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1. P5

A helpful image is to think about submitting a manuscript to an international journal as a way of participating in the international scientific community. You are, in effect, joining an international conversation. To join this conversation, you need to know what has already been said by the other people conversing. In other words, you need to understand the ‘‘cutting edge ’’of your scientific discipline: what work is being done now by the important players in the field internationally. This means:


●getting access to the journals where people in the field are publishing;

●subscribing to the e-mail alert schemes offered by journal publishers on their websites

so that you receive tables of contents when new issues are published; and

●developing skills for searching the Internet and electronic databases in libraries to which

you have access.





2. P15

Each journal has its own set of instructions for referees and sometimes these are available on the journal’s website. You should check and see whether this is the case for the journal you are targeting, and obtain a copy if possible. For the purposes of this book, we have constructed a composite list of referee criteria that includes the sorts of questions referees are commonly asked to respond to (Figure 3.1). In addition to ‘‘ticking the boxes’’to provide yes/no answers to the questions, referees are asked to write their comments about any problems with the manuscript or any suggestions for improvement that need to be followed before the manuscript can be considered suitable for publication in the journal. Increasingly, as the number of manuscripts submitted to journals has grown, referees are asked to give some numerical rating of the paper’s novelty or quality as well (e.g. Does this manuscript fall within the top 20% of manuscripts you have read in the last 12 months?). Referees return their comments to the editor.


3. P23

Data presentation styles vary with discipline and personal preference and change over time, and there is a large amount of contradictory published advice about what to do, and what looks good. Our aim in this section is not to provide a concrete set of rules for data presentation but rather to help you optimize the presentation of your data to support the story of your article. One over-arching guideline is that tables and figures should “stand alone”: that is, the reader should not need to consult the text of the article to understand the data presented in the table or figure; all necessary information should appear in the table/figure, in the title/legend, or in keys or footnotes.


The first reference for style of data presentation is the Instructions to Contributors (sometimes called Instructions to Authors or Author Guidelines, or other similar names) of the journal you intend to submit the article to. Not all Instructions to Contributors provide great detail about data presentation, but they will generally guide you in formatting and preferred style. The next best source of information on data presentation style is articles in recent issues of the journal. You can maximize your chances of meeting the journal’s requirements by analysing the types of data presented, the choice of figures or tables, the choice of figure type, and the amount of data presented in the text and in the titles and legends. Use the results of your analyses to inform your decisions on the data presentation for your own manuscript.

