



Abstract:combination of the improved PSO algorithm and Logistic time series forecasting model is applied to the saturated power load forecasting, used for optimizing the parameters in Logistic curve function. Logistic saturated load time series forecasting model is established based on the optimization algorithm. Using the historical data of a region power grid, the Logistic time series analysis is carried out. Simulation results show that the improved algorithm has faster convergence speed and stronger global optimization ability. The improved algorithm overcomes the traditional PSO algorithm’s drawbacks of poor local search ability and being easy to fall into locally optimal point. The Logistic fitting curve by the improved algorithm, compared with the fitting result of traditional PSO algorithm and Marquardt iteration algorithm, is more accurate obviously, it shows that the model can reflect the whole developing trend of power load well. In addition, the model and per-person electricity consumption method is applied to predict saturated total electricity consumption, having achieved good prediction result, which proves that it is feasible that the improved algorithm is applied to saturated load forecasting.

Key words:Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm; Saturated power load forecasting; Logistic time series forecasting; Parameters to solve; Marquardt iteration algorithm

Abstract:Improved PSO algorithm is applied to the saturated power load forecasting, combining with logistic time series forecasting model, used for optimizing the parameters in Logistic curve function. Logistic saturated load time series forecasting model is established based on the optimization algorithm. The logistic time series analysis is carried out on the basis of the historical data of a region power grid. Simulation results show that the improved algorithm has faster convergence speed and stronger global optimization ability, overcoming the traditional PSO algorithm’s drawbacks of poor local search ability and being easy to fall into locally optimal point. The Logistic fitting curve based on the improved algorithm, compared with the fitting result of traditional PSO algorithm and marquardt iteration algorithm, is more accurate obviously, it shows that the model can reflect the whole developing trend of power load well. In addition, the model and per-person electricity consumption method is applied to predict saturated total electricity consumption, having achieved adjacent prediction result, and the application of per-person electricity consumption method in saturated power load forecasting has been relatively mature, so it can prove that it is feasible that the improved algorithm is applied to saturated load forecasting.


文献摘要翻译: 文摘1: Particle Formation during Anatase Precipitation of Seeded Titanyl Sulfate Solution Sekhar Sathyamoorthy,? Geoff D. Moggridge,*,? and Michael J. Hounslow? Department of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge University, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA, U.K,., and Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K. Received July 14, 2000 ABSTRACT: The formation of anatase particles in the Sulfate Process is an important step in the production of white pigment. This paper investigates the mechanisms behind particle formation during anatase precipitation from seeded concentrated titanyl sulfate solution. The process of particle formation was found to be highly dependent on the volume of seeds inoculated. Secondary nucleation played an important role in the production of anatase crystals and, ultimately, overall yield of the precipitation step. Anatase crystals were found to be between 4 and 8 nm from powder diffraction line broadening calculations. Nucleation also influences the structure and size of primary agglomerates consisting of a number of crystals. The final anatase particles recovered from the precipitation are in the form of 1-2μm aggregates, comprised of polycrystalline primary agglomerates. 摘自Crystal Growth & Design,2001,1(2):123~129 文摘2: Controlling Particle Size During Anatase Precipitation Sekhar Sathyamoorthy and Geoff D. Moggridge Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge University, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA, U.K. Michael J. Hounslow Dept. of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K. 摘自:AIChE Journal ,2001 Vol. 47, No. 9 Titanium dioxide particles in the form of anatase are precipitated from concentrated titanyl sulfate solution in the sulfate process, which are then recovered by a filtration process downstream of the precipitation stage. A pre vious study by Sathyamoorthy et al. showed that the final anatase particles are aggregates(1-2 μm)consisting of numerous crystals(7 ~ 8 nm)arranged in primary agglomerates(60 ~ 100 nm). Pigment quality is determined by crystal and primary agglomerate size. One way of improving filtration rate is by the formation of larger aggregates, while maintaining the crystal and primary agglomerate size at optimum values. In a new seeding procedure proposed, the controlled inoculation of seeds used in industry is combined with a new type of seed (Large Seeds). The new seeding procedure has the


摘要 小说是以塑造人物形象为中心,以完整的结构精确的叙述生活结构和现实反映社会生活的文学。所以我们经常阅读的每一篇小说对每一个读者的生活色彩和艺术形式的反映是各不相同。我们大多数人喜欢阅读小说也是因为文学作品能表达生活的真理。故本人以藏族小说家德本加的系列小说《狗》为主题略谈它所表达的生活真理。 本人所写的这篇《德本加的狗系列小说研究》以五个章节叙述整篇论文。 第一章叙述以作者的过去和童年及他所经历的曲折人生,最后表达他对事业的纯洁诚心。 第二章叙述以作者狗系列为主题的每一篇小说的思想内涵和人物及狗性之间的矛盾形成的社会问题和对环境的影响阐述了现实社会存在的诸多问题和内心的变化。 第三章叙述以作者狗系列为主题的每一篇小说反思藏族文化和了解生活习俗表达一个民族目前正在枯竭和危机的生活习俗。 第四章叙述狗系列为主题的小说的艺术特点的手法如何表达人物情节、环境结构、与众不同的语言艺术等。 第五章叙述作者所著的狗系列小说与众不同的特色和价值及优点和跨越的特点。

幼教教育 ?(钟晓艳)如何对幼儿进行爱的教育 ?(葛珍)论幼儿园小班班级管理 ?(李俊华)我眼中的教育事业 ?(夏军彦)《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》对幼师数学教学内容的启示 ?(徐文娟)基于幼儿个体差异的有效教学初探 ?(雷秀荣)浅谈如何培育幼儿的数学思维能力 ?(万志云)浅析大班幼儿自我管理与自主学习能力的培养 ?(隆露)幼儿园区域活动环境创设路 ?(杨林洁)通过绘本教学促进中班幼儿交往能力的发展 ?(陈福蓉)浅谈幼儿音乐教育的科学 ?(唐秋月)浅谈在小篮球运动中,大班幼儿运球的指导策略 ?(王盖芬)挖掘儿歌魅力,促进幼儿语言发展 ?(魏宏燕)对体态语应用在小学英语教学中的探究 ?(廖静)幼小衔接,从现在准备 基础教育 ?(张荣慧)新课改下农村小学语文教学的困惑与思考 ?(蓝雨春)浅论新课程改革背景下小学数学教学生活化 ?(覃明)初中语文预习教学的有效途径 ?(聂影)浅谈幼儿园环境创设的重要性 ?(梁春梅)学生自我管理在初中班主任管理中的实践途径分析 ?(廖昌干)浅谈高中数学教学中数形结合方法的运用 ?(卢智金)初中语文写作教学中情境教学法的应用 ?(鲁仕波)合作学习在小学语文教学中的应用探究 ?(孙岩)小学英语教学特点与小学英语课面临的挑战 ?(龚绍琴)小学数学问题解决策略的优化教学实践研究论 ?(阮波)浅谈如何培养和提高小学生的计算能力 ?(徐梅)关于小学语文鄂教版课堂教学现状和改进研究 ?(杨立恒)浅谈农村小学数学学习两极分化的成因与对策 ?(陈杰)中学体育教学从“快乐体育”到“阳光体育”的探索 ?(李月平)浅析新课程背景下的小学语文教学方法 ?(陈亚辉)挖掘生活资源,生成课堂活水——让唐山世园会走进《文化生活》课堂?(欧国虎)浅谈环境教育在小学语文教育中的渗透 ?(刘爽)浅谈“难忘小学生活”教学体会 ?(罗朝友)提高学生数学兴趣策略 ?(易建彤)关于小学班主任工作中差异性教育的分析 ?(何友光)思想品德课堂教学小结之我见 ?(邓艳)启发式教学在小学数学中的应用 ?(金官朗)小学体育教学中学生兴趣的培养策略探讨 ?(晏淑惠)试分析农村小学学生德育教育的困境和跨越 ?(邓艳)小学生数学语言表达能力培养的有效策略 高职高教研究 ?(余松霖)翻转课堂对中职学校的教育意义 ?(马玲婷)浅谈培养高中生历史创新能力应注意的问题与对策


房地产企业安全氛围对安全行为的影响研究 摘要:为了探讨房地产企业安全氛围对员工安全行为的影响及其作用机制。研究采用问卷调查研究的方法,调查对象为某房地产企业的200名员工。结果表明,安全氛围对安全行为有显著的正向影响。其中,安全氛围中的“工作环境”和“安全意识”维度对员工安全行为有着直接的显著正向影响;“管理层承诺”维度对员工安全行为没有直接的显著的影响,但是管理层承诺通过工作环境和安全意识的完全中介作用于员工安全行为。 关键词:管理层承诺;安全意识;安全行为;结构方程模型 The Effect of Safety Climate on Safety Behavior in Real Esate Enterprise Abstract:In order todiscuss the influence and mechanism between the safety atmosphere and the staff’s safety behavior of the real estate enterprise.The study uses questionnaire survey research method,the objects of the investigation are 200 employees in one real estate enterprise.The results indicate that safety climate is positively related to safety behavior.The “work environment” dimension and “safety consciousness” dimension have direct and positive influence on safety behavior. The “management commitment ” dimention has no direct influence on safety behavior,but“management commitment”affects safety behavior positively through work environment and safety consciousness. Key words:management commitment; safety consciousness; safety behavior; structural equation model


摘要 目的:建立杜仲炮制工艺的质量标准,研究盐炙前后杜仲中化学成分组群的变化特征,结合血清药物化学及体内代谢动力学阐明杜仲盐炙入肾的炮制机理。 方法:采用UV、HPLC等分析方法建立盐制杜仲主要化学部位总含量,分析炮制过程对杜仲化学成分群组成结构的影响;在此基础上,结合血清药物化学的研究方法,考察盐制杜仲在肾阳虚证模型大鼠的时空动态HPLC血清指纹图谱,在肾阳虚证模型大鼠肾组织的分布特征;测定血清中血清皮质醇、睾酮、雌二醇、环磷酸腺苷、环磷酸鸟苷、17-羟类固醇随时间变化情况。 结果:(1)分别以芦丁、松脂醇二葡萄糖苷、谷氨酸、D-葡萄糖为对照品,采用紫外分光光度法测定杜仲盐炙前后的总黄酮、总木脂素、氨基酸和多糖的含量,数据显示生品总黄酮的含量为2.76%,制品总黄酮含量为2.31%,炮制后含量明显下降(p﹤0.05);生品总木质素的含量为10.59%,制品总木脂素的含量为9.51%,炮制后含量明显下降(p﹤0.05);生品氨基酸的含量为0.09%,制品氨基酸含量为0.12%,炮制后含量明显上升(p﹤0.05);生品多糖的含量为0.26%,制品多糖的含量为0.36%,炮制后含量明显上升(p﹤0.05)。 (2)分别以京尼平酸、绿原酸、京尼平苷、松脂醇二葡萄糖苷为对照品,采用高效液相色谱法测定杜仲生品、盐炙品中京尼平苷酸、绿原酸、京尼平苷、松脂醇二葡萄糖苷的含量,数据分析显示,京尼平苷酸生品含量为0.38%,制品含量为0.19%,炮制后含量明显下降(p﹤0.05);绿原酸生品含量0.37%,为制品含量为0.29%,炮制后含量明显下降(p﹤0.05);京尼平苷生品含量为0.24%,制品含量为0.20%,炮制后含量明显下降;松脂醇二葡萄糖苷生品含量为0.24%,制品含量为0.18%,炮制后含量明显下降。 (3)以氢化可的松造成肾阳虚模型,将杜仲生品及盐炙品灌胃给药,观察给药前后负重游泳时间、各脏器指数、血清中睾酮、雌二醇、环磷酸腺苷、环磷酸鸟苷、皮质醇和17-羟类固醇的变化,数据显示对于氢化可的松所致肾阳虚模型,模型与空白组比较有显著性差异(p﹤0.01);盐炙杜仲与生品杜仲比较有显著性差异(p﹤0.05),给药组与模型组有显著性差异(p﹤0.05);空白组与给药组无明显差异。


The pseudobulbs and subterranean organs (roots and rhizomes) of Eulophia epidendraea, and Malaxis acuminata in subfamily Epidendroideae (Orchidaceae) were investigated to determine morphology, anatomy and mycorrhizal occurrence. (研究兰科树兰亚科的Eulophia epidendraea(黄花美冠兰)和Malaxis acuminata(沼兰属浅裂沼兰)的假鳞茎和地下器官(根和根茎)以确定其形态,结构和真菌菌根的发生) The examined sections showed the following common anatomi-cal characteristics. (被研究的切片显示以下几个相同的结构特点) The pseudobulbs had a uniseriate epidermis. The assimilatory cells were scattered in the form of mucilage/water storage cells in the ground tissue. (假鳞茎有单层表皮,同化细胞以粘液或蓄水细胞的形式分散在基本组织中)The vascular bundles were collateral and embedded in the ground tissue. Raphides occurred as idioblasts. 维管束并行嵌入到基本组织中。针晶体发生在异细胞中。 Rhizomes had an uniseriate epidermis, parenchymatous ground tissue differentiated into outer and inner zones with polygonal intercellular spaces. Vascular bundles scattered, collateral and discontinuous form in both the taxa. Aeration cells were present in roots and rhizomes of M. Acuminata. 根状茎有单层表皮,薄壁基本组织分为含多边形细胞间隙的内区和外区。维管束以分散、并行和不连续形式存在于两个类群中。通气细胞存在于M. Acuminata (沼兰属浅裂沼兰).的根和根状茎。 The transverse section of E. epidendraea roots had multi-layered velamen with spiral thickening followed by uniseriate exodermis with that had webbed tilosomes. The parenchymatous cortex contained raphides and water storage cells. Vascular bundles were 11–15 arched. Roots of M. acuminata had an uniseriate velamen, exodermis, parenchyma-tous cortex, endodermis and pericycle. The vascular bundles were radially arranged, and 11–12 arched. The xylem and phloem were embedded in sclerenchymatous tissue. E.epidendraea(黄花美冠兰)根的横切面有多层螺旋加厚的根被,其次是有webbed tilosomes.单层的外皮。薄壁皮质包含针晶体和储水细胞。维管束为11-15个拱形排列。M. Acuminata(沼兰属浅裂沼兰)的根有单层膜,外皮层、薄壁皮层、内皮层和中柱鞘。维管束11-12个拱形呈放射状排列。木质部和韧皮部嵌入到厚壁组织。 The entry of the mycorrhizal fungi was chiefly through root hairs in roots and epidermis in rhizomes of M. acuminata, and in E. epidendraea. Fungi formed pelotons in both the taxa and microsclerotia and monilioid cells in the root cortex of E. epidendraea. Additionally, Glomus- type vesicles were


研究论文英文摘要翻译 【摘要】本文作者在多年从事学报论文摘要的撰写与翻译、审核与校对的工作中,发现我院科研论文作者提交的英文摘要撰写和翻译错误,有不少值得改善的地方。同时也提醒即将发表论文的作者,在撰写或翻译论文摘要时注意的一些理由。本文对我院英文论文的发表、摘要的撰写和英语翻译具有积极的指导。 【关键词】摘要翻译 【注】本论文受《具有军事特色的网络文化大学英语课程体系研究》科研项目支持。 () 目前,科技论文与信息的国际交流日益频繁。但许多期刊数据库只免费提供摘要的阅读,许多国外读者只能阅读摘要来判断是否阅读全文。因此摘要的英文翻译对于论文的国际引用次数、检索率具有十分的。除非是在英语国家生活工作很长时间英语功底非常扎实,我院一般论文作者撰写摘要很大程度上是把已经写好的中文摘要翻译成英文,在撰写或翻译时有不少方面注意。 .摘要的英文翻译原则 英文摘要标题实词首字母要大写 汉语文章的标题不存在大小写之分,但有字体大小的不同。英语除了字体不同之外,还有大小写字母之分。,英文摘要的标题的实词要大写,非句首介词等虚词不大写。例如一篇论文标题为“基于静态舒适性分析的装甲车辆驾驶舱人机匹配研究”的文章英语译名为

“ ?鄄?蒺”(摘自年学报第期“基于静态舒适性分析的装甲车辆驾驶舱人机匹配研究”,作者:谢成林刘维平)。在此标题中除了两个介词“”之外,其它实词首字母大写。其次,复合词只需第一个单词首字母大写。仍以上述标题为例,复合形容词“?鄄”中只需将“”首字母“”大写,连字符后面的“”则不大写。再者,标题中较长(个字母以上)的虚词也要大写。如标题“ (非拆解发动机探伤)”中介词“”大写。此外,位于首位或末尾的虚词也大写。如:(装备采购原则研究)。 摘要标题翻译的名词化 摘要一般不是完整的句子,不含谓语动词。我院学报上见到的中文论文标题几乎较长的名词性结构或介词结构短语,很少看到完整的句子。因此在译成英文时,也大多以名词短语的形式出现,一般不包含谓语成分。比如,有篇论文标题为“履带车辆转向性能指标修正与实验研究”,就是一个以“研究”为核心词的偏正词组。其译文也是如此,只是英文中核心词的位置放到前面,如“ ”(摘自学报年“履带车辆转向性能指标修正与实验研究”,作者:宋海军高连华)。 .作者姓名的翻译要规范化 作者姓名的汉语拼音要规范 在科研论文的撰写、编辑中,经常见到姓名汉语拼音书写不够规范甚至错误的现象。根据国家颁布的《中国人名汉字拼音字母拼写法》()的规定,姓名拼音可归纳为以下点。. 汉语姓名的拼音法以普通


Disscusion about Gram stain principle This paper discusses the Gram stain principle in terms of the specific molecular structure and the different ionization state in different PH solutions of the triphenylmethane dye, which will ionize an ion with a positive electric when in the solution with PH higher than 3.2; the substance composition variance of the bacteria cell walls, the distinction of the molecular composition and the structure of peptidoglycan which is the specific composition of bacteria cell walls, the distinction of acid dissociation and iso-electric point of different bacteria; and the interaction between the stain and bacteria led by the above. This examination will perfect the principle and render it more guiding significance in the corresponding operations. Keywords Gram stain; crystal violet; peptidoglycan; alcohol; cell wall; lip polysaccharide; 革兰氏染色原理 从染色剂三苯甲烷特有的分子结构、三苯甲烷染色剂在不同pH溶液中有不同的电离状态,当pH>3.2溶液时它将电离为带一个正电荷的离子的特质;以及不同细菌细胞壁的物质组成差异,构成细胞壁特征性物质——肽聚糖分子组成和空间结


Asymmetric C(sp)-C(sp2) bond formation to give enantiomerically enriched 1,3-butadienyl-2-carbinols occurred through a homoallenylboration reaction between a 2,3-dienylboronic ester and aldehydes under the catalysis of a chiral phosphoric acid (CPA). A diverse range of enantiomerically enriched butadiene-substituted secondary alcohols with aryl,heterocyclic, and aliphatic substituents were synthesized in very high yield with high enantioselectivity. Preliminary density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggest that the reaction proceeds via a cyclic six-membered chairlike transition state with essential hydrogen-bond activation in the allene reagent.The catalytic reaction was amenable to the gram-scale synthesis of a chiral alkyl butadienyl adduct, which was converted into an interesting optically pure compound bearing a benzo-fused spirocyclic cyclopentenone framework. 在手性磷酸(CPA)催化剂条件下,2,3-硼酸酯和醛通过反应生成了富对映体的1,3-丁二烯-2-甲醇,这里面含有不对称的碳(sp杂化)碳(sp2杂化)键。不同丁二烯取代的二级醇的富对映体和芳香烃、杂环以及脂肪烃的合成可以有高产率和很好的对映体选择性。初步的密度泛函理论(DFT)的计算表明,这个反应是在丙二醇试剂中通过对氢键必要的活化而经过了一个六元环椅型结构的过渡态实现的。这个反应对于手性的烷基二烯的克级别反应而言是容易控制的,而手性的烷基二烯可以转化为一种有趣的耐苯并环戊酮的光学纯化合物。 Yiyong Huang,Xing Yang, Zongchao Lv,Chen Cai,Cheng Kai, Yong Pei,and Yu Feng. Asymmetric Synthesis of 1,3-Butadienyl-2-carbinols by the Homoallenylboration of Aldehydes with a Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalyst[J].Angewandte Chemie,2015,127:7407-7410


In the information technology rapid development today, human exploration of the cognitive steps has gradually from the land to the sea air space. Especially the Marine technology application is more important, More and more close to people's life, Underwater voice communication technology is becoming more and more play a significant market value. In the national defense construction, the development of Marine economy, Marine resources exploration and underwater military intelligence receiving application, underwater submarine detection, seabed exploration data in image, sea creatures, etc, is to let sound language research value. But the underwater environment is different from the terrestrial environment, Underwater environment change, factors such as atmospheric pressure, water pressure makes the traditional communication mode does not apply underwater. Channel characteristic of common factors, which affect the communication of the multipath effect, frequency band width, time-varying effect, doppler shift effect, etc. Serious distortion signal can make the reception.in addition to this, voice signal transmission in water there will be intermittent China road, volatility, and so on and so forth. Multipath effect signal amplitude decline and serious consequences are caused severe intersymbol interference. The water channel noise interference than terrestrial communications channel Lead to signal energy is abate, speech signal reception, narrow bandwidth, low signal-to-noise ratio. In this research in view of the underwater acoustic voice communication way more effect and high noise, Mainly study the OFDM technology, adaptive equalization, digital modulation technology, source channel coding method, based on the CDMA spread spectrum technology applied in anti-multipath aspects. Finally, this study aimed at reception problem in underwater acoustic communication,We adopt diversity reception technology,to overcome the channel bandwidth,maintain high definition voice. Finally, the simulation test the function of the underwater acoustic voice communication we adopt widely used MATLAB/SIMULINK software. ,


The mechanism of light-induced discoloration in surface decoration of wooden materials 木质材料表面装饰用材的光致变色机理的研究 Nowadays, the surface decoration of wooden materials have become basic demand for high-quality, high-grade life in human settlement. Most methods can be used for the surface decoration of the wooden materials. And the veneered decoration and the coated decoration are the most important between these methods. However, the problem of damaging by light can be neglected neither in veneered decoration nor in coated decoration. In this work, the light-induced discoloration is investigated in basswood single board, decorative paper (wood-veined paper and impregnated paper) and PVC sticker (dark and light color). The spectrophotometer with the CIE chromaticity of 1976 is used to research the law of the change of color. While, we investigate the change of the surface-chemistry structure and the scientific essence of the producing of color, with surface-analysis technology such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), fluorescence display, etc. Furthermore, the ultraviolet spectrophotometer is also used to measure the transmission spectra of the typical paint films. In this work, we aim to provide basic and scientific theory to avoid damaging by light. The main results are shown as follow: 对木质材料表面进行装饰,在人居环境中已经成为人们追求高质量、高品位生活的基本要求。目前木质材料表面装饰的方法有很多,主要有贴面装饰和涂饰装饰两大类。但无论是哪


四、摘要常用句型(Sentence Patterns Used in English Abstracts ) 论文摘要作为一种比较严肃的文本,在内容的安排上有一定的规律,结构有比较固定 的格式。例如温哥华格式(Vancouver Format )是撰写医学英语论文摘要的基本格式,撰写其他研究领域的英语论文摘要时也可以参照。 █ Basic Sentence Patterns Part I To state the purpose of the experiments It is the purpose of this article to The primary purpose of this review/investigation is to The objectives of this study were to This report is intended to In this study, an attempt was made to analyzed explore studied evaluate In order to , we/the authors performe compare d investigate surveyed in/among Part ⅡTo state the background of the experiments We/The authors have confirmed the previous observation that It has been reported that Previous studies have shown that has/have been associated with


The Mongolian medicine Gamuzhuer,composed of seven kinds of drugs,such as realgar, musk, calcitum etc,has the effect of anti-inflammatory and pain relief, blood circulation and anti-swelling, improvement of local blood circulation, the convergence of the myogenic muscle, the proliferation of granulation tissue and the acceleration of wound healing. Widely used in clinical practice, the product is currently equipped in almost every Mongolian hospital in Inner Mongolia area. The research on Mongolian medicine had always been focused on organic matter. While in recent years, studies have shown that the type and content of the trace elements, especially their existing form, play an irreplaceable role in the play of drug efficacy. Realgar in the formula of Mongolian medicine Gamuzhuer contains arsenic, whose adverse reactions have often been reported, and arsenic toxicity and pharmacological activity with different valence and forms are different. Therefore, this paper, guided by the research contents and methods of trace elements in Mongolian medicine, takes microwave digestion as a pretreatment method and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) as a detection method, establishes a sensitive, accurate and rapid analysis of the arsenic amount and morphological form in vivo. Based on the contents of various trace elements in Mongolian medicine Gamuzhuer, the paper determines the accumulation of arsenic in different tissues of animals and the absorption


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