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Good night,sleep tight,

Wake up bright

In the morning light.

To do what’s right

With all your might.

The itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain,

And washed the spider out,

Out came the sun,

And dried up all the rain.

And the itsy bitsy spider

Went up the spout again.

I’m a little teapot,short and stout. Here’s my handle,here’s my spout. When the kettle’s boiling,hear me shout.

Tip me up and pour me out.

How many seconds in a minute? Sixty and no more in it.

How many minutes in an hour?

Sixty for sun and flower.

How many hours in a day?

Twenty-four for work and play.

How many months in a year? Twelve the calendar makes clear.

I will not spoil this little book,

Nor drop it on the floor.

I will not turn its corners down,

To spoil it more and more.

My book’s a little friend to me,

And so a friend to it I’ll be.Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on my right.


Once Icaught a fish alive,


Then I let it go again.

School is over.

Oh,what fun!

Lesson’s finished;

Play begun.

Who’ll run fastest,

You or I?

Who’ll laugh loudest?

Let us try.

White sheep,white sheep,

On a blue hill.

When the wind stops

You all stand still.

When the wind blows

You walk away slow.

It’s a small world after all.

It’s a small,small world.

There is a world of laughter and tears. It’s a world of fun and sadness. There is so much that we share,

And it’s time we are aware,

It’s a small world after all.

Each other,

One another,

We know each other,

We Help one another.

At night time,when I go to bed,

A million stars shine overhead.

But when I wake up in the day, There’s just one sun to light my play. Here you can see the deep blue sea, This is the boat and this is me,

All the little fishes down below, Waggle their tails and off they go The hen that lays the egg

Is wonderful,that’s true; Computers can not do it,

And neither can my friend nor can you.

Every morning at eight o’clock

You can hear the postman knock.

Up jumps Mary to open the door, One letter,two letters,three letters,four.

This fish is clever,

That fish is foolish,

This fish swims away,

That fish is now in the dish. Father,mother,sister,

And my younger brother,

They all sit together,

Talk bout the weather. Where are you going,

My little cat?

I’m going to town to buy a new hat. What?A cat to buy a hat?

Your head is too round,and your face is too flat.

I met a little friend

Who came from another land.

I couldn’t speak his language,

But I took him by the hand.

We sang together

And we had fun together!

Singing is a language

You can speak with anyone.


Pussy’s in the well.

Who put her in?

Little Johnny Green.

Sing sing,what shall I sing?

The cat has eaten the pudding-string! Do,do,what shall I do?

The cat has bitten it in two.

An apple a day,

Sends the doctor away.

Eat an apple going to bed,

Knock the doctor on the head.
