1 疾病概论

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100 90
Proportion Meeting Standard (%)
The Wide ning Gap
Socioeconomic Status:
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Year 3 Year 5
High Low
Assault Rates Across Nations
WHO(1948): A state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
WHO(1986): Health has been considered less as an abstract state and more as a means to an end which can be expressed in functional terms as a resource which permits people to lead an individually, socially and economically productive life. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the object of living. It is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities.
Not only: keep living physiological healthy
But : colorful life adaptable state fulfillment contribution
Self-esteem communication safty physiology
health promotion
The factor involved in developmental Health :

Environment :Natural environment , Growth environment Mental health problems Public Education Community
Females Males
15 - 19 year olds 1960 - 1998
1980 Year
Increase in Child Abuse
Causes of Child Cerebral Palsy in Western Australia
Causes (% of Total)
Health, disease and health promotion
Health promotion
1948:Health was defined in the WHO constitution
1986:The Ottawa Charter for Health (WHO, Geneva)
A condition of the body or some part or organ of the body in which its functions are deranged. It is a mal-adjustment of human organism to the environment. It is deviation from normal function.
Mental Health: One in four Australian children aged 12 to 17 has a significant mental health problem Suicides:
Per 100,000
25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 1960
0 0
1999 1995 1996 1996 1997 19971998 19941995 19981999 1990 1991 1990 1991 1992 1992 1993 19931994 year
Davis E, personal communication, 2001
Sub_health: the third Health Condition; new killer of human health; (N. Buxiheman;1980-2000 ): A states between health and disease when all necessary physical and chemical indexes are test negative by medical equipments, things seem to be normal but patient experience all kind of discomfiture and even pain.
sub-health condition is manifested by: bodily fatigue, difficulty in recovering after rest, body-ache, dizziness with headache, sleep disorders, lack of appetite, insomnia, lots of dreaming, palpitation, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, bad temper, and unsociable and eccentric behavior. Result • low self-esteem with no desire for progress, loss of memory and concentration, and low efficiency in work and study.
100 80 60 40 20
All other causes Non Accidental Injury Other Accidents Falls
0 1956-75 1980-92
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Literacy Disparity
As children move from year 3 to year 5, the disparity among those meeting literacy standards grows
To study the causative agents, microorganisms,
environmental, social factors and personal habits as contributing factors that cause diseases.
Number of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
Princess Margaret Hospital for Children 1990-1999
100 1000 800 800 Total patient
600 600 400 400 200 200
Maslow‘s theotry
Medical Model: God Doctrine
Natural Philosophy
Bio - psycho - social
1986-2009: health promotion • peace • shelter • education • food • income • a stable eco-system • sustainable resources • social justice, and equity Global Public Health
4 Psychological factors: anxiety strong or persistent psychological stress( such as hypertension, peptic ulcer, coronary heart disease, and
Etiological factor
risk factor
1:Environmental factors Biological agents: microorganisms,virus and parasites Chemical agents: non-specific and specific Physical agents: mechanical injuries, extreme of temperature, electricity, and radiation
1989 to 2000 (Crimes per 100 people)
12 10
Incidence Rate
8 6 4 2 0 1989 1992 1996 2000
Australia USA Sweden
Growth in Asthma Prevalence
Primary School Children, 1970 - 93
2 Intrinsic Factors:
Nutritional imbalance: excesses or deficiencies Congenital factors: abnormal embryonic developmental error Immunological factors: deficient inappropriately strong or misdirected immune 3 Genetic factors: gene mutation( sickle cell anemia,colorblindness)
疾病:疾病是机体受病因的作用后, 自稳调节紊乱而发生的异常生命活动过程
Concept of Disease
Aberrant manifestation of deregulated homeostasis caused by harmful agents etiology alterations in metabolism and function general rules for the onset and development of diseases
1986-2009:Mexico Ministerial Statement for: the promotion and the Health
Concept of Health
The state of the organism when it functions optimally without any evidence of disease.
Quality of life(QUL):Experience
WHO健康标准: 1)精力充沛,能从容不迫地应付日常生活和 工作的压力而不感到过分紧张。 (2)处事乐观,态度积极,乐于承担责任,事 无巨细不挑剔。 (3)善于休息,睡眠良好。 (4)应变能力强,能适应环境的各种变化。 (5)能够抵抗一般性感冒和传染病。 (6)体重得当,身材均匀,站立时头、肩、臂 位置协调。 (7)眼睛明亮,反应敏锐,无眼睑炎。 (8)牙齿清洁,无空洞,无痛感;齿龈颜色正 常,不出血。 (9)头发有光泽,无头屑。 (10)肌肉、皮肤富有弹性,走路轻松有力。 fulfillment Self-esteem communication safty physiology