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China and Korea all have the same traditional festival that the Dragon Boa t Festival. Comparison of the two countries' custom of dragon-boat festival, it i

s not hard to find that there are many difference both on the custom and on the o rigin. Considering from the origin, China has the saying of totem worship and th e mark historical figures etc. However, Korea's has the saying mainly on the Yan gChen, the sacrifice and as memorial of historical figures. Considering from the f olk, China has dragon boat racing and the custom of eating zongzi, Korea has dr agon boat sacrifice ritual activities mainly. At the same time, Korea "Dragon Bo at" "succeed to included into the World Cultural Heritage, it is an reference for t he protection of traditional culture of China. This paper launched a comparativ e study, from the Angle of Dragon Boat culture between China and Korea.

In the first chapter, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival in the two countri es are analyzed and reviewed. Points out that the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival o riginated in the totem worship and historical figures, but South Korea's Drago

n Boat Festival has the saying of YangChen, the sacrifice and historical figures.

In the second chapter, carrying on the analysis of the two countries Drago

n Boat Festival custom and find that China has dragon boat racing, eating zongz i, Korea has a large-scale ritual activities and eat cake of ai.

In the third chapter, discusses the similarities and differences between Kore an dragon boat sacrifice and Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, then make an compa ring.

In the fourth chapter, Korea "Dragon Boat" "succeed to included into th

e World Cultural Heritage brings some enlightenment on the success o

f Chines e culture protection.

Keywords: China and Korea; dragon-boat festival; culture; contrast; effect


引言 (1)

(一)研究背景 (1)

(二)研究目的 (1)

(二)研究意义 (1)

(三)研究现状 (1)

第一章中韩端午节起源的比较 (3)

1.1 中国端午节的起源和传说 (3)

1.1.1图腾崇拜和图腾禁忌 (3)

1.1.2由历史人物演化而来 (4)

1.2韩国端午祭的起源和传说 (4)

1.2.1 阳辰说 (5)

1.2.2 祭神说 (5)

1.2.3 历史人物说 (5)

1.3 两者之间的差异 (6)

第二章两国端午节习俗的差异 (8)

2.1 中国端午节习俗 (8)

2.1.1 端午习俗 (8) 划龙舟 (8) 辟邪禳灾 (9) 吃粽子 (9)

2.2 韩国江陵的“端午祭” (10)

2.2.1酿造神酒 (11)

2.2.2演艺活动 (11)

2.2.3 制作艾糕 (11)

2.3两国端午节习俗的比较 (12)

第三章韩国端午祭和中国端午节之间的比较 (13)

第四章韩国“端午”申遗成功对我国文化保护的启示 (15)

4.1政府的有效管理,是保障 (15)
