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Penguins stand outside the penguin group feel 4._______ than those stand inside. So they take turns to move to the inside of the group. When penguins swim in water, the temperature of their body goes 5 _______ to keep their heat.
The Antarctic (南极的)is colder than our winter. It can be -40°C with strong, cold winds. But penguins(企鹅) in Antarctic almost never get a cold. Why is that?
In winter, the birds don’t move much. This helps them save energy. Penguins also have other useful ways to keep warm. They have 4cm-thick layer(层) of fat and four layers of feathers. Penguins are good at working together to live through the hard winter. When snowstorms come, penguins get close and get together to share their warmth. If those penguins stand outside the penguin group, they will feel cold soon. Then they take turns to move to the inside of the group to make themselves warm, because the temperature(温度) of the inside can be up to 35°C!
In winter, the birds don’t move much. This helps them save energy. Penguins also have other useful ways to keep warm. They have 4cm-thick layer(层) of fat and four layers of feathers. Penguins are good at working together to live through the hard winter. When snowstorms come, penguins get close and get together to share their warmth. If those penguins stand outside the penguin group, they will feel cold soon. Then they take turns to move to the inside of the group to make themselves warm, because the temperature(温度) of the inside can be up to 35°C!
该题会给出一篇大约200-Байду номын сангаас00词的文章让考生阅 读。然后再给一段根据文章概括成大意的短文,再在 短文中挖5个空。要求学生通读文章,掌握大意后, 补全短文。所填单词主要为实词为主(名词、动词、 形容词、副词、代词、数词等。)
1、考察学生的阅读理解能力。 2、考察学生分析句子结构的能力。 3、考察学生词形变化的能力,例如反义 词、词性转换、衍生词等。 5、考察学生对时态和语态的运用能力.
Penguins have some ways to keep themselves 1. _______. For example, they have feathers and thick 2. _______. To save energy, Penguins don’t 3. _______ often.
解答此类试题时我们应该先通读文章掌握 大意。然后越过空格,通读给出的短文,通过我 们掌握的基本常识和逻辑思维了解理清短文的脉 络,注意回顾文章,找出某些与空格有关的关键 信息,为填写空格打好基础。
①根据给出文章和挖空的短文的上下文判断空 格所填的词的意思。再结合句子的语法结构判断 所填词是什么词类。
When penguins swim in water, the temperature of their body goes down. This is to stop them losing heat.
阅读短文,根据短文内容完成下面的短文。 In winter, penguins never get a cold.
②根据上下文判断所填写的单词用什么形式 (动词涉及时态、语态、非谓语动词等;形容词 和副词涉及比较级、最高级等;名词涉及单复数; 数词分基数词和序数词等等)。
③注意同义词语、形容词与副词等之间的区别, 以及词性之间的转换。
答案基本确定后,我们还要再次阅读全 文,认真检查是否存在疏漏,意义是否连贯,语 法是否正确,是否符合逻辑,是否存在拼写错误 等。由于考试时间有限,很多同学做题时比较快, 往往做完后不进行仔细检查,于是会出现不应该 发生的错误,这样的丢分非常可惜。
一、阅读文章和带空格的短文,确定与空格相关的信息并在文章 中划出来。
The Antarctic (南极的)is colder than our winter. It can be -40°C with strong, cold winds. But penguins(企鹅) in Antarctic almost never get a cold. Why is that?