

1.What are the features of academic writing?In what way is academic writing different from ordinary English?



T—Hi,where are you going?

S—To the library,borrow some books about academic writing,I am working on a paper about my study,but I don’t know how to write a good academic essay exactly.

T—Well,keep faith,I believe you can write an excellent paper.Besides the books,I advise you to read some real academic articles,it can help you understand the formal structure of an essay.

S—That’s true.It’s quite different from the other forms of writing such as literature and fiction, it’s more formal and it has its own format,especially no fiction in it,that’s why all the essays should be based on facts,reasoning and evidences.

T—You’re right!Academic writing is not creative writing,more like a debate,you must use straightforward language to make a clear and direct argument,each of them should be related to the conclusion.

S—Okay,That’s impressive.What else should I pay attention to,I know you have already finished your graduation thesis,do you have some writing skills or tips for me?

T—Well,there are some points need attention when you are writing papers.Essays and reports should be written in the third person singular,do not use contractions in your article;this is the difference with daily writing.

S—Ok,thank you very much.I’ll keep it in my mind.It’s really glad to talk with you,see you. T—Bye!Keep in touch!

2.What is the challenge of writing a good abstract?


T—Long time no see,Are you all right?You look very tired.

S—Yeah,I am fine.Just stayed up late on my paper last night,all I left is the abstract,but it seems harder than I thought it would be.

T—Take it easy.You know the primary purpose of an abstract is to guide readers,a good way to write an abstract is to answer the question:what is the problem,why is it important and what is the main result?That’s all;there is no need to be worried about.

S—you’re right!Professor Z has told us that a good abstract must state the argument clearly in a

few sentences and make others who don’t know the subject will still be able to understand the main idea.Do you know how to shorten an abstract to satisfy such word limit?

T—well,the key is to avoid copying sentences directly from the article.You should read the paper carefully,underline the important places,list the main points and summarize information in a new way;the most important thing is to provide logical connections between them.

S—Okay,That’s impressive.What else should I pay attention to,I know your article was published;do you have some writing skills or tips for me?

T—Well,there are some points need attention when you are writing abstract.You should write it in the third person singular.Also,do not use contractions and make sure all the important matters are included.That’s enough;I believe you can make it.

S—Ok,thank you very much.I’ll keep it in my mind.It’s really glad to talk with you,see you. T—Bye!Keep in touch!

3.What are some challenges when giving a presentation of your research?

S—Hello,are u all right?You look tired.

T—Yeah,I am fine.Just worry about the conference tomorrow,I was invited to give a speech at that time.You know this is my first time to give a presentation on an international conference,I am a little nervous.

S—Really?That’s great.But you need to be relaxed before that,take it as a great opportunity to communicate with others in your research field.I believe you can make it.

T—That is so nice of you,thank you.I know you have attended many important international conferences,do you have any specific advice for me?

S—Well,speaking of the mood,it’s natural for speaker to feel nervous.However,you should learn how to control your feeling.Try to get relaxed by breathing deeply.Remember that nobody is born to be a good speaker.

T—Yeah,you’re right!Maybe I should begin my speech with an anecdote or a joke,that will ease the tension and make me more relaxed.

S—Yes,I think that would be all right.Oh,one more thing to note is the rate of your speech,cut it in half of your normal rate,slow down,make every word clearly and distinctly.In fact,no one will ask you to repeat yourself.This is a basic manner of oral presentation.

T—OK,I’ll keep these in my mind.Speaking of manner,it reminds me that I need to prepare a dark suit and get prepared to my notes in case to keep my eyes on the notes.Anyway,thank you very much.

S—You’re welcome.Good luck!

4.If you are invited to speak at a conference but can not attend how would you turn down the


S—Tony,yesterday I got an invitation from the International Conference on Economic and Management,you know I sent a paper to the committee,now they asked me whether I could present a talk at the conference in August10.

T—Wow!Congratulations!I believe you can make it.Besides it’s a great opportunity to meet many famous researchers in your field,that’s awesome!But you seem not that happy,is there anything wrong?

S—Well,I am looking forward to their reply.But the date is not right.I must attend my graduation ceremony on the same day,I don’t think I can make it.

T—I am so sorry to hear that.You just got bad luck,I believe you can get another chance.But before you feel regret,I must warm you that you’d better write a refusal letter as soon as possible.

S—You are absolutely right!I should inform them the situation here,that will allow them to find another solution.Do you know what I should write in a refusal letter,except the apology.

T—In my opinion,the first thing you need to do is expressing thanks for being invited,then telling them the true reasons for declining the invitation,I think closing the letter with good wishes is the suitable way.

S—Ok,I’ll do that right now.It’s so nice of you,I am glad to talk with you,thank you very much.

5.How can you judge whether the text you find on line is reliable?

T:Hi Sophie,what are you doing?

S:I am surfing the Internet,searching for some information about environmental pollution to make my PPT.

T:Talking about searching information online,how can you judge whether the text you find online is reliable?Nowadays people often search information through baidu,but it is only a searching engine,how can we trust the text we found is reliable?

S:Yeah,baidu is just a searching engine,and it only helps you find the websites related to your keyword,you have to find out the useful and reliable information by yourself.

T:And most of the time,the outcome is just the experience of other people,and different people hold different ideas,so you don’t know which one you should trust on.

S:You are totally right,if you need to find information with authority,you need to search in specific website.If you are searching thesis or dissertation,you can check in cnki.

T:Okay,I know.All we need to know is that there’s no shortcut to success,you need to analysis the information you got and then use them.

S:That’s the right attitude towards learning,you can not just copy information from the network to your PPT.You need to select the useful information.

T:Nice talking to you.I know you are going to make a wonderful https://www.360docs.net/doc/c17291317.html,e on!

S:thank you,see you.

6.What is culture shock?What causes culture shock?How to overcome it?

S—Tony,I have a good news to tell you,today I got the offer from my dream college,the University of Chicago.I am so excited to study in a new place.

T—Wow!Congratulations!I am happy for you that your dream comes true.You always study hard,I know it was been hard,but you never gave up.You deserved it!

S—Thank you!In fact,I would never succeed without your help.After hearing the news,actually I was a little afraid and nervous,you know this is my first time to go abroad,I am kind of worrying about the“culture shock”thing.

T—Take it easy.As I know,it is common to experience culture shock when living in a foreign country,especially in a new culture that totally different from your own country,I think the best way is to welcome it,I believe you can adapt very well.

S—Well,you’re right.Although we have different habits,values and customs,I will try my best to get used to it.Besides it’s a good way to learn new things and make new friends.

T—It’s good for you to think like that.Although the culture shock is inevitable,there are some ways to overcome it quickly.Try to communicate with the local people,learn the way they think, that will make you understand why they are different to us.

S—Yes!Keep an open mind,I’ll remember that.Maybe I could introduce them the knowledge of China,increase their interest in Chinese Culture.That will be helpful to the cross-cultural communication.

T—Yeah,wish you good luck in the future.Waiting for you good news from USA!

7.How can you remain true to your own culture while respecting others?And how can you balance the two?

S—Tony,I have a good news to tell you,today I got the offer from my dream college,the University of Chicago.I am so excited to study in a new place.

T—Wow!Congratulations!I am happy for you that your dream comes true.You always study hard,I know it was been hard,but you never gave up.You deserved it!

S—Thank you!In fact,I would never succeed without you help.After hearing the news,actually I was a little afraid and nervous,you know this is my first time to go abroad,I am kind of worry

about whether I can fit their culture.

T—Take it easy.Different people from different country have different habits,values and customs.

I know it is hard to get used to it in a short time,but it is inevitable,the best way is to welcome it, remain true to your own culture and respect others.

S—Well,you’re right.Keep an open mind,try to communicate with the others,learn the way they think,maybe that will made me understood why they are different to us.Besides it’s a good way to learn new thing and make new friends.

T—It’s good for you to think like that.At least,it’s a good way to introduce them the knowledge of China;increase their interest in Chinese Culture.That will be helpful to the cross-cultural communication.

S—Yep!Thank you.It’s so nice of you,I am glad to talk with you.

Question8:What gifts should we avoid giving to American people?


T:Hi,Sophie,next week I’ll fly to New York to attend an international conference.And when the meeting is close,I’ll have the opportunity to meet my net friend who happens to live in New York.

S:Really??What a small world!Is this your first time to meet a foreign net friend?That will be fantastic.

T:Yes.Now I am thinking about choosing a gift for her,do you have any great idea?And do you know what gifts should we avoid giving to American people?

S:Yeah.I once read an article about taboo gifts;it says you should avoid giving presents with even numbers to American friends because Americans reckon even numbers as unlucky numbers.

T:Okay,then what else should I pay attention to?You know that I am choosing a present for a female.May I buy her perfume or cosmetics or something else?

S:You remind me of another taboo,which is“don’t choose perfume,cosmetics or clothes as presents to the one who you don’t know well”.Because you get to know your foreign net friend through the internet and you are not so intimate with her,it is not appropriate to sent her those kinds of gifts.

T:Thank you.Now I know what should be chosen as a gift,I decide to purchase some local special products for her.With your advice,I won’t make any embarrassing thing.

Question9:What should an applicant pay attention to when writing a job application letter in English?



Z:Hello,Tony,how is everything going?You seem very busy those days.

S:Yeah,I have just finished my course assignment.By the way,do you know there will be a job fair this Saturday?

Z:Of course,I have read the poster on the board outside the canteen.You know that summer vacation is coming,so a lot of companies are employing summer interns.

S:I think it is a great opportunity to steel ourselves,so I want to prepare an English application letter for a few foreign companies.Do you have any suggestion?

Z:Yes,I have some tips for you to write an effective application letter.The first tip is using phrases rather than complete sentences.

S:You are right,complete sentences will take up much more space,and the application letter may seem tediously long.

Z:You got that.And the second tip is using parallel structure.To write a strong application letter, you’d better keep the structure of your headings,and sentences consistent throughout your document.The readers will be favorably impressed by the use of parallel structures.

S:Yes,your tips are worth listening.And I know another important aspect when writing an applicant letter,which is trying to be error-free.I should make sure there are no errors in spelling, grammar,and punctuation before sending out my application letter.

Z:Now that you have mastered the most important things about writing an application letter,I believe you can successfully find a satisfactory company.Best wishes for you.

S:Thank you for your tips;I will try my best to grasp this opportunity.

Question10:Discuss with your partner about the importance and functions of cross-cultural communication,especially in the international academic communication.


S:Hi,Tony,nice to meet you.

T:Hi,Sophie,do you know what we are going to learn this semester’s English

S:Yes,we are going to learn about international academic communication conference.

T:Really??This course can be very practical to our future work.

S:I am quite interested in cross-cultural communication,the way of communicating in one country is not the same with the other countries and it is important to know some values of other culture.

T:That’s interesting.We all know that communication is an important mean of expressing ourselves,so cross-cultural communication must play an important role in establishing a good relationship between two countries.

S:Yes,you’ve learned a lot about cross-culture communication!What other functions of cross-cultural communication do you know?Please share your ideas with me.

T:Cross-culture communication,especially the international academic communication becomes increasingly important these years.To discuss the important issues in the field,to introduce the development of the research work are two functions of international academic communication.

S:Right,international academic communication can also promote the understanding of related disciplines,explore future cooperation possibilities between two counties and provide opportunities for international communication.

T:Now that international academic communication is so important,we should take notes attentively on English class.

Question11:Suppose you are going to act as the speaker in a simulated plenary session,you are not sure how to react to embarrassing questions and how to respond to questions to which you do not know the answers,ask your partner’s opinions since she/he has some experience in this respect.


T:Hi Sophie,where are you going?

S:I am going to the library to prepare for the assignment on next Wednesday’s English class.You know that I am going to act as the speaker in a simulated plenary session.

T:I have the experience of being as the speaker in an academic communication meeting hold by the graduate student union,maybe I can offer you some suggestions.

S:That’s really kind of you.I am just wondering who I can turn to for help and suggestion,and then,you just come to my aid.

T:ha-ha,what questions do you have,I can give you some tips!

S:I have prepared my presentation,but I am quite nervous about the question and answer part. What should I pay attention to in this part?

T:well,before answering a specific question directly,you’d better repeat or paraphrase the question,which can benefit both the audience and yourself.It usually occurs that some of the audience might have missed the question.

S:On the other hand,repeating or rephrasing,or clarifying the question gives me a little extra time to check if I have understood the question and to think of an answer.This will make my answer more complete and to the point.Well,what if sometimes the question raised is improper,which might be embarrassing.

T:To these questions you should know how to avoid giving a direct answer.However,you should not keep silent or say something rude to the questioner.

S:Okay,I will keep it in mind.I have another question how to respond to questions which I don’t know the answers

T:If you do not know the answer to a particular question,simply admit that you do not know.Say something like this,“I’m sorry.I don’t happen to know the answer to that question,but I’ll be happy to check into it for you.”

S:Thank you for your suggestions Tony.

T:You are welcome.

Question12:You and your partner are invited to have dinner at your foreign teacher’s home,you two discuss the relevant table manners so as to be polite and be respectful to your teacher and his family.


S:Hi,Tony.A good news.Our English teacher Gorge invited us to celebrate Christmas at his home.The people who present are all from different countries and different cultures,I bet that will be a lot of fun at that night.

T:Wow!That sounds incredible!This is my first time to attend a foreign family dinner.It’s so nice of him to invite us,should we bring some presents for him and his family?Do you have any good idea?

S:Well,in my opinion,there is no need to buy something great or expensive as presents,they prefer the small and useful gifts.Bring some local special products will be suitable.How about the

red tea?

T:You’re right!Tea is a typically Chinese gift,it can show our respect to him.Speaking of the customs,I think we should learn some table manners in case we make any embarrassing thing in this formal dinner.

S:Yeah,there are some rules.The basic is forks on the left and knives on the right,do not make too much noise on the table and no touch of glasses when toasting.In addition,it is polite to finish eating everything on your plate,so don’t take more food than you need.

T:You remind me of another tip,which is never to drink too much.For drinking custom,China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.I think these are enough. Remember that if you're not sure what to do,you can always follow your hosts.

S:Yeah,we could take this dinner just as a chance to learn something about foreign lifestyle.I think Gorge is very willing to teach us.

T:Absolutely!I am looking forward to this experience.

Question13:What do you think are the appropriate and inappropriate topics when you talk with a foreigner?Why?

T:Hi Sophie have you ever talked with a foreigner?

S:Yes,I had several https://www.360docs.net/doc/c17291317.html,st time it was during the World Expo in Shanghai.A foreign friend asked me how to go to the Chinese pavilion.I showed her the way and we talked a lot on the way to the Chinese pavilion.

T:What did you talk about?I always don’t know what to say when I met a foreigner,I felt nervous.

S:Why are you nervous,you should think in this way,you meet a foreigner,and you first say hello to him or her,then you can ask him or her“Can you speak Chinese?”.If the answer is no, you can say“it doesn’t matter because I can speak English!”this will make you feel more confident,because he can’t even speak a little Chinese.

T:That’s really a useful way to be confident when facing a foreigner,thank you for your encouragement,and I want to know what we can talk about with a foreigner?We all know it is fine to talk about the weather with the foreigner,but I don’t think it can always be a good topic. What if I am sitting beside a foreigner on the subway,what can I say?

S:Yeah,“the weather”doesn’t always work.But you can talk about something else,just like,the food,the sport,the internet,and you can also ask some questions about the life in his own country.

T:Well,I have got so many topics,are there any topics which is inappropriate to talk about?

S:Yes,there are some topic you’d better avoid such as something about the foreigner’s privacy, the weight,the age,the income and so on.

T:Thanks a lot,maybe next time when I meet a foreigner,I will be able to communicate with him.情境:

Question14:Suppose you want to write a personal statement,but you have no idea how to do it exactly.Discuss with your partner about the contents,format,organization and tips of writing a proper personal statement.

T:Sophie,I want to write a personal statement,but I have no idea how to do it exactly,could you offer me some tips??

S:Of course,the first thing you need to do is to prepare your materials.

T:You mean copies of documents such as my CV,application letter,and application form?

S:Yes,and make a list of important information,in particular names of the program,research work you have worked on,dates of relevant experiences,the duties involved.

T:Okay,after preparing these materials,what should I do next?

S:Then you need to personalize your personal statement.Tell the admission officer what makes you unique or distinctive,and reflects your commitment and character most vividly.

T:Well,how long should my personal statement be?

S:You’d better limit your personal statement to less than800words.Remember,readers will be assessing the content of your personal statement as well as your ability to communicate effectively and concisely.

T:You are right;a short statement provides too little information while a longer statement is redundant and wordy.What else should I pay attention to?

S:The last tip for you.Revise your personal statement.After you have drafted your statement, turn to one or more professors for detailed suggestions and incorporate them into subsequent drafts.

T:Thanks a lot for your helpful suggestions!

Question15:What are some of the differences between writing a letter in English and writing a letter in Chinese?



T:Hi,Sophie,what are you doing?

S:Oh,hi,Tony,I am writing a letter to my high school foreign teacher,she now lives in Australia.

T:Are you still keeping in touch with your high school foreign teacher?

S:Yes,I wrote her email regularly,but now I am writing a letter to her because her birthday is coming.

T:Do you know how to write an English letter?It must be very different from Chinese letter!

S:There are many differences between English letters and Chinese letters.To start from the envelope,the address on English envelope begins with house number,followed by the street,town, province,and country.

T:It is just opposite from Chinese address.Is there any difference between the formats of date line?

S:In English letters,the date line is written in the letter head or the next two lines below the author’s address.

T:Is there any difference in the body of the letter?

S:Of course,in English letters every line of the letter begins at the left margin,with a space of one line between paragraphs.

T:Yeah,in Chinese letters,every line of the letter begins with two spaces,and there is no space between paragraphs.

S:You are totally right,and for the complimentary close part,in English letters,it can be put either on the left-hand side or right-hand side of the page,with the first letter capitalized,and followed by a comma.As with the salutation,your complimentary close should reflect your relationship with the recipient.

T:Okay,now I know how to write an English letter.


2017下英语预备级考前辅导资料 一、单选题(20分,每题2分) 1.China is a country (D )a very long history, a rich culture and many beautiful places. A. has B. for C. in D. with 2. The light was on all day long. I didn’t know who( C ). A. has turned it on B. has turned on it C. had turned it on D. had turned on it 3. Rose has never seen the TV play, ( D )she A. hasn’t B. does C. doesn’t D. has … 4. The(A)soldier was sent to the field hospital. A. hurt B. wounded C. hurted D. harmed 5. The new film is really worth( B ). A. see B. seeing C. to see D. being seen 6. Stop talking. I have( D )words to say. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 7. The( B )girl wanted her brother to turn off the TV set. A. afraid B. frightened C. frightening D. frighten 8. There is( D )in today’s newspaper. A. new anything B. new something . C. anything new D. something new 9. “How( B )has your friend sta yed in your home” “Two weeks.” A. many time B. long C. long time D. much long 10. I( D )speak a little English when I was four. A. am able to B. was able C. could be able D. could 二、阅读理解(30分,每题2分) Passage 1 Agnes Miller was one of the earliest leaders of the women’s liberation movement in the United States. She was born on a farm in Missouri in 1892 and had a very happy life as a child. She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five. Her parents and her brothers always treated her as their favorite. "


1我访问过一些地方,遇到过不少人,演谈起来,奇妙的事可多呢。 There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I meet. 2你们已经取得了进步,对此我毫不怀疑。 There has been no doubt in my mind of the progress which you have achieved. 汉语:由先到后,由因到果,由假设到推论,先叙事后总结,符合汉语“末尾焦点”的语言习惯和“从众归一”的思维方式。“循序渐进” 英语:先表示个人感受、态度或是首先就事情本身做出评论,然后再叙述事情的来龙去脉。“开门见山” 这种小型热带鱼由于具有自行修复受损和患病的眼部细胞的独特功能,长期以来一直为科学家所关注。 The tiny tropical fish has long interested scientists because of its unique ability to repair damaged and diseased cells in its own eyes. 一项技术突破使科学家得以第一次利用成年猴子培育出几十个克隆胚胎,从而开拓了以医疗为目的的高效克隆人类胚胎的前景。 The prospect of being able to clone human embryos efficiently for medical treatments has been raised by a technical breakthrough that has enabled scientists to make dozens of cloned embryos from adult monkeys for the first time. 如蒙尽早回寄来样品或产品册,将不胜感激。 It would be appreciated if samples and/or brochure could be soon forwarded to us. 如能尽早回复,我将非常感谢。 I will be very obliged to you if you will kindly grant me a reply at your earliest convenience. 英语:先叙述最近发生的事,再叙述次近发生的事,最后叙述最远发生的事。 汉语:由远到近。 当有列举与总概时,英:先总概后列举;汉:先列举后总概 在自然界找不到游离状态的铝,因为这种金属总是和其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是跟氧结合(铝和氧都有很强的亲和力),所以,铝直到十九世纪才被人类发现。


(考试资料)人员素质测评 1. 下面选项中,哪一种方法不属于封闭式问卷?()A.问答法 2.面试中,所谓()原则是指主试人应该从多方面去把握考生的内在素质,应从整个的行动反应中系统地、完整地测评某种素质,而不能仅凭某一个行为反应就下断言。C.全面性 3.具有“直率、热情、精力旺盛、情绪易于冲动、心境变化剧烈,具有外倾性”特征的人属于()气质类型。A.胆汁质 4.根据测验的()可以将心理测验划分为描述性、预测性、诊断咨询性等形式。B.目的 5.面试时,素质可以通过言辞、声音和体态语来体现,言辞约占传递信息的()。A.7% 6.关于权重确定的专家咨询法,下列说法不正确的是()。D.具有科学的检验手段 7.()原则是指素质测评要以被测人行为为依据,统一考察测评实体行为的效果和动机。D.行为性 8.通过不断的学习和实践活动,不健全的素质可以健全起来,缺乏的素质可以获得不同程度的补偿,一般性的素质可以训练成为特长素质,这说明,素质具有()。B.可塑性 9.被认为是最有效且使用频率最高的一种评价中心形式是()。B.公文处理 10.下列不是评价中心特点的是()。D.抽象性 11.在评价中心的活动中,要求考生表现的是(),主试人观察评定的是行为。这体现了评价中心的行为性特点。D.行为 12.为了区分被测评者的差异,尽量拉开分数档次,对测评分数的综合宜采用()。D.连乘综合法 13.物理测试不包括()。D.心理测试 14.通过设计一系列真实环境供工作中需要处理的各类公文,要求被试人员以管理者的身份,在规定时间内对各类公文材料进行处理,形成处理报告,然后与别人进行讨论。评价人员通过观察此过程中其行为表现,对被试人员的计划、组织、分析、判断、文字等等能力进行评价,这种测试活动是()。A.公文处理法 15.在测评项目(指标)分数的综合中,为体现各个指标在整体中的重要程度,宜采用()。C.加权综合法D.连乘综合法 16.具有“深思熟虑、善于分析、善于综合、轻率、武断、主观、自以为是”特征的品德属于()型品德特征。D.理智 17.“假如我现在告诉你因为某种原因,你可能难以被录用,你如何看待呢?”面试时这种提问方式是()。 A.假设式 18.在人员素质测评中,应用最为广泛的是()。C.能力性向测验 19.通过询问面试对象的教育、工作、家庭成长等问题来了解面试对象的求职动机、成熟度、专业技术背景等要素的面试题型是()。C.背景型 20.在素质测评标准体系中,一般在素质测评目的下规定()。B.测评内容 21.在确定测评指标权重的方法中,加权者依据自己的经验权衡每个测评指标的轻重直接加权是指()。 D.主观加权法 22.通过对实际工作中特别有效或无效的工作者行为的简短描述来调查与分析工作的方法,叫做()。D.关键事例法 23.在进行人口数据统计时,将性别分成“男性”和“女性”,然后用“1”表示“男性”,用“2”表示女性。这种量化形式属于()量化。A.类别 24.评价中心最主要的特点是()。D.情境模拟性 25.使评价中心具有较高效度的主要原因是由()决定的。B.综合性 26.在进行数据综合时,为了便于拉开档次,提高“灵敏”度,最好采用()。D.连乘综合法 27.对测评结果进行总体水平分析,其目的是通过有关反映集中趋势的指标,把握全部测评者的()。D.一般水平 28.哪种测评形式,是在工作情境模拟测评的基础上发展起来的。()D.评价中心 29.低信度的测评者用高信度的测评方法所得到的测评结果()。C.不一定是可靠的 30.对测评结果进行整体差异分析时,常见指标是()。A.标准差与差异系数 31.从近几年面试的实践来看,面试的发展出现的趋势是()。

华师期末考 远程学习方法

计算机软件一般分为系统软件和应用软件两大类,不属于系统软件的是(??答案:C? )。 A.操作系统 B.数据库管理系统 C.客户管理系统 D.语言处理程序 ? 断电后,会使存储的数据丢失的存储器是(???答案:A?? )。 A.RAM B.硬盘 C.ROM D.软件 ? 人们在网络中可以完全不受时间、地域和资格等的限制而自由地学习,这体现了网络学习的(答案:A? )。 A.开放性 B.虚拟性 C.交互性 D.自主性 ? 网络学生从外界获取评价并将此评价内化为良性刺激的意识是(?答案:C??)。 A.自评意识 B.自控意识 C.自励意识 D.自动意识 ? 网络学生对学习全过程进行自主管理的意识是(???答案:C?? )。 A.自励意识 B.自动意识 C.自治意识 D.自觉意识 保持微型计算机正常运行必不可少的输入输出设备是(??答案:C?? )。 A.键盘与鼠标 B.显示器与打印机 C.键盘和显示器 D.鼠标和扫描仪 ? 网络学生要确立的正确学习观念是(??答案:A??? )。 A.自律 B.他律 C.顺从 D.抵抗 进行网络学习,最理想的学习风格是(?答案:D?? )。 A.抵抗型 B.顺从型 C.行为型 D.转化型 ? 多项选择 下面华师网院关于交费的规定,哪些是正确的(您的答案:B,) A.学费收据应妥善保存,办理学费减退手续时需要出示学费收据。如有丢失、毁损情况,只给每个学生一次查询与补办机会。 B.为方便各地学生,学费由各学习中心代收。 C.新生入学时预交30学分费用,如预交学费用完,应提前续交学费以免影响下次选课与开课。 D.无学费收据,不予办理减退费手续。 关于学生选课预约考试的说法,正确的有(??您的答案:A,B,C??) A.对于需要申请免考的课程请不要选课。一旦选课则不能申请免考。 B.学生选定课后,学院将于开学日统一在网上开通。如果学生学费不足,不能全部开通所选课程。 C.必修课的学分,不能用选修课的学分代替。 D.学生每学期在修课程不能超过7门课程。 关于统考的说法,错误的有(?答案:A,C,D???? ) A.从2005年开始,推行学生个人通过网络报名与缴费 C.统考合格教育部发放合格证书。 ? 华南师范大学网络教育学院为平台开发了如下哪些手机客户端.( 答案:A,C,D? )


《大学语文》期末复习提纲 一、基础题 1、北宋诗文革新运动领袖的是欧阳修。 2、善写羁旅行役之词的词人是柳永。 3、被后人奉为婉约派正宗的著名词人是秦观。 4、《史记》是纪传体通史。 5、“防民之口,甚于防川”这句话出自《召公谏厉王弭谤》。 6、杜甫兼长各体,尤其擅长七言律诗。 7、李白诗歌特征的有充满浪漫色彩、想象奇特丰富、词彩瑰伟绚丽、感情奔放豪迈。 8、刘大魁、姚鼐、方苞属于桐城派散文家。 9、《苦恼》、《变色龙》属于契诃夫小说代表作。 10、老舍、吴组缃、沈从文属于中国现代小说家。 11、《左传》是我国第一部编年体史书。 12、《冯谖客孟尝君》中孟尝君的形象特征为宽容大度、礼贤下士。 13、《召公谏厉王弭谤》选自《国语》。 14、《赞美》一诗的作者是穆旦。 15、李清照是婉约词的代表词人。

16、陆游是南宋时期的著名爱国诗人。 17、杜甫诗歌的风格是沉郁顿挫。 18、《归田园居》一诗在达意时使用最多的一种修辞手法是比喻。 19、《中国人失掉自信力了吗》一文采用的论证方法是驳论点。 20、《庄子》最富有浪漫色彩。 21、穆旦是九叶诗人的代表诗人。 22、《苦恼》、《舞会以后》、《绳子的故事》、《麦琪的礼物》属于外国短篇小说。 23、戴望舒、艾青、徐志摩属于现代诗人。 24、陶渊明诗歌特征的有质朴自然、冲和平淡的特征。 25、白居易《长恨歌》、高适《燕歌行》、张若虚《春江花月夜》属于歌行体。 26、《世说新语》三则中讲述了周侯、王恺、石崇、王徽之、戴安道的故事。 27、《左忠毅公逸事》的作者是方苞。 28、苏轼《水调歌头?明月几时有》里“兼怀子由”,“子由”是指苏辙。 29、“忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身”一语出自《五代史伶官传序》。 30、《山坡羊(潼关怀古)》的作者是张养浩。 31、李商隐是晚唐著名诗人。


一、单选题 1 ( )将访问许可权分配给一定的角色,用户通过饰演不同的角色获得角色所拥有的访问许可权. A、强制存取控制 B、自主存取控制 C、视图机制 D、基于角色的访问控制 答案:D 2 SQL的默认策略是任何与( )约束相违背的更新均为系统拒绝. A、用户定义的完整性 B、实体完整性 C、参照完整性 D、用户定义的完整性和参照完整性 答案:C 3 用户标识与系统鉴别属于( )技术. A、访问控制 B、接入控制 C、完整性约束 D、恢复 答案:A 4 ( )是相互矛盾的,数据库物理设计过程中需要对它们进行折中权衡. A、时间效率,维护代价 B、时间效率,空间效率 C、时间效率,空间效率,维护代价 D、空间效率,维护代价 答案:C 5 在关系演算中,元组变量的变化围是( ). A、某一命名的关系 B、数据库中的所有关系 C、某一个域 D、数据库中的所有域 答案:C 6 下列聚合函数中不忽略空值(null) 的是() A、SUM (列名) B、MAX (列名) C、COUNT ( * ) D、AVG (列名) 答案:C 7 SQL中,下列涉及空值的操作,不正确的是()

B、AGE IS NOT NULL C、AGE = NULL D、NOT (AGE IS NULL) 答案:C 8 SQL的全局约束是指基于元组的检查子句和() A、非空值约束 B、域约束子句 C、断言 D、外键子句 答案:C 9要保证数据库逻辑数据独立性,需要修改的是( ) A、模式 B、模式与模式的映射 C、模式与外模式的映射 D、模式 答案:C 10 ( )是关系代数的基本运算之一. A、交 B、除 C、关系模型 D、广义笛卡儿积 答案:D 11 设关系R有M个元组,关系S有N个元组,则关系R和S的笛卡尔积有( )个元组. A、M B、N C、M*N D、M+N 答案:C 12 单个用户使用的数据视图的描述称为() A、外模式 B、概念模式 C、模式 D、存储模式 答案:A 13 判断对并发事务正确的调度是( ). A、并发事务的执行结果与并行化执行结果事务是否一致 B、事务间无冲突 C、并发事务的执行结果与串行化执行结果事务是否一致


作业 1.第1题 幼儿在活动过程中的即时需要,包括:()、创新的需要、对秩序的需要、 参与的需要、被接纳的需要。 A.探究因素 B.实践因素 C.体验因素 D.探索因素 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 音乐教育活动过程中教师有意识地作为教育影响因素使用的所有的有形材料 和无形材料是心理调节基本要素中的()因素。 A.材料 B.幼儿 C.教师 D.时空 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 狭义的审美教育通常被陈述为一种培养人认识美、()美、创造美的能力与 态度的教育。 A.了解 B.追求 C.热爱 D.感受 答案:C 您的答案:C

题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 幼儿园音乐教育的综合性主要体现在:形式上的综合性、过程上的综合性、()上的综合性 A.目标 B.结果 C.材料 D.目的 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 5.第5题 心理调节的基本要素中幼儿因素分为幼儿的即时因素和()。 A.非适时因素 B.适时因素 C.长时因素 D.短时因素 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 6.第6题 《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》在艺术领域提到的两大目标分别是()、表现与创造。 A.鉴赏 B.欣赏 C.感受与欣赏 D.体验与欣赏 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 7.第7题

韵律活动的材料包括:()、音乐和道具. A.舞蹈动作 B.模仿动作 C.动作 D.基本动作 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 8.第8题 音乐教育活动中的游戏性可以提现在内容中的游戏性、形式中的游戏性、()中的游戏性。 A.过程 B.结果 C.手段 D.方法 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 9.第9题 幼儿园音乐教育的途径包括教师安排的与幼儿自发的、专门性的和渗透性的、()音乐活动。 A.隐性的 B.显性的与物化的 C.显性的与隐性的 D.整体的和部分的 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 10.第10题 学前儿童韵律活动能力的发展包括()、随乐能力、合作协调、创造性表现等音乐能力的发展。 A.舞蹈


初级财务会计学 一、选择题 1.一般说来,实际工作中的成本开支范围与理论成本包括的内容(B) A.是有一定区别的 B.是一致的 C.是不相关的 D.是相互可以代替的 2.成本预测要在(B) A.计划期开始之前 B.成本决策之前 C.计划执行过程中 D.成本核算期间 3.下列科目中属于资产类的是(D) A.制造费用 B.营业成本 C.生产成本 D.原材料 4.下列会计基本前提中,权责发生制原则的基础是(B) A.会计主体 B.持续经营 C.会计分期 D.货币计量 5.下列各项中,为解决资产计价和收益确认提供了基础的会计基本前提是(B) A.会计主体 B.持续经营 C.会计分期 D.货币计量 6.下列各项中,不能作为会计主体的是(C) A.企业集团 B.分公司 C.合作企业 D.子公司 7.下列各项中,属于“生产成本”账户贷方发生额记录内容的是(B) A.期初在产品成本 B.完工产品的制造成本 C.产品生产过程中发生的生产费用 D.期末在产品成本 8.在不设置“预收账款”的情况下,依据借贷记账法账户结构的原理,如果“应收账款”账户期末为贷方余额,则可以判定该账户属于下列各项的(B) A.债权结算账户 B.债务结算账户 C.资产类账户 D.所有者权益类账户 9.下列各项中,属于对会计要素进一步分类的项目是(B) A.会计账户 B.会计科目 C.会计对象 D.会计账簿 10.下列会计核算的一般原则中,将融资租入固定资产作为自有资产核算所依据的原则是(B) A.谨慎性 B.实质重于形式 C.重要性 D.历史成本计价 11.下列各项中,属于所有者权益确认依据的是(A) A.资产和负债 B.收入和费用 C.投资者投入的资产 D.投入资产和盈余公积12.下列各项中,属于购进材料发生的间接费用是(C) A.材料的买价 B.入库前的挑选整理费 C.与购进其他材料一起发生的运杂费 D.运杂费13.下列各项中,属于“利润分配”账户对之调整的账户是(B) A.资本公积 B.本年利润 C.固定资产 D.实收资本 14.下列各项中,属于“累计折旧”账户对之调整的账户是(C) A.制造费用 B.管理费用 C.固定资产 D.实收资本 15.某企业购进固定资产的买价为50000元,运输费为500元,保险费为50元,安装费为1000元,则该固定资产的入账价值为(D) A.50000 B.50500 C.50550 D.51550 16.下列各项中,属于设置跨期摊提账户依据的是(D) A.收付实现制 B.谨慎性原则 C.实质重于形式原则 D.权责发生制 17.在实际工作中,工业企业的产品成本包括(A)


2017级古代汉语(2)考试内容 一、默写(45分) 1、宋人三十六字母表(36分) 2、解释“古无轻唇音”(5分) 3、默写三题,一题出自《柏舟》,《关雎》一题出自《哀郢》最后一段,一共4分 (1)泛彼柏舟,。髧彼两髦,实维我仪。 (2)参差荇菜,。窈窕淑女,寤寐求之。 (3)乱曰:,。鸟飞反故乡兮,狐死必首丘。 二、诗歌格律(15分) 赠花卿 杜甫 锦城丝管日纷纷,半入江风半入云。 此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻。 1、写出这首诗适用的平仄格式(8分) 2、写出这首诗的韵脚(4分) (考虑首句是否入韵) 3、分析这首诗是否有拗救(3分) 三、古书注解(15分)(诗经秦风《岂曰无衣》) 岂曰无衣?与子同袍。兴也。袍,襺也。上与百姓同欲,则百姓乐致其死。笺云:此责康公 之言也。君岂尝曰:女无衣,我与女共袍乎?言不与民同欲。○袍,抱毛反。襺,古显反,本亦作“茧”。王于兴师,修我戈矛,与子同仇!戈长六尺六寸,矛长二丈。天下有道,则礼乐征伐自 天子出。仇,匹也。笺云:于,于也。怨耦曰仇。君不与我同欲,而于王兴师,则云:修我戈矛,与子同仇,往伐之。刺其好攻战。○仇音求。长,直亮反,又如字,下同。 [疏]“岂曰”至“同仇”。○毛以为,古之朋友相谓云:我岂曰子无衣乎?我冀欲与子同袍。朋友同欲如是,故朋友成其恩好,以兴明君能与百姓同欲,故百姓乐致其死。至于王家于是兴师之时,百姓皆自相谓:修我戈矛,与子同为仇匹,而往征之。由上与百姓同欲,故百姓乐从征伐。今康公不与百姓同欲,非王兴师,而自好攻战故,百姓怨也。○郑以为,康公平常之时,岂肯言曰:汝百姓无衣乎?吾与子同袍。终不肯言此也。及于王法于是兴师之时,则曰:修治我之戈矛,与子百姓同往伐此怨耦之仇敌。不与百姓同欲,而唯同怨,故刺之。○传“袍襺”至“其死”。○正义曰:“袍,襺”,《释言》文。


1. 在下述各项行为中,通过学习获得的是( b )。 A. 蜜蜂造蜂房 B. 狗对灯光分泌唾液 C. 暗适应现象 D. 吃兴奋剂提高运动成绩 2. 在下列各陈述中,包含了学习的迁移的思想的是( b )。 A. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 B. 举一反三 C. 长善救失 D. 拳不离手,曲不离口 3. 在间歇强化的条件下,新的行为 ( d ) A. 建立得快,消退得也快 B. 建立得快,消退得慢 C. 建立得慢,消退得快 D. 建立得慢,消退得慢 4. 作为一门独立学科的教育心理学诞生的标志是( c )。 A. 拉伊的《实验教育学》 B. 卡普捷列夫的《教育心理学》 C. 桑代克的《教育心理学》 D. 詹姆斯的《对教师的谈话》 5. 学生在已具备“哺乳动物”知识的基础上,再来学习“鲸是一种哺乳动物”的知识,这种学习属于( a ) A. 派生类属学习 B. 相关类属学习 C. 并列结合学习 D. 总括学习 6. 下列各项中不属于维纳提出的归因 3 个维度的是( b )。 A. 内外源 B. 普遍性 C. 可控性 D. 稳定性 7. 用列课文结构提纲、画网络图的方法促进学习,这种学习策略属于( c ) A. 复述策略 B. 精加工策略 C. 组织策略 D. 资源管理策略 8. 场独立且沉思型的学生适合选修的学科是( a ) 。 A. 数学 B. 历史学 C. 教育学 D. 心理学 场独立性(field independence)和场依存性(field dependence)这两个概念来源于美国心理学家H. A 维特金(H. A. Witkin)对知觉的研究。 场独立性指把个体较多依赖自己内部的参照,不易受外来因素影响和干扰,独立对事物做出判断的称为场独立性。 场依存性是指把个体较多地依赖自己所处的周围环境的外在参照,以环境的刺激交往中定义知识、信息称作场依存性。 9. 小童在几何课上学会了使用圆规画圆,这一结果属于( b )。 A. 概念学习 B. 动作技能 C. 言语信息 D. 规则学习 10. 作为陈述性知识最小单元的命题,相当于( d )。 A. 一个句子 B. 一个词 C. 一个概念 D. 头脑中的一个观念 命题是陈述性知识的最小单元。相当于头脑中的一个观念。 人是用命题而不是用句子将言语信息贮存在头脑中的。 11. 为了打击社会不良现象,政府常用“杀一儆百”的做法,其理论依据可能是( c ) A. 经典条件反射 B. 操作条件反射 C. 替代惩罚 D. 人的悟性 12. 动作技能学习的教学方法一般宜于采用( d ) A. 发现法 B. 讲解法 C. 示范法 D. 示范与讲解相结合的方法 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10.D 11. C 12.D


单选题 反映试题鉴别能力的指标是 2.欲分析某高校男女毕业生对16 种职业的选择顺序是否存在显著关系,可采用的方法是 A.和差相关法 B.等级相关法 C.点二列相关法 D.x 2检验 答案:B 3.下列成绩中,那一项表明学生的成绩最好? A.Z=6. 7 B.Z=-2 C.Z=-9. 5 D.Z:5 答案:八 4.分析测试內容与预测內容之间的一致性程度,这种测试效度的方法叫A.效标关联度B.内容效度 C.结构效度 D.预测效度 答案:B 5.欲抽样比较实验班与非实验班的考试成绩的差异性问题,应使用何种检验方法? A.t检验 B.u检验 C.x 2检验 答案:A 6.对数据资料计算综合指标,然后根裾综合指标值对教育客观事物给予评价。这种方法称为 A.描述性统计 B.推断性统计 C.定量统计 D.相关统计 答案:A 7.某一学生在期末考试屮,语文成绩66,政治成绩74,语文的全班平均分和标准差分别为65和13;政泊的全班T 均分和标准差分别为75和10。请问该生的语文与政治成绩哪一个好? A.语文 B.政治 D. 答 度分 度 度 度:A 区 信效难案

C.一样好 D.无法比较 答案:A 8.由于各种偶然W素的影响产生的,没宥固定倾向的误差称为 A.系统误差 B.抽样误差 C.随机误差 D.条件误差 答案:C 9.全卷的题目难度分配一般易:中:难之比为: A.4: 4: 2 B.3: 6: 1 C.5: 3: 2 D.3: 5: 2 答案:D 10.欲分析外语成绩与学生的内外旳性格类型的关系,宜采用的方法是 A.不只左相关法 B.等级相关法 C.点二列相关法 D.x 2检验 1.反映某一事物或现象水T的指标是 A.绝对数 B.相对数 C.平均数 D.标准差 答案:C 2.对信度的估计方法釆用 A.T检验 B.u检验 C.相关法 D.x 2检验 答案:C 3.教育统计学的研究对象为 A.教育现象的本质与规律 B.教育现象 C.教育现象的数量方面 D.教育评价的质暈方面答案:C 4.反映试题鉴别能力的指标是 A.区分度 B.信度 C.效度 D.难度 5.对同一对象不同时期的某项目的差异评价称为 A.诊断评价 B.横A评价 C.安置评价 D.纵向评价 答案:D



P38 汉译英 (1)我们在你们的主页中了解到你们是专门研究是专门研究X的,这正是我们目前研究的领域。如果有可能我们愿意与你们交换研究资料并邀请你们到我实验室进行学术访问。我方将设法为你们的来访和我们之间未来的合作所需的手续提供便利。 We have learned from your homepage that you are specialized in X, what we are doing now. If possible, we are willing to exchange research materials with you and invite you to our laboratory for academic visit. We will try to facilitate your visit and the necessary procedures for future cooperation between us. (2)来自南京的问候!我和您曾在上周伦敦“X国际研讨会”上见过面,当时我们就双方实验室研究工作做了交流,并简单讨论了未来合作的可能性。今致此邮件,进一步介绍一下我们的研究团队和我们目前的一些研究课题。希望您也能给我们提供一个有兴趣与我方建立联系的人员名单。 Greetings from Xiangtan! We met last week at the International panel discussion of X Conference in London,we talked about the laboratory research work of both sides and briefly discussed the possibility of future cooperation. With this email I would like to further introduce our team and some projects we are doing. We sincerely hope you can also recommend a list of members that would like establish a contact with us. (3)我系将负责安排您在南京期间的活动并为您支付在南京的全部费用。请您尽早发来您的访华行程表,以便我们了解您计划来宁的日期并为您到南京大学访问做好准备工作。 Our department will be in charge of the arrangement of your trip in Xiangtan and pay all expenses for your stay in Xiangtan. Please send us your schedule for your visit to China as early as possible so that we can know the date of your planned to come and make preparations for your visit to Xiangtan University. (4)我们愿意接受贵系系主任的热情邀请,拟下月底对贵系进行友好访问。此行主要目的是加强两系之间的联系并探讨进一步合作的可能性。希望解释我们


高老师辅导班练习题 一.选择题(单项选择,每小题3分,共21分) 1.方程22=x 的解是( ) A .1=x ; B .1-=x ; C .2=x ; D .4=x . 2.下列图案是轴对称图形的是( ) . 3.已知2, 1x y =??=?是二元一次方程3kx y -=的一个解,那么k 的值是( ) A .1; B .-1; C .2; D .-2. 4.不等式组1, 1. x x +??-≥-?>0的解集在数轴上表示正确的是( ) A. B. C. D. 5.下列几种形状的瓷砖中,只用一种不能..够铺满地面的是( ) A .正六边形; B .正五边形; C .正方形; D .正三角形. 6. 下列长度的各组线段能组成三角形的是( ) A .3cm 、8cm 、5cm ; B .12cm 、5cm 、6cm ; C .5cm 、5cm 、10cm ; D .15cm 、10cm 、7cm . 7.如图,将周长为6的△ABC 沿BC 方向向右平移1个 单位得到△DEF ,则四边形ABFD 的周长为( ) A .6; B .7; C .8; D .9. 二.填空题(每小题4分,共40分) 8.不等式2>x 8的解集是 . 9.若a >b ,用“<”号或“>”号填空:-2a -2b . 10.根据“a 的3倍与2的差小于0”列出的不等式是: . 11.六边形的内角和是 °. 12.三元一次方程组?? ? ??=+=+=+895x z z y y x 的解 是 . 13.等腰三角形的两边长为3和6,则这个三角形 的周长为 . 14.不等式x 2<5的正整数... 解为 . 15.如图,△A ′B ′C ′是由△ABC 沿射线AC 方向平移 得到,已知∠A=55°,∠B=60°,则∠C ′= °. 16.如图,在三角形纸片ABC 中,AB=10,BC=7,AC=6, 沿过点B 的直线折叠这个三角形,使顶点C 落在AB 边 上的点E 处,折痕为BD ,则△AED 的周长等于 . 17.如图,用同样规格的黑白色正方形瓷砖铺设长方形 地面.观察图形并回答下列问题. (1)在第4个图形中,共需 块瓷砖; (2)若所铺成的长方形地面中,白瓷砖共有20横行,共需 块黑瓷砖. 三、解答题(共89分) 18.(12分)解方程(组): (1) 1323=-x (2) ???=+=21 322y x y x 19.(12分) 解下列不等式(组),并把它们的解集在数轴上表示出来: (1)3315+≤-x x 第17题 第15题 1 0 1- 1 0 1- 1 0 1- 1 0 1- 第7题 C E B A D 第16题


一、选择题 1、《我的马克思主义观》的作者是(A )A、李大钊B、钱玄同C、刘半农D、鲁迅. 2、下面那个作家不是新月社的成员(D )A、胡适B、闻一多C、徐志摩D、钱玄同 3、下面哪项不是创造社的主张(C )A、“为艺术而艺术”B、推崇“直觉”和“灵感” C、倡导“为人生” D、倡导“表同情于无产阶级” 4、鲁迅没有参与哪个社团组织(C )A、莽原社B、未名社C、新月社D、新语丝社 5、下面哪一部作品不是属于“十七年”时期出现的作品?(D )A、《青春之歌》B、《山地回忆》 C、《新结识的伙伴》 D、《班主任》 6、涓生和子君是鲁迅小说的主角?(A )A、《药》B、《高老夫子》C、《伤逝》D、《在酒楼上》 7、当代中国著名文学史研究专家王瑶认为茅盾的(C )是“《呐喊》以后最成功的创作”A、《蚀》B、《林家铺子》C、《子夜》、D《追求》 8、以下那部作品奠定了巴金在20世纪中国文学史地位的?(A )A、《家》、B、《春》、C、《秋》D、《寒夜》 9、巴金在文革后创作了(B )A、《回想录》B、《随想录》C、《思想录》D、《梦中录》 10、水生嫂是下述哪篇作品中的人物?(D)D A、《边城》B、《太阳照在桑干河上》C、《小二黑结婚》D、《荷花淀》 11、主要运用了对比手法的作品是(C)A、《我》B、《有赠》C、《有的人》D、《春天》 12、朦胧诗在人们评价不一的情况下,舒婷率先得到了出版诗集的机遇,这也是她出版的第一部诗集。这部诗集是(C )。A、《致橡树》B、《神女峰》C、《双桅船》D、《呵,母亲》13、郭沫若创作的最早的新诗是(D )A、《女神》B、《凤凰涅槃》C、《地球,我的母亲》D、《死的诱惑》 14、余光中曾于1953年与覃子豪、钟鼎文等共创文学团体(C )A、“坐标系”诗社B、“人生”文学会 C、“蓝星”诗社 D、“忆故乡”诗社 15、诗集《白玉苦瓜》的作者是(B )A.牛汉B.余光中C.洛夫D.白先勇 16、哪位作家深受基督教博爱思想的影响,形成了贯穿于作品“爱的哲学”的风格?()A、冰心B、沈从文C、胡适D、叶圣陶答案:A 17、汪曾祺的小说颇似随笔,被称为“笔记体小说”,短是他的小说创作的特点,最长的哪部作品也就是一万二千字左右。()A、《受戒》B、《大悼记事》C、《晚饭花》D、《陈小手》答案:B 18、分不属于“白洋淀”诗群的诗人有:()A、芒克B、多多C、艾青D、林莽答案:C 19、当代中国著名文学史研究专家王瑶认为茅盾的()是“《呐喊》以后最成功的创作”A、《蚀》B、《林家铺子》C、《子夜》D、《追求》答案:C 20、1986年后,王安忆发表了一批引起颇多争议的作品,被归入当时的“性题材”中,其中,除了著名的“三恋”外,还有()A、《香港的情与爱》B、《小鲍庄》C、《岗上的世纪》D、《大刘庄》答案:C 21、下面作品,那部是茅盾创作的历史小说()A、《康熙王朝》B、《汉武大帝》C、《李自成》D、《大泽乡》答案:D 22、下面哪项不是创造社的主张()A、“为艺术而艺术”B、推崇“直觉”和“灵感”C、倡导“为人生”D、倡导“表同情于无产阶级”答案:C

教师专题讲座 秋 华师大期末考试答案

《教师专题讲座》 说明:学生可以在提供的参考题目以外自拟题目完成学习报告,学习报告不少于1500字,成绩合格获得《教师专题讲座》学分。 参考题目一、《教师职业倦怠的调节策略》刘晓明 1.教师职业倦怠的现状分析——如何看待教师的职业倦怠? 2.教师职业倦怠的原因探讨——如何认识教师职业倦怠的成因? 3.教师职业倦怠的自我调适——如何改善教师的职业倦怠? 二、《中小学生的发展特征和教育策略》刘晓明 1. “一切为了每一位学生的发展”——你如何看待当前我国中小学生的发展特点? 2.贯彻”以人为本“的教育理念——你认为如何根据中小学生的发展特征进行教育?2015教师节专题 三、《学校主题教育活动设计》石艳 四、《我国家庭教育的问题与选择》赵刚 五、《当前语文教学中存在的若干问题》孙立权 六、《学校事故的归责与安全管理》曲正伟 答:

教师职业倦怠的调节策略 一、个人职业倦怠的现状 学生成绩不好,是老师没教好;学生品德出了问题,是老师没教育好;学生磕着碰着,是老师没照看好。这些当然是教师的职业要求,但也不能不分青红皂白把所有问题都推向老师,许多青年教师诉说工作压力大,老教师也感慨现在的学生越来越不好教了。这个职业可以说也是一种服务行业,常常老师们在扮演者幼儿园阿姨、保姆、教书匠、保安、心理医生等多重角色,不少人有意无意把教师看成是无所不能的‘超人’。每天面临班上几十个性格不同、状况各异的学生,繁重的工作让他们感觉自己身心俱惫。再加上近几年社会新闻中个别教师的一些负面消息,让老百姓对整个教师队伍有了一些误解,教学成就感的缺失,也让教师的职业热情慢慢消退。 二、职业倦怠产生的主要原因 (一)社会对教师过高的期望。家长都很希望自己的小孩能过出息,不惜一切的代价来到某个学校,或者给小孩送到教学质量、口碑、荣誉等都很好的学校求学,因为各种原因学生呢不一定能够取得好成绩,可能有些家长或者说是学生的亲属就会认为是老师的问题,作为教师同样的去承受这些非议,教师或许能通过改变教学方法、适应学生、课余辅导等方式来提高教学质量,那么必然加重教师的负担,也就成为了倦怠的直接诱因。 (二)不能适应学校的管理与竞争。各个学校有不同的管理方法和不同的竞争机制,当然这些管理方法和竞争机制之中呢肯定会存在一些不合理的地方,有时候可能辛辛苦苦工作,全然是在给别人做嫁衣,难免会觉得不适应、委屈,厌倦,精神状态也不佳。最后呢导致一些恶性循环。

华师期末考 大学英语精读

__________ we need more practice is quite clear. 您的答案:B A.What B.That C.Which D.When ___________ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. 您的答案:D A.What B.This C.That D.It ___________ is unknown to me. 您的答案:A A.Where he is B.Where is he C.He is where D.Is he where __________ the old man's sons wanted to know was __________ the gold had been hidden. 您的答案:B A.That ... what B.What ... where C.What ... that D.That ... where __________ you don't like him is none of my business. 您的答案:C A.What B.Who C.That D.Whether ___________the 1500's____________the first Europeans explored the coast of California. 标准答案:D A.It was not until ... when B.It is until ... that C.It is not until ... when D.It was not until ... that ________the door than somebody started knocking on it. 标准答案:B A.I had closed no sooner B.No sooner had I closed C.I had no sooner closed D.No sooner I close ________he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment. 标准答案:D A.As soon as B.As well as C.So far as D.So long as


华南师范大学《电子技术基础》期末考试试卷 班级:____________ 姓名:____________ 成绩:___________ 一、填空题(每空1分,共14分) 1、半导体是一种导电能力介于________与________之间的物质,最常用的半导体材料有________和________等。 2、PN结的单向导电性就是:加正向电压时,PN结________,加反向电压时,PN结________。 3、三极管只有工作在________状态,关系式I C=?I B才成立。 4、NPN型三极管处于放大状态时,各级电位的关系是:________________,PNP型三极管处于放大状态时,各级电位的关系是:________________。 5、固定式三端集成稳压器W7812表示输出____________电压,W7905表示输出___________的电压。 6、晶闸管是一种能控制________的半导体器件。 7、逻辑门电路,是指有________输入端和________输出端的开关电路。 二、判断题(每题2分,共20分) 1、在半导体内部,只有电子能传导电流。() 2、三极管的发射结正偏时,它必处于放大状态。() 3、二极管只要加正向电压就一定导通。() 4、单向桥式整流电路中有四只二极管,故每只二极管中电流的平均值等于负载电流的1/2。() 5、三极管具有电流放大作用,所以也具有能量放大作用。() 6、二极管导通时,正向压降为0.7V。() 7、在数字电路中,“1”一定代表高电平,“0”一定代表低电平。() 8、非门通常有一个输入端,一个输出端。() 9、利用二极管的单向导电性可实现整流。() 10、放大电路中所使用的三极管β值越大越好。() 三、选择题(每题2分,共20分) 1、三极管的各极间电流满足I C=βIb关系时,三极管工作在()。 A、饱和区 B、放大区 C、截止区v 2、放大电路空载是指()。 A、R C=0 B、R L=0 C、R L=∞ 3、共发射极放大电路的输入信号加在三极管的()之间。 A、基极和发射极 B、基极和集电极 C、发射极和集电极 4、在三极管的输出特性曲线中,当Ib减小时,它对应的输出特性 曲线()。 A、向下平移 B、向上平移 C、向左平移 D、向右平移 5、一个三级放大器,工作时测得AU1=100,AU2=AU3=10,则总的 放大倍数是()。 A、100 B、1000 C、10000 6、要将交流电转换为直流电,应采用的方法是()。
