七年级下册英语(苏教版七年级)7B Unit 7重点短语教学提纲

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7B Unit7 Abilities


1. 信不信由你Believe it or not!

2 当心/小心look out / be careful / take care

3.植树plants trees

4.在公交车上给某人让座give a seat to someone on the bus

5.为希望工程收集东西collect things for Project Hope

6.清理公园clean up the park

7.参观老年公寓visit an old people’s home

8.贫困地区的孩子们the children in poor areas

9.最需要…need... most

10.给他们寄一些send some to them

11.能够做某事be able to do sth.

12.为某物付钱/付钱买某物pay for...

13.为他们募集钱款(来买这些东西)raise money for them ( to buy these things) P82-85

14.多么勇敢的年轻人啊!What a brave young man!

15.足够勇敢从火灾中救出他的邻居be brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire

16.独自一人在家be at home alone

17.听到某人大叫hear sb. shouting

18.听到(看到)某人在做某事hear ( see ) sb doing sth

19.许多/浓重的烟雾 a lot of/ heavy smoke

15. 来自隔壁from next door

16.79岁的孙老太the 79-year-old Mrs Sun

17.严重受伤/伤得很重be badly hurt

18.出来get out

19.泼水在衣服上来保护他自己pour water over the clothes to protect himself

20.冲进厨房rush into the kitchen

21. 把湿的毯子盖在某人身上put a wet blanket over sb.

22.把某人救出来help sb. out

23.帮助某人逃离火场help….out of a fire

24.灭火put out the fire

25.烧伤/烫伤/晒伤某人的胳膊burn one’s arms

26. 住院be/stay in hospital

27.你真勇敢啊!How brave you are!

28.在那个时刻at that moment

29.有时间考虑某事have time to think about sth.

30.小心用火/烟火be careful with fire/ fireworks

31.用火伤了某人hurt sb.with fire

32.告诉某人关于火灾的事儿tell sb about the fire

33.听到某人呼救hear sb. shouting/ calling/crying for help

34.听到关于某人的消息hear the news about sb.

35.在报纸上in the newspaper

36.着火be on fire

37.变得更好get better

38.玩火柴play with matches

39.不要把任何烫的东西放到垃圾桶里Don’t put anything hot into the rubbish bin.

40.让你的头发远离火。Keep your hair away from fire.


41.说流利英语speak good English=speak English well

42.游过扬子江swim across the Yangtze River

43.用你的手机打电话make a call on your mobile

44.把我的忘在家里了leave mine at home

45.透过墙看see through walls

46.像X光be like X-rays

47.用眼睛使物体燃烧burn things with eyes

48.他有多么特别的眼睛啊!What special eyes he has!

49.听到远处的事物hear things far away

50.用手阻挡火车stop a train with his hands

51.飞得和光一样快fly as fast as light


52.需要读更多/说更多need to read more/ speak more

53.努力学习这门功课work hard on/at this subject

54.写好的文章write good articles=write articles well

55.努力尽力(做…) do one’s best ( to do)

56.努力练习(做…)practise hard (doing)

57.进入校队get into the school team

58.在六岁的时候at the age of six

59.向某人展示如何做某事show sb.how to do sth.


60.推荐某人获本年度年轻之星奖recommend sb for this year’s Young Star Award

61.为俱乐部做大多数电脑方面的工作do most of computer work for the club

62.准备好一切plan everything well

63.参加活动take part in activities

64.有需要的孩子们children in need

65.迷路lose one’s way

66.带某人去警察局take sb. to the police station

67.得奖get the award

68.期盼着收到你的来信look forward to hearing from you

69.收到某人来信hear from sb.
