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1. 作时间状语

Hearing this news, she got frightened. 听到这个消息,她感到害怕。

Looking out of the window, I saw some children playing football.

Turning around , he saw a tiger running up.

2. 作结果状语

The boy ran even faster,reaching the school out of breath. 那个男孩跑得更快了,到达学校时累得上气不接下气了。

The child slipped and fell, hitting his head against the door.

Her husband died, leaving her four children.

They fired, killing many people in the street.

3. 作伴随状语

He stood by the window, watching people passing by his window.

He came running.

She stood waiting for a bus.

He sat there reading a book.

The students ran out of the classroom, talking and laughing.

4. 作原因状语

Being a student, I must study hard. 作为一名学生,我必须努力学习。

Seeing nobody at home, he left them a note.

Not knowing his telephone number, I couldn’t get in touch with him.

5. 作让步状语

Having lived here for four years, I am not familiar with my neighbors. 虽然我在这儿住了四年,我对邻居们都还不熟悉。

Working or reading, she always did her best. 不管是工作还是阅读,她总是竭尽全力。

Not being a rich man himself, he helped the poor generously. 尽管他自己不算富裕,他却是慷慨的帮助穷人。

6. 作条件状语

Heating water, we can change it into vapour. 把水加热,我们可以将其变为水蒸汽。

Working in his small room, he made three pairs of shoes every day. 在他的小房间里工作,每天做三双鞋。

Using your head, you’ll find a good way.

Working hard, you’ll surely succeed.

7. 作目的状语

He stayed up late into the night, attempting to pass the entrance exam. 他晚上睡得很晚,想通过考试。


一、V-ing 的时态和语态。



Standing on top of the hill, you can see as far as the seaside. (分词动作与谓语动作同时发生)

The fish can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only bones. (分词动作在谓语动作之后发生)

Having finished his homework, the boy went out to play football. (分词动作在谓语动作之前发生) Having turned off the TV set, he bagan to do his homework.

2. 现在分词的主动式表示动作是由句子主语发出,而被动式表明主语承受该动作。如:

Being noticed by so many people, she felt nervous, not knowing what to say.

Being helped by the teacher, she will learn English well.

Having been shown the lab, we were taken to see the library.

Having been translated into many languages, the book was widely read all over the world.

3. 现在分词的否定式是在一般式和完成式的前面加not (never)。注意完成式的否定式应将not(never)加在have前。如:

Not having heard from her son for a long time, the mother worried a great deal.

Not having been washed in the correct way, the coat has faded.

二、现在分词可以与when, while, if, though等连词使用。如:

When doing your homework, you mustn't listen to the music.

Though having been warned many times, she got to school late again.

While reading the book, she nodded from time to time.


Rushing into the dining-room, supper was waiting for me.(X)

Rushing into the dining-room, I found supper was waiting for me.

While visiting a strange city, a guide-book is very helpful.(X)

While visiting a strange city, you may find a guide-book very helpful.

