中国民航飞行人员英语--lesson 7

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Lesson Seven

Taxi 滑行

PIL: Beijing Ground CCA 981 request taxi

CTL: CCA 981 taxi via taxiway M and C to holding point runway 36L wind 350 degrees 8m/s QNH 1010.

PIL: Hong Kong Ground CSN 306 bay 25 request taxi, information C

CTL: CSN 306 taxi to the holding point runway 13 via taxiway D2 and B 1, QNH 1019

PIL: Hong Kong Ground CCA 162 bay 38, ready for taxi, information G

CTL: CCA 162 runway 31 taxiway D1 B1 and A12

PIL: Runway 31 request backtrack from present position and taxiway B4 CCA 162 CTL: CCA 162 backtrack approved and taxi via B4 rest route unchanged

PIL: Backtrack and use B4 B1 and A12 to holding point runway 31 CCA 162

CTL: Correct

PIL: GCD approaching holding point, request cross runway 13

CTL: GCD hold short runway 13

PIL: Holding short GCD

CTL: GCD cross runway 13 report vacated

PIL: GCD crossing

PIL: GCD runway vacated

CTL: CSN 304 hold at holding point A, give way to B747 passing left to right

PIL: Holding at holding point A, traffic in sight CSN 304


PIL: Hong Kong Ground CCA 162 bay 38, ready for taxi information G

CTL: CCA 162 taxi to holding point runway 31 via taxiway D1 B1 B2 and B3

PIL: Holding point runway 31, request backtrack at present position and taxiway B4 CTL: CCA 162 negative, traffic taxi in on taxiway B4

PIL: Roger taxiway D1 B1 B2 and B3 CCA 162

CTL: That’s correct

CTL: CCA 162 hold at holding point C, give way to the landing B757

PIL: Holding at HP C, traffic in sight

CTL: CCA 162 continue taxi, expedite, aircraft taxiing behind

PIL: Roger expediting taxi CCA 162

CTL: CCA 162 caution, B747 overtaking you on your right, he is number one departure

PIL: Roger CCA 162

CTL: CCA 162 hold at holding point V, contact Tower 118.7, good day

PIL: Holding at holding point V 118.7 CCA 162

New Words and Phrases

taxi n/v. 滑行

taxiway n. 滑行道

continue vi. 继续

hold vt. 等待

holding point 等待点

backtrack v. 180度掉头

cross vt. 穿越

hold short 在…外等待

vacate vt. 脱离

give way 让道

traffic n. (飞行或航空器)活动

in sight 看见,看到

expedite vt. 加速

caution n. 注意

overtake vt. 超越


1 滑行指令的一项关键内容是许可界限(clearance limit),许可界限是指航空器按

空中交通管制许可之规定可以到达的点。对离场滑行航空器而言,许可界限通常是使用跑道的等待点,但根据当时机场交通状况,它可以是机场其它任意位置。如对话中管制员给CCA 162首次滑行许可界限是31号等待点,


2 如驾驶员在请求滑行时报告收到了ATIS, 管制员便在指令中省去离场条件,见


3 航空器欲穿越开放跑道必须获得地面管制许可,并在穿越后报告,见句型D

4 驾驶员在回答hold或hold short指令时除了用roger或wilco外,还必须用

holding或holding short作答,见句型D及对话
