人教版英语九年级全一册教案:Unit14 SectionA(3a-4b)

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Unit14 SectionA(3a-4b)教案

1.0Teaching analysis教情分析

1.1Teaching objectives 教学目标

1.1.1Language goals 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: overcome, caring, ours, senior, text, level, look back at, make

a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high school, go by, have problems with, with one’s help, at the end of, look forward to, plan for For comprehending: graduate, enjoyable, morning readings, Sentence structures

1) It’s time to graduate.

2) I had problems with pronunciation and reading texts.

3) This year, with Mr. Trent’s help, my English level has been improving and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year.

4) What are you looking forward to? Grammar Focus

1)I can’t believe how fast the time went by. (how引导宾语从句作动词believe的宾语。由于时光已经流逝,所以宾语从句用一般过去时)

2) How have you changed since you started junior high school?


1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标


2.1 To lead Ss to learn about the type and theme of a passage.


2.2 To enable Ss to appreciate poem.

1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标 To guide Ss to share good memories end express feelings about junior school life. To arouse Ss’ love for school, friends and teachers To encourage Ss to set a goal for the future

1.2 Important and difficult teaching points教学重难点

1.2.1 To enable Ss to understand and appreciate a rhyming poem.

1.2.2 To enable Ss to feel the rhythm and stress of the poem and read it beautifully.

1.2.3 To lead Ss to write about their memories and expressions in a poem style.

2.0 学情分析

2.1 基本情况通过本单元第一课时的学习,学生已经激活关于初中生活的背景知识,通过对“在校时光”这一话题的谈论,激发了表达自己回忆和体验的愿望。对本课时诗歌的感知和表达对初中生活的恋恋不舍等搭建了足够的语言支架和奠定了丰富的情感基础。

2.2 知识储备在第一课时教学环节中,学生从学习,校园生活,朋友,老师等多个角度大量谈论了初中生活中美好的回忆,丰富了“I remember...”话题下的语言输入内容,为本课时的阅读理解和表达积累了语言基础。

2.3 本班实际本班学生有比较明确的学习目的,能够在小组活动中互相帮助,积极与他人合作,敢于用英语进行表达。本课时的阅读文段I remember是一首诗歌,文字朴实,情感丰富,学生可以根据自己的理解欣赏并朗读美文,和老师一起去憧憬美好未来。

3.0 教法建议

3.1 situational teaching approach交际型教学

3.2 question and answer method问答法

4.0 教学辅助blackboard and chalk, computer , projector,

5.0 Teaching procedures-教学进程

5.1 Lead-in and warming-up Activities-引入与激趣活动

5.1.1 Present some pictures about junior middle school life.

5.1.2 Guide Ss to talk about their sweet memories using “remember doing ...”s tructure.

5.2 Reading Practice-阅读训练

5.2.1 Pre-reading-读前导入 Listen to a song called “You raise me up” and ask some questions.

Q1: What do you want to say to your teachers?

Q2: What do you want to say to your classmates?

5.2.2 While-reading-读中理解 Listen to the poem and ask a question about it.
