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口译分类词汇——“一国两制” 和祖国统一

概述General Terms

“港人治港”“Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong .”

“一国两制”“one country , two systems”

爱国统一战线the patriotic united front 反对“台独”oppose the “Independence of Taiwan”


oppose the attempt to create “two Chinas” or “one China,one Taiwan” 享有高度自治enjoy a high degree of autonomy 海峡两岸关系the relationships between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits

恢复对香港行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong 坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见

persist in reunification,oppose separation , increase understanding and iron out differences

决不承诺放弃使用武力never undertake to renounce the use of force 两岸直航促进会Association for Promotion of Cross-Straits Direct Transportation

三通three direct links of trade , mail , and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits

台湾当局the Taiwan authorities

台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots

探亲外交family-visit diplomacy ; relative-visiting diplomacy

汪辜会谈Wang Daohan-koo Chenfu Talks ; Wang-Koo Talks


the Basic Law of the Hong Kong / Macao Special Administrative Region 一个中国的原则是和平统一的基础

The One-China Principle is the foundation and prerequisite for peaceful reunification 祖国和平统一大业

the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland

harmonious socialist society 社会主义和谐社会

sound and fast development 又快又好的发展

people's well-being “民生”

to safeguard social fairness and justice 维护社会公平和正义

new socialist countryside 社会主义新农村

basic living /subsistence allowance system for rural residents 农村最低生活保障制度minimum living/subsistence allowance 最低生活补助

new type of rural cooperative medical care system 新型农村合作医疗制度methane 沼气

corporate/enterprise income tax 企业所得税

property law 物权法overheated property sector 房地产市场过热

low-rent housing 廉租房county-level cities 县级市to save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge 节能降耗减排school-age children 适龄

儿童tuition assistance 助学金vocational education 职业教育pre-marital medical check-up 婚前医学检查;婚检doctor-patient relationship 医患关系substandard food and medicine 不合标准的食品和药品food and drug safety 食品医药安全tax on agricultural specialty products 农业特产税community hospitals 社区医院community healthcare system 社区医疗保健制度stay-at-home children 留守儿童rural migrant workers 农民工ice-melting/ice-thawing trip “融冰”之旅diversification of foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备多元化vulnerable group/disadvantaged group 弱势群体

邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory “三个代表” Thought of Three Represents 贯彻科学发展观to implement the Scientific Outlook on Development 和谐社会harmonious Society 解放思想emancipate the mind 改革开放policy of reform and opening-up 全面建设小康社会to build a well-off society in an all-round way

中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese-characteristics 经济又好又快地发展good and steady economic growth 前所未有机遇和挑战unprecedented opportunities and challenges 时代新要求和人民群众的新期待requirements of the time and wishes of the people 制定科学的行动纲领和大政方针to make strategic outlines and policies 成就举世瞩目to achieve great success 头脑清醒,实事求是realistic and sober-minded 清醒认识当今世界和当代中国发展的大势to have a clear view of today's China and the world 工业化、城镇化、市场化、国际化industrialization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization.

资源节约型、环境友好型社会energy-efficient, environment-friendly society 推进决策科学化、民主化to promote a scientific and democratic decision-making process. 反对官僚主义to oppose bureaucratism 避免教条主义to avoid dogmatism

反对形式主义to oppose formalism 反对奢侈浪费to oppose extravagance 反腐败斗争的长期性、艰巨性to fight a long-time, tough war against corruption 思想上清醒、政治上坚定、作风上务实sober-minded, firm in politics, pragmatic in style of work

Party Constitution 党章篇

工人阶级的先锋队vanguard of Chinese working class 中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics 中国最广大人民的根本利益fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people 先进生产力advanced productive forces 马克思列宁主义Marxism-Leninism 毛泽东思想Mao Zedong Thought 邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory

“三个代表” Thought of Three Represents 反对帝国主义,封建主义,官僚资本主义Revolutionary struggle against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism 人民民主专政People's democratic dictatorship

解放思想,实事求是emancipate the mind, seek truth from the facts 党的建设Party building

社会主义初级阶段primary stage of socialism 进一步解放生产力,发展生产力further emancipate and develop the productive forces
