





1. 简单句中的省略:

(1)Looks like rain.

(2)Hope to hear from you soon.

(3)Sounds like a good idea.

(4)Beg your pardon.

(5)Feeling better today ?

(6)This way, please.

(7)—What does he want to eat ?

—Some rice and vegetables.

(8)Anything I can do for you ?

(9)Sorry to hear that.

(10)Doesn’t matter.

(11)Terrible weather!

(12)Pity you couldn’t come.

2. 并列句中的省略:


(1)They learn French and we English.

(2)My father planned and built all these houses.

(3)John won the first race and Jimmy the second.

(4)Coral is not a plant but a variety of animal life.

3. 复合句中的`省略:


(1)That’s the reason(that) he is late for the conference.

(2)I don’t like the way (that/in which)he talks.


(1)If heated, water will boil.

(2)Tom was attacked by cramp while swimming across the river.

(3)We’ll go to help you if nec essary.

(4)Had I time, I would come.

(5)I’ll go, should it be necessary.

(6)The captain can find a boat quicker than we can.



(1)We will do what we can(do)to help you.

(2)—Is Mr. King in his office?

—Sorry, I don’t know(whether he is in his office or not).

4. 动词不定式的省略:在动词不定式结构中,为了避免重复,常常省略不定式结构中的动词原形,只保留to。

(1)—Would you like to go with us ?

—I’m glad to, but I have to finish my homework.

(2)Don’t tell me the name of the sailor if you don’t want to.

(3)—Have you ever been to the seaside?

—No, we can’t afford to.

在used to, ought to, have to, would like/love to, wish to, be going to等结构中,常常省略to后面的动词原形。

(1)They do not visit their parents as much as they ought to.

(2)He doesn’t get up early as he used to.

(3)I’ll h and it in if I have to.

(4)—Would you like to come tonight ?

—I’d love to.

Tell , warn , order , advise , ask等动词的宾语后面接动词不定式做宾语补足语时,可以省略to后面的动词原形。

(1)He wanted to swim across the river but I warned him not to.

(2)The boy wanted to play football in the street, but his mother told him not to.


1. 从句中It is 的省略;







1. _____, I will help you with your work.

A. If I am possible

B. If it possible

C. If possible

D. Possible

解析: 错选A。答案C,省略it is.

2. —How are you getting on with your work ?

—Oh, I’m sorry. Things aren’t going so well as _____.

A. plans

B. planning

C. planned

D. to plan

解析:错选B。答案C,省略they are.

3. —Are you a teacher?

—No, but I _____. I worked in a middle school for three years.

A. am

B. will

C. do

D. was

解析:错选B。答案D,后面省略a teacher.

4.—How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2010?

—There will be only a few, if _____.

A. much

B. some

C. any

D. many

解析:答案C,省略there is.

5.—Why didn’t you come to Mike’s birthday party yesterday ?

—Well, I_____, but I forgot it.

A. should

B. must

C. should have

D. must have

解析:错选A。答案C,后面省略come to his birthday party.


高中英语省略句讲练 为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都可以省去。这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略(ellipsis) 种类例句说明 主语的省略 Beautiful day (= It is a beautiful day, isn’t it? Pity we live so far from the sea. (It is a pity we live so far from the sea. 有时也可省略整个句子的 主语和谓语,只保留次要 成分。 She was poor but (she was honest. --Did you know anything about the accident? --Not until you told me. (= I didn’t know anything about it until you told me. 谓语的省略 --what do you think made Mary so upset?

--Losing her new bicycle (made Mary so upset. 状语从句的省略Seen from the plane (when it is seen from the plane, the house looks like tiny toys. If (it is possible, I’ll go there with you. 注意状语从句中的主语同 主句主语的一致性。 不定式的省略 The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to. (not to ride his bicycle in the street. --Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday? --I was going to (come yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor. 若不定式后面是完成时, 省略时应保留have;不定 式后含有动词be的结构 时,也要保留be动词。 --Did you tell him the news? --I ought to have (told him the news, but I didn’t know how to speak. --Are you an engineer? --No, but I want to be.


省略句 为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都可以省去。 这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略(ellipsis)

Ⅰ、状语从句中的省略用法 一、如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语含有be动词的某种形式 (am/is/are/was/were),可同时省略从句的主语和be动词的某种形式。 1、when,while引导的时间状语从句 e.g. Do be careful when (you are) crossing the street. When/While (I was) on my way to work, I met her. 2、if,unless,once引导的条件状语从句 e.g. If (it is) properly treated, waste will do no harm to the environment. I’ll not go to the party unless (I am) invited. Once (you are) caught stealing in a supermarket, you will be punished. 3、though,although,whether,no matter whether/what/how/who等引导的 让步状语从句 e.g. He was happy, though/although (he was) poor. Whether (she is) sick or well, she is always cheerful. No matter how/However hard the task (is), we must fulfill it in time. (注:从句的主语和主句的主语不一致时,只省略从句中的be动词形式) 4、as if,as though引导的方式状语从句 e.g. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as if/though (he was) waking up after a long sleep. He stood up as if/though (he wanted) to leave.(as if/though + to do表示一个将来的动作) 二、than,as引导的比较状语从句中的省略用法:当不同的主语进行比较时, 一般省略从句中的谓语;当从句中的主语与谓语(be动词除外)和主句中的主语与谓语相同时,通常省略从句中的主语和谓语,只保留比较部分。 e.g. He is taller than his brother (is). I have as much as confidence in you as (I have confidence) in him.


省略句(elliptical sentences) 定义:省略句是英语的一种习惯用法。按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分,有时出于修辞上的需要,为了避免重复、突出新信息使上下文紧密连接的修辞手段。 省略的部分:单词、短语、分句,都可以省略,而且各有一定的衔接关系,不容臆断 一、哪些部分可以省略 (一)省略单词 1、省略介词 He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons. 他花了四个小时复习功课。 I ' ve studied Eng1ish (for) five years. 我已学五年英语了。 2、省略连词 I believe (that) you will succeed .我相信你们会成功的。 It ' s a pity (that) he ' s leaving. 他要走,真遗憾。 I ' m sure (that) she will help you. 我肯定她会帮你的。 3、省略关系代词 I ' ll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都给你。 He read the book (which) I got yesterday. 他看过我昨天买的书了。 二、省略句子成分 1、省略主语 Beg your pardon. (我)请你原谅。(Beg 前省略了主语I ) Take care! 当心!(Take 前省略了主语you ) Looks as if it will rain. 看起来象要下雨。(Looks 前省略了主语it ) 2、省略谓语 Who next? 该谁了?(Who 后面省略了谓语comes ) The river was deep and the ice thin. (ice 后面省略了was ) We ' ll do the best we can. 我们将尽力而为。(can 后面省略了动词do ) 3、省略表语 Are you ready? Yes, I am. 你准备好了吗?我准备好了。(am 后面省略了ready ) He was a lover of sports as he had been in his youth. 他还是象年轻时那样,是一位运动爱好者。(had been 后面省略了 a lover of sports ) 4、省略宾语 Let ' s do the dishes. I ' ll wash and you ' ll dry. 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。(wash 和dry 后面省略了宾语dishes ) 5、省略定语 He spent part of the money, and the rest he saved. 那钱他花了部分,其余的他都存了起来。(the rest 后面省略了定语of the money ) 6、省略状语 He was not hurt. Strange! 他没有受伤,真奇怪!(Strange 前面省略了状语how ) 1. 的现象在交际用语中出现的很多。如省略主语 (1)Looks like rain. (it) (2)Hope to hear from you soon. (I)


一、省略句的概说 省略句是我们在学习英语过程中能不断体验收获和趣味的一种惯用手法,无论是说话还是写作,都要求生动活泼,简明扼要。按照语法的分析, 有时句子应具备的成分出于修辞上的需要, 会缺少一个或几个句子语法结构所必要的语言成分,但在一定语境中可独立存在,仍能表达其意义完整并发挥交流功能的句子则被称为省略句。省略的结果不仅能使句子结构更加精练,而且可起到连接上下文并使相邻词语达到强调的作用。 英语省略句用词简练, 表意简练, 往往收到一定的修饰效果, 句中的某些成分因上下文已提供了充分明确信息或前文已出现过的某些成分,为了避免不必要的重复,也不会引起言语上的误解,并可突出中心词,从而使整文紧密连接的一种修辞手法,其语法现象就是省略。举个例子:Glad to see you. 这是个简单句,主语I和谓语am可以省略。省略的形式从单词、短语到分句等都可省略, 而且各有其一定的衔接关系。 二、省略句的分类 (一)句中成分的省略 1. 主语的省略 Beg your pardon. (我)请你原谅。(Beg前省略了主语I) Come on! 得了吧(你)!(Come前省略了主语You) 2. 谓语的省略 John is a lawyer,his wife (is) a cleaner. ] Some of us study Japanese,others (study) English. 3. 表语的省略 She was a lover of sports as(因为) she had been in her youth(在她年轻的时候).(had been后面省略了a lover of sports) 4. 宾语的省略 Let’s do the cases. I’ll read and you’ll type.(read和type后面省略了宾语cases) 5. 定语的省略 I spent part of the money, and the rest I gave.(the rest后面省略了定语of the money) 6. 状语的省略 She wasn’t cry. Strange! (Strange前面省略了状语how) 7. 词的省略 ( 1)名词、冠词、物主代词或介词如果与前文重复时,可以省略,如: I like red wine better than white (wine). The lightning(闪电) flashed and (the) thunder crashed. Please take good care of these flowers and (these) plants. We lived in Beijing and (in) Shanghai for some time. 2)重复出现的形容词,省略后边的;两个或两个以上被形容词修饰的同一名词,前边的则常被省略。 We are young boys and (young) girls. There were middle-aged (women) and elderly women to attend the meeting; 8. 英语中一些固定特殊的省略结构 1)在回答一般疑问句的简略答语中,或回答用陈述句,祈使句表示要求、命令的简略回答中,常用Yes /No+主语+助动词,而省略主动词或其它成份,但助动词应和原句的助动词和时间概念须保持相应的一致。 .


高中英语省略句课件 高中英语省略句课件 导语:为了避免重复,常常省略句子中的一个或几个成分,这样的句子叫省略句。那么,我们到底该怎么用省略句呢? 知识点总结 概念:为了避免重复,常常省略句子中的一个或几个成分,这样的句子叫省略句。 1. 简单句中的省略: (1)Looks like rain. (2)Hope to hear from you soon. (3)Sounds like a good idea. (4)Beg your pardon. (5)Feeling better today ? (6)This way, please. (7)—What does he want to eat ? —Some rice and vegetables. (8)Anything I can do for you ? (9)Sorry to hear that. (10)Doesn’t matter. (11)Terrible weather! (12)Pity you couldn’t come. 2. 并列句中的省略: 在并列句中,相同的成分如主语,谓语,宾语等都可以省略: (1)They learn French and we English. (2)My father planned and built all these houses. (3)John won the first race and Jimmy the second. (4)Coral is not a plant but a variety of animal life. 3. 复合句中的`省略: 定语从句:

高中英语语法加练习大全: 省略句

第28章省略句 一. 概念 英语中,为了避免重复,常常省略句子中的一个或几个成分,这样的句子叫省略句 二.相关知识点精讲 1. 简单句中的省略: 在对话中,交谈双方都知道谈论的对象,则可以省略句子的主语,省略主语和谓语的现象在交际用语中出现的很多。 (1)Looks like rain. (2)Hope to hear from you soon. (3)Sounds like a good idea. (4)Beg your pardon. (5)Feeling better today ? (6)This way, please. (7)—What does he want to eat ? —Some rice and vegetables. (8)Anything I can do for you ? (9)Sorry to hear that. (10)Doesn’t matter. (11)Terrible weather! (12)Pity you couldn’t come. 2. 并列句中的省略: 在并列句中,相同的成分如主语,谓语,宾语等都可以省略: (1)They learn French and we English. (2)My father planned and built all these houses. (3)John won the first race and Jimmy the second. (4)Coral is not a plant but a variety of animal life. 3. 复合句中的省略: 定语从句: (1)That’s the reason he is late for the conference. (2)I don’t like the way he talks. 状语从句: (1)If heated, water will boil. (2)Tom was attacked by cramp while swimming across the river. (3)We’ll go to help you if necessary. (4)Had I time, I would come. (5)I’ll go, should it be necessary. (6)The captain can find a boat quicker than we can. 宾语从句:如果宾语从句中的谓语部分与主句的谓语部分或上文的谓语部分相同,可将从句部分的谓语省略。 (1)We will do what we can(do)to help you. (2)—Is Mr. King in his office? —Sorry, I don’t know(whether he is in his office or not). 4. 动词不定式的省略:在动词不定式结构中,为了避免重复,常常省略不定式结构中的


新高考英语语法专题透析—省略结构 一、概念 省略句是英语的一种习惯用法。按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分,有时出于修辞上的需要,在句中并不出现,这种句子叫做省略句,这种语法现象称为“省略”。 二、特点 虽然省去句子语法构造所需要的组成部分,但仍能表达其完整的意义。省略形式多样,从单词、短语到分句,都可以省略。 三、简单句中的省略 1.省略主语和谓语 —Hello! Is Jack in? —(This is)Jack speaking. —How are you? —(I’m)Fine, thank you. 2.There be句型中 (Is there)Anything else that you want? 3.感叹句根据上下文的省略 How beautiful(it is)! 4.名词所有格后的名词,如果是表示住宅、店铺、教堂或上下文 已经暗示或明确指出过的事物时,常省略。 I’m going to the tailor’s(shop). 四、并列句中的省略

1.如果后面分句中有与前面相同的部分常被省略。 She is not fond of cooking, nor am I(fond of cooking). 2.有时并列句中的省略部分出现在前面的分句中时,要看完最后一 个分句才能掌握全句的完整意义。 Tom lives(in London), and John works in London. 五、复合句中的省略 1.宾语从句中的省略 (1)由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句中,若有与前面主句重复的内容,则可将重复内容省略,而只保留特殊疑问词。 You look upset. Can you tell me why? (2)在I think/I believe/I hope/I guess/I’m afraid等作答句,后面跟“so”与“not”分别等于肯定或否定时,宾语从句可省去。 —Do you believe he will pass the exam? —I believe so.(=I believe he will pass the exam.) —Do you think it will snow? —I hope not.(=I hope that it will not snow.) (3)在know/think/consider/suppose/find/believe/say/decide等动词后面所接的宾语从句中,连词that可以省略;若带有多个宾语 从句,只有第一个that可以省略,其余的则不能省略。 He said(that)the text was very important and that we should learn it by heart. 2.定语从句中的省略


省略句 知识详解 一、概述 在英语中,为了避免重复而省去某些重复的部分,这种现象叫省略。如: ✍B e g y o u p a r d o n. (I)B e g y o u p a r d o n ✍S o u n d s l i k e a g o o d i d e a. (I t)S o u n d s l i k e a g o o d i d e a. 二、分类详解 (一)简单句中的省略 1、省略主语祈使句中主语通常省略;其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。如: ✍Thank you for your help. (I)Thank you for your help. ✍Doesn’t matter. (I t)doesn’t matter. 2、省略主谓或主谓语的一部分。如: ✍(T h e r e i s)N o s m o k i n g. ✍(W i l l y o u)H a v e a s m o k e ✍What/How (do you think) about a cup of tea ? ✍Why (do you) not say hello to him ? 3、省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保留t o,但如果该宾语是动词b e或完成时态,则须在之后加上b e或h a v e。如: –A r e y o u g o i n g t h e r e? –Y e s,I’d l i k e t o. ✍He didn’t give me the chance, though he had promised t o . –A r e y o u a n e n g i n e e r? –N o,b u t I w a n t t o b e. –H e h a s n’t f i n i s h e d t h e t a s k y e t. –W e l l,h e o u g h t t o h a v e. 4、省略表语。如: ✍–A r e y o u t h i r s t y?–Y e s,I a m(t h i r s t y). ✍His brother isn’t lazy, nor is his sister (l a z y). 5、同时省略几个成分。如: ✍L e t’s m e e t a t t h e s a m e p l a c e a s(w e m e t)y e s t e r d a y. ✍–H a v e y o u f i n i s h e d y o u r w o r k? –N o t y e t. I h a v e n o t f i n i s h e d m y h o m e w o r k y e t. (二)复合句中的省略


高中英语省略句 莎士比亚曾经说过:Brevity is the soul of wit. (言以简为贵)。为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都可以省去。这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略(ellipsis)。 一、省略的目的 省略多见于非正式的文体,尤其在对话中,省略是一种十分普遍的现象。英语中的省略一般说来有三个目的: A.避免重复,减少累赘。 省略的主要目的是避免重复,去掉不必要的累赘和繁琐。 Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't come to school to see me the next day. 迈克说他第二天要来学校看我,但是第二天他并没有来学校看我。 -- Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't. 迈克说他第二天要来学校看我,但是他并没有来。(省掉最后九个词,句子简洁多了) — What did he want yesterday 他昨天要了什么? — An apple. 一个苹果。(如果回答时说出全文“He wanted an apple yesterday”,便显得别扭,不自然) B.连接紧密,结构紧凑。 省略也是使上下文紧密连接的一种修辞手段。 John was the winner in 1994 and Bob in 1998. 约翰是1994年的获胜者,鲍勃是1998年的获胜者。(Bob后省略了was the winner,句子结构显得比较紧凑) In some places we stopped in tents for the night, in other places in caves. 我们在有些地方住在帐篷里过夜,在有些地方住在山洞里。(in other places 后省略了主语和谓语we stopped for the night,上下文连接更加紧密) 省略: 回答问题要简洁,并列重复需省略。祈使主语常省略,比较than后需省略。宾从表从that 勿省略。前后出现同一词,习惯表达需省略。 C.强调重点,突出信息。 省略的另一作用是突出新的信息。 Truth speaks too low, hypocrisy too loud. 真理讲话声太低,虚伪讲话声太高。(后一分句省略谓语speaks,突出了too loud) — Have you told him that 你把那告诉他了吗? — Not yet. 还没有呢。(= I have not told him that yet. 强调not yet ) 二、可省略的成分 省略大致可归纳为功能词的省略和语法结构上的省略两种。在很多情况下,这两种省略存在着交*的关系,即有时既是功能词的省略,同时又是语法结构上的省略。 A.功能词的省略


高中英语省略句 在英语口语中,为了使语言更加简洁,常采用省略句。省略句是未说完而意思已表达清楚的那部分。下面就省略句作以下归纳: (Do you) Have you had your dinner?你吃晚饭了吗? (Is it) What’s the matter?怎么啦? Won’t you (come) Please?请坐! Is it going to(rain)?天快要下雨吗? I like English (and French).我喜欢英语和法语。 John and Mary (both) passed the exam.约翰和玛丽都通过了考试。在从句中,当从句的主语和主句的主语一致,而且从句又有“It is +形容词”作表语时,从句的主语和“It is +形容词”可以省略。如:(It is) Useful (for us to learn) English.学英语很有用。 (It is) Sorry (that I can’t go with you).很遗憾我不能和你一起去。 当从句的主语是物时,作主语的代词一般都可以省略。如:

The book (that I read yesterday) is very interesting.我昨天读的那本书很有趣。 在定语从句中,当先行词在定语从句中作状语时,关系代词可以省略。如: The way (that/which) we use is more convenient.我们使用的方法更简便。 The reason (why) he was late is that he had to help the old lady across the street.他迟到的原因是他得帮助那位老太太过马路。 在一些表示建议、请求、命令等含义的动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词常省略。如: I suggest (that) we (should) discuss the matter.我建议我们讨论这个问题。 在英语中,省略句是一种常见的语法现象。这种句子结构在表达上更为简洁,使得语言更加流畅,更具有表达力。在高中英语中,省略句是一个重要的语法点,也是学生们需要掌握的一项技能。下面,我们就来进行一些关于省略句的专项练习。


完整版)高中英语语法省略句 Ellipsis is XXX omitting certain words。phrases。or XXX in order to make the XXX. One type of ellipsis is the n of the subject and predicate of a sentence。XXX. For example。"Beautiful day。isn't it?" instead of "It is a beautiful day。isn't it?" Another type is the n of the predicate。XXX. For example。"Pity we live so far from the sea" instead of "It is a pity we live so far from the sea." XXX。XXX. For example。"Seen from the plane。the house looks XXX."

When the infinitive is followed by the perfect tense。the infinitive XXX. For example。"The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street。but his mother told him not to." In cases where the infinitive is followed by the verb "be," the verb "be" should be retained. For example。"Alice。why didn't you come yesterday?" "I was going to come yesterday。but I had an XXX." When ellipsis occurs。the word "have" should be retained. 可省略从句中的主语和be动词的某种形式。 e.g。She is taller than (he is). He can run as fast as (she can). 改写:省略用法是指在状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语含有be动词的某种形式,可同时省略从句的主语和be动词的某种形式。比如,when,while 引导的时间状语从句,如在穿越马路时要小心(Do be careful


英语中的省略句是一种特殊的句型,通过省略部分句子成分,使句子更加简洁、流畅。省略句的使用可以提高句子表达的效果,但也需要注意一些规则。 在英语中,常见的省略句有主语、谓语、宾语和其他成分的省略。以下是一些 常见的省略句规则: 1.主语的省略 当主语已经在上下文中明确指出时,可以省略主语。 例如: •Who is the winner? (Who: 主语) •Tom is. (Tom: 主语) 2.谓语的省略 当句子中的谓语动词与上文中的主谓一致时,可以省略谓语动词。 例如: •Have you finished your homework? (Have you: 谓语动词) •Yes, I have. (I have: 谓语动词) 3.宾语的省略 当宾语是不定式短语、动名词短语或从句时,有时可以省略宾语。 例如: •I want to eat some ice cream. (to eat some ice cream: 宾语) •I want to. (to: 宾语) •She enjoys swimming in the summer. (swimming in the summer: 宾语) •She enjoys it. (it: 宾语) 4.其他成分的省略 有些介词短语或副词短语在语境中已经明确,可以省略。 例如: •Peter is going to the supermarket. (to the supermarket: 介词短语) •So is Mary. (So: 其他成分) •He said he would visit us tomorrow. (tomorrow: 副词短语)


高中英语的省略 为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都能够省去。这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略(ellipsis)。 省略多见于非正式的文体,尤其在对话中,省略一般说来有三个目的: A.避免重复,减少累赘。 — What did he want yesterday 他昨天要了什么? — An apple. 一个苹果。 B.连接紧密,结构紧凑。 John was the winner in 1994 and Bob in 1998. 约翰是1994年的获胜者,鲍勃是1998年的获胜者。(Bob后省略了was the winner,句子结构显得比较紧凑) C.强调重点,突出信息。 — Have you told him that 你把那告诉他了吗? — Not yet. 还没有呢。(= I have not told him that yet. 强调not yet ) 一、可省略的成分 省略大致可归纳为功能词的省略和语法结构上的省略两种。 A.词的省略 1.冠词的省略 They elected John (the) monitor of the class. 他们选约翰当班长。 A man and (a) woman are talking in the office. 办公室一男一女正在谈话。 提示: 在英语新闻标题、告示中,经常省略冠词。 People Rebuild Homes After Flood 洪水退后人民重建家园 2.代词的省略 I went to the market, (I) bought something useful, and (I) returned home within an hour. 我去了市场,买了点有用的东西,一小时之内就回来了。 3.连词的省略 I believe (that) you will succeed.我相信你们会成功的。 It's a pity (that) he's leaving. 他要走,真遗憾。 4.关系词的省略 I'll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都给你。 It wasn't I (who) let him in. 不是我放他进来的。 5.助动词的省略 (Does) Anyone want a drink 有谁要喝一杯吗? 6.不定式符号的省略 I hope to finish my job and (to) go back home. 我希望做完事回家。(当几个不定式并列时,一般只需在第一个不定式前用to) What we could do was (to) get away. (主语从句中含有do,那么作表语的动词不定式往往省略to) We did not dare (to) speak. 我们不敢说话。(dare作行为动词用时,否定式可省略to)There is nothing to do but (to) obey the orders. 除了服从命令之外,我们别无他法。(介词but前如有do,but后可省略to) 注意: 当两个并列的不定式在意义上表示对比关系时,后面的不定式一般不省略to。 To be or not to be, that is the question. 活着还是死亡,这就是问题所在。(莎士比亚) 7.介词的省略


倒装句 一.概念:英语句子通常有两种语序:一种主语在前,谓语在后,称为自然语序,另一种谓误在前,主语在后,称为倒装语序 二.相关知识点精讲:按“主语+ 谓语”这种顺序排列的句子是陈述语序。如果排列顺序变为“谓语(或谓语一部分)+主语”,就是倒装。倒装句分为: 完全倒装:整个谓语移至主语前面叫完全倒装。 部分倒装:只把助动词、系动词或情态动词放在主语之前叫部分倒装。 1. 当以there, here, out , in , up , down, away 等副词开头的句子,为了起到强调的作用,可构成倒装句,只把副词放在句首,主语和谓语位置调换,不加助动词。 Our teacher came in. In came our teacher. 这种倒装要求:主语必须是名词。主语是人称代词时,主语和谓语语序不变。 Here it is. Away he went. 这类倒装句式一般只用一般现在时和一般过去时。 Here comes the bus. Out rushed the boys. 2. how, then, just, often 表示时间的副词放在句首,可构成倒装句,只把副词放在句首,主语和谓语位置调换,不加助动词。 Then came 8 years of the Anti Japanese War. 3. 表地点状语的介词短语放在句首,要用倒装句式,以示强调。 这种倒装句也是主谓直接调换位置,不加助动词did, does或do. Under a big tree ________, half asleep. A. did sat a fat man B. a fat man sat C. did a fat man sat D. sat a fat man 4. there放在句首时,要用倒装句式。 在“there + be”结构中的谓语动词有时不用be , 而用表示类似“存在”观念的其他不及物动词。如:live, stand, come, lie, flow, enter, rise 和appear等。 There came shouts for help from the river. There lies a large wheat field in front of the house. Many years ago there lived an old man in the wooden house. In front of the tower flews a stream. 5. so + 动词+主语neither/ nor + 动词+主语 表示两人的同样一个情况时,只能表示一件事,即上、下句所使用的动词、时态要一致。 否则要用so it is with… You can ride a bike. So can I . He has been to Beijing. So have I . The first one isn’t good, neither is the second. His uncle is a worker and has been working in the factory for more than ten years. So it is with his aunt. 6. so+ 形容词/副词that 的结构状语从句可以用正常语序表示,也可以把so+形容词/副词放于句首构成倒装。句型如下:so +形容词/副词+be/助动词/情态动词that +从句。 Light travels so fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. = So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. So easy was the work that they finished it in a few days. 7. done做形容词在句中做表语时,常把表语放在句首,要用倒装句式。 Gone forever are the days when the Chinese people had to use foreign oil. 8. 否定副词not , never, seldom, nowhere, little , rarely 放于句首时要用倒装句式。 We seldom get up at four in the morning.= Seldom do we get up at four in the morning. Not a single word from him could the enemy drag. Rarely have I heard of such a silly thing. 9. hardly…when; scarcely…when…; no sooner…than…可以用正常语序had hardly done when…did 或用


高中英语:省略句专项讲解 【基础回顾】 考点归纳: 词法上的省略 1. 名词所有格后修饰的名词在以下情况可以省略: ①如果名词所有格修饰的名词在前文已出现,则可以省略。 例:Whose pen is this?It's Tom's. 这是谁的钢笔?是汤姆的. ②名词所有格后修饰的名词如果是指商店、住宅等地点时,这些名词也常常省略。 例:He has gone to the tailor's(shop). 他到服装店去了. 2. 冠词的省略 ①为了避免重复。 ②在副词的最高级前面的定冠词常可以省略。 例:Which of the boys is (the) strongest? 这些孩子中哪个最强壮? ③在as引导的让步状语从句中,当作表语的单数名词提前时,不定冠词要省略。例:Model worker as he is,he remains modest. 他是劳动模范,他仍然谦虚。 3. 介词的省略 ①both后常跟of短语,其后可以接名词复数形式,也可以接代词宾格复数形式。接复数名词时,介词of可以省略,但接代词宾格时,of不能省略。 例:Both (of) my parents are non-smokers. 我父母都不吸烟。 ②在现在完成时表持续和重复的句型中,一段时间前的介词for可以省略。 例:I 've studied English (for) five years. 我已学五年英语了。 ③和一些动词搭配构成的短语中的介词,consider... (as)..., prevent / stop...

(from)doing..., have trouble / difficulty... (in) doing...,spend... (in / on) doing... 等中的介词可以省略。 例:He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons. 他花了四个小时复习功。 4.动词的省略 ①有些动词believe, find, think, feel, consider, imagine, prove等后作宾补的结构to be + n. / adj.中的to be可以省略。 例:Whom do you consider (to be )the most influential person in your life? 你觉得一生中谁对你影响对大? ②感官动词see, hear, feel, watch, notice 等以及使役动词let, make, have后作宾补的动词不定式,其中的不定式符号to要省略,但变为被动结构时,to必须保留。 例:He wanted to swim across the river but I warned him not to. 他想要游过这条河,但我警告他不要那样做。 The boy wanted to play football in the street, but his mother told him not to. 男孩想要在街上踢足球,但他妈妈告诉他不要那样做。 ③在can not but, can not choose but, can not help but之后的动词不定式一般不带to;but之前有实义动词do的某个形式do, does, did, done 时,也不带to, 否则要带to。 例:I can not choose but go. 我别无选择只能去。 ④在并列结构中为了避免重复。 例:—Would you like to go with us ? 你要和我们一起走吗? —I’m glad to, but I have to finish my homework. 我非常愿意,但我必须做完做业。 ⑤在why, why not 引导的特殊问句中后跟省略to的动词不定式。 例:That is the reason (why)we cannot go to the party. 这就是我们不能去派对的原因。 ⑥动词不定式中动词原形部分是否省略,主要看句子前面是否已出现过同样的
