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摘要 (6)

Abstract (7)

第1章引言 (1)

1.1. 研究背景 (1)

1.2. 研究意义 (3)

1.3. 研究创新 (4)

1.4. 论文框架 (4)

第2章文献综述 (7)

2.1. 股权质押下公司代理问题的研究回顾 (7)

2.2. 股权质押下控股股东行为模式的研究回顾 (10)

2.3. 股权质押对公司业绩影响的研究回顾 (12)

第3章案例与理论研究以及研究假设 (14)

3.1. 股权质押对公司业绩影响的案例分析 (14)

3.1.1. 股权质押案例分析之一:超日太阳(002506) (14)

3.1.2. 股权质押案例分析之二:奥飞动漫(002292) (16)

3.2. 理论分析与研究假设 (18)

3.2.1. 股权质押对公司业绩影响机制分析 (18)

3.2.2. 研究假设 (19)

3.3. 分析方法 (21)

第4章实证研究 (23)

4.1. 样本数据的来源以及筛选 (23)

4.2. 模型与变量设计 (24)

4.3. 描述性统计分析 (26)

4.4. 实证分析 (33)

4.4.1. 变量相关性分析 (33)

4.4.2. 多因素回归分析 (35)

4.5. 稳健性检验 (37)

4.6. 实证总结 (39)

第5章政策建议与研究展望 (41)

5.1. 政策建议 (41)

5.2. 研究不足 (42)

5.3. 研究展望 (43)

第6章补充内容 (45)

参考文献 (48)

后记与致谢 (52)


图 1 我国沪深两市上市公司股权质押规模逐年扩大 (2)

图 2 股权质押平仓传导机制 (2)

图 3 论文框架图 (6)

图 4 超日太阳股价走势图(向后复权) (15)

图 5 超日股份净利润走势图(亿元) (15)

图 6 奥飞动漫股价走势图(向后复权) (17)

图 7 奥飞动漫净利润走势图(亿元) (17)


表 1 样本筛选过程一览表 (23)

表 2 设计变量整理介绍 (26)

表 3 样本公司股权质押投向统计 (26)

表 4 样本公司控股股东持股比率区间统计 (27)

表 5 样本公司控股股东股权质押比率区间统计 (28)

表 6 样本空间的行业分布情况统计 (28)

表 7 2014年样本公司不同行业占比情况 (30)

表 8 样本公司控股股东股权质押比例与持股比例描述分析 (32)

表 9 样本公司财务变量描述分析 (33)

表 10 低持股比例样本组的变量Pearson相关性分析 (33)

表 11 高持股比例样本组的变量Pearson相关性分析 (34)

表 12 低持股比例样本组的多因素OLS回归结果 (35)

表 13 高持股比例样本组的多因素OLS回归结果 (36)

表 14 更替ROE为被解释变量后的实证结果 (37)

表 15 添加2010年样本数据之后的实证结果 (38)










The pledge of stock right has become a very convenient financing channel of shareholders of public company in our country. From the view of the data in 2015,we can learn that 1371 listed companies in stock markets of Shanghai and Shenzhen Carried out the pledge of stock right,and year-on-year growth is 31.1%;The number of pledge of stock right announced publicly is up to 6543,and year-on-year growth is 47.8%;the market value of stock involved in pledge is up to 3.2 trillion, and year-on-year growth is 105.1%.The size and growth of pledge of stock right is incredible.

Different from the popular in stock market,the research of pledge of stock right is rarely in academic circles.For one thing,the stock right is personal property of stockholders;for another thing,the behaviour of stockholder have a great influence in corporate governance.What are the effects of the large scale pledge of stock righ in corporate governance and performance.If any,the effects are good or bad?How the pledge of stock impact corporate performance?The answer to the question have a plentiful theoretical significance Practical significance.

According to the research of other scholars, The pledge of stock right has a double-edged influence on public companies.On the one hand, The pledge of stock right separate the cash flow right and control right further,which incurs Principal–agent problem and brings bad effects on corporate performance.On the other hand, The pledge of stock right increases the risk of losing the control right of public companies, which brings good effects on corporate performance.Both viewpoint have been supported by academic theory and physical truth.

T his article argue the inffluence of the pledge of stock right is complicated.It lead to dfferent results in a different condition.Proceeding with shareholding ratio of stockholders and based on the data from 2011 to 2015,we want to prove that the pledge of stock right has totally different effect on corporate performance.

The conclusion of this article is that the pledge of stock right has a negative effect on corporate performance in the condition of high level of shareholding ratio and that the pledge of stock right has a positive effect on corporate performance in the condition of low level of shareholding ratio.

Keywords:Dominant stockholder,Pledge of stock right,Corporate performance,Shareholding ratio.

CLC code:F23
