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I. Vocabulary

一阵阵的学英语热a surge of English-learning waves

国内 at home/ in China

大家的共识the common consensus

pocket planner 袖珍记事本

keep track of 留意

deadline 截止时间

be laid off 下岗

On and off 断断续续地

就……方面而言 as far as …be concerned

不受限制 be unrestrained


发挥重要作用 play an important role in sth/ doing sth 急剧膨胀 expand sharply;

迅速增长 grow rapidly

公共卫生 public health

淡水供应 fresh water supply

住房 housing

交通 transportation

就业 employment

造成 bring about; cause; lead to; give rise to

恶性 vicious

优质农田 fertile farmland

日益严重的 ever-increasing

艰巨而迫切的:a difficult and pressing task

资源目益匮乏:the increasing shortage of resources

on a regular basis 经常性的

Cocaine 可卡因

be addicted to 有瘾

be well off 富足

life’s necessities 生活必需品

vulnerable 脆弱的,易受影响的

nutrition 营养

misleading advertisements 误导性广告


Masculinity 男性特质,男子汉,刚毅

in urgent need of 急需

regular medical care 常规医疗保健

particularly/in particular 尤其…;特别…的

put burden on: 给…带来负担

depressed areas: 经济萧条地区

give priority to: 优先(考虑,照顾,关注,处理……)20 harmonious: 和睦的

single-parent household: 单亲家庭unmarried parents: 未婚父母

be identified as 被视为。。。认为restore 恢复

fullness of life 生活的充实

seek a common good 为大众着想牟利

traffic fatalities and injuries 交通伤亡worsen 恶化

demonstrate 表明

drunk driving 酒后驾驶

unnatural deaths 非正常死亡

run the risk 冒险

under the influence of…在。。。影响下per capita consumption 人均消费比率excessive 过量

intoxicated drivers 醉酒驾车

gather momentum 不断兴起

Acupuncture 针灸

herbal medicines 草药

martial arts 武术

leading 主流,著名

coincide with 与……一致

thriving 繁荣

II. Passages for Exercises

Passage 1:

I'd like to refer to the increasing phenomenon of urban violence as a threat to the existing social order. Urban violence is a multifaceted phenomenon. It includes common crimes against private property, violent crime, abuse of women and children, murder, drug-related offences and the trade in women and children. It also involves uncivil acts such as the careless destruction of public spaces and domestic violence.

Urban violence creates a feeling of insecurity among inhabitants. It tears the social fabric of cities, threatening the foundations of democratic institutions. It erodes the social capital of the urban poor and increases the vulnerability of groups already at risk. As urban violence often occurs in a climate of corruption, it often leads to the development of organized crime.




I. Vocabulary


国际奥委会The International Olympic Committee (IOC)

中国奥委会The Chinese Olympic Committee (COC)

奥林匹克宪章Olympic Charter

