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Key Pictures Notes
Structure Analysis
Background Information Beauty Obsessed Societies Cosmetic surgery can perfect flaws in people’s appearance and suspend the natural aging process, but in removing any sign of time's impact, it can also rob people of selfimage and even good health. Standards of beauty for women have always included features of youth, health, and fertility. Smooth, fine skin signifies youth and femininity, so women resort to cosmetics to make themselves beautiful.
Questions on the Article
3. What advantage does a good-looking man or woman enjoy at workplaces? Handsome men earn, on average, 5 percent more than their less-attractive counterparts. Good-looking women earn 4 percent more. It’s looks, not merit, that all too often rule.
Background Information
The modern beauty culture may seem less extreme than using poisons and breaking bones for beauty, but cosmetic surgery is harmful. Botox, a poisonous complex that acts on the nervous system, is the active ingredient in injection. Broken noses and cheekbones are common on the plastics surgeon's table. Beauty itself brings many advantages such as fame or job opportunity. Models earn their livelihood from their beautiful faces and bodies. As they age, it's almost inevitable that some will try plastic surgery to cling to the beauty that made them famous.
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Lesson 16
The Beauty Advantage
By Jessica Bennett
The Beauty Advantage
Key to Questions
Photos & Diagrams Additional Notes Background Information
Background Information During the Renaissance, Italian women thought that large pupils were alluring and placed a toxic plant extract in their eyes to make the pupils wider. That plant’s name was belladonna, Italian for "beautiful lady." Chinese fashion considered small feet pretty for women and the practice of foot-binding created "lotus feet." That didn't allow women to walk without assistance for the sake of beauty.
5. The author’s attitude to the beauty advantage is .
A. critical B. supportive C. objective D. unknown
Questions on the Article
1. According to Debrahlee Lorenzana, why was she fired from her desk job? According to Debrahlee Lorenzana, she was fired because, dressed in pencil skirts, turtlenecks and wearing peep-toe stilettos, she was considered “too hot”.
Additional Notes
1. pencil skirt (Para 1): 铅笔裙
其他常见裙子的英文表达 A-line skirt A字裙
其他常见裙子的英文表达 straight skirt 直筒裙
其他常见裙子的英文表达 pleated skirt 百褶裙
2. turtleneck (Para 1): 翻折式高领的套 头毛线衫
Background Information This so-called “halo effect” is pervasive throughout the American society, and the workplace is no different. The effects of the beauty bias start working even before the employee does: the rise of the video or photo resume give recruiters a perception that’s worth a thousand resume words; and is a subconscious filter that can make or break a candidate’s chances.
Questions on the Article
2. What does Lorenzana think of plastic surgery? She loves plastic surgery and thinks that it’s the best thing that ever happened.
Background Information
However, in the workplace, there is another kind of beauty. Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but having working proficiency can create the kind of profits that are beautiful in the eye of the shareholder.
2. The author’s impression of Debacle Lorenzana is that . A. she is very hot B. she is beautiful C. she is not trustworthy D. she is competent
3. Education’s ranking on the hiring managers’ list of employee attributes is .
3. peep-toe stilettos (Para 1): 露趾细高跟鞋
4. reality-TV show (Para 1): Reality-TV is a genre of television programming that documents actual occurrences. The genre often highlights personal drama and conflict to a much greater extent.
5. Fifty-seven percent of hiring managers told NEWSWEEK that qualified but unattractive candidates are likely to have a harder time landing a job, while more than half advised spending as much time and money on “making sure they look attractive” as on perfecting a ré sumé . (Para 4) 57成的招聘经理告诉《新闻周刊》,条件够格但其 貌不扬的求职者获聘的难度更大,超过一半的求职 者得到的建议是需要花费和完善自己简历同样的时 间和金钱来“确保自己仪表具有魅力”。
Background Information A fashion model needs beauty, but how about at the office? The fact is physical appearance can affect one’s job prospects, promotion opportunities, and relative income. While most people would like to think that physical appearance shouldn’t play a part in talent management and human capital decisions, the truth of the matter is that “beauty bias” – the psychological and biological nature that makes people attracted to attractive people – does exist.
Photos and Diagrams
Please choose a correct answer
Analysis of Content
1. The meaning of the word “culture” in the sentence “…it’s no secret we’re a culture consumed by image. ” (Para. 2) is . A. way of life B. literature C. belief and attitude D. society
A. No. 4 B. No. 1 C. No. 2 D. No. 3
4. Which of the following statements is Not true?
A. The American society pays too much attention to image. B. Beauty bias is pervasive in America’s workplaces. C. Older women are treated more favorably than older men. D. Good-looking men in the U.S. find it easier to get a job or a promotion.