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Language Points

Weight limit set by aircraft companies.If your luggage is overweight,you have to take the extra items out of your luggage or pay excess baggage.

6.extra weight desk
A desk where you go to pay for the extra weight in you luggage.

A coupon or other document,either prepaid or given free,entitling the bearer to certain goods,services,or discounts upon presentation.
Sentences Patterns

Expressing Unhappiness. I don't appreciate the way you speak to your mother.

You shouldn't have left so soon.
You needn't have told them that. She could have helpedme , but she didn't. She is always asking such silly questions.
A seat near the emergency exit. 3.tweezers A small device for plucking eyebrows or handling small objects.

4.baby pins Small pins or safety pins used for babies. 5.weight allowance
Sentences Patterns

Expressing Happiness. It's a wonderful idea. Perfect. That's good to hear.
It's great to see you again. That's terrific news. That's a brilliant idea. I'm delighted about that. I'm so proud that you have won the game.
Dialouges (1)Traveling with an Infant 带婴儿旅行
A:你好,女士 P:你好。 A:今天你将有多少行李要检查? P:我有两件行李要办登记手续。我能带婴儿手推车吗或者我必须为婴儿车办理登记手续吗? A:不能,你不可以带婴儿车。你上飞机前将拿走你的婴儿车,你到达目的地下飞机的时候会将它还给你, 这样可以吗? P:好的,谢谢。你能为我预定一个靠近应急出口的座位吗?这样会有更多空间留出来? 1) A:对不起,女士,那不被允许。因为你带了婴儿旅行。任何想要靠近应急出口坐的乘客必须在18岁以上。 P:啊,好吧,我知道了。有没有能留有足够大空间的其他位子? A:我为你定了第一排中间的位子,在它的前面有一些空间 P:非常感谢你 A:你携带的包裹中有没有一些锋利的东西?例如剪刀,眉毛钳,婴儿大头针或者顶针? P:没有。 A:那就好。给你登机牌,你在2:30时在C3通道登机。 P:谢谢。
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Sentences Patterns

Expressing Unhappiness. It's awful. Oh God! Things just seem to get worse. I don't like it.I'd rather... I can't bear to listen.. I can't stand those rude people. Making Complains I have never seen such a terrible film. Sorry.You must be joking. I am ashamed of you.
Traveling with an Infant 带婴儿旅行
Hello, lady P: hello. A: how much luggage will you have to check today? P: I have two pieces of luggage to register. Can I bring a baby cart or do I have to register for the baby car? A: no, you can't take a baby car. You will take your baby cart before you go to the plane, and you will return it to you when you arrive at the destination. Is that ok? P: OK, thank you. Can you reserve a seat near the emergency exit for me? So there will be more space left out? A: I'm sorry, lady. That's not allowed. Because you have taken a baby trip. Any passenger who wants to sit near the emergency exit must be over 18 years old.P: ah, OK, I know. Do you have any other seats with enough space? A: I've set you the first row in the middle, and there's some space in front of it P: thank you very much A: are there any sharp things in the package you carry? Such as scissors, eyebrow tongs, baby pins or thimble? P: No. A: that's all right. Give you a boarding pass, and you are boarding at the C3 channel at 2:30. P: thank you.
Language Points

1.buggy Pushchair for babies/infants.Other names for a push chair:strollers and prams.

2.emergency exit seats