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Empress Catherine to England on a political mission
Bitter satire on the hypocritical society
Fluency in verse
Variety of tone Rhythmic energy Suspense Digression
Literary Works
1) Hours of Idleness 《闲暇时刻》《消闲时光》
dealing with childish recollections and early friendship, showing the influence of 18th century traditions
Byron‟s diction has a freedom, copiousness
His descriptions are simple and fresh, and
often bring vivid objects before the reader.
He had an intense hatred for all tyrants. He
expressed the spirit of revolt against all existing institutions and standards.
He had violent contempt for social and
He has enriched European poetry with an
abundance of ideas, images, artistic forms and innovations.
5. Byronic hero
A proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble
love, war, religion, ethics, politics, etc.
The basic theme
appearance v. reality Natural man v. hypocritical society
It was written in Italy during the years from 1818 to 1823. It has 16,000 lines in 16 cantos and written in ottava rima (八行体). Each stanza contains 8 iambic pentameter lines. The rhyme scheme is abababcc.
estate at the age of ten
Educated first at Harrow and then
Took his seat in the House of Lords, and made vehement ['viːɪm(ə)nt]激烈的,猛烈的speeches, attacking the reactionary policy of the English government in 1811 Published in 1812 the first two cantos of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and became famous overnight
Haidee and Don Juan
6. Don Juan
A novel in verse based on Spanish legend Purpose
to present a panoramic view of different types
of society
Literary Works
3) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 《恰尔德· 哈罗德游记》, the first two cantos. (1809) “I awoke one morning to find myself famous.” “我一天早晨醒来,发现自己出了名。”
The Stanza form is ottava rima, an eight-
line iambic pentameter stanza with the rhyme scheme ab ab ab cc. The final two lines of each stanza form a couplet which Byron frequently uses for a punch line妙语 or comic wind-up结局. Byron also creates comic effects with his use of forced rhymes ("new one" . . . "Juan")
Literary Works
Hebrew Melodies
《西伯来歌曲》 lyrical piece
Literary Works in Switzerland

Sonnet on Chillon
Swiss revolutionary Bonnivard 庞瓦尼
八行体:每行10或11个音节, 前6行交Fra Baidu bibliotek押韵,后2行成一组同脚韵。
Don Juan
childhood love affair abroad Greek island
in guise of a woman
capital of Turkey
sold as a slave
Don Juan
camp of the Russian army St. Petersburg
3. Major works
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812-18) The Prisoner of Chillon (1816) Manfred (1817) Don Juan (1818-19) The Vision of Judgment (1822)
The Giaour 《异教徒》 The Bride of Abydos 《阿比多斯的新娘》 Lara 《莱拉》 The Corsair 《海盗》 Parisina 《帕日西纳》 The Siege of Corinth 《攻克考日斯》
fiery passions; unbending will ideal of freedom against tyranny and injustice lone fighters, individualistic ends
father‟s desertion mother‟s abuse, clubfoot
Life Story
Lyric poems 1807 1824 tour of Europe 1809 romantic verse narratives 1815 1816 8 years abroad unhappy marriage
Lady Byron
4. Special features
The popularity of Byron‟s poetry is owed to
his persistent attacks on “cant假仁假义的 political, religious, and moral,” to the novelty of his oriental scenery, to the romantic character of the Byronic hero, and to the easy, fluent, and natural beauty of his verse.
religious hypocrisy, but strong sympathy
for the down-trodden people.
He eulogized ['juːlədʒaɪz]颂扬;称赞the
18th-century Enlighteners and attacked the conservative schools of contemporary poetry.
Young Byron
Got married to Anna Isabella Milbanke in
Forced to leave England in 1816 because of
rumors about his incestuous [ɪn„sestjʊəs]乱伦 的relationship with his half-sister同父异母或同
Kept a close contact with Shelley in Italy Joins the Greek war of independence in
Fell ill and died in 1824
Byron’s Life
aristocratic but impoverished first at Harrow then Cambridge
2) The English Bards and Scotch Reviewers 《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》 … “taken to task” 责备,申斥 “ran the gauntlet” 受到严厉批评 …celebrities 知名人士
The Frame-breakers Bill
With immense superiority in his passions
and powers.
To right all the wrongs in a corrupt society. Rise single-handedly against tyrannical
rules with unconquerable wills and inexhaustible无穷的energies.
His glowing imagination rises and sinks
with the tones of his enthusiasm, roughing into argument, or softening into the melody feeling and sentiments.
Byron’s Life
died in Greece
(Switzerland, Italy Greece)
Lord Byron
2. Points of view
Byron had a strong passion for liberty. He
sacrificed of his life in the cause of the Greek people‟s fighting for freedom and independence.
Romantic Poetry (2)
I. George Gordon Byron (17881824)
1. Life and Career
Born into an ancient aristocratic family
Inherited the title of a baron and a large
The Prisoner of Chillon
《锡隆的囚徒》a narrative poem 《曼弗雷德》a poetical drama(诗剧)
Literary Works in Italy
Accomplishment of Childe Harold Don Juan 《唐璜》masterpiece Cain 《该隐》a poetical drama诗剧 The Prophecy of Dante 《但丁预言》 The Vision of Judgment 《审判的幻景》 a satire parodying (imitating) Southey’s sycophant (flattery) elegy A Vision of Judgment. 语言生动,内容超俗,主题鲜明, Another version to answer Southey’s attack.