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Part II (11-25)—changes brought to the village by telephone. P11: Transition P(12-18): Installation P(19-25): Changes happening to the village
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
--Wendy Smith
Is this all?
Text Analysis Structure
Part I (1-10)—village life before the installation. P(1-8): what time meant to people in Magadaluna P(9-10): the author’s memory of a draught in his childhood.
2. What did time mean to the villagers? How did they keep track of time? What did it suggest?
3. What was the general life pattern for the villagers? And what were considered important events?
n. The track of a person or animal by which it can be followed
• (p.21)…to bring news that would change their lives and deliver them from their aimless existence.
free sb from a situation
• (p.22)…or to deliver a message to his wife, such as…
take sth to a place
Warming up Check-on Preview
Translate the following paragraph into English by yourself and then compare with the original.
boy)? …
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
Part I: Exercise
Complete the following questions with keep track of/lose track of (p.1); crack(p.6); shortly after (p.4.); incorporate
Warming up Objectives
• Understand the theme of the story (understand globalization from another
perspective, cf. “Globalization’s Dual Power”)
• Appreciate the style
Part I Part II
Main Idea Sentence Paraphrase Words & Expressions Exercise
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
Part I (1-10): main idea village life before the installation
perspective tone strongly flavored expressions metaphor, simile, exaggeration…
The Telephone
Unit 6
Social Background
பைடு நூலகம்
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
• Para. 1: Topic sentence? Time didn’t mean much to anybody in the secluded village. Any other noted feature(s)? the unchanging cycle of life? a traditional, agricultural society? …
-- technology, progress, globalization? -- a better life?
Text Analysis Theme
The advent of the telephone and automobile ("magic carpet of the twentieth century") link Magdaluna to the outside world and gradually destroy its centuries-old tradition of selfsufficiency; the Lebanese Civil War (1975-90) completes the village's "slow and agonizing death." Yet Magdaluna remains alive in Accawi's loving portrait, a gentle recollection of childhood that doubles as a poignant reminder of modernity's sometimes devastating impact.
22 November 1943 (from League of Nations mandate under French administration)
Background Social Background
The Capital City—Beirut
“Paris of the Middle East”
His Works
• Non-Fiction The Boy from the Tower of the Moon (1999)
• Short fiction "The Camera" in Homeworks (1996)
Background Social Background
Left for the U.S. when the civil war brokeout in Lebanon
Has been teaching English at the English Language Institute of the Uni. of Tennessee
Anwar F. Accawi
Background Social Background
Middle East, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Israel and Syria
Ethnic divisions:
Arab 95%, Armenian 4%, other 1%
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
• Paras. 2 -- 8: Main idea? The villagers used a divine calendar to keep track of time. Any other noted feature(s)? the natural disasters? The tone of the narrator “I” (as a
Unit 6 The Telephone
Anwar F. Accawi
The Telephone
Unit 6
W arming up B ackground T ext Analysis R einforcement
The Telephone
Questions / Activities Check-on Preview Objectives
Background Social Background
Arabic (official), French (official), Armenian, English
o Religions:
Islam 70% Christian 30% Judaism
Unit 6
Warming up
Warming up Questions / Activities
Did the title tell you much? What did you expect to read?
Warming up Check-on Preview
Please define the underlined words in each context: • (p.22) In the evening, the laughter and noise of the
A. What did time mean to the people? (paras.1-8)
Questions for comprehension
1. What was the overall picture of Magdaluna? How did the narrator present the picture?
The Telephone
Detailed Analysis
Unit 6
Text Analysis
Text Analysis Theme
• What would be the key words if you want to discuss its theme?
1.He felt sick shortly after he came back from tropical countries. 2.She bought Vogue and Elle every month to keep track of fashion. 3. He picked up a piece of rock and cracked it in half. 4.The government incorporatedthis principle into the 1997 law.
men trailed off and finally stopped
v. (voice ~off), it becomes gradually quieter and then stops
• (p.22)“I’ll give him a trail to follow,” muttered Rainsford. (L. 8)
His Life
Born in Lebanon in a family whose ancestors are believed to have gone to Jerusalem in the Crusades.
Taught English at the University of Beirut
A Short Story
Plot: a little boy’s first time to go to school on the way to school
Setting: at school on the way home
Protagonist/Narrator: “I” –the boy in the story Theme of the story: what do you think?
有时候,在这漫长的等待中,加上酷热,苍蝇以及羊粪的 气味,人们的脾气变得暴躁起来。年轻一点的女人因为担 心她们的婴儿,开始为该轮到谁接水争吵起来。有时,争 吵升级,女人们大打出手;她们扯着对方的头发、吐着口 水、诅咒着、尖叫着、谩骂着,把我的耳朵刺得嗡嗡作响。 我们这些和母亲一道去取水的被晒得黝黑的小男孩喜欢这 样的打斗,因为女人们扭打着在沙地里打滚的时候,我们 可以看到她们的大腿和花内裤。偶尔,我们幸运地可以看 到更多,因为有些女人在长裙下面根本什么都没穿。上帝 呀,我曾经多么盼望这样的打斗。我现在还记得那种冲动、 那种兴奋,连阳光都在滚滚的尘土上跳舞,当一条裙子被 扯破了,年轻女人的一只白皙的乳房漏了出来,旋即又被 遮了起来。在我的日历上,大旱的那一年将永远是我孩提 时代最美妙的年份之一。