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Learning goals:

1 熟悉短文改错的各种错误类型

2 运用所掌握的方法技巧限时练习8 minutes

3 翻译改错中经典句子

Learning procedures:

Step 1. 观察并找出单句中的错误,引导并总结

一、1. The children spend a lot of times watching TV.

2. It is one of the most interesting book that I have ever read.

3. Different people may give different answer to this question.

4. I was playing at my cousin house.


不可数名词time / water / work / money / fun / news / information / progress / knowledge

二、1. I was learning to express me in simple English.

2. If you have different opinions, discuss it with others.

3. That is difficult to get along well with others.

4. That’s why we should ask them for help first when they have problems.

代词1 反身代词主语和宾语是同一人

2 单复数及性别前后指代一致

3 it 做形式主语及宾语结构

三、1. If you do want to lose weight, it is good idea to do it by taking more exercise.

2. After a hour or so we began to feel frightened.

3. I have a good news to tell you.

4. Ten minutes later, the firemen came and put out fire.

5. As matter of fa ct, I don’t like the music of this film

冠词1 不定冠词及定冠词单数可数名词前加a / an

an hour / an honest boy / an umbrella / an unusual thing /

a university / usual thing / useful thing ,a success, a surprise

2 不可数名词前一般不加冠词

3 含冠词的短语结构: as a result, all of a sudden, to tell you the truth

四、1. I am sure we will have a wonderfully time together.

2. She called 119 immediate.

3. China is much more bigger than the USA.

4. I hope we’ll be close to each other than before.

5. The fish tastes well. Why not have a try ?

6. You can make as many friends as possibly.

7. I had to think long and hardly before I could find the answer.

词性:1 形容词及副词用法;形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词,动词,句子

2 比较级than much + 比较级bigger much more + 多音节形容词beautiful

五、1. Books may be keep for four weeks.

2. But not all the information are good to society.

3. Last week, we have a discussion about whether we should go online in our spare time.

4. I just want to know what the sign say.

5 . Don’t worry. Your child is well looking after here

动词:1 时态一致2 语态(主动被动)3 主谓一致

六、1. I will let you to know as soon as I hear from her.

2. I am looking forward to hear from you.

3. They were surprised see us.

4. You can benefit a lot from the book writing in English.

5. We can see plastic bags throwing everywhere.

6. First of all, don’t be disappointing.

7. You can also design different cards use flash.

非谓语1. 不定式to多与少及介词to 后的动词形式pay attention to / lead to / object to / look forward to/ be used to +doing

2. v-ing / v-ed 用法

七、 1. Mr. Smith worked hard so without any success.

2. I got extremely interested in foreign cultures or customers.

3. I won’t be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon.

4. I put my book under my desk , opening it , and started looking for the answer.

5. We’d better go out for a walk or doing some outdoor exercise.

连词1 并列连词and , but, or, so 及前后动词的平行结构

2 上下文逻辑关系
