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Translation Course

1 brief self-introduction

2 about this course

3 requirements for this course

4 about the exam

Chapter One Translation theories

Section One Definition(s) and Classification of Translation 1 definition(s)

2 functions

3 classifications

4 two most influential trans theories:

(1)Nida: functional\dynamic equivalence

1)expressive; 2)informative; 3)cognitive; 4)interpersonal;

5)imperative; 6)emotive; 7)performative; 8)aesthetic;


(2)Newmark: semantic trans(author-centered) & communicative trans(reader-centered)

Section Two Trans Standards & Principles

In the West:

1 three principles proposed by Tytler:

a) A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work;

b) The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original;

c) A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.

2 equivalent value\effect

In China:

1 道安:严格的直译;(literal translation)

2 玄奘:既须求真,又须喻俗;(free translation)

3 严复:信、达、雅;(faithfulness; expressiveness; elegance)

4 鲁迅:忠实、通顺;

5 傅雷:神似;(spiritual conformity)

6 钱钟书:化境。(sublimation)

Section Three Translation Methods

(1) literal translation

1. crocod ile’s tears

2. chain reaction

3. to kill two birds with one stone

4. to turn a deaf ear to

5. to fish in troubled waters

6. to talk black into white

7. Look before you leap.

8. Example is better than precept.

9. Ill news travels fast.

10. Easier said than done.

(2) free translation

1.Adam’s apple

2. raining cats and dogs

3. the apple of one’s eye

4. castles in the air

5. to laugh off one’s head

6. to look a needle in a bundle of hay

7. to hold a wolf by the ears

8. to have one’s nose in the air

9. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

10.Now it’s the time to put our cards on the table.

(3) transliteration

1. modern _____________

2. carnation ____________

3. radar _____________

4.Dove ____________

5. sofa _____________

6. aspirin ____________

7. Botily Co. _____________

8. Benz ____________

9. mango _____________ 10. hormone ____________

11. nylon _____________ 12. tango ____________

(4) formal translation

(5) annotation

1. clone ______________

2. hacker _______________

3. AIDS ______________

4. EL Nino _______________

5. sauna ______________

6. Oval Office _______________

7. rock’n’roll ______________ 8. the Water-gate Event _________

9. His dream is to be a second Jordan.

(6) paraphrase

1. to put all one’s eggs in one basket

2. neither fish nor flesh

3. to return good for evil

4. a Trojan Horse

5. One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.

6. In the end things will mend.

7. Man proposes, God disposes.

8. All for one, one for all.

9. He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.

10. Can the leopard change his spots?

11. Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, she felt like a fish out of water.

12. He acts a lot older than his years.

13. The more you try to hide, the more you are exposed.

14. The onlooker sees most of the game.

15. Do not cast pearls before swine.
