李金桥 西方文论 《实用生态批评》评述

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Comment on Practical Ecocriticism: Literature, Biology and

the Environment

Summary: Practical Ecocriticism: Literature, Biology and the Environment(2003) written by Glen A. Love is a masterpiece in the second round of the environmental justice, dealing with the interdisciplinary thoughts of literary ecocriticism from the perspectives of biology, which can also be called the interdisciplinary studies between humanities and the scientific fields. In Glen’s view, they do not mean applying what has been discovered in the scientific field into literary interpretations but demand developing a sense of acuteness of science. Compared with the first round of ecocriticism retaining the tendency of defying science, Love strongly advocates learning and knowing science, basing ecocriticism on the solid foundation of science. Considering the fact that science embodies the qualities of methodology, Love even recovers the fame of the scientific methodology of reductionism. The necessity of reductionism, in Love’s view, stems from the necessity of wholism. The developing and shaping of the thought of wholism or the up-to-down thought relies on the repairing effect of the reductionism and the examining of the scientific methodology.

Therefore, with the scientific methodology as the guideline, Love conducts a genuinely biology-oriented talk between literature and nature and environmental concerns based on the theories of Darwin’s evolutionary thoughts, which is typically practical. For example, when reinterpreting the classical works by standing on the side of biology from the perspectives of interdisciplinarity, Love concludes that the appealing effect of pastoralism are related to the biologist Wilson’s hypothesis of the innate love of creatures or the respect of life. It is a kind of innate feelings as a creature from nature. The thesis intends to analyze and summarize Love’s thoughts of ecocriticism by dealing with the relationship between ecocriticism and interdisciplinarity, ecocriticism and ecology, and ecocriticism and the reevaluation of the works of classics, so as to gain a better understanding of the ecological thoughts and point out the values and meanings they exert on the development of ecocriticism in our country.

Key words: ecocritism、interdisciplinarity、science、ecology、reevaluations of works of classics.




《实用生态批评:文学、语言学及环境》阐述了洛夫的以生物学为取向的生态批评思想,它不同与广大的为学者所接受的格罗特费尔蒂对于生态批评的界定:“简单地说,生态批评是对文学与自然关系的研究”。[3]从书名即可看出,本书最大的特色就是“实用”,对于“实用”的界定,洛夫说到“我的立场再次让我讲求‘实用’,他让我走向生态的、自然主义的科学论点,这些论点承认人与自然之间及有机生命的关联,承认生物科学不只是另一种文化建构”。[4](P8)所以,“实用”一词并非意味着浅薄,对于“实用”,洛夫同意威廉.詹姆斯(william James)所倡导的实用主义论点:“让所有理论开始流动,开始热身,开始工作”。因此,洛夫认为对环境文字上的关怀应该落实到我们在现实世界里所从事的具体工作之中。至于本书的结构,全书共分为六个章节,第一章节主要论述了为什么
