价每打25美元,第5 号花色是CIF洛杉矶每打30美元,收到信用证后一 个月内交货。如付现金,可减价3%。此发盘适用 于起订量每种花色300打,本月底前有效。 本次练习:
Not a few get into difficulties because they over-commit themselves before they are thoroughly established, and although we believe that your own business promises well, we feel it would be better for you to make your purchases on an L/C basis for the present. If this is not possible for the full amount, may we suggest that you cut the size of your order. Should you be willing to do this we will allow you a discount of 3% as a special concession, in addition of course to our usual trade terms by L/C at sight. At a later date, when your business is firmly established, we shall be very happy to welcome you as one of our credit customers. If you accept our suggestion, as we hope you will, we will arrange for the goods to be delivered to you in within 30 days after the arrival of the relevant L/C.
Shijia Trading Corp. Beijing,China 11th June,2009 Los Angeles ABC Corp. Dear Sirs, With reference to your letter of June 2nd, enquiring the possibility of supplying Chinese Silk Handkerchiefs, we immediately contact with our manufacturers and, in response to your request, are sending you by separate post our counter samples which, we are sure, almostBaidu Nhomakorabeaexactly match your samples.
Enclosed is our Sales Contract No.SJ02301 in duplicate. Please countersign it and return one copy for our file. In addition, we would like to take this opportunity to recommend to you our new series -- the Moon Brand Chinese Silk Handkerchiefs, which is celebrated for its fine quality, elegant style and typical Chinese style packaging. We have also enclosed its illustrated catalogue and price list for your reference. Please let us know if any item interests you. We really appreciate any comments on our products and we are looking forward to your fresh inquiries. Yours truly, Shijia Trading Corp.
函电操作:询盘函1 事件描述: 世杰贸易有限公司(Shijie Trading Co.,Ltd)主要 经营各类手套。2003年3月2日,公司业务员张丽敏从 纽约的 Thomas Pennie 公司处获悉,伦敦有家公司 生产各类手工制人造皮革手套,遂发一份询盘,说明 自己对中等价格的高品质手套有稳定的需求,要求对 方寄手套目录及有关价格和付款条件,并要求对方顺 寄样品。 伦敦公司资料如下: Wallance & Co., Ltd 43 Regent Street London, UK 本次练习: 根据上述资料拟一份询盘函。
函电操作:还盘函1 事件描述: 以下是买卖双方的部分往来函电: 外方:We are a son company of Washington's Emporium and were newly opened in California. We may place a substantial order if you could agree to T/T at 30 days. 中方:非常欢迎你们的主动接洽,但第一笔生意 总是稳妥一点为好,订单额小一点无所谓,信用证付 款还是要保证的。只要证到,30天交货没问题。另外, 既然是W.E.的子公司,就给打97折。 本次练习: 请根据上述内容代中方拟一封回函。
函电操作:接受函1 事件描述:以下是客户发来的订单: Purchase Order No. CSH0232 Rose Brand Chinese Silk Handkerchiefs 本次练习: 请根据以下资料,给客户拟一封函,随寄销售合同、新 产品目录及其价格表。 1. 销售合同一式两份 Sales Contract No. SJ02C01,Payment: By L/C ...... Signed: Shijia Trading Corp. 2. 新产品目录 Moon Brand Chinese Silk Handkerchiefs CATALOGUE 3. 新产品价格表 Moon Brand Chinese Silk Handkerchiefs PRICE LIST
Will you please send me a copy of your glove catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. I should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of these gloves. Yours faithfully, Chang Li-min P.P. Shijie Trading Co.,Ltd