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The Process of Translation
The process includes two parts: 1. Understanding of the original sentences; 2. Expressive effect of translated sentences.
The following features of understanding and reproduction of original sentences during the process of translation: 1. Bi-directional thinking process—the language form is transformed into semantic information and then semantic information is expressed loyally in the target language. 2. There is a basic limiting condition being loyal to original sentences. 3. The thinking process is the same as the general one, including visualization, intuition, imitation and imagination.
冬天,一个冰寒的晚上。 在寂寞的马路旁边,疏 枝交横的树下,候着最后一辆搭客的汽车的,只我 一个人。 It is a cold winter night. The street was deserted. I stood alone under a tree with an entanglement of bare branches overhead, waiting for the last bus to arrive.
旁门:side door/gate/entrance 旁证:collateral evidence 盘根错节: with twisted roots and gnarled branches 盘根问底:get to the bottom of a matter 例句:Its cultivated land has been developed to capacity and, in some places, the precious black earth has been badly eroded owing to excessive development. 耕地开发已经饱和,有的地方开发过度,珍 贵的黑土资源侵蚀严重。
Deconstruction means analysis of words, phrases, clauses, contexts, and pragmatic environment in original sentences to make sense of the relations between meanings of the sentences and to transform the original language form into semantic information. Reconstruction means that after understanding the structure of original sentence, semantic information is organized again in terms of the grammatical rules of target language to make translated sentences conform to target language.
Intuition-imitation means that the semantic information of original sentences and their styles are understood and recreated by dint of the sense of language, transplanted images, conceptions and temperament.
Leabharlann Baidu
Deconstruction-reconstruction Chinese, as a paratactic language, is concise and comprehensive. Compared with hypotactic English, it seems more artistic. Therefore, translators should more use deconstructionreconstruction to analyze Chinese. The structure and collocation of words and expressions usually cause the differentiation of meaning.
例句:改革开放以来,中国社会经济迅速发展,取 得了举世公认的成就。 Ever since the beginning of reform and openingup, China has made great achievements in its social and economic development, which have won the worldwide recognition.
“How We Kept Mother’s Day” was written by an English-born Canadian author. 我们是怎样过母亲节的》 《我们是怎样过母亲节的》是一位英国出生 的加拿大作者写的。 的加拿大作者写的。 He said he’d love a trip on a luxury liner because he was always a good sailor. (It is opposite for me, though. Every time I felt very dizzy.) 他说他喜欢乘舒适豪华的班船旅行, 他说他喜欢乘舒适豪华的班船旅行,因为他 从不晕船。 从不晕船。
The three ideological features decide the general procedure and basic pattern: 1. deconstruction-reconstruction, a scientific mode. 2. Intuition-imitation, an artistic mode.
Intuition-imitation 例句:It is a small old town with a narrow babbling river, a little stone bridge and a 500year-old camphor tree. 一个小小的古镇上有一条小小的河,一座小小的石 桥,一株五百年的古樟。
Some schedules are subject to last minute changes. Please call us if you can’t come. 有些时间表,直到最后一分钟都会变化。 要是你不来,请打电话给我们。 If the newspapers want to have a large circulation number, they must be informative, instructive, and entertaining. 报纸要想得以大量发行,就必须具有知识 性、思想性和趣味性。