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1.It’s just some guy I work with 他不过是我的同事

2.There has something wrong with him 这个人肯定有问题

3.So does he have a hump and a hairpiece? 他既驼背又带假发?

4.I don’t want her to go through what I did with Carl 我只是不想她重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙

5.I’ve had that dream 我也做过那种梦

6.Then I look down and I realize there is a phone 我低头一看,看见一部电话

7.Carol moved her stuff out today 卡罗今天搬走了他的东西

8.to hell with her 去她的

9.you never knew she was a lesbian? 你一直不知道她是同性恋?

10.Why does everyone keep fixating fikseit on that? 为什么老是提这件事

11.How should I know 我怎么知道

12.You’re feeling a lot of pain right now你现在感到很痛苦

13.I don’t want to be single, okay? 我不想单身

14.decaf di:kæf不含咖啡因的

15.bridesmaid braɪdz me d伴娘

16.I realized I was more turned on by… than…我发现我对。。比。。更感兴趣

17.I always knew he looked familiar 我总觉得他很眼熟

18.He brought her ..and she’s really not happy about it 他给她买了个。。。,而她却不喜欢

19.I don’t want you to buy me a hat 我不是让你给我买帽子

20.It’s a metaphor metəfə这只是个比喻

21.Maybe I’ll just stay here with Monica 也许我可以和莫妮卡住在一起

22.Me and Chandler live across the hall 就住客厅那边

23.He’s away a lot 他经常不在

24.Like there’s a rule or something? 难道还有什么规定吗

25.buzz him in 让他进来(按门铃)

26.It’s a “Dear Diary” moment 是个可以载入日记的时刻

27.I can cancel 我可以取消

28.I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name 我没听清你的名字

29.Here’s a little tip 一点小秘密

30.What are you up tonight? 你今晚打算干什么?

31.Nothing 没事做

32.I was supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon我本该去Aruba度蜜月

33.But I just going to hang out here 不过我想今晚还是会呆在这

34.I see no… 我没有看见

35.I cannot feel my legs 我的腿麻了

36.This was Carol’s favorite beer 最喜欢的啤酒

37.Strat with that, we’re out of here 再那样,我们就走了

38.Please don’t spoil all this fun 请再不要破坏气氛

39.You got screwed 你被坑了

40.I went for the watch 我砸了他的表

41.the worst thing I ever did was shred my old boyfrieds’s favorite towel 我干的最坏的一件事


42.steer clear of you 躲你,怕你

43.Four years of closeness and sharing, at the end of which she ripped your heart out四年的亲近


44.There’s lots of flavors out there 还有很多口味

45.cherry vanilla vənɪlə樱桃香草

46.jimmies, nuts , whipped cream 糖条,果仁,奶油

47.horny hɔ:ni 饥渴

48.Ever since she walked out on me 从她离开我之后

49.Do the words, “Billy don’t be a hero” mean anything to you 难道比力,别撑英雄,这句话


50.here’s the thing 问题来了

51.I’ve never made coffe in my life 我以前可从没冲过咖啡

52.put my bable back 把我的桌子搬回去

53.It doesn’t make much of a difference 也不会有什么区别

54.We all have jobs 我们都有工作

55.I will not take this abuse 别这样羞辱我

56.You should both know that he’s a dead man你们该知道他死定了

57.How are you doing today? 你今天怎么样

58.Sleep okay? 睡的好吗

59.Did you talk to Barry 你和barry 谈过吗

60.Want a wedding dress? Hardly used 想要婚纱吗,几乎没用过

61.I think we’re getting a little ahead of ou rselves here 我想我们扯远了点

62.not think about him all day 不要一整天想他

63.I take credit for Paul 保罗还欠我人情了

64.Why would anybody do something like that? 为什么有人会做出这样的事情

65.I just thought he was nice 我只是以为他是个好人

66.I can’t believe you didn’t know it was a line 我真不敢相信,你不知道那是个谎言

67.are you k idding. I’m trained for nothing 我一点经验都没有

68.you got a job? 你找到工作了?

69.I was laughed out of 12 interviews 我被12招聘的嘲笑

70.these boots on sale 这些皮靴打折50% off五折

71.How well you know me你多了解我

72.You can’t live off your parents 你不能靠你父母过一辈子

73.That’s why I was getting married 所以我才结婚

74.Give her a break 别逼的太紧

75.I didn’t know anybody here 我这没熟人

76.so believe me, I know exactly how you feel 我完全了解你的感受

77.Then I found aromatherapy ərəʊməθerəpi然后我找到了这份按摩的工作

78.It sucks, but you’re gonna love it 很糟,但你会喜欢的

79.Look what I just found on the floor 看我在地板上发现什么

80.Just put it back where you found it 把它放回原处

81.In high school, I had a major crush on you 高中的时候我暗恋过你

82.I figured you thought I was Monica’s geeky brother 我以为你一直认为我是莫妮卡的怪哥

83.Maybe I will 可能会

84.I can’t believe what I’m hearing 我真不敢相信我的耳朵
