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He is a doctor. It’s a flower.
4、表 语
(2)形容词当表语 Miss Li is kind, but Mr. Zhang is strict. These fruits smell good.
(3)副词当表语 Class is over. She is downstairs now.
(7)定语从句 There are five boys who will play the game. The boy (that) you will know is Tom.
2、谓 语
(2)表达主语“怎么样” Ice-cream is very sweet. The sun is very hot. Sarah is a nurse. The story sounds very interesting.
3、宾 语
宾语在句子中表示及物动词动作的对象或动作的内容。 一般位于动词后面或介词后面构成介词短语。
宾语一般由名词、代词、动词不定式或者相当于名词 的词或短语充当。如: (1)名词当宾语
They are playing basketball. I’d like some juice. He does his homework after school. (2)代词当宾语 I will do this.
2、谓 语
谓语是句子中用来表达主语“做什么”,或者主语 “怎么样”的词或短语。注意:
★ 谓语或谓语的主要部分必须是连系动词或实义动词。 ★ 谓语动词通常位于主语后面。 ★ 助动词、情态动词、动词的现在分词不能单独做谓语。 (1)表达主语“做什么”
I get up at 6:40a.m. Mike will go shopping this Sunday. He doesn’t like sweet food. Mary can speak English.
3、宾 语
You tell him not to be late for school. (3)动词不定式当宾语
I want to eat two hamburgers now. Jack plans to see his grandparents this weekend. (4)动名词当宾语 I like swimming. You should practice speaking English everyday.
5、定 语
(3)数词当定语,数词相当于形容词 The two boys are students. There are six boys in the room.
(4)动词不定式当定语 The boy to write this letter needs a pen. There is nothing to do today.
(I give some money to him. ) (3)Mother made Mary a new coat.
(Mother made a new coat for Mary.) (4)He bought me a new book.
( He bought a new book for me.)
(4)动词不定式当表语 His job is to paint the walls. He seems to be tired.
(5)现在分词当表语 The dog is frightening.
5、定 语
定语在句子中是用来限定名词或代词的范围或明确名词或代词的 特征。
定语由名词、形容词、数词、分词、动词不定式、介词短语或定 语从句充当。 (1)名词当定语
The boy student is my classmate. We need some pumpkin lanterns for the Halloween party. (2)形容词当定语 The little boy n来自百度文库eds a blue pen. China is a beautiful country.
3、宾 语
宾语可分为直接宾语和间接宾语。直接宾语表示动作 的承受者,一般是物。间接宾语表示动作是对谁或为谁做 的,一般是人。如: (1)Please show me your passport.
(Please show your passport to me. ) (2) I give him some money.
1、主 语
主语是指句子所要表达或者所要描述的人或事物,是 句子的主体。
主语一般由名词、代词、动词不定式、相当于名词的 词或短语来充当。如: (1)名词当主语
Apples are my favourite fruit. Susan plays the piano everyday. (2)代词当主语 He is a doctor. We will play football this afternoon.
(5)分词当定语 The smiling boy needs a pen to write. That flying bird is a swan.
5、定 语
(6)介词短语当定语 The girl in red is Mary. The boys in the classroom are talking about football.
4、表 语
表语在句子中是用来说明主语的身份、特征、性质或 状态,常位于系动词后面。常用的系动词包括:be动词、 seem(看起来)、sound(听起来)、feel(感觉)、 become(变得)、smell(闻起来)、taste(尝起来)等。
表语通常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语或不定式 来充当。 (1)名词当表语
1、主 语
(3)动词不定式当主语 To see is to believe. To do morning exercises is useful for our health.
(4)现在分词当主语 Smoking is forbidden here. Telling more isn’t good for you.