注射用伏立康唑药品名称:通用名称:注射用伏立康唑英文名称:Voriconazole for Injection商品名称:威凡成份:本品主要成份为伏立康唑。
注射用伏立康唑说明书【药品名称】通用名:注射用伏立康唑商品名:威凡™ (Vfend™)for Solution for Infusion英文名: V oriconazolePowder汉语拼音: ZhusheyongFulikangzuo本品主要成分:伏立康唑,其化学名称为(2R,3S)-2-(2,4-二氟苯基)-3-(5-氟基-4-嘧啶)-1-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基)-2-丁醇其结构式为:分子式:C16H14F3N5O分子量:349.3【性状】本品为白色冻干粉剂。
2、剂量的一般考虑 本品在静脉滴注前先溶解成 10mg/ml,再稀释至不高于 5mg/ml 的浓度。静脉滴注速度最快不
超过每小时 3mg/kg,每瓶滴注时间须 1~2 小时。 伏立康唑粉针剂不可用于静脉推注。 在使用伏立康唑治疗前或治疗期间应监测血电解质,如存在低钾血症、低镁血症和低钙血症
等电解质紊乱应予以纠正。 成人用药 无论静脉滴注还是口服给药,第一天均应给予首次负荷剂量,使其血药浓度接近于稳态浓度。
负荷剂量(适用 每 12 小时给药 1 次,每次 6 每 12 小时给药 1 次,每次 每 12 小时给药 1 次,每次
于第 1 个 24 小 mg/kg
400 mg
200 mg
维持剂量(开始 每日给药 2 次,每次 4 mg/kg 每日给药 2 次,每次 200 每日给药 2 次,每次 100 mg
2 岁~<12 岁以下的儿童和轻体重青少年(12~14 岁且体重<50 公斤者)
负荷剂量 (适用于第 1 个 24 小时) 维持治疗 (开始用药 24 小时以后)
伏立康唑胶囊说明书及作用通用名:伏立康唑胶囊生产厂家: 四川美大康华康药业有限公司批准文号:国药准字H20210787药品规格:50mg*8粒药品价格:¥499元【通用名称】伏立康唑胶囊【商品名称】伏立康唑胶囊【英文名称】VoriconazoleCapsules【拼音全码】FuLiKangZuoJiaoNangHuaKang【主要成份】伏立康唑胶囊主要成份为伏立康唑,化学名称为:2R,3S-2-2,4-二氟苯基-3-5-氟基-4-嘧啶-1-1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基-2-丁醇。
伏立康唑 (Voriconazole)治疗的疾病及其副作用
伏立康唑 (Voriconazole)治疗的疾病及其副作用伏立康唑(Voriconazole)是一种广谱抗真菌药物,常用于治疗多种真菌感染疾病。
伏立康唑主要用于以下几种疾病的治疗:1. 念珠菌感染:念珠菌是一种常见的真菌,可以导致口腔、食道和阴道等部位的感染。
2. 曲霉菌感染:曲霉菌是一种常见的真菌,可以引起肺部感染、侵袭性真菌病和霉菌角膜炎等疾病。
3. 阿斯佳曲霉菌感染:阿斯佳曲霉菌是一种罕见但危险的真菌,可以导致呼吸道感染和播散性疾病。
伏立康唑的副作用包括但不限于:1. 胃肠道不适:伏立康唑可能引起恶心、呕吐、腹泻等胃肠道不适症状。
2. 视力问题:部分患者在使用伏立康唑期间报告了视觉模糊、色觉异常和视觉幻觉等视力问题。
3. 皮肤反应:少数患者可能出现皮疹、瘙痒和荨麻疹等皮肤反应。
4. 肝功能损害:伏立康唑使用期间可能导致肝功能异常,表现为黄疸、肝酶升高等症状。
5. 心律不齐:少数患者可能在使用伏立康唑后出现心律不齐的情况。
伏立康唑乳膏治疗真菌感染和念珠菌感染的适应症和用法指导伏立康唑乳膏(Fluconazole Cream)是一种广谱抗真菌药物,常用于治疗真菌感染和念珠菌感染。
一、伏立康唑乳膏的适应症伏立康唑乳膏适用于治疗以下真菌感染:1. 皮肤真菌感染:包括皮肤念珠菌感染、手足癣、体癣等。
2. 黏膜真菌感染:包括口腔念珠菌感染、阴道真菌感染等。
3. 其他部位真菌感染:如指甲真菌感染、外耳道真菌感染等。
二、伏立康唑乳膏的用法和使用注意事项1. 用法:(1)清洁患处:在使用伏立康唑乳膏前,应首先用温水和温和的肥皂清洁患处,然后彻底干燥。
2. 注意事项:(1)遵医嘱使用:患者在使用伏立康唑乳膏前应遵循医生的指导,严格按照药物的给药剂量和使用频率使用。
四、伏立康唑乳膏的注意事项1. 注意个人卫生:患者在使用伏立康唑乳膏期间应注意个人卫生,勤换洗衣物和床上用品,保持干燥清洁的环境。
四、适应症本品为广谱抗真菌药物,适用于如下寄生真菌引起的感染:1. 表皮真菌感染:如皮肤癣、指甲癣等。
2. 黏膜真菌感染:如口腔念珠菌感染等。
3. 深部真菌感染:如侵袭性肺曲菌病等。
成人用法与用量:1. 一般治疗剂量:每日1片,早餐后服用。
2. 饭后2小时服用可提高药物的生物利用度。
3. 药物治疗的疗程视病情而定,一般为2-4周。
4. 注意用药期间避免饮酒。
六、不良反应1. 胃肠道反应:如恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻等。
2. 皮肤过敏反应:如皮疹、荨麻疹等。
3. 肝功能异常:如黄疸、乏力等。
七、禁忌症1. 对伏立康唑或本品其他成分过敏者禁用。
2. 孕妇禁用。
八、注意事项1. 本品应避免与其他药物同时使用,特别是其他抗真菌药物。
2. 中枢神经纤维瘤病患者慎用,可能引起横纹肌溶解。
3. 肝功能异常患者慎用,需进行监测。
4. 口服本品后,可以通过乳汁排泄,哺乳期妇女慎用。
5. 本品可能导致药物相互作用,如对双氯芬酸、华法林等药物的代谢产生影响,请在医生指导下使用。
九、药物相互作用1. 本品可能通过抑制细胞色素P450酶的活性,而干扰其他药物的代谢。
2. 本品可抑制华法林的代谢,导致华法林的抗凝作用增强,请监测凝血酶原时间。
核准日期:2006年12月31日修改日期:2009年06月08日;2009年12月28日;2011年09月27日;2012年09月17日;2013年01月30日;2014年05月03日;2014年06月04日;2014年12月09日;2015年01月26日;2015年11月04日伏立康唑片说明书请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用【药品名称】通用名称: 伏立康唑片商品名称: 威 凡® (Vfend ®)英文名称: V oriconazole Tablets汉语拼音: Fulikangzuo Pian【成份】本品主要成份为伏立康唑。
化学名称:(2R,3S )-2-(2,4-二氟苯基)-3-(5-氟基-4-嘧啶)-1-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基)-2-丁醇。
化学结构式:F FNN分子式:C 16H 14F 3N 5O分子量:349.31【性状】白色至类白色薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣后显白色或类白色。
200mg 片剂:胶囊形片剂,一面有“Pfizer”字样刻痕,另一面有“VOR200”字样刻痕。
VFEND® I.V.(voriconazole) for InjectionVFEND® Tablets(voriconazole)VFEND®(voriconazole) for Oral SuspensionDESCRIPTIONVFEND® (voriconazole), a triazole antifungal agent, is available as a lyophilized powder for solution for intravenous infusion, film-coated tablets for oral administration, and as a powder for oral suspension. The structural formula is:Voriconazole is designated chemically as (2R,3S)-2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(5-fluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-2-butanol with an empirical formula of C16H14F3N5O and a molecular weight of 349.3.Voriconazole drug substance is a white to light-colored powder.VFEND I.V. is a white lyophilized powder containing nominally 200 mg voriconazole and 3200 mg sulfobutyl ether beta-cyclodextrin sodium in a 30 mL Type I clear glass vial.VFEND I.V. is intended for administration by intravenous infusion. It is a single-dose, unpreserved product. Vials containing 200 mg lyophilized voriconazole are intended for reconstitution with Water for Injection to produce a solution containing 10 mg/mL VFEND and 160 mg/mL of sulfobutyl ether beta-cyclodextrin sodium. The resultant solution is further diluted prior to administration as an intravenous infusion (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION). VFEND Tablets contain 50 mg or 200 mg of voriconazole. The inactive ingredients include lactose monohydrate, pregelatinized starch, croscarmellose sodium, povidone, magnesiumstearate and a coating containing hypromellose, titanium dioxide, lactose monohydrate and triacetin.VFEND for Oral Suspension is a white to off-white powder providing a white to off-white orange-flavored suspension when reconstituted. Bottles containing 45 g powder for oral suspension are intended for reconstitution with water to produce a suspension containing 40mg/mL voriconazole. The inactive ingredients include colloidal silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, xanthan gum, sodium citrate dihydrate, sodium benzoate, anhydrous citric acid, natural orange flavor, and sucrose.CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGYPharmacokineticsGeneral Pharmacokinetic CharacteristicsThe pharmacokinetics of voriconazole have been characterized in healthy subjects, special populations and patients.The pharmacokinetics of voriconazole are non-linear due to saturation of its metabolism. The interindividual variability of voriconazole pharmacokinetics is high. Greater than proportional increase in exposure is observed with increasing dose. It is estimated that, on average, increasing the oral dose in healthy subjects from 200 mg Q12h to 300 mg Q12h leads to a 2.5-fold increase in exposure (AUCτ), while increasing the intravenous dose from 3 mg/kg Q12h to 4 mg/kg Q12h produces a 2.3-fold increase in exposure (Table 1).Table 1Population Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Voriconazole in Subjects200 mg Oral Q12h 300 mg Oral Q12h 3 mg/kg IV Q12h 4 mg/kg IV Q12hAUCτ* (μg•h/mL) (CV%) 19.86(94%)50.32(74%)21.81(100%)50.40(83%)*Mean AUCτ are predicted values from population pharmacokinetic analysis of data from 236 subjectsDuring oral administration of 200 mg or 300 mg twice daily for 14 days in patients at risk of aspergillosis (mainly patients with malignant neoplasms of lymphatic or hematopoietic tissue), the observed pharmacokinetic characteristics were similar to those observed in healthy subjects (Table 2).Table 2Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Voriconazole in Patients at Risk for Aspergillosis200 mg Oral Q12h(n=9) 300 mg Oral Q12h(n=9)AUCτ* (μg•h/mL ) (CV%) 20.31(69%)36.51(45%)C max* (μg/mL) (CV%) 3.00(51%)4.66(35%)*Geometric mean values on Day 14 of multiple dosing in 2 cohorts of patientsSparse plasma sampling for pharmacokinetics was conducted in the therapeutic studies in patients aged 12-18 years. In 11 adolescent patients who received a mean voriconazole maintenance dose of 4 mg/kg IV, the median of the calculated mean plasma concentrations was 1.60 μg/mL (inter-quartile range 0.28 to 2.73 μg/mL).In 17 adolescent patients for whom mean plasma concentrations were calculated following a mean oral maintenance dose of 200 mg Q12h, the median of the calculated mean plasma concentrations was 1.16 μg/mL (inter-quartile range 0.85 to 2.14 μg/mL).When the recommended intravenous or oral loading dose regimens are administered to healthy subjects, peak plasma concentrations close to steady state are achieved within the first 24 hours of dosing. Without the loading dose, accumulation occurs during twice-daily multiple dosing with steady-state peak plasma voriconazole concentrations being achieved by day 6 in the majority of subjects (Table 3).Table 3Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Voriconazole from Loading Dose and Maintenance Dose Regimens(Individual Studies in Subjects)400 mg Q12h on Day 1, 200 mg Q12h on Days 2 to 10(n=17)6 mg/kg IV** Q12h on Day 1, 3 mg/kg IV Q12h on Days 2 to 10(n=9)Day 1, 1st dose Day 10 Day 1, 1st dose Day 10AUCτ* (μg•h/mL) (CV%) 9.31(38%)11.13(103%)13.22(22%)13.25(58%)C max (μg/mL) (CV%) 2.30(19%)2.08(62%)4.70(22%)3.06(31%)*AUCτ values are calculated over dosing interval of 12 hoursPharmacokinetic parameters for loading and maintenance doses summarized for same cohort of subjects**IV infusion over 60 minutesSteady state trough plasma concentrations with voriconazole are achieved after approximately 5 days of oral or intravenous dosing without a loading dose regimen. However, when an intravenous loading dose regimen is used, steady state trough plasma concentrations are achieved within 1 day.AbsorptionThe pharmacokinetic properties of voriconazole are similar following administration by the intravenous and oral routes. Based on a population pharmacokinetic analysis of pooled data in healthy subjects (N=207), the oral bioavailability of voriconazole is estimated to be 96% (CV 13%). Bioequivalence was established between the 200 mg tablet and the 40 mg/mL oral suspension when administered as a 400 mg Q12h loading dose followed by a 200 mg Q12h maintenance dose.Maximum plasma concentrations (C max) are achieved 1-2 hours after dosing. When multiple doses of voriconazole are administered with high-fat meals, the mean C max and AUCτ are reduced by 34% and 24%, respectively when administered as a tablet and by 58% and 37% respectively when administered as the oral suspension (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).In healthy subjects, the absorption of voriconazole is not affected by coadministration of oral ranitidine, cimetidine, or omeprazole, drugs that are known to increase gastric pH.DistributionThe volume of distribution at steady state for voriconazole is estimated to be 4.6 L/kg, suggesting extensive distribution into tissues. Plasma protein binding is estimated to be 58% and was shown to be independent of plasma concentrations achieved following single and multiple oral doses of 200 mg or 300 mg (approximate range: 0.9-15 μg/mL). Varying degrees of hepatic and renal insufficiency do not affect the protein binding of voriconazole.MetabolismIn vitro studies showed that voriconazole is metabolized by the human hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes, CYP2C19, CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY - Drug Interactions).In vivo studies indicated that CYP2C19 is significantly involved in the metabolism of voriconazole. This enzyme exhibits genetic polymorphism. For example, 15-20% of Asian populations may be expected to be poor metabolizers. For Caucasians and Blacks, the prevalence of poor metabolizers is 3-5%. Studies conducted in Caucasian and Japanese healthy subjects have shown that poor metabolizers have, on average, 4-fold higher voriconazole exposure (AUCτ) than their homozygous extensive metabolizer counterparts. Subjects who are heterozygous extensive metabolizers have, on average, 2-fold higher voriconazole exposure than their homozygous extensive metabolizer counterparts.The major metabolite of voriconazole is the N-oxide, which accounts for 72% of the circulating radiolabelled metabolites in plasma. Since this metabolite has minimal antifungal activity, it does not contribute to the overall efficacy of voriconazole.ExcretionVoriconazole is eliminated via hepatic metabolism with less than 2% of the dose excreted unchanged in the urine. After administration of a single radiolabelled dose of either oral or IV voriconazole, preceded by multiple oral or IV dosing, approximately 80% to 83% of theradioactivity is recovered in the urine. The majority (>94%) of the total radioactivity is excreted in the first 96 hours after both oral and intravenous dosing.As a result of non-linear pharmacokinetics, the terminal half-life of voriconazole is dose dependent and therefore not useful in predicting the accumulation or elimination of voriconazole.Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic RelationshipsClinical Efficacy and SafetyIn 10 clinical trials, the median values for the average and maximum voriconazole plasma concentrations in individual patients across these studies (N=1121) was 2.51 μg/mL (inter-quartile range 1.21 to 4.44 μg/mL) and 3.79 μg/mL (inter-quartile range 2.06 to 6.31 μg/mL), respectively. A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analysis of patient data from 6 of these 10 clinical trials (N=280) could not detect a positive association between mean, maximum or minimum plasma voriconazole concentration and efficacy. However, PK/PD analyses of the data from all 10 clinical trials identified positive associations between plasma voriconazole concentrations and rate of both liver function test abnormalities and visual disturbances (see ADVERSE REACTIONS).ElectrocardiogramA placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover study to evaluate the effect on the QT interval of healthy male and female subjects was conducted with three single oral doses of voriconazole and ketoconazole. Serial ECGs and plasma samples were obtained at specified intervals over a 24-hour post dose observation period. The placebo-adjusted mean maximum increases in QTc from baseline after 800, 1200 and 1600 mg of voriconazole and after ketoconazole 800 mg were all <10 msec. Females exhibited a greater increase in QTc than males, although all mean changes were <10 msec. Age was not found to affect the magnitude of increase in QTc. No subject in any group had an increase in QTc of ≥60 msec from baseline. No subject experienced an interval exceeding the potentially clinically relevant threshold of 500 msec. However, the QT effect of voriconazole combined with drugs known to prolong the QT interval is unknown (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS-Drug Interactions).Pharmacokinetics in Special PopulationsGenderIn a multiple oral dose study, the mean C max and AUCτfor healthy young females were 83% and 113% higher, respectively, than in healthy young males (18-45 years), after tablet dosing. In the same study, no significant differences in the mean C max and AUCτ were observed between healthy elderly males and healthy elderly females (>65 years). In a similar study, after dosing with the oral suspension, the mean AUC for healthy young females was 45% higher than in healthy young males whereas the mean C max was comparable between genders. The steady state trough voriconazole concentrations (C min) seen in females were 100% and 91% higher than in males receiving the tablet and the oral suspension, respectively.In the clinical program, no dosage adjustment was made on the basis of gender. The safety profile and plasma concentrations observed in male and female subjects were similar. Therefore, no dosage adjustment based on gender is necessary.GeriatricIn an oral multiple dose study the mean C max and AUCτin healthy elderly males (≥ 65 years) were 61% and 86% higher, respectively, than in young males (18-45 years). No significant differences in the mean C max and AUCτ were observed between healthy elderly females ( ≥ 65 years) and healthy young females (18-45 years).In the clinical program, no dosage adjustment was made on the basis of age. An analysis of pharmacokinetic data obtained from 552 patients from 10 voriconazole clinical trials showed that the median voriconazole plasma concentrations in the elderly patients (>65 years) were approximately 80% to 90% higher than those in the younger patients (≤65 years) after either IV or oral administration. However, the safety profile of voriconazole in young and elderly subjects was similar and, therefore, no dosage adjustment is necessary for the elderly.PediatricA population pharmacokinetic analysis was conducted on pooled data from 35 immunocompromised pediatric patients aged 2 to <12 years old who were included in two pharmacokinetic studies of intravenous voriconazole (single dose and multiple dose). Twenty-four of these patients received multiple intravenous maintenance doses of 3 mg/kg and 4 mg/kg.A comparison of the pediatric and adult population pharmacokinetic data revealed that the predicted average steady state plasma concentrations were similar at the maintenance dose of 4 mg/kg every 12 hours in children and 3 mg/kg every 12 hours in adults (medians of 1.19 μg/mL and 1.16 μg/mL in children and adults, respectively) (see PRECAUTIONS, Pediatric Use). Hepatic InsufficiencyAfter a single oral dose (200 mg) of voriconazole in 8 patients with mild (Child-Pugh Class A) and 4 patients with moderate (Child-Pugh Class B) hepatic insufficiency, the mean systemic exposure (AUC) was 3.2-fold higher than in age and weight matched controls with normal hepatic function. There was no difference in mean peak plasma concentrations (C max) between the groups. When only the patients with mild (Child-Pugh Class A) hepatic insufficiency were compared to controls, there was still a 2.3-fold increase in the mean AUC in the group with hepatic insufficiency compared to controls.In an oral multiple dose study, AUCτwas similar in 6 subjects with moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class B) given a lower maintenance dose of 100 mg twice daily compared to 6 subjects with normal hepatic function given the standard 200 mg twice daily maintenance dose. The mean peak plasma concentrations (C max) were 20% lower in the hepatically impaired group. It is recommended that the standard loading dose regimens be used but that the maintenance dose be halved in patients with mild to moderate hepatic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh Class A and B) receiving voriconazole. No pharmacokinetic data are available for patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh Class C) (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).Renal InsufficiencyIn a single oral dose (200 mg) study in 24 subjects with normal renal function and mild to severe renal impairment, systemic exposure (AUC) and peak plasma concentration (C max) of voriconazole were not significantly affected by renal impairment. Therefore, no adjustment is necessary for oral dosing in patients with mild to severe renal impairment.In a multiple dose study of IV voriconazole (6 mg/kg IV loading dose x 2, then 3 mg/kg IV x 5.5 days) in 7 patients with moderate renal dysfunction (creatinine clearance 30-50 mL/min), the systemic exposure (AUC) and peak plasma concentrations (C max) were not significantly different from those in 6 subjects with normal renal function.However, in patients with moderate renal dysfunction (creatinine clearance 30-50 mL/min), accumulation of the intravenous vehicle, SBECD, occurs. The mean systemic exposure (AUC) and peak plasma concentrations (C max) of SBECD were increased 4-fold and almost 50%, respectively, in the moderately impaired group compared to the normal control group. Intravenous voriconazole should be avoided in patients with moderate or severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <50 mL/min), unless an assessment of the benefit/risk to the patient justifies the use of intravenous voriconazole (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION - Dosage Adjustment).A pharmacokinetic study in subjects with renal failure undergoing hemodialysis showed that voriconazole is dialyzed with clearance of 121 mL/min. The intravenous vehicle, SBECD, is hemodialyzed with clearance of 55 mL/min. A 4-hour hemodialysis session does not remove a sufficient amount of voriconazole to warrant dose adjustment.Drug InteractionsEffects of Other Drugs on VoriconazoleVoriconazole is metabolized by the human hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP2C19,CYP2C9, and CYP3A4. Results of in vitro metabolism studies indicate that the affinity of voriconazole is highest for CYP2C19, followed by CYP2C9, and is appreciably lower forCYP3A4. Inhibitors or inducers of these three enzymes may increase or decrease voriconazole systemic exposure (plasma concentrations), respectively.The systemic exposure to voriconazole is significantly reduced or is expected to be reduced by the concomitant administration of the following agents and their use is contraindicated: Rifampin (potent CYP450 inducer): Rifampin (600 mg once daily) decreased the steady state C max and AUCτ of voriconazole (200 mg Q12h x 7 days) by an average of 93% and 96%, respectively, in healthy subjects. Doubling the dose of voriconazole to 400 mg Q12h does not restore adequate exposure to voriconazole during coadministration with rifampin. Coadministration of voriconazole and rifampin is contraindicated (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Ritonavir (potent CYP450 inducer; CYP3A4 inhibitor and substrate): The effect of the coadministration of voriconazole and ritonavir (400 mg and 100 mg) was investigated in twoseparate studies. High-dose ritonavir (400 mg Q12h for 9 days) decreased the steady state C max and AUCτ of oral voriconazole (400 mg Q12h for 1 day, then 200 mg Q12h for 8 days) by an average of 66% and 82%, respectively, in healthy subjects. Low-dose ritonavir (100 mg Q12h for 9 days) decreased the steady state C max and AUCτ of oral voriconazole (400 mg Q12h for 1 day, then 200 mg Q12h for 8 days) by an average of 24% and 39%, respectively, in healthy subjects. Although repeat oral administration of voriconazole did not have a significant effect on steady state C max and AUCτ of high-dose ritonavir in healthy subjects, steady state C max and AUCτ of low-dose ritonavir decreased slightly by 24% and 14% respectively, when administered concomitantly with oral voriconazole in healthy subjects. Coadministration of voriconazole and high-dose ritonavir (400 mg Q12h) is contraindicated.Coadministration of voriconazole and low-dose ritonavir (100 mg Q12h) should be avoided, unless an assessment of the benefit/risk to the patient justifies the use of voriconazole. (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).St. John’s Wort(CYP450 inducer; P-gp inducer): In an independent published study in healthy volunteers who were given multiple oral doses of St. John’s Wort (300 mg LI 160 extract three times daily for 15 days) followed by a single 400 mg oral dose of voriconazole, a 59% decrease in mean voriconazole AUC0-∞was observed. In contrast, coadministration of single oral doses of St. John’s Wort and voriconazole had no appreciable effect on voriconazole AUC0-∞. Because long-term use of St. John’s Wort could lead to reduced voriconazole exposure, concomitant use of voriconazole with St. John’s Wort is contraindicated (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS – Drug Interactions).Carbamazepine and long-acting barbiturates (potent CYP450 inducers): Although not studied in vitro or in vivo, carbamazepine and long-acting barbiturates (e.g., phenobarbital, mephobarbital) are likely to significantly decrease plasma voriconazole concentrations. Coadministration of voriconazole with carbamazepine or long-acting barbiturates is contraindicated (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Minor or no significant pharmacokinetic interactions that do not require dosage adjustment:Cimetidine (non-specific CYP450 inhibitor and increases gastric pH): Cimetidine (400 mgQ12h x 8 days) increased voriconazole steady state C max and AUCτ by an average of 18% (90% CI: 6%, 32%) and 23% (90% CI: 13%, 33%), respectively, following oral doses of 200 mgQ12h x 7 days to healthy subjects.Ranitidine (increases gastric pH): Ranitidine (150 mg Q12h) had no significant effect on voriconazole C max and AUCτfollowing oral doses of 200 mg Q12h x 7 days to healthy subjects.Macrolide antibiotics: Coadministration of erythromycin (CYP3A4 inhibitor;1g Q12h for 7 days) or azithromycin (500 mg qd for 3 days) with voriconazole 200 mg Q12h for 14 days had no significant effect on voriconazole steady state C max and AUCτ in healthy subjects. The effects of voriconazole on the pharmacokinetics of either erythromycin or azithromycin are not known.Effects of Voriconazole on Other DrugsIn vitro studies with human hepatic microsomes show that voriconazole inhibits the metabolic activity of the cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP2C19, CYP2C9, and CYP3A4. In these studies, the inhibition potency of voriconazole for CYP3A4 metabolic activity was significantly less than that of two other azoles, ketoconazole and itraconazole. In vitro studies also show that the major metabolite of voriconazole, voriconazole N-oxide, inhibits the metabolic activity of CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 to a greater extent than that of CYP2C19. Therefore, there is potential for voriconazole and its major metabolite to increase the systemic exposure (plasma concentrations) of other drugs metabolized by these CYP450 enzymes.The systemic exposure of the following drugs is significantly increased or is expected to be significantly increased by coadministration of voriconazole and their use is contraindicated: Sirolimus (CYP3A4 substrate): Repeat dose administration of oral voriconazole (400 mg Q12h for 1 day, then 200 mg Q12h for 8 days) increased the C max and AUC of sirolimus (2 mg single dose) an average of 7-fold (90% CI: 5.7, 7.5) and 11-fold (90% CI: 9.9, 12.6), respectively, in healthy male subjects. Coadministration of voriconazole and sirolimus is contraindicated (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Terfenadine, astemizole, cisapride, pimozide and quinidine (CYP3A4 substrates): Although not studied in vitro or in vivo, concomitant administration of voriconazole with terfenadine, astemizole, cisapride, pimozide or quinidine may result in inhibition of the metabolism of these drugs. Increased plasma concentrations of these drugs can lead to QT prolongation and rare occurrences of torsade de pointes. Coadministration of voriconazole and terfenadine, astemizole, cisapride, pimozide and quinidine is contraindicated (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Ergot alkaloids: Although not studied in vitro or in vivo, voriconazole may increase the plasma concentration of ergot alkaloids (ergotamine and dihydroergotamine) and lead to ergotism. Coadministration of voriconazole with ergot alkaloids is contraindicated (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Coadministration of voriconazole with the following agents results in increased exposure or is expected to result in increased exposure to these drugs. Therefore, careful monitoring and/or dosage adjustment of these drugs is needed:Cyclosporine (CYP3A4 substrate): In stable renal transplant recipients receiving chronic cyclosporine therapy, concomitant administration of oral voriconazole (200 mg Q12h for 8 days) increased cyclosporine C max and AUCτ an average of 1.1 times (90% CI: 0.9, 1.41) and 1.7 times (90% CI: 1.5, 2.0), respectively, as compared to when cyclosporine was administered without voriconazole. When initiating therapy with voriconazole in patients already receiving cyclosporine, it is recommended that the cyclosporine dose be reduced to one-half of the original dose and followed with frequent monitoring of the cyclosporine blood levels. Increased cyclosporine levels have been associated with nephrotoxicity. When voriconazole is discontinued, cyclosporine levels should be frequently monitored and the dose increased as necessary (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Methadone (CYP3A4, CYP2C19, CYP2C9 substrate): Repeat dose administration of oral voriconazole (400mg Q12h for 1 day, then 200mg Q12h for 4 days) increased the C max and AUCτ of pharmacologically active R-methadone by 31% (90% CI: 22%, 40%) and 47% (90% CI: 38%, 57%), respectively, in subjects receiving a methadone maintenance dose (30-100 mg QD). The C max and AUC of (S)-methadone increased by 65% (90% CI: 53%, 79%) and 103% (90% CI: 85%, 124%), respectively. Increased plasma concentrations of methadone have been associated with toxicity including QT prolongation. Frequent monitoring for adverse events and toxicity related to methadone is recommended during coadministration. Dose reduction of methadone may be needed (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Tacrolimus (CYP3A4 substrate): Repeat oral dose administration of voriconazole (400 mgQ12h x 1 day, then 200 mg Q12h x 6 days) increased tacrolimus (0.1 mg/kg single dose) C max and AUCτ in healthy subjects by an average of 2-fold (90% CI: 1.9, 2.5) and 3-fold (90% CI: 2.7, 3.8), respectively. When initiating therapy with voriconazole in patients already receiving tacrolimus, it is recommended that the tacrolimus dose be reduced to one-third of the original dose and followed with frequent monitoring of the tacrolimus blood levels. Increased tacrolimus levels have been associated with nephrotoxicity. When voriconazole is discontinued, tacrolimus levels should be carefully monitored and the dose increased as necessary (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Warfarin (CYP2C9 substrate): Coadministration of voriconazole (300 mg Q12h x 12 days) with warfarin (30 mg single dose) significantly increased maximum prothrombin time by approximately 2 times that of placebo in healthy subjects. Close monitoring of prothrombin time or other suitable anticoagulation tests is recommended if warfarin and voriconazole are coadministered and the warfarin dose adjusted accordingly (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Oral Coumarin Anticoagulants (CYP2C9, CYP3A4 substrates): Although not studied in vitro or in vivo, voriconazole may increase the plasma concentrations of coumarin anticoagulants and therefore may cause an increase in prothrombin time. If patients receiving coumarin preparations are treated simultaneously with voriconazole, the prothrombin time or other suitable anti-coagulation tests should be monitored at close intervals and the dosage of anticoagulants adjusted accordingly (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Statins (CYP3A4 substrates): Although not studied clinically, voriconazole has been shown to inhibit lovastatin metabolism in vitro (human liver microsomes). Therefore, voriconazole is likely to increase the plasma concentrations of statins that are metabolized by CYP3A4. It is recommended that dose adjustment of the statin be considered during coadministration. Increased statin concentrations in plasma have been associated with rhabdomyolysis (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Benzodiazepines (CYP3A4 substrates): Although not studied clinically, voriconazole has been shown to inhibit midazolam metabolism in vitro (human liver microsomes). Therefore, voriconazole is likely to increase the plasma concentrations of benzodiazepines that are metabolized by CYP3A4 (e.g., midazolam, triazolam, and alprazolam) and lead to a prolongedsedative effect. It is recommended that dose adjustment of the benzodiazepine be considered during coadministration (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Calcium Channel Blockers (CYP3A4 substrates): Although not studied clinically, voriconazole has been shown to inhibit felodipine metabolism in vitro (human liver microsomes). Therefore, voriconazole may increase the plasma concentrations of calcium channel blockers that are metabolized by CYP3A4. Frequent monitoring for adverse events and toxicity related to calcium channel blockers is recommended during coadministration. Dose adjustment of the calcium channel blocker may be needed (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Sulfonylureas (CYP2C9 substrates): Although not studied in vitro or in vivo, voriconazole may increase plasma concentrations of sulfonylureas (e.g., tolbutamide, glipizide, and glyburide) and therefore cause hypoglycemia. Frequent monitoring of blood glucose and appropriate adjustment (i.e., reduction) of the sulfonylurea dosage is recommended during coadministration (see PRECAUTIONS - Drug Interactions).Vinca Alkaloids (CYP3A4 substrates): Although not studied in vitro or in vivo, voriconazole may increase the plasma concentrations of the vinca alkaloids (e.g., vincristine and vinblastine) and lead to neurotoxicity. Therefore, it is recommended that dose adjustment of the vinca alkaloid be considered.No significant pharmacokinetic interactions were observed when voriconazole was coadministered with the following agents. Therefore, no dosage adjustment for these agents is recommended:Prednisolone (CYP3A4 substrate): Voriconazole (200 mg Q12h x 30 days) increased C max and AUC of prednisolone (60 mg single dose) by an average of 11% and 34%, respectively, in healthy subjects.Digoxin (P-glycoprotein mediated transport): Voriconazole (200 mg Q12h x 12 days) had no significant effect on steady state C max and AUCτ of digoxin (0.25 mg once daily for 10 days) in healthy subjects.Mycophenolic acid (UDP-glucuronyl transferase substrate): Voriconazole (200 mg Q12h x 5 days) had no significant effect on the C max and AUCτof mycophenolic acid and its major metabolite, mycophenolic acid glucuronide after administration of a 1 g single oral dose of mycophenolate mofetil.Two-Way InteractionsConcomitant use of the following agents with voriconazole is contraindicated:Rifabutin (potent CYP450 inducer): Rifabutin (300 mg once daily) decreased the C max and AUCτof voriconazole at 200 mg twice daily by an average of 67% (90% CI: 58%, 73%) and 79% (90% CI: 71%, 84%), respectively, in healthy subjects. During coadministration with rifabutin (300 mg once daily), the steady state C max and AUCτof voriconazole following an increased dose of 400 mg twice daily were on average approximately 2 times higher, compared。
伏立康唑片的功能主治1. 什么是伏立康唑片?伏立康唑片是一种抗真菌类药物,主要成分为伏立康唑。
2. 伏立康唑片的功能伏立康唑片具有以下主要功能:2.1 抗真菌作用伏立康唑片能有效抑制真菌的生长和繁殖,对多种真菌感染具有较强的治疗效果。
2.2 抑制酵母菌感染伏立康唑片对酵母菌感染具有较好的效果。
2.3 治疗皮肤真菌感染伏立康唑片可用于治疗多种皮肤真菌感染,如白色念珠菌感染、表皮癣、体癣等。
2.4 治疗口腔念珠菌感染口腔念珠菌感染是一种常见的口腔疾病,常见于婴幼儿、老年人、免疫系统功能较弱的患者等。
2.5 治疗消化道真菌感染伏立康唑片可用于治疗消化道真菌感染,如胃肠道念珠菌感染。
2.6 治疗泌尿生殖系统真菌感染伏立康唑片可用于治疗泌尿生殖系统真菌感染,如念珠菌性尿道炎、念珠菌性阴道炎等。
2.7 治疗系统性真菌感染伏立康唑片还可用于治疗系统性真菌感染,如血行性念珠菌病。
表 1 所需 10mg/mL 伏立康唑浓缩液的)
10mg/mL 伏立康唑的需要量
4mg/kg 剂量
6mg/kg 剂量
4.0ml (1)
6.0ml (1)
8.0ml (1)
10.0ml (1)
9.0ml (1)
与利福布汀合用时,伏立康唑的口服维持剂量应从 200mg 每日两次,增加到 350mg 每 日两次(体重小于 40kg 的患者剂量应从 100mg 每日两次,增加到 200mg 每日两次)。参见 【注意事项】和【药物相互作用】。
伏立康唑与依非韦伦合用时,伏立康唑的维持剂量应当增加到 400 mg,每 12 小时 1 次, 依非韦伦的剂量应当减少 50 %,即减少到 300 mg 每日 1 次。停用伏立康唑治疗的时候,依非 韦伦应当恢复到其最初的剂量。参见【注意事项】和【药物相互作用】。
对于儿童的这些推荐剂量是基于伏立康唑干混悬剂的研究结果。尚未在儿童中进行伏立 康唑口服干混悬剂和片剂的生物等效性研究。考虑到儿童的胃肠通过时间较短,片剂在儿童 的吸收可能与成人不同。因此推荐 2-<12 岁的儿童使用伏立康唑干混悬剂。
如果儿童患者不能耐受 7mg/kg 每日 2 次的静脉用药,根据群体药代动力学分析和以往的 临床经验,可以考虑从 7mg/kg 减量到 4mg/kg 每日 2 次。 这个剂量相当于成年人中 3mg/kg 每日 2 次的暴露量。参见【用法用量】中成人用药。
【规格】 伏立康唑 50mg 薄膜衣片, 伏立康唑 200mg 薄膜衣片
【用法用量】 伏立康唑薄膜衣片应至少在饭前 1 小时或者饭后 1 小时后服用。 使用伏立康唑治疗前或治疗期间应监测血电解质,如存在低钾血症、低镁血症和低钙血
2. 同时服用西地兰(terfenadine)、地芬诺酮(astemizole)及他拉米苯(cisapride)者禁用。
长春花碱类† 磺脲类† 华发令‡及其它 香豆素类抗凝剂†
合用药物 初始剂量调整
考虑减量 考虑减量
无需调整剂量 无需调整剂量
改变合用药物剂量 需要进行有关监测
药物毒性,不良事件 药物毒性,不良事件 药物毒性,不良事件
米卡芬净 S S S S S S R R S S S S R R R ?
第39版桑福德抗微生物治疗指南(热病指南) —体外抗菌活性(念珠菌和隐球菌)
白色念珠菌 光滑念珠菌 热带念珠菌 近平滑念珠菌 克柔念珠菌 季也蒙念珠菌 葡萄牙念珠菌 新型隐球菌
氟康唑 +++
± +++ +++
+ +++
严重难治性侵袭性念珠菌病 • 作为补救用药治疗难治性侵袭性念珠菌感染汇总分析
足放线病菌属和镰刀菌属感染 • 汇总的疗效数据
总体有效率*为55% (27/49)
念珠菌血症 播散性念珠菌感染 其它侵袭性念珠菌病
有效率 (n/N) 52% (11/21)
烟曲霉 黄曲霉 土曲霉 镰刀菌属
足放线病菌: 尖端赛多孢子菌
足放线病菌: 多育赛多孢子菌
伊曲康唑 ++ ++ ++ ±
抗真菌药物 伏立康唑 棘白菌素类
+++ +++ +++ ++
建议轻度到中度肝硬化患者(Child-Pugh A和B)伏立康唑的负荷剂量不变,但维持剂量减半。
核准日期:2007年01月04日修改日期:2009年06月08日;2010年06月04日;2011年07月17日;2012年09月17日;2013年01月30日;2013年07月02日;2014年06月04日;2015年03月26日;2015年11月07日;2016年04月21日;2016年05月11日;2016年11月11日;2017年03月16日注射用伏立康唑说明书请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用【药品名称】通用名称: 注射用伏立康唑 商品名称: 威 凡®(Vfend ®) 英文名称: Voriconazole for Injection 汉语拼音: Zhusheyong Fulikangzuo 【成份】本品主要成份为伏立康唑。
化学名称:(2R,3S )-2-(2,4-二氟苯基)-3-(5-氟基-4-嘧啶)-1-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基)-2-丁醇。
化学结构式:F FNN分子式:C 16H 14F 3N 5O 分子量:349.31本品所含辅料为:磺丁倍他环糊精钠(SBECD )。
【性状】 本品为白色或类白色粉末或白色固体。
伏立康唑粉针剂使用时先用19ml注射用水或者19ml氯化钠注射液(9 mg/ml [0.9%])溶解成20ml的澄清溶液,溶解后的浓度为10mg/ml。
▪ 轻、中度肝硬化(Child-Pugh A 和 B) • 使用标准负荷剂量 • 维持剂量应减半
▪ 严重肝硬化(Child-Pugh C)尚未研究 • 仅在权衡利弊后使用 • 严密监测药物毒性
▪ 对酵母菌和霉菌均具有抗真菌活性 ▪ 对多种丝状真菌具有杀菌活性
• 曲霉菌属(包括对两性霉素B天然耐药的土曲霉 菌)
• 足放线病菌属和镰刀菌属(包括对多烯类抗真 菌药,如两性霉素B耐药的临床分离菌株)
▪ 对念珠菌属(包括克柔念珠菌和光滑念珠菌)具 有强大的抑菌活性
▪ 侵袭性曲霉菌病 (IA) • 曲霉菌病全球对照研究
▪ 严重难治性侵袭性念珠菌病 • 全球念珠菌血症对照研究 • 作为补救用药治疗难治性侵袭性念珠菌感染汇 总分析
▪ 足放线病菌属和镰刀菌属感染 • 汇总的疗效数据
临床用吸收迅速(1-2小时达Cmax),口服生物 利用度高(~96%)
预计分布容积大(4.6 L/kg) 非线性药代动力学特性 经肝脏CYP2C19、CYP2C9和CYP3A4同工
酶代谢 伴有慢性肝脏疾病的患者药物暴露量增加 药物相互作用特征明显
2001年全球61个研究中心1586株血液和其它正常无菌部位的体 液中分离的念珠菌的研究资料(ARTEMIS研究)显示
白色念珠菌(n=916) 光滑念珠菌(n=235) 近平滑念珠菌(n=198) 热带念珠菌(n=150) 克柔念珠菌(n=43) 葡萄牙念珠菌(n=24)
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动物实验发现,伏立康唑的最低抑菌浓度值与其疗效有关。但是在临床研究中,最低抑 菌浓度与临床疗效之间并无相关性,并且药物的血浓度和临床疗效之间似乎也无相关性。这 是吡咯类抗真菌药的特点。
临床试验表明伏立康唑对曲霉属,包括黄曲霉、烟曲霉、土曲霉、黑曲霉、构巢曲霉; 念珠菌属,包括白色念珠菌、以及部分都柏林念珠菌、光滑念珠菌、C.inconspicua、克柔念珠 菌、近平滑念珠菌、热带念珠菌和吉利蒙念珠菌;足放线病菌属,包括尖端足分支霉和多育 足分支霉和镰刀菌属有临床疗效(好转或治愈,参见后面的临床经验部分)。
由于伏立康唑的代谢具有可饱和性,所以其药代动力学呈非线性,暴露药量增加的比例远 大于剂量增加的比例。因此如果口服剂量从每日 2 次,每次 200mg 增加到每日 2 次,每次 300mg 时,估计暴露量(AUCτ)平均增加 2.5 倍。当给予受试者推荐的负荷剂量(静脉滴注或口服) 后,24 小时内其血药浓度接近于稳态浓度。如不给予负荷剂量,仅为每日 2 次,多剂量给药 后大多数受试者的血药浓度约在第 6 天时达到稳态。 吸收
本项研究包括有 55 例严重的难治性念珠菌感染患者(包括念珠菌血症、播散性和其它 侵袭性念珠菌病),这些患者以前已经过抗真菌治疗,特别是氟康唑,但均无效。经伏立康唑 治疗后有效者 24 例(15 例治愈,9 例好转)。对氟康唑耐药的非白念珠菌菌株感染者中, 3/3 的克柔念珠菌(治愈)和 6/8 的光滑念珠菌(5 例治愈和 1 例好转)感染治疗有效。有限的药 敏资料也支持了临床疗效。
镰刀菌属:伏立康唑治疗组 17 例患者,7 例有效(3 例治愈,4 例好转)。这 7 例患者中, 3 例为眼感染,1 例为窦感染,3 例为播散性感染。另有 4 例患者为包括珠镰孢菌属在内的混 合感染,其中 2 例治疗有效。
上述罕见病原菌感染中,大多数患者对原有的抗真菌治疗无效或不能耐受。 疗程
重复给药的毒性研究提示伏立康唑的靶器官为肝脏。与其他抗真菌药相似,实验动物发 生肝毒性时的血浆暴露量相当于人用治疗剂量所达到的暴露量。大鼠、小鼠和狗的实验发现 伏立康唑也可诱导肾上腺发生微小病变。其他对安全性药理学、生殖毒性和潜在致癌性的常 规研究未发现伏立康唑对人体有特殊危害。
生殖研究表明,伏立康唑的全身暴露量相当于人用治疗剂量所达到的暴露量时,对大鼠 具有致畸作用,对家兔具有胚胎毒性。在分娩前和分娩后的研究中,给予大鼠低于人用治疗
治疗前应采集标本进行真菌培养,并进行其他相关的实验室检查(血清学检查和组织病 理学检查),以便分离和鉴定病原菌。在获得培养结果和其他实验室检查结果以前必须先进行 抗感染治疗,但是一旦获得结果,应据此调整用药方案。
已发现对伏立康唑敏感性减低的临床菌株。但是,最低抑菌浓度值的增高并不一定导致 临床治疗失败,在对其他吡咯类药物耐药菌株所致的感染中,也有临床治疗有效者。由于临 床试验中入选患者的复杂性,很难确定体外抗菌活性和临床治疗结果之间的关系。药敏试验 中伏立康唑的临界浓度尚未确立。
临床试验中,561 例患者伏立康唑的疗程超过 12 周,136 例超过 6 个月。 儿科用药经验
用伏立康唑治疗 61 例确诊或高度怀疑为侵袭性真菌感染的儿科患者,年龄为 9 个月到 15 岁,其中 2 -12 岁者 34 例, 12-15 岁者 20 例。
大多数(57/61)患儿曾应用过其他抗真菌药物,但均失败。在治疗性研究中包括了 5 例 12-15 岁的患儿,其余患儿则在安慰性用药中接受了伏立康唑治疗。这些患儿的基础疾病包括 血液系统恶性肿瘤、再生障碍性贫血(27 例)和慢性肉芽肿病(14 例)。真菌感染中以曲霉 病最为常见(43/61;70%)。
伏立康唑的主要代谢产物为 N-氧化物,在血浆中约占 72%。该代谢产物抗菌活性微弱, 对伏立康唑的药理作用无显著影响。 排泄
伏立康唑主要通过肝脏代谢,仅有少于 2%的药物以原形经尿排出。 给予用放射性同位素标记过的伏立康唑后,多次静脉滴注给药者和多剂量口服给药者中 分别约有 80%和 83%的放射活性在尿中回收。绝大多数的放射活性(>94%)在给药(静脉滴 注或口服)后 96 小时内经尿排出。 伏立康唑的终末半减期与剂量有关。口服 200mg 后终末半减期约为 6 小时。由于其非线 性药代动力学特点,终末半衰期值不能用于预测伏立康唑的蓄积或清除。 药代动力学—药效动力学的关系 在 10 项 治 疗 研 究 中 , 受 试 者 的 平 均 血 浆 浓 度 和 最 大 血 浆 浓 度 的 中 位 数 分 别 为 2425ng/ml(四分位区间 1193-4380ng/ml)和 3742ng/ml (四分位区间 2027-6302ng/ml)。在研究中 未发现平均、最大和最低血药浓度与治疗结果有关。 对临床试验资料中药代动力学—药效动力学的分析发现,伏立康唑的血药浓度与肝功能 试验异常和视觉障碍有关。 特殊人群中的药代动力学 性别 在一项多剂量口服给药的试验中,健康年轻女性的 Cmax 和 AUCτ较健康年轻男性(18-45 岁)分别高 83%和 113%。在同一试验中,健康老年女性的 Cmax 和 AUCτ与健康老年男性(≧ 65 岁)无显著差异。 在临床应用中,不同性别的患者无需调整剂量。伏立康唑在男性和女性患者中的安全性 和血药浓度相仿,因此,无需按照性别调整剂量。 老年人 在一项多剂量口服给药的研究中,健康老年男性(≧65 岁)的 Cmax 和 AUCτ较健康年轻 男性(18-45 岁)分别高 61%和 85%。但健康老年女性(≧65 岁)的 Cmax 和 AUCτ与健康年 轻女性(18-45 岁)无显著差异。 治疗研究中未按照年龄调整用药剂量。试验中观察了血药浓度与年龄之间的关系。伏立 康唑在年轻患者和老年患者中的安全性相仿,因此老年患者应用本品无需调整剂量。 儿童 在 35 名免疫功能减退的儿童中进行一项群体药代动力学研究,年龄为 2 到 12 岁,分别 予以单剂或多剂静脉给药,其中 24 人为多剂量给药。接受维持剂量为每 12 小时静脉滴注 4mg/kg 的儿童,其平均稳态血药浓度的中位数与每 12 小时给药 3鼠妊娠时间延长,分娩时间延长,引起难产导致母鼠死亡,围产 期幼鼠存活率降低。与其他吡咯类抗真菌药相仿,伏立康唑影响分娩的机制很可能有种特异 性,其中包括降低雌二醇的水平。
在赋形剂磺丁倍他环糊精钠(SBECD)的临床前资料中,重复给药的毒性研究表明, SBECD 主要影响尿道上皮细胞空泡形成以及激活肝脏和肺内巨噬细胞。既然在豚鼠最大化实 验(GMPT)中得到阳性结果,处方者应当了解静脉制剂有引起过敏的可能性。基因毒性和生 殖毒性研究表明赋形剂 SBECD 对人类没有特殊的危害。尚未进行 SBECD 致癌性的研究。 SBECD 中有一种杂质为烷基化诱变剂,有证据表明其对啮齿类动物有致癌性,所以应当认为 这种杂质对人体也有致癌的可能性。根据上述研究结果,静脉制剂的疗程不应超过 6 个月。
体外伏立康唑对曲霉菌属具有杀菌作用。在一项开放、随机、多中心的研究中,比较了 伏立康唑和两性霉素 B 在 277 例免疫功能减退的急性侵袭性曲霉病患者中的疗效和生存受益, 疗程为 12 周。治疗组和对照组的总有效率分别为 53%和 31%(基线时异常的症状体征以及影 像学/支气管镜检查完全或部分恢复正常)。治疗组较对照组 84 日生存率显著为高。此外,伏 立康唑在死亡时间和因毒性停药的时间方面均有显著优势,这种优势具有显著的临床意义和 统计学意义。
【药品名称】 通用名: 注射用伏立康唑 商品名: 威 凡™ (Vfend™) 英文名: Voriconazole Powder for Solution for Infusion 汉语拼音: ZhusheyongFulikangzuo 本品主要成分:伏立康唑,其化学名称为(2R,3S)-2-(2,4-二氟苯基)-3-(5-氟基-4-嘧啶) -1-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基)-2-丁醇 其结构式为:
体外试验表明伏立康唑通过肝脏细胞色素 P450 同工酶,CYP2C19,CYP2C9 和 CYP3A4 代谢。
伏立康唑的药代动力学个体间差异很大。 体内研究表明 CYP2C19 在本品的代谢中有重要作用,这种酶具有基因多态性,例如:
15-20%的亚洲人属于弱代谢者,而白人和黑人中的弱代谢者仅占 3-5%。在健康白人和健康日 本人中的研究表明:弱代谢者的药物暴露量(AUCτ)平均比纯合子强代谢者的暴露量高 4 倍, 杂合子强代谢者的药物暴露量比纯合子强代谢者高 2 倍。
关于念珠菌、曲霉菌、足放线病菌以及镰刀菌属对伏立康唑的体外耐药情况尚无足够的 研究。目前尚未知伏立康唑抗菌谱中的各类真菌耐药性发展的情况。
对氟康唑和伊曲康唑敏感性降低的真菌对伏立康唑的敏感性亦有可能降低,提示在这些 吡咯类药物中可能存在着交叉耐药。交叉耐药与临床疗效之间的关系尚未完全确立。如果临 床病例的分离菌呈现交叉耐药,则可能需要更换其他抗真菌药物治疗。
足放线病菌属:伏立康唑治疗组中,28 例尖端足分支霉菌感染患者中治疗有效者 16 例 (6 例治愈,10 例好转);7 例多育足分支霉感染患者中 2 例治疗有效(均为好转)。此外,3 例混合(1 种以上病原菌,其中包括足放线病菌属)感染者中 1 例治疗有效。
这项研究证实了早些时候的一项前瞻性研究的结果。后者的研究对象为伴有预后不良危 险因素的患者,包括移植物抗宿主病,特别是颅内感染(通常死亡率为 100%)患者,经本品 治疗后获得了良好效果。
本项研究包括了伴有骨髓移植、实体器官移植、血液系统恶性肿瘤、癌症或者艾滋病等 基础疾病患者的脑部、窦、肺部曲霉病和播散性曲霉病。