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这里还有一个合成状态尺寸 RC,关系如下表。

Materials including information and pictures presented in this document are confidential and intended solely for the person or organization to whom it is presented. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended audience or recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. All rights, including information and pictures presented in this presentation are sole properties of Amphenol-SAA
Connecting people with technology
独立原则:被测要素在图样上给出的尺寸公差与形位公差各自独立,没有关联,各自 满足要求的公差原则称为独立原则。 解释:图样上给出的每一个尺寸要求和几何(形状、方向或位置)要求均是独立的, 应各自满足要求。实际要素的尺寸由尺寸公差控制,与形位公差无关;形位公差由形 位公差控制,与尺寸公差无关。检测时各自满足要求即可。 适用范围:独立原则主要用于非配合用途的零件。 独立原则没有符号,图纸如果未标其他原则要求,则默认为独立原则。 应用场合: 对形位精度要求严格,而单独加以控制而不允许受尺寸影响的要素; 形位精度要求较高,尺寸精度要求低的要素; 尺寸精度要求较高,形位精度要求低的要素; 形位与尺寸本身无必然联系的要素; 形位与尺寸均要求较低的非配合要素;未注形位公差与注出尺寸公差的要素。
Connecting people with technology

Materials including information and pictures presented in this document are confidential and intended solely for the person or organization to whom it is presented. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended audience or recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. All rights, including information and pictures presented in this presentation are sole properties of Amphenol-SAA
举例:轴径为φ10h8(0/-0.022),它的最大实体尺寸为10,最小实体尺寸为9.978; 孔径为φ10H8(+0.022/0),它的最大实体尺寸为10,最小实体尺寸为 10.022。

Materials including information and pictures presented in this document are confidential and intended solely for the person or organization to whom it is presented. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended audience or recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. All rights, including information and pictures presented in this presentation are sole properties of Amphenol-SAA

Materials including information and pictures presented in this document are confidential and intended solely for the person or organization to whom it is presented. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended audience or recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. All rights, including information and pictures presented in this presentation are sole properties of Amphenol-SAA
Connecting people with technology

Materials including information and pictures presented in this document are confidential and intended solely for the person or organization to whom it is presented. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended audience or recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. All rights, including information and pictures presented in this presentation are sole properties of Amphenol-SAA
A、当被测要素的实际尺寸偏离最大实体尺寸时,形位公差可以获得补偿值的一种公 差原则。即:图纸上标注的形位公差值是被测要素在最大实体状态下给定的。当被测 要素直径偏离最大实体直径时,形位公差值可得到一个补偿值。该补偿值是最大实体 直径和实际直径之差的绝对值 B、以轴举例:一直径φ20、尺寸公差0至-0.02、直线度公差φ0.01,并遵守最大实体 原则的轴颈,该轴最大实体尺寸为φ20,若被测要素实测值为φ19.99,则直线度公差可 以得到一个补偿值即φ20-φ19.99=φ0.01,也就是说轴线可以在φ0.02 直线度公差带内 变动。 C、轴线直线度公差采用最大实体要求:若轴的实际尺寸为dm=φ20,则直线度公差 为0.1,轴的最大实体实效尺寸为φ20.1;若轴的实际尺寸为dm=φ19.9,则直线度公 差为0.2,轴的最大实体实效尺寸为φ20.1;若轴的实际尺寸为dm=φ19.7,则直线度 公差为0.4,轴的最大实体实效尺寸为φ20.1。
Connecting people with technology

Materials including information and pictures presented in this document are confidential and intended solely for the person or organization to whom it is presented. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended audience or recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. All rights, including information and pictures presented in this presentation are sole properties of Amphenol-SAA

Materials including information and pictures presented in this document are confidential and intended solely for the person or organization to whom it is presented. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended audience or recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. All rights, including information and pictures presented in this presentation are sole properties of Amphenol-SAA
举例:轴径为φ10h8(0/-0.022),它的最大实体尺寸为10,最小实体尺寸为9.978;孔径为φ10H8(+0.022/0),它的最大实体尺寸为10,最小实体尺寸为 10.022。 Connecting people with technology
举例:轴径为φ10h8(0/-0.022),它的最大实体尺寸为10,最小实体尺寸为9.978;孔径为φ10H8(+0.022/0),它的最大实体尺寸为10,最小实体尺寸为 10.022。 Connecting people with technology
最大实体要求:指实体占有材料最多。 在最大实体状态时的尺寸;对外表面(轴、凸台等)最大实体尺寸等于最大极限尺 寸,对内表面(孔、槽等)最大实体尺寸等于最小极限尺寸。 在公差值后面追加符号M。 最小实体要求:指实体占有材料最少。 在最小实体状态时的尺寸;对外表面(轴、凸台等)最小实体尺寸等于最小极限尺 寸,对内表面(孔、槽等)最小实体尺寸等于最大极限尺寸。 在公差值后面追加符号L。
举例:轴径为φ10h8(0/-0.022),它的最大实体尺寸为10,最小实体尺寸为9.978;孔径为φ10H8(+0.022/0),它的最大实体尺寸为10,最小实体尺寸为 10.022。 Connecting people with technology
最大实体尺寸MMC:两点测 量得到的尺寸。 最大实体实效尺寸VC:最高 点与最低点的尺寸,也即等 于最大实体尺寸+形位公差。