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Iraqi boy who provided aid to Americans arrives in US
• By Michael M. Philips • The illiterate Iraqi boy who became a marked man by turning his insurgent father over to American forces arrived in the US Friday. • (Wall street Daily, Sept..14, 2004)
• The U.S dollar has come under siege. But it’s not on foreignexchange markets, where the dollar stands at about a 16-year high. It’s under fire at home.
• A simple, clear statement consisting of the first parapraph or two of a story. In this paragraph you have to answer six basic questions: who, what, when, why and how. • -----Brian S. Brook
• a good lead should include the following features, informative, brief, clear, accurate, simple, direct, active, objective and colorful. Usually, a good lead's length is no more than 35 words.
Militants blow up girls school in NW Pakistan
• ISLAMABAD - Some unidentified militants blew up a school with explosives in northwestern tribal area of Pakistan, local media reported. • According to Urdu TV channel SAMAA, a primary girls school was blown up in semiKhyber Agency, one of the seven semiautonomous agencies of Pakistan. • The school building was reportedly razed to the ground after the explosions. No casualty was reported as the building was empty at the time of explosions.
• The lead “captures the essense of the event, and it cajoles the reader or listener into staying awhile.” “The lead sentence usually contains one idea and follows the subject-verbobject sentence structure for clarity. It should not exceed 35 words.” -----Melven Mencher
• 1、W-General statement→Specific information • E-The most important one →less important one
News source
• Washington-President Bush, touring Africa, said despite Russia’s opposition, history will show the independence of Kosovo is “the correct move” and will bring peace to that region.
Putin: no talks with terrorists
• Beslan, Russia: Russian president Vladimir Putin rejected any dialogue with Chechen separatists, blamed for at least 338 deaths in the school hostage siege, as thousands rallied against terrorism in Moscow. • (China Daily, Sept. 8, 2004.)
• This is not the first time the militants targeted school in Khyber agency, a total of 41 schools have been destroyed by the miscreants in the area so far, according to reports. • Repeated attacks on schools in the area have put the academic future of students at stake where thousands of students have been deprived of the education.
General structure
• (General statement (lead)---specific

SEOUL, South Korea- North Korea’s official news agency says a new shipment of U.S. food aid to the communist country has arrived. • The Korean Central News Agency says a ship carrying the aid arrived in the western port of Nampo on Monday. Tuesday’s one-sentence report did not give any details.
Lead classification
• The delayed lead • The direct lead
Direct lead
• Direct lead is one of the most common forms in news report. It's main character is grasp the news theme. Often used in hard news.
• It’s a balmy evening as couples stroll the Nile River, clasping each other at the waist, young lovers whisper sweet nothing into their partner’s ears and sometimes even sneak kisses. • Direct lead or delayed lead?
Delayed Lead
• Delayed Lead, which has very thick literature atmosphere. So, it can make the lead vivid, interesting, and attractive. Usually, this kind of lead exists in soft news and feature.
Appreciating the news lead
English news writing
The definition of news lead • lead often exists in the first part of the news article. Actually, lead is the main contents and the essence of the news. We can see that lead is the most important part of the news. As somebody say, Lead is the news’life, the news' soul and the news‘ show window.
Best bottoms come from Balkans
• A Bulgarian woman and a Romanian man have the world's best-looking bottoms, according to the jury of a backside beauty contest sponsored by a lingerie firm, it was reported on Thursday. (china daily, Nov.5)
Radiation leaps after Japan plant blasts
• FUKUSHIMA, Japan - Japan warned radioactive levels had become "significantly" higher around a quake-stricken nuclear power plant on Tuesday after explosions at two reactors, and the French embassy said a lowlevel radioactive wind could reach Tokyo within hours.
Main News Agency
• • • • • • • • • AAP (Australian Associated Press) AAP(American Associated Press) AP(Associated Press) AFP(Agence France Press) CNA (Central News Agency) ITTA-TASS KNS(Kyodo News Service) Reuters Xinhua News Agency
Human ancestor had mix of primitive, modern traits
• The earliest-known human ancestors to migrate out of Africa possessed a surprising mix of human-like and primitive features, according to scientists who studied remains dug up at a fossil-rich site in the former Soviet republic of Georgia .
Strom kills 5 in Virginia
• MIAMI: Tropical Storm Gaston raced out to sea on Tuesday after swamping Virginia and killing five people, while powerful Hurricane Frances roared toward the Bahamas and the US East Coast with 227kph winds. (China Daily, Sept. 2, 2004.)