Unit 5 First aid 知识讲解 话题语言应用——急救.pdf

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用于指示(Giving instructions)的句型:

Now listen carefully .... 现在认真听着.......

Follow these instructions. 按说明做。

Watch out for .... 注意/当心.......

Look out for ... and .... 密切注意......然后......

Don’t ... because .... 不要......,因为......

Make sure that .... 要确定(保)......

Take care to .... 当心......

If it is ... go to the hospital. 如果......,就去医院。

Be careful (not) to .... 小心(不)要......

Mind you do / don’t .... 留心你(不)要......

Cover ... with .... 用......盖上

Never .... 一定不要......

It’s better to do ... 做......更好。


1. 有关危急事件和疾病的词汇:

emergency 紧急事件bites and scratches 咬伤和抓伤bleeding 出血,流血broken bones 骨折

sprain 扭伤 a sprained ankle 脚踝扭伤

a nosebleed 鼻出血choking 窒息

snake bites 蛇咬伤insect stings and bites 虫咬伤bruise 瘀伤, 擦伤burns 烧伤

eye/ head/tooth injuries 眼部/头部/牙部受伤fever 发烧

frostbite 冻伤heat illness 中暑

vomiting 呕吐electric shock 触电;电休克

sunburn 晒伤

fall ill 生病bleed 流血

swell/ swelled/ swollen 肿胀mildly/extremely painful 微/极痛watery surface 表层渗液get infected被感染

blister 水泡pressure 压力

2. 有关急救的词汇:

ambulance 救护车first aid 急救ointment 药膏,油膏

treat 治疗apply 涂,敷

【高清课堂:Unit 5语言应用What should a first-aid kit include?】What should a first-aid kit include? 急救包要有什么?

Basic supplies基本用品:

adhesive tape 胶带antibiotic ointment 抗菌软膏

bandages 绷带instant cold packs 速冻冰袋

cotton balls 棉签latex gloves 橡胶手套

gauze 纱布scissors剪刀

tweezers 镊子needle 针

soap 香皂thermometer 温度计■

3. 有关身体部位的词汇:

skin 皮肤organ 器官tissue (生物)组织ankle 踝(关节)

wrist 手腕throat 喉咙nerve 神经

【高清课堂:Unit 5语言应用Making an Emergency Medical Call】

4. Making an Emergency Medical Call 急救电话

Operator: Emergency operator. State(陈述) your emergency.

Dirk: We need an ambulance right away.

Operator: What is your name?

Dirk: Dirk. Dirk Omora.

Operator: Can you tell me what happened?

Dirk: There was a car accident.

Operator: Where are you?

Dirk: I’m not sure. I was driving in my car when I saw the pileup(连环相撞). I’m somewhere on Blossom Road. Can you trace(追踪)my location(位置)?

Operator: Yes, we’ll try to do that. Can you see if anyone is hurt?

Dirk: One of the drivers is lying on the ground unconscious(失去知觉的) and the other one is bleeding. There’s someone trapped(困在) in the back of her car, too. We need to rescue her before the car explodes(爆炸)! I’m going to see if I can help.

Operator: Sir, I need you to stay on the line(保持在线). I’m sending an ambulance right now and they’ll have the Jaws of Life and other equipment to do the job. The paramedics (医护

人员)will be there very soon.

Dirk: Okay, but hurry. ■

注:Jaws of Life(救生颚):一种水压驱动的工具,用于从事故车辆中救出生者。

5. 有用的句子----- 试试你会了吗?

1. 急救是对突然生病或受伤的人在医生到来之前所实施的暂时帮助。

First aid is temporary form of help ______________________ who suddenly _______ ______ or __________ before a doctor can be found.

2. 皮肤有三层,它们是防病、防毒、抵御太阳有害光线侵害的一道屏障。

You have three layers of skin which _______________________disease, ________ and the sun’s harmful rays.

3. 烧伤被称为一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤,取决于皮肤烧伤是哪一层。

Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, ________________________________.

4. 除非衣服粘在烧伤面上,否则都要把它移开,如果需要的话,可以用剪刀。

Remove clothing ___________________ unless it __________________ the burn.

5. 凉水可以阻止烧伤的过程,可以防止疼痛变得不可忍受,还可以减少肿胀。

The cool water stops the ______________, _____________________ and ____________.
