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• 武汉大学具有光荣的革命传统和很高的学术地位。┅┅1948年英 国牛津大学致函中国国民政府教育部确认武汉大学文、理学士毕 业生成绩在80分以上者享有“牛津之高级生地位”。 • Wuhan University has a glorious revolutionary tradition and enjoyed a very high academic status. ... In 1948, Oxford University of Britain w rote an official letter to the Ministry of Education of the Chinese Nati onal Government, confirming that bachelors of liberal arts and scienc es graduated from Wuhan University and with average grades above 80 could enjoy “the senior status of Oxford.”
• 武汉大学是中华人民共和国教育部直属的重点综合性大学,位于 风景秀丽的武汉市东湖之滨,珞珈山麓。 Wuhan University is a key university directly under the administration of the Education Ministry of the People’s Republic of China. It is locat ed at the foot of the scenic Luojia Hill and by the side of the beautiful East Lake in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
• 抗日战争期间,武汉大学迁至四川乐山,抗战胜利后迁回珞珈山。 到1946年底,学校已设有文、法、理、工、农、医六大学院,包 括21个系和8个研究所。 • During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wuhan University moved to Leshan, Sichuan Province and it returned to Luojia Hill after the vic tory of the war. By the end of 1946, the university had six colleges, i.e ., the colleges of liberal arts, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture an d medicine, comprising 21 departments and 8 research institutes
• 汉语描写景物的一显著特点是诗情画意,带有强烈的主 观审美色彩,语言几乎诗化,景物刻画不求明细,追求 朦胧之美。
• 英语描写景物时,表达具体客观,精细深刻,具有真实 自然的理性之美,与汉语有很大的差异。
• 福海美丽的风光让人流连忘返,那里的一切,白云、山岩、流水、夏雨、冬雪、 苍穹、大地美丽宁静,完全没有城市的喧哗与骚动,只是静静地散发着未经雕 琢的自然原始魅力...... • Fuhai County, with its stunning natural scenery made up of mountains, waters both bubbling and still, woods, grasslands and tiny creatures, seems a million miles from the noisy hustle and bustle that city folk accept as normality. This frontier town clearly demonstrates how easily humankind can live in harmony with the untainted beauty of nature.
• 武汉大学是一所历史悠久、具有光荣革命传统和优良学术传统的 著名大学。她的百年历程与祖国的盛衰荣辱息息相关,她始终以 振兴中华为己任,不断地为祖国的昌盛和人类的进步作出新的贡 献。 • Wuhan University is a famous university with a long history, a gloriou s revolutionary tradition and a fine academic tradition. Its course over the past 100 years has been closely bound up with the prosperity an d decline of the motherland. It always regards China’s rejuvenation as its own responsibility and has been making contributions to the pros perity of China and the progress of mankind....
• 畅销全球 selling well all over the world • 品种齐全 a great variety of goods • 货源充足 ample supply and prompt delivery • 技术先进 modern techniques • 居同类产品之魁首 to rank first among similar products • 价廉物美 high quality and inexpensive
平实性说明文多平易朴实,简明干练; 文艺性说明文则生动活泼,丰腴华美, 风趣幽默。
公司LOGO 2014-5-25
• 栈桥:是青岛的标志性建筑,始建于1892年,桥身长440米,桥面宽8米, 被誉为青岛十景之一。
• 小青岛:又称“琴岛”。位于青岛湾栈桥东南,为海中一小岛。面积约 为1.2万平方米,还把7米。岛上山石俊秀,林木青翠。
• 小鱼山公园:位于第一海水浴场之阴,海拔60米。公园建于1985年,中 国古典风格,建筑面积800平方米。建筑设积围绕海的主题,处处显示鱼 山之特色。海滨名胜尽收眼底。1992年被青岛市民和游客评选为青岛十 大景观之一。
公司LOGO 2014-5-25
• 目前,公司拥有注册资本9.63亿元,总投资53亿元,净资产32亿 元,被上海市人民政府列入50家重点大型企业名列中国最具发展 潜力上市公司50强;荣获2004年中国500最具价值品牌排行榜; 列中国品牌“世界影响力”前20 • OPG has a registered capital of 963 million RMB, total assets of 5.3bill ion RMB and net assets of 3.2 billion RMB.It is also listed as one of th e 50 pivotal largescale enterprises by the Shanghai Municipal Govern ment, and one of the 50 companies with the most potential on the Ch inese stock market. OPG appeared in Shanghai’s 500 most valuable brands in 2004. It is one of the 20 Chinese brands with global influenc e. • 东方明珠(集团)股份有限公司将利用国内外两个市场,不断提 升品牌价值和能级,努力成为中国乃至世界著名的上市公司 • OPG will seize every opportunity to make good use of the capital mar ket at home and abroad, actively promote its management brand, an d become one of the world best known comprehensive companies.
• 上海东方明珠(集团)股份有限公司是中国第一家文化类上市公 司 • Shanghai Oriental Pearl (Group)Co., Ltd.(OPG)is the first cultural com pany in China to obtain a Chinese stock market listing. • 目前拥有上海东方明珠广播电视塔、上海国际会议中心、上海东 方明珠移动多媒体公司、上海东方明珠传输公司等25家子(控股) 公司涉及旅游观光、广播电视传播、媒体广告、信息传输及实业 投资等多元化业务。 • It has 25 subsidiary companies whose businesses include tourism, rad io and TV transmission service, and media investment.
• 汉语的多文学语言风格,文辞讲究,语言凝练;重写意, 汉语的多文学语言风 格,文辞讲究,语言凝练;重写意,虚实结合。 • 英语的译文:景物描写大多是实景写实,不重写意而在绘景, 客观朴实。 • 翻译时:化虚为实,对写意和虚空的言说部分作适当的删减和调整,并采取平 实简洁的语言风格。 和调整,并采取平实简洁的语言风格。
• 武汉大学的历史溯源于清末湖广总督张之洞奏请清政府创办的自 强学堂(1893年),后易名为方言学堂,继又发展为国立武昌高 等师范学校、国立武昌师范大学、国立武昌大学、国立武昌中山 大学。1928年7月定名为国立武汉大学。 • The university dates back to Ziqiang Institute, which was founded in 1 893 by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Hubei and Hunan Provinces in late Qing Dynasty after his memorial to the throne was approved by the Qing Government. Later, it changed its name successively to Foreign L anguages Institute, the National Wuchang Higher Normal College, the National Wuchang Normal University, the National Wuchang Univers ity and the National Wuchang Zhongshan University. In July 1928, it w as renamed National Wuhan University.
Main Tourist Spots in Qingdao
• Zhanqiao Pier: Landmark structure in Qingdao, built in 1892. one of the city’s ten major scenic spots, the 440-meter-long, 8-meter-wide pier juts out into the Yellow Sea. • Lesser Qingdao: Also known as Qingdao, the small island covers an area of 12,000square meters, standing 17 meters above sea level. The island is covered in beautiful rocks, hills and woods. • Little Yushan Park: Another of Qingdao’s ten major spots, this Chinese-style park, constructed in 1985, is an excellent place to enjoy the sea view.