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结果状语 原因状语 时间状语 方式状语
4. Having starred in You, Who Comes from the Star, Mr.
Kim becomes so popular.
5. Hearing the news that Mr. Kim would come to our
school, we couldn't help jumping with joy.
4.Even if I take a taxi, I will still be late for the meeting. Even if taking a taxi, I will still be late =________________ for the meeting. 5.The parents died and left him an orphan. =The parents died, leaving him an orphan ______________________.
Take my breath away
Watching every motionin in my foolish lover's game, On this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame Turning and returning to some secret place inside Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say: take my breath away,take my breath away
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Exercise 1. 改写下列句子 1.While she was reading the newspaper, her mother was nodding from time to time. = While ____________ reading the newspaper, her mother was nodding from time to time. 2. She sat at the desk and did her homework. = She sat at the desk doing her homework _________________.
1.All the researchers worked very hard, ____ an efficient system. A. only to create
C. having created
B. thus created
D. thus creating
2.The old man fell over his own feet, ____ the slope.
Function of V-ing form as adverbial
1. We sat in the classroom, listening to the teacher
2. If working hard, we can all achieve our dreams. 条件状语 3. The heavy rain lasted for a month in Xiamen, causing a lot of damage.
二、考查-ing形式作状语与逻辑主语间的关系 [考点说明] -ing形式作状语时其逻辑主语是 句子的主语,此时应注意人称、时态、和语 态的一致性。 [例题] 1. Finding her car stolen, ____.
A.a policeman was asked to help B.the area was searched thoroughly
析:语境逻辑表明为董事长准备一篇长篇 讲稿是秘书工作到深夜的伴随性状况,所 以应选B作伴随状语。
[方法揭秘] 分析语境逻辑,弄清空 格是否作时间、原因或伴随状语, 从而确定空格的非谓语性质;分析 动作是主动还是被动,从而确定空 格的-ing形式的语态;空格设置在 句子后半部时逗号是一个重要的提 示。
A. to roll down
C. rolling down
B. rolled
D. having rolled down
3. ________ anything about the accident, he went to work as usual. A. Not known B. Known not C. Knowing not D. Not knowing 4. The next morning she found the man ______ in bed, dead. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying
3. Being so poor in those days, we couldn’t afford to send the boy to hospital. As we were so poor in those days =_______________________________, we couldn’t afford to send the boy to hospital.
C. made
D. to make
析:分析语境逻辑可知该空应填making作状语,空 档前面的逗号是个验证。
2. The secretary worked late into the night, ____a long speech for the president.
A. to prepare C. prepared B. preparing D. was preparing
6. Mr. Kim came to our school, taking the helicopter.
Describe the pictures according to the hints.
sit on the sofa; read a report Professor Du sat on the sofa, reading a report at home.
(二)考查when/while+ -ing形式作时间状语
[考点说明] when/while+ -ing形式可作时间 状语,谓语动词动作常发生在-ing形式所表 示的动作的过程中。例如: ___riding a bike he fell down to the ground.
A. As
C. As soon as
[考点说明]名词、代词+ -ing形式可构成独 立主格结构作时间、条件、原因、或伴随状 语,此时-ing形式的逻辑主语为前面的名词 或代词。
(一) -ing形式独立主格结构作状语
[典型例题] 1. The moon _______, we came to the foot of the mountain. A. appeared B. appears
He ran really fast, so he won the first prize. winng the first prize
(When) When he Noticing noticedMiss MissQian Qiancrying crying, he danced funny to entertain her.
析:A。 该句意为:如果天气允许,我们 今天下午去游泳。 permitting 与其逻辑主 语weather构成独立主格结构作条件状语。
[方法揭秘]解题时应牢记-ing形式独立主格 结构作状语,与-ing形式作状语用法完全相 同,只不过
独立主格结构中-ing形式逻辑主语为前面的 名词或代词。 而-ing形式作状语时其逻辑主语是句子的主 语。
The man in the picture is Professor Du. His job is 表语 teaching psychology 主语 in the collage. / Teaching psychology in the collage is his job. His perfect appearance makes 宾补 thousands of women falling in love with him. However,定语 the handsome man teaching in the class is actually宾语 an alien, who is used to living in the earth.
5._____ the letter, he went out to post it. A. Writing B. Being writing C. Having written D. Written 6. "Can't you read?" Mary said _______ to the notice. A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. Angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing 7. _______from heavy pollution for a long time, the villagers decided to clear the river. A.Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered
C. appearing
D. appear
析:C。该句意为:月亮出来时,我们在山 脚下。Appearing 和 the moon构成独立主 格结构作时间状语。
2.Weather_____, we’ll go swimming this afternoon. A. permitting C. permitted B. permit D. To permit
in danger; surper power
Using his super power, he saved Miss Qian when she was in danger. V-ing作方式状语
dance crazily
Because Seeing Miss he saw Qian Miss dancing Qiancrazily dancing crazily, he was deeply shocked. V-ing作原因状语 was looked for everywhere
D.she hurried to a policeman for help
2. ___ his key, he couldn’t enter the room. A. Having lost B. Losing
C. To loss D. Lost 析:分析语境逻辑可知丢钥匙动作 应发生在进房间的动作之前,所以 该空应选A。本题说明-ing形式作状 语时应注意时态的一致性。
-ing 形式作状语考点及应对方法
-ing形式作状语是高考经常考查的考点, 其热点考查内容如下: 一、考查-ing形式作状语的类型
[考点说明] -ing形式常作时间、原因、 结果、或伴随状语,可放句首或句末。
1. European football is played in 80 countries, ____ it the most popular sport in the world. A. making B. makes
B. While
D. Immediately
析:B。分析语境逻辑可知跌到在地的动作发生在 骑自行车的过程中,因此应用While
(三)固定结构: Judging from his appearance, he must be very rich. Generally speaking, his answer is right. Considering everything, they did a good job.
Will you scream(尖叫) when seeing him?
Learning aims: 1. The functions of V-ing form as adverbial. 2. The testing points of V-ing form as adverbial in the collage entrance examination.