8. New Ways of Work新型工作方式

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8. New Ways of Work 新型工作方式

1 Words and Phrases单词和词组

switch转换as of next monday从下周一开始

computerised电脑操控的 a bit of opposition有点儿反对意见

prone倾向于,易于pay off起作用

pay packet工资,薪水can’t wait till it starts迫不及待等它开始

angle角度Been there;done that. 这方面我有经验。

shop floor车间from all angles从各个角度

persistent坚持不懈的,固执的the only way to go唯一可行的办法

drudgery苦差事,苦there’s no harm in that…也无妨

ultimate最终的save a hell of a lot of time可以节省很多时间

robotic machine自动机械you persistent bugger你这个固执的家伙

2 Sentences 重点句型

1. I had an idea last night. 我昨晚想到一个点子。

2. That will probably take all day. 这很可能得占用一整天。

3. I can’t see it would do any good. 我看不出这么做有什么用。

4. Don’t you even want to hear my idea?你就不想听听我的主意吗?

5. So,you think you’re better than the experts?那你的意思是你比专家还牛喽?

6. Just give me a chance to explain and then decide. 就给我个机会解释一下再做决断吧。

7. How long will the training program take?会培训多久?

8. The experts have looked at it from all angles. 专家们已经从各个角度看过这个问题了。

9. How’s the new process going to be implemented?那这个新系统怎么投入使用呢?

10. The old manual system is slow and prone to errors. 旧的人工系统又慢又容易出错。

11. The ultimate goal is increased profits for the companies.


12. Robots have taken over a lot of work previously done by humans


13. They’ll be running group sessions first and then individual tuition.


14. Computers can relieve a lot of drudgery associated with manual work.


15. The catch cry of modern industry is increased productivity and efficiency.


3 Dialogue 1

A Supervisor discusses a new process.

A: As of next Monday, the Department will be switching to a computerised payroll system.

B: That’s great. So, the Committee decid ed at last to make the change?

A: Yes, that’s right. There was a bit of opposition to the move but we finally convinced everyone it would pay off.

B: I’m glad to hear it. The old manual system is very slow and prone to errors.

A: Don’t I know it! W e always have the workers complaining about mistakes in their pay packet.

B: So, how’s this new process going to be implemented?

A: We have the technicians coming in on Monday to install the computers. That will probably take all day.

B: And then what happens?

A: Then the program consultants will be here to install the software and commence the training program.

B: That’s good. How long will the training program be?

A: They’re going to run a group session first and then provide individual tui tion to each of the staff.

B: That sounds really great. I can’t wait till it starts.

对话1 主管讨论新系统

A: 从下周一开始,部门将换上由计算机控制的薪酬系统。

B: 太好了。那就是说,董事会终于决定革新了?

A: 对,是这样。对这个举措有些人曾有点儿不满,不过我们最终说服了所有人,说明这样做是值得的。

B: 很高兴听到这些。旧的人工薪酬系统又慢又容易出错。

A: 谁说不是呢? 我们总能听见工人抱怨说工资弄错了。

B: 那这个新系统怎么投入使用呢?

A: 我们叫技术人员周一过来安装电脑。可能要安装一整天。

B: 那接下来呢?

A: 然后技术咨询员会来这里安装软件,并开始进行培训。

B: 这不错。那要培训多久呢?

A: 他们会先进行一次集体培训,然后给每个员工个别指导。

B: 听起来很棒。我已经迫不及待等它开始了。

4 Dialogue 2

An employee discusses way to save time with the Supervisor.

A: I had an idea last night, about how we could save a lot of time with this process.

B: Been there; done that. The experts have looked at it from all angles.

A: Yeah, maybe, but they don’t do the job.

B: So, you think you’re better than the experts?

A: No, I’m not saying that. I use the machines everyday and I’ve been thinking, there’s got to be a better way.

B: Well, there isn’t. We’ve done it this way for years and it’s the only way to go.

A: Don’t you even want to hear my idea?

B: I can’t see it would do any good.

A: Well, look. Just give me a chance to explain and then decide.

B: I guess there’s no harm in that, even though it’s probably a waste of time.

A: That’s what we’re doing now on the shop floor, wasting time. This idea is going to save a hell of a lot of time for the process.

B: OK, you persistent bugger. Let’s hear your idea.

对话2 员工和主管讨论节省时间的办法

A: 昨晚我想出了一个点子,可以用这个程序时节省许多时间。

B: 这方面我有经验。专家们已经从各个角度看这个问题了。

A: 是的,也许吧,不过他们没有做好工作。

B: 那你的意思是你比专家还牛喽?
