知行英语综合教程1 Unit8

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5) trendy
E material
Task 1
How can you decide whether a person is attractive? 1) good A figure
2) sweet
3) fair 4) trendy 5) slim
B skin
C clothes D smile E manners
Task 2
Work in pairs. Match the pictures with the proper terms. A 1 2 3 4 wedding dress swimsuit evening dress dustcoat B C D
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
experiment v. (on/with) 做实验 n. 实验
4 I continued 随着知识的积累,我越来越认识到其实大多数人要么 experimenting, access n. 接近或进入…… 接触不到这些资源,要么认为他们不需要这方面的指 watching different TV 的机会;进入;通道 导。我不会花数千美元去买那些只穿一、两次的衣服, shows and reading resource n. [pl.] 资源; 也不希望其他人这么做。但我知道价廉物美的好衣服 fashion books. And 财力 有的是,我不明白为什么有些人不愿意穿这些衣服从 the more my guidance n. 指引;指导; 而使自己看上去更具魅力。只有极少数人的着装风格 knowledge grew, the 领导 我能够欣赏,这不禁让我想起阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的一 more I thought that afford v. 买得起;负担得 句名言:“有一个问题时常困扰我:到底是我疯了还 not many people 起;提供 seemed to either have 是周围的人疯了?” *affordable a. 买得起的; access to these 负担得起的 resources or perhaps they thought they did not need any guidance. I option n. 选择;选择权 could not afford to spend thousands of dollars on something I would advantage n. 优点;有 only wear once or twice, and I didn’t expect others to, but I knew that 利因素 there were affordable and better options and I could not understand appropriate a. 适当的; why people would not want to take advantage of those clothes and 恰当的 make themselves look attractive. There were only a few people whose quote n. 引文 v. 援引 sense of style I could appreciate. It made me think of Albert Einstein’s *hazy a.(指人)困惑的 famous quote: “A question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I or are crazy a. (about) 发疯的; the others crazy?”
specific a. 特定的; 明确的
1 Fashion and style, these two words usually go together. The simplest definition of fashion is “a popular trend” and style, “a manner of doing something”. In my personal opinion, to be popular and to wear what is popular does not give me a sense of satisfaction. I have always wanted to find a style that is specific to me yet up to date.
* Words
Better acquaintance
Bethany Mayfield
image n. 形象;声誉 public n. 公众 a. 公众 的;公用的 fashion n. 流行款式; 方式;样子 style n. 时尚;式样; 风格 definition n. 定义; 释义 trend n. 趋势;时尚 personal a. 私人的; 涉及隐私的 option n. 选择;选择权
“I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men.” —Marlene Dietrich
“我穿衣不为悦己,不为从众,不为时髦,更不为男人,我穿衣只为体现自我形象。” ——玛琳·黛德丽
2 我从小就开始观察着装问题。我什么东西都看,什么人都瞧。我非常好奇, 3 Later, as my body was changing, my understanding of what I 想知道不同服装是如何搭配不同的体型。有的看起来穿得很得体,有的则糟糕 wanted to wear and how I wanted to look changed too. I started 透顶。这使我对服装面料产生了兴趣。我想,如果换另一种面料,这些灾难或 understanding what made me look better and what looks were not 许可以避免。我是个多聪明的小孩啊……我特别爱看妈妈如何穿衣搭配。我还 mine at all. Interestingly, when I knew my mother’s ancestors were 喜欢翻她的衣服,从中找出最适合我的。我总能找到一套和发型、妆容和鞋子 nobles , I started believing that whatever she knows about fashion 搭配的服装,就像妈妈那样。 was in her blood. It also gave me hope that I might have inherited at least some of that wisdom.
curious a. 好奇的;感兴趣 的 *outfit n. (用于某种场合 的)全套服装;全套装备 fit v. 合……的身;(服装 等)合身 figure n. 身材;数字;人物
disaster n. 彻底的失败; 灾难
*fabric n. 织物;布 depend v. (on/upon) 决 定于;信赖;依靠 *ensemble n. 全套服装 appropriate a. 适当的; 恰当的 *make-up n. 化妆(品) *ancestor n. 祖先;先驱 noble n. 贵族 a. 高尚的; 贵族的 *inherit v. 继承
adopt n. 采纳;接受 apply v. 适用;申请 develop v. 发展;开发; 生长 fashionable a. 流行的; 时髦的
*personalize v. 使个性化
business suit
sportswear school uniform polo shirt
sweater waistcoat dancing dress
Reading It
How I Found My Personal Fashion Style
而风格则是“一种做事方式”。在我看来, 成为“潮人”或衣着时髦都不能给我带来 满足感。一直以来我都在试图找寻自己专 属的风格,同时也不落伍。
知行英语 2 I started my journey as a child by watching. I watched everything and everyone. 3 后来,随着体形的变化,我关于如何着装打扮的 I理解也有所变化。慢慢地,我开始知道穿哪些衣服能 was curious about how specific outfits seemed to fit different kinds of figures. 让我看上去更漂亮,哪些衣服根本不适合我。有趣的 Sometimes it looked good, sometimes—a 是,当我得知妈妈的祖先是贵族时,我开始相信她对 disaster . It made me very interested in fabric. 时尚的领悟力源于血统。这也给了我希望:我多少也 I应该遗传一些她这方面的智慧吧。 thought that depending on the fabric used, some disasters could have been prevented. What a clever child I was… I especially liked watching what my mom was wearing. I loved going through her clothes and picking what would suit me the most. I would always finish the ensemble with the appropriate hair, make-up and shoes. Just like my mom did.
4 我继续尝试,关注各类电视时装秀和时尚书籍。
知行英语 5 Finally, I had a conversation with my mom. I asked her many questions, and I remember all her answers so well. The most important was the advice she gave me: Not to run after fashion, but adopt fashion to meet your own needs and style. At first, I could not understand the difference in those terms. And even more—how they applied to me. I finally understood that whatever “sense” I developed was my own personal style. I knew how to be fashionable and I did it
知行英语 知行英语
Task 1
Answer the questions by matching the following items.
What will you consider when you choose your clothes? 1) high 2) affordable 3) quiet (素净的) 4) durable (耐用的) A price B color C quality D design