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Grammar Focus
表示推测的情态动词 在英语中,表示对某件事物的确
定程度,即表示推测的时候,我们通 常会用到以下情态动词:must, might, could, can’t, couldn’t,may must 一定,肯定(100%的可能性)
might, could 有可能,也许(20%~80%的可能性)
Whose notebook is this?
It must belong to Xiao Yong.
= It must be XiaoYong’s.
Why? Because his name is on the book.
Whose skirt is this?
It can’t belong to Mike. It must belong to Jane.
Because she is the only woman here.
Whose skirt is this?
It could be Jane’s.
Miss Yang’s.
It can’t be Mike’s.
belong to Mike.
It might belong to Jane. Miss Yang.
Unit 5
It must belong to Carla.
Section A
Guessing games
What does she do?
She could/might be a/an______
What does she do?
She could/might be a/an______
What does he do?
She can’t … might(could)… must…
Whose volleyball is it?
It must be Feng Kun’s. belong to “属于”
It must belong to Feng Kun.
Because she is the only volleyball player.
He might stay at home. After all, he is a little boy
Fill in the blanks with must, can’t, could or might.
1.The notebookmust/might be Ming’s. It
was on her desk.
2.The homework can’t be Carol’s. She
1. The person must go to our school.
2.The person can’t be a boy. 3.Itcould be Mei’s hair band. 4.The hair band might belong
to Linda. 5.It must be Linda’s backpack.
He loves cats.
Listen and write down the things in the backpack.
Things in the backpack.
Hair band
Tennis ball
2b Listen again and fill in the blank
Kitchen things
plate cup
1b Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.
PFra Baidu bibliotekrson
Jane’s little brother
Volleyball Toy car Magazine
He could/might be a/an______
Look and guess.
can’t在此表示猜测, 译W为h“o不is可sh能e?”,后接 动mi词gh原t/c形ou。ld在此表示猜 S测后he,接ca译动n’为词t b“原e也G形许u。,o J可in能gji”n,g.
mShuestm在ig此ht表/co示ul猜d 测be, 译Wa为n“g肯N定an,. 极可能”, 后接动词原形。
MMiissss YYaanngg
Whose … is this ?
It must be sb’s.
belong to sb. It could /might be sb’s.
belong to sb. It can’t be sb’s.
belong to sb.
Liu Xiang
-Whose … is this ?
-It______ be Liu Xiang’s.
belong to Liu xiang)
Because it has his name on it.
John Tony
hat T-shirt
Fun things
volleyball CDs notebook toy car
She must be Zhang Yining.
Oh, yes. She is Zhang Yining.
Look and guess. Using “can’t , might (could), must.
Who is he?
? He can’t … might(could)… must…
Hemingway is her favorite author.
She loves volleyball.
He was the only little kid at the picnic.
Deng Wen Grace
Book CD
She always listens to classical music.
can’t 不可能,不会 (可能性几乎为零)
e.g. The dictionary must be mine. It has my name on it
The CD might / could belong to Tony because he likes listening to pop music.