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1. International Business Negotiation refers to the process in which parties negotiate with each other on business activities in different countries or regions through information exchange in order to reach a certain transaction.


(1) Common Characteristics i n General Trade Negotiations.

①goal: Taking economic benefit as the purpose of negotiation

②Index: Taking economic interest as the main evaluation index of negotiation

③core: Price as the core of negotiation

(2)Particularities of International Business Negotiations

①International business negotiation is not only a negotiation of a transaction, but also a foreign-related activity with strong policy-type.

②We should act in accordance with international conventions.

③International business negotiation involves a wide range of factors and the factors affecting the negotiation are complex and diverse.


1 goal: 以经济利益为谈判的目的(economic benefit)

2 index: 以经济利益作为谈判的主要评价指标(economic interest)

3 core: 以价格作为谈判的核心(price)


1 国际商务谈判既是一笔交易的商洽,也是一项涉外活动,具有较强的政策性。(policy-type)

2 应按国际惯例办事。(international conventions)

3 国际商务谈判涉及面广影响谈判的因素复杂多样。(complex factors)


People:①Separating the people from the problem 把人与问题分开

②Establish an accurate perception 建立正确的感知

③Cultivate appropriate emotion 培养适当的情绪

④Strive for better communication 争取更好的沟通

Interests: ①Focus on interests, not position 关注利益,而不是立场

②Identify the self-interest 确定自身利益

③Discuss the interests with the other party 与对方讨论利益

Options: ①Invent options for mutual gains 创造共同收益的期权

②Separate the act of inventing options from the act of judging them


③Develop as many options as possible before choosing one


④Search for mutual gains 寻找共同利益

⑤Find ways to help make the other party’s decision easy找到帮助对方轻松做决定的方法

Criteria: ①Insist on using objective criteria 坚持使用客观标准

②Independent of the wills of all parties不依赖于各方的意志

③Legitimate and practica 合法实用

④Acceptable to all parties 各方都能接受


It refers to the business climate that surrounds the negotiaitons and is beyond the control of negotiators. 它指的是围绕谈判的商业环境,谈判人员无法控制的环境。

①Legal Pluralism ( 多元的法律)

②Political Pluralism (多元的政治)

③Currency Flucutations and Foreign exchange (汇率波动)

④Foreign Government Control and Bureaucracy (外国政府管制和官僚主义作风)

⑤Instability and change (不稳定性和变动)

⑥Cultural Differences (文化差异)

⑦Ideological Differences (意识形态差异)

⑧External Stakeholders (外部利益相关者)

The term external stakeholders refers to different people and organizations that have a stake in the outcome of a negotiation,such as stockholders, emplyees, customers, labor unions, business groups (chambers of commerce), industry associations, competitors, and others.So, in conducting negotiation, a company must examine the likely reaction of different stakeholders.


4. Hofstede's Cultural Demensions

①Power Distance.The extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is distributed unequally.


②Individualism Versus Collectivism

Individualism is the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family only. 个人主义是人们只照顾自己和他们的直系亲属的倾向。

Collectivism societies emphasize intra-ethnic relations and cares about large families.


③Masculinity Versus Femininity

Masculinity is a situation in which the dominant values in society are success, money, and things. 男性化:一种社会中主要价值观是成功、金钱和事物的情况。

Femininity:A social representative is a woman's character such as modesty and caring for others more. 女性化:某一社会代表是女性的品质如谦虚、关爱他人更多。

④Uncertainty Avoidance.The extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these.不确定性规避。人们对模棱两可的情况感到威胁,并创造了试图避免这些情况的信仰和制度的程度。

⑤Long-term Versus Short-term

It refers to the extent to which members of a culture can accept delays in meeting their material, emotional and social needs.


⑥Indulgence Versus Restraint.

Hofstede’s most recent dimension measures the freedom to satisfy one’s natural needs and desires within a society.


5. Style Differences Among Negotiators
