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Major Themes
• The slumbering of mankind and need for spiritual awakening • Man as part of nature • The destructive force of industrial progress • The animal/spiritual dialectical struggle within man
《为约翰· 布朗上校请愿》(A Plea for Captain John Brown,1860年)

《远足》 (Excursions ,1863年) 《缅因森林》 (The Maine Woods ,1864年) 《科德角》(Cape Cod ,1865年) 《马萨诸赛州的早春》(Early Spring in Massachusetts, 1881年) 《夏》(Summer ,1884年) 《冬》 (Winter ,1888 年) 《秋》 (Autumn ,1892年) 《杂录 》 (Miscellanies ,1894年)


《康科德河和梅里麦克河上的一个星期》(A Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers ,1839年)

《论公民的不服从权利》 (Civil Disobedience ,1849年) 《马萨诸赛州的奴隶制度》 (Slavery in Massachusetts , 1854年) 《瓦尔登湖》 (Walden ,1854年)
1817 , he was borned in Massachusetts 1833, he studied in Harvard 1837, he guraduated and been a teacher in a high school 1841-1843, he got known of Emerson, he lived with the fammily of Emerson 1845-1847, he lived in a cabin on the bank of Walden in a self-contained way 1862, he dead in Massachusetts
• Nature as reflection of human emotions • Spiritual rebirth reflected in nature and the seasons • Discovery of the essential through a life of simplicity
要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它,爱找缺点 的人就是到天堂里也能找得到缺点。
欢,心平气和地接受生活发出的任何邀请, 爱生活、享受生活。

Background of WaldenⅠ

Байду номын сангаас
He was influenced by the essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, who had settled in Concord during Thoreau‘s sophomore yea r at Harvard. By the autumn of 1837, they became friends. Emerson sensed in Thore au a true disciple that is, one with so much Emersonian self-reliance that he would still be his own man. Thoreau saw in Emerson a guide, a father, and a friend.

Thoreau and Emerson, to its credit. Essentially it c ombined romanticism with reform. It celebrated the individual rather than the masses, emotion rather than reason, nature rather than man. Transcenden talism conceded that there were two ways of know ing, through the senses and through intuition, but asserted that intuition transcended tuition. Similarl y, the movement acknowledged that matter and sp irit both existed. It claimed, however, that the realit y of spirit transcended the reality of matter. Transc endentalism strove for reform yet insisted that refo rm begin with the individual, not the group or orga nization.
Background of WaldenⅡ
On July 4, 1845, as a statement of personal independence, Henry Thoreau moved into a cabin at Walden Pond. Nine years later, Thoreau published Walden about his life at the pond, a document that is just as revolutionary as Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, but which finds the solution to the working man's problems through individual and peaceful methods. 1845年7月4日美国独立日这天,28岁的梭罗独立一 人来到距康科德两英里的瓦尔登,建了一个小木屋 住了下来。在这木屋里,这湖畔的山林里,观察着, 倾听着,感受着,深思着,并且梦想着,他独立地 生活了两年多一点时间。在此之后根据自己在瓦尔 登湖的生活观察与思考,整理并发表了两本著作, 即《康考德和梅里马克河上的一周》和《瓦尔登 湖》。
Conclusion On Major Themes
就他的思想而言,他是位勇敢的斗士。 这个有着法国血统的美国人游走于自然造 化与人类智慧之间,在瓦尔登湖畔绘出了 一个“自由、 平等、博爱”的世界。

1.自由—— 关于个人 生活简单 金钱 享受 现代人急功近利 2.平等—— 关于社会 动物世界 人类社会 3. 博爱——关于世界 屠杀动物 人与自然和谐相处
Background of WaldenⅢ

梭罗对工业文明、喧嚣社会挤压人类、侵蚀人性深怀忧虑, 他认为人类只有过简单淳朴的生活,才能享受到内心的轻 松和愉悦。梭罗把这次经历称为简朴隐居生活的一次尝试。 在许多人看来,他落落寡合,喜欢孤身独处。如果仅仅这 样认为,也许是对他的曲解。 梭罗到瓦尔登湖边的山林中居住,不是避世,不是隐居, 他反对过美国的奴隶制度,反对过美国对墨西哥的侵 略…… 他并不在意某一种外在的生活方式,他只是想生活得简单、 自在。 “不必给我爱,不必给我钱,不必给我名誉,给我真理 吧。” ——梭罗

Introduction of Thoreau Background Thsis of Walden Conclusion
Introduction of Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau was born in 1817, Concord, Massachusetts,dead in 1862. He is an outstanding and influential American nature writer, philosopher, naturalist and environment scientist . He can be regarded as a fruitful author whose works include prose(散文) ,essays(随笔),journals, and poetry which total over 20 volums .
• Exploring the interior of oneself
• The Transcendentalist conception of nature as the embodiment of the divine • The state as unjust and corrupt controller of men's thoughts and actions