Scotland ,wales and Northern Ireland
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Belfast - St Anne's Cathedral
Belfast - City Hall
Since 13th century, Britain had been ruling Ireland until 1921,The full name is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” in late 19th century, "Home-rule" campaign 1914, Third Home-Rule Bill was passed, but suspended guerrilla and terrorist activities Easter Rising of 1916 IRA: Irish Republican Army
Original people: Scotish Celts /Picts→ Not conquered by Romans, Hadrian’s Wall → Southeast conquered by Anglo-Saxon → Around 6th century, Scots from northern Ireland invaded → 9th century, Vikings’s invasion,led to the unification of Scotland → War between England and Scotland ,Battle of Bannockburn and Robert Bruce→ Independence for 300 years→ 1603,united with England, ruled by one king → 1707,joined the Union
Population and area: second largest Language: English. Gaelic Geographic feature: most rugged North: highland-----sparsely populated mountains and lakes Middle: lowland-----1/3 population South: upland-------- sparsely populated mountains and lakes Capital: Edinburgh largest city: Glasgow --- in the west of Lowland zone Both cities have ancient and internationally respected universities dating from 15th century
God Save the Queen Auld Lang Syne Flower of Scotland and Scotland the Brave
Highland clan: The word clann in Gaelic means
children of the family. Each clan was a large group of related people, theoretically an extended family, all of whom looked to the clan chief as their head and their protector. Clan symbols Tartan Crest badge Clan badge: sprig badge
the oldest town house in Wales
University of Wales, the oldest higher education institution in Wales
Northern Ireland
Population and area Capital: Belfast Language: English, Irish, Ulster Scots Geographic feature: rural low hills, with beautiful
Great Highland Bagpipe
苏格兰是什么?是威士忌,是高尔夫,是尼斯湖怪兽,是如 苏格兰是什么?是威士忌,是高尔夫,是尼斯湖怪兽, 泣如诉的风笛。
苏格兰地形分为高地区与低地区两部分。 苏格兰地形分为高地区与低地区两部分。爱丁堡市和格拉斯 哥市以南为河谷平原与丘陵地带,称之为低地区; 哥市以南为河谷平原与丘陵地带,称之为低地区;以北则是 冰河时期所造成的山脉与湖泊,称之为高地区。 冰河时期所造成的山脉与湖泊,称之为高地区。其中的尼斯 湖以湖中怪物而闻名遐迩。苏格兰纬度高, 湖以湖中怪物而闻名遐迩。苏格兰纬度高,年平均气温为 9.3度 最冷的12月平均气温为2.3 12月平均气温为2.3度 最热的8 9.3度。最冷的12月平均气温为2.3度;最热的8月平均气温 16.7度 苏格兰西部较东部多雨, 为16.7度。苏格兰西部较东部多雨,如西部的格拉斯哥年降 雨量大约是东部的爱丁堡年降雨量的两倍。 雨量大约是东部的爱丁堡年降雨量的两倍。
Hadrian's Wall is a stone and turf fortification built by the Roman Empire across the width of what is now northern England.
Scottish identity
Scotish parliament National Anthem
lake district in the south-west
GianHale Waihona Puke Baidu’s Causeway: is an area of about 40,000
interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. It is located on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland, It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986,
This is a land of beautiful scenery and rich culture. There have been many culture. celebrities from Ireland, such as, the 1995 Nobel Prize winner poet Seamus Heaney and the Oscar winner film-maker filmNeil Jordan with his film "Crying Game." Game. However, it is also a land of troubles with its political problems. problems. Belfast
History Celt →by Romans → not conquered by AngloSaxons → Normans →1267,Prince of Wales and Edward the First→ 1536, brought into the UK
威尔士,不若苏格兰拥有强烈的 威尔士,不若苏格兰拥有强烈的 独立政治意识, 缺少英格兰的 政治意识 独立政治意识,也缺少英格兰的 强势风格。进入威尔士,不要轻 强势风格。进入威尔士,不要轻 易怀疑你的英文能力 你的英文能力, 易怀疑你的英文能力,因为在这 里英文不够标准,反而是种由然 里英文不够标准,反而是种由然 而生的亲切感。因为威尔士居民 而生的亲切感。因为威尔士居民 有完全不同于英语的地名、 于英语的地名 拥有完全不同于英语的地名、发 音和地标 看到它的字母长度 长度, 音和地标(看到它的字母长度, 恐怕就连道地的英格兰都不禁皱 的英格兰都不禁 恐怕就连道地的英格兰都不禁皱 起眉头 起眉头)。而这一切的唯一解释, 一切的唯一解释 解释, 就是因为威尔士 为凯尔特人 因为威尔士多 就是因为威尔士多为凯尔特人 Celt)后裔;威尔士人 (Celt)后裔;威尔士人(the Welsh)原意是陌生人或外国 Welsh)原意是陌生人或外国人 之意, 也是英格兰的盎格鲁 之意,这也是英格兰的盎格鲁‧ 撒克逊 赋予异族的称呼。 撒克逊人赋予异族的称呼。
Population and area Capital: Cardiff Language: English, Welsh
rich coal deposits attracting foreign investment from Japan and U.S, new industries to replace coal and steel
The Giant’s Causeway
The Legend of Causeway
Legend has it that the Irish giant Finn McCool built the causeway to walk to Scotland to fight his Scottish counterpart Benandonner. One version of the legend tells that Fionn fell asleep before he got to Scotland. When he did not arrive, the much larger Benandonner crossed the bridge looking for him. To protect Fionn, his wife Oonagh laid a blanket over him so he could pretend that he was actually their baby son. In a variation, Fionn fled after seeing Benandonner's great bulk, and asked his wife to disguise him as the baby. In both versions, when Benandonner saw the size of the 'infant', he assumed the alleged father, Fionn, must be gigantic indeed. Therefore, Benandonner fled home in terror, ripping up the Causeway in case he was followed by Fionn. Another variation is that Oonagh painted a rock shaped like a steak and gave it to Benandonner, while giving the baby (Fionn) a normal steak. When Benandonner saw that the baby was able to eat it so easily, he ran away, tearing up the causeway.
Eater Rising of 1916
This is the old style armoured police vehicle which was a common sight in Northern Ireland during the troubles
IRAIRA-Irish Republican Army: