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1. My favorite sport is playing tennis.

2. Children should be given / provided with more psychological comfort.

3. However difficult it may be, we must finish the project that benefits ordinary people on time.

4. Rarely do people decide to leave the city only because of its too fast pace of life.

5. Why did she admit her mistake against her will in public since she thought she had done

nothing wrong?


1. 足够的休息有利于病人的康复。(do good to)

2. 似乎年轻父母更注重孩子的语言学习。(seem)

3. 关于世界末日预言传播虽广,但最终被证明为假。(although)

4. Tom忽视了心脏病发作的早期信号,結果付出了生命。(ignore)

5. 他在记者会上的言行相当出乎意料,以至令所有在场的记者均不知所措。(present)

1. Enough rest does good to a patient's recovery.

2. It seems that young parents pay more attention to a kid's language learning.

3. Although the prediction about the end of the world spread widely, it finally proved to be unreal.

4. Tom ignored the early signals of a heart attack and in the result he lost his life.

5. His words and deeds at the press conference were so unexpected that all the reporters present

were at a loss.


1. 任何人都会犯错,但只有傻瓜坚持他的错误。(persist)

2. 缺乏户外锻炼不利于儿童的健康和成长。(lack)

3. 当新年钟声响起,关于世界末日的预言不攻自破。(prove)

4. 说谎者得到的惩罚不在于没有人相信他,而是他不能相信其他人。(not…but)

5. 新一代中国领导人将更加关注经济转型和提高人民的生活水平。(attention)

1. Any man can make mistakes, but only a fool persists in his error. make love

2. A lack of outdoor exercise is not good for children’s health and growth.

3. When the New Year bell rang, the prediction about the end of the world proved wrong.

4. The liar’s punishment is not that he is not believed, but that he ca

nnot believe anyone else. 5. The new generation of Chinese leaders will pay more attention to the economic transformation / transition / restructuring and improving people’s living standards.


1. 每个市民都应自觉遵守交通法规。(observe)

2. 那个小伙子的幽默感给面试官们留下了深刻印象。(impression)

3. 虽然网上的信息应有尽有,但要辨别真伪也绝非易事。(available)

4. 良好的睡眠有助于释放身心压力,而睡眠不足很可能导致各种疾病。(while)

5. 考虑到中心城区房价高,很多人选择住在市郊,而地铁就成为他们最经济便捷的一


1. Every citizen must observe the traffics rules/regulations consciously/ of his own free will.

2. The young man’s sense of humor left/made/left a deep impression on the interviewers.

3. Although all kinds of information are available online, it is no easy job/task to tell/judge

which is true.

4. A good sleep helps you relieve physical and mental stress while insufficient sleep may lead

to various diseases.

5. Considering the high housing prices in the central city (area), many people are choosing to

live in suburban areas, so the subway becomes their most convenient and

economical commuting way/way of getting to work.


1. 越来越多的中国人能够出国旅行了。(afford)
