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Much meaning can be shown clearly with our eyes. So it is often said that eyes can ___41__.

Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may __42____ a stranger, but not too long. And if he is feeling that he is being stared at (盯着看), he may feel __43___.

The same thing happens in daily life. If you are looked at by others for more than necessary, you will look yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you. If _44____ goes wrong, you will feel angry to other’s stare at you that way. Eyes do speak, right.

Look at someone too long may seem to be rude and impolite. ___45___something are different when it comes to stare at the opposite sex. If a man looks at a __46___ for half a minute, it means that he wishes to attract her attention and make her know that he __47____ her. In fact, some lovers may like looking at each other for a long time to show the _48_____that words cannot express.

However, the usual eye for two people in the ___49___is that the speaker will only look at the listener once in a while, in order to ____50__that the listener does pay attention to what he is speaking, to tell him that he is caring about the listener.

41. A. see B. hear C. speak

42. A. look at B. look for C. look after

43. A. unfamiliar B. uncomfortable C. unhealthy

44. A. something B. anything C. nothing

45. A. But B. And C. Or

46. A. woman B. strange C. kid

47. A. forgets B. misses C. enjoys

48. A. saying B. feeling C. finding

49. A. competition B. conversation C. information

50. A. suggest B. show C. check



It was Sunday. The train was crowded. A gentleman was trying to look for a place. In one of the cars he saw a vacant seat. But a small suitcase was lying on it and a young man was sitting next to it.

"Is this seat taken?" asked the gentleman.

"Yes, it's my friend's. " answered the young man. "He's just coming-this is his suitcase. " "Well," said the gentleman, "I'll sit here till he comes. " Five minutes later the train started, but nobody came.

"Y our friend is late," said the gentleman. "He has missed his train, but he need not lose his suitcase. " And with these words he took the suitcase and threw it out of the window.

The young man got up and tried to catch the suitcase, but it was too late. It was a good lesson* to him.-"It's impolite to take a second seat just for being more comfortable for oneself. "

51. The gentleman was looking for a_________.

A. seat

B. suitcase

C. friend

52. "A vacant seat" is a seat that_________.

A. somebody sits on

B. there's something on

C. nobody sits on

53. In fact, the*suitcase belonged to the

A. young man

B. gentleman

C. young man's friend

54. We know from the story that the young man_________.

A. was friendly and helpful

B. was not honest

C. told the truth

55. We can guess that the young man must feel very_________ in the end.

A. happy

B. excited

C. upset


The expression“go for it”comes from football. Not football as it played in most countries, but the kind of football in the Unites States and Canada.

American football is a difficult game to explain. But the basic idea is that eac h team tries to move the football across the goal line of the other team. One of the rules is that a team must move the ball forward(向前)at least ten yards-a little less than ten meters-in four attempts. It loses the ball to the other team if it fails to move that far.

One of the most exciting times inn football comes when a team has failed, after three attempts to move the ball forward ten yards. Then the team must make an important decision.

One choice is to try a fourth and final time. If the team succeeds, it keeps the ball. And continues to move forward .But if it fails, the other team gets the ball at that place on the field.

The second choice is to kick the ball. The team gives up the ball if it makes this choice. But a good kick can put the other team at the far end of the field, making it more difficult for that team to score.

People watching a football game are certain to shout their advice. Some will shout,“Kick the ball!”But others will urge the team to take a chance, to live dangerously.“Go for it!”they will shout.

56.“Go for it!”is an expression which comes from a sports game that Picture______shows.
