My big fat Greek weeding (我的盛大希腊婚礼)

《MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING》1.Additional Questions :This movie seems to be about Greek culture. In fact, it isabout all types of ethnic Americans –how so?Is your family more like Toula's or like Ian's.Did you like the movie. Why or why not?2.Cultural Issues :Ethnocentrism(民族优越感)& Xenophobia(仇外,对外国人的畏惧和憎恶)StereotypesCultural Issues Facing Children of ImmigrantsGrowing Up AmericanPrimary Lessons From the Movie3.Ethnocentrism & Xenophobia :Ethnocentrism is the tendency to believe that one's ethnic or cultural group is centrally important or superior to others.All other groups are measured in relation to one's own. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his own particular ethnic group or culture, especially concerning to language, behavior, customs, and religion. Xenophobia: An unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.4.Ethnocentrism in the Movie :Toula's father (Gus) always tracing the origins of English words to Greece.Gus telling Toula's fiancé(未婚夫)(Ian)that “It his lucky day to bebaptized (施洗礼)in the Greek OrthodoxChurch(希腊正教的).”Gus telling Ian;”My people werewriting philosophy when your people were climbing trees”.5.Ethnocentrism & Aunt Voula :Vou la: “What do you mean he don't eat no meat?” [entire room stops in shock]. Voula: “Oh, that's okay. I make lamb.”Ethnocentrism makes us hear/see what we want,not necessarily what is there6.Stereotypes (刻板印象,成见):-Greek families are loud, food-crazed, chatty, traditional and family obsessed.-American families not fussy (爱挑剔的,难取悦的)about cultural heritage and are conservative(保守的).-Americans are parochial(狭隘的)–not very aware of other countries. WhenIan's father -mentioned that he had a secretary from Guatemala(危地马拉--中美洲的一个国家), Ian's mother asked if Guatemala (which is in Central America--中美洲) is near to Greece (which is in Europe).- A woman's place is in the home to get married, have babies and raise a family. Women don't need to be educated.- Men are inherently smarter than women. Example –when Gus gave Toula permission to work in Aunt Voula's travel agency – Gus thinks it was his “brilliant” idea when in fact, he was tricked into giving Toula permission.-Ian's parents are potrayed(描绘,扮演)as, private conservative, having a “stiff upper lip”(鉴定沉默,不漏感情), boring and slightly xenophobic. (Remember the look of shock on their faces when they went to meet Toula's parents)?7.Children of Immigrants :The film portrays some of the cultural issues facing children of immigrants. Issues such as:* How to hold onto(保持住)their cultural heritage whilst(同时)integrating into(融入)the dominant culture. A young Toula did not feel accepted by other American kids which is why she had no relationships outside of her family.* The impact of marrying outside of their culture on their families.* Having to conform to(符合,遵照)the collective view of the family and finding it more difficult to branch out on their own. Toula wanted to have her own life but her family (especially her father) had other ideas.* Their need to be individuals in families headed by fathers from patriarchal (家长的), traditional societies.Toula is not as “proud to be Greek”as her father and sometimes feels embarrassed by his ethnocentrism8.Growing Up American :* Americans raised to be self-reliant(自力更生的,自恃的). Example –Ian is a teacher and has his own apartment whereas Toula and her brother are adult children still living with their parents.* Americans are generally less “touchy feely”(婆婆妈妈,情感外露)especially when communicating with people they don't know well. In the film, notice how Toula's immediate and extended family all fight to hug Ian.* Also notice how Toula's dad hugs Ian's parents the first time they met.* Importance of personal space. When Toula went to Ian's family for dinner, did you notice how far apart Toula and Ian sat from his parents.However, when Ian's parents went to Toula's parents home, they felt a little uncomfortable being the center of attention.* Privacy very important to Americans. Generally, very personal information is not shared with people they just met. Remember how shocked Ian's parents felt when Aunt Voula told them about a medical problem she had. This is regarded as being too personal too soon.9.Primary Lessons From the Movie :Even though you are apples and we are oranges – we are all fruit.We can gain so much from compromise and tolerance.。

冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版1Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰2This icy force both foul and fair.冰雪严寒只等闲3Has a frozen heart worth mining.誓破坚冰续奇缘4Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈开冰块冷又坚5Strike for love And Strike for fear.战胜恐惧求真爱6See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.冰雪美人冷艳又危险7Split the ice apart.掘开寒冰勇向前8 And break the frozen heart.用爱融化冰封的心!9Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去10 Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去11Beautiful! Powerful!美丽又强大!12Dangerous! Cold!寒冷又危险!13Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.冰雪的魔力难驾驭14Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.一当十一当百15Stronger than a hundred men!谁人能挡寒冬至?16Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰17This icy force both Foul and Fair.冰雪严寒只等闲18 Has a frozen heart worth mining.誓破坚冰续奇缘19Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈开冰块冷又坚20Strike for love and strike for fear.战胜恐惧求真爱21There's beauty and there's Danger here.冰雪美人冷艳又危险22 Split the ice apart!掘开寒冰勇向前23Beware the frozen heart.用爱融化冰封的心!24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯特!25 Elsa. Psst艾莎喂26 Elsa!艾莎!27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒快醒醒28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜快回去睡觉29I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着天还醒着我也醒着30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?33Come on, come on, come on, come on.快!快!姐姐快!34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法!35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦! - 喔...36This is amazing!哇!好神奇!37Watch this!看好了!38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱!39I love you, Olaf.我爱你雪宝40Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我! -接住啦!41Again! Wait!再来一次! -等下!42Slow down!慢一点!43Anna!安娜!44Anna?安娜?45Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!46You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的安娜姐姐抱47Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾莎你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了!48It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.都是我不小心对不起安娜49- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉! -我知道怎样救她50Ice?雪?51Faster, Sven!快点斯特!52Sven!斯特!53Please... Help!请帮帮我们!54My daughter!救救我的女儿!55He is the King!哦!是国王!56Trolls...?地精?57Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘听听他们在说什么58Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱干脆留下来别走了590Your Majesty!陛下!60Born with the powers or cursed?她的魔力是天生的还是受到了诅咒?61Born. And they're getting stronger.天生的而且越来越强了62You are lucky it wasn't her heart.好在没有击中她的心脏63The heart is not so easily changed,冰封的心很难融化64But the head can be persuaded.打在头上,我还有办法65Do what you must.快救救她吧66I recommend we remove all magic,我会消除魔法的效果67even memories of magic to be safe...还有关于魔法的记忆,也一同抹去68But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.别担心我会留下快乐的记忆69She will be okay.她会好的70But she won't remember I have powers?她会忘记我有魔法?71- It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,这样才安全 - 听着艾莎72your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大73There is beauty in it...它会带来幸福74But also great danger.也会带来灾难75You must learn to control it.一定要学会掌控你的魔力76Fear will be your enemy.记住,恐惧是你的敌人77No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure.不我们会保护她她能做到的相信我78Until then,在那之前79we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门削减人手80We will limit her contact with people减少她与外界的交往81and keep her powers hidden from everyone...她的魔力决不能被别人知道82including Anna.包括安娜83Elsa?艾莎?84Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?85Come on let's go and play.快来我们一起玩86I never see you anymore. Come out the door.好久没有见到你了出来吧87It's like you've gone away.你就像消失了一样88We used to be best buddies.我们曾是最好的伙伴89And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.现在你却不理我你能告诉我原因吗90Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?91It doesn't have to be a snowman.玩什么都可以呀92Go away, Anna.走开安娜93...Okay bye.好吧拜94The gloves will help. See...这幅手套可以控制你的魔力...95- Conceal it. - Don't feel it.隐藏好 -别去想96Don't let it show.别让别人发现97Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?98Or ride our bike around the hall?还是在城堡里骑车?99I think some company is overdue...我一个人烦闷又无聊..100I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.每天跟墙上的画像讲话101Hang in there, Joan.坚持住贞德102It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.这些房子空得让人好寂寞103Just watching the hours tick by.只能盯着钟表数着一秒一秒104I'm scared. It's getting stronger.我很害怕我的魔力越来越强大了105Getting upset only makes it worse.你越害怕就越难控制它106Calm down.冷静下来107No. Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you.别碰我我怕伤着你108See you in two weeks.两周后见109- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa.你们真的要去吗? -你会没事的艾莎110Elsa?艾莎?111Please, I know you're in there.艾莎我知道你在里面112People are asking where you've been,大家都在问你去哪了113They say have courage and I'm trying to...他们叫我要坚强我会的114I'm right out here for you. Just let me in.我在外面等你让我进来吧115We only have each other.现在只剩我和你116It's just you and me.姐妹相依为命117What are we gonna do?我们该怎么办?118Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?119(三年后)120Welcome to Arendelle! Thank you, Sir!欢迎来到阿伦戴尔欢迎!121Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon.注意脚下大门马上要打开了122Why do I have to wear this?我一定要穿这个吗?123Because the Queen has come of age.今天城门就要打开了124It's Coronation Day!女王的加冕日!125That's not my fault.跟我有什么关系126- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么斯特? -给我点吃的!127What's the magic word? Please!先说口令! -求你了!128A..a... a... a! Share!喂!给我留点!129I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!真不敢相信,城门终于打开了!130And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!131Faster, Persi!快亲爱的!132Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.阿伦戴尔我们最神秘的贸易伙伴133Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开大门,让我揭开你的秘密134and exploit your riches.榨干你的财富135...Did I just say that out loud?我是不是说的太大声了?136Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to.我已经等不急要进去了137See the Queen and the Princess.拜见女王和公主!138I bet they're absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了139I bet they are beautiful.她们一定是大美女140Princess Anna...?安娜公主?141...Huh? Yeah?恩?142- Sorry to wake you, ma'am but... - No, no, no. You didn't.很抱歉叫醒您 -哦,没,没事143I've been up for hours.我早就起来了...呵欠144Who is it?嗯?谁在外面?145It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon.呃,还是我,城门马上就要打开了146Time to get ready. Of course!您该起床做准备了! -哦,当然!147Ready for what?准备什么?148Your sister's coronation, ma'am.您姐姐的加冕典礼,殿下149My sister's cor-neration...我姐姐的加冕...150It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!151It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!152The window is open! So's that door!所有的门窗都打开了!153I didn't know they did that anymore.真不敢相信门开了!154Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates...?宴会的盘子足有八千个155For years I have roamed these empty halls.空荡荡大厅独徘徊156Why have a ballroom with no balls?不举办舞会好寂寞157Finally, they're opening up the gates!今天终于把门打开了!158There'll be real, actual people四方宾客汇聚一堂159It'll be totally strange.这是多么奇妙的事160But wow am I so ready for this change!为了今天的改变,我已准备多时了!161For the first time in forever,这将是我生命里第一次162There'll be music, there'll be light.引吭高歌点亮希望163For the first time in forever,这是我生命里第一次164I'll be dancing through the night.热舞狂欢彻夜不眠165Don't know if I'm elated or gassy,也许我太激动了166But I'm somewhere in that zone.但我真的好开心167'Cause for the first time in forever,因为这将是我生命里第一次168I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone...我不会再寂寞!我已等不及见大家了169What if I meet "the one"?对了,如果遇到那个"他"?170Tonight, imagine me gown and all.想象今夜穿着新晚装171Fetchingly draped against the wall.优雅妩媚倚着墙172The picture of sophisticated Grace.美丽端庄又大方173I suddenly see him standing there,有个帅哥站一旁174a beautiful stranger tall and fair.身材高大眼睛亮175I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!我心跳加速小鹿撞,想把巧克力全吃光!176But then we laugh and talk all evening,我们整晚欢笑聊不停177Which is totally bizarre.这感觉美妙又奇异178Nothing like the life I've led so far.我的生活此刻才开放179For the first time in forever,这将是我生命里第一次180There'll be magic, There'll be fun.感受惊喜充满乐趣181For the first time in forever,这是我生命里第一次182I could be noticed by someone.邂逅爱情不再孤单183And I know it is totally crazy.这种想法也许很疯狂184To dream I'd find romance.幻想就要遇到真爱185But for the first time in forever,但这至少是我第一次186At least I've got a chance!改变人生的好机遇!187Don't let them in. Don't let them see.别让人知道别让人发现188Be the good girl You always have to be.做个好女孩,就像你的从前189Conceal. Don't feel.躲藏收敛190Put on a show.在众人面前191Make one wrong move and everyone will know.一出错会让大家都发现192But it's only for today.但是只有在今天193It's only for today! It's agony to wait.-只有在今天! -跟痛苦说再见194It's agony to wait.-跟痛苦说再见195Tell the guards to open up the...让守卫把大门全打开!196The gate!-打开!197For the first time in forever.这是我生命里第一次198Don't let them in don't let them see-别让人知道别让人发现199I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.多年梦想终实现200Be the good girl you always have to be.-做个好女孩,就像你的从前201A chance to change my Only world.改变我孤单的世界202Conceal. Conceal. Don't feel.-藏好,别去想203- A chance to find true love - Don't See, Don't Feel, Don't Let them know.找到真爱的机遇 -躲藏收敛不要被发现204I know it all ends tomorrow,明天起一切将结束205So it has to be today!从今天开始改变!206'Cause for the first time in forever...这将是我第一次...207For the first time in forever!这是我生命里第一次!208Nothing's in my way!幸福前路无人挡!209Hey! -I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?喂!! -对不起!你没事吧?210Hey!嘿!211 I-ya, no. No. I'm okay. - Are you sure?哦我...没事 -真的吗?212 Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going.我刚刚走路没看路...213- But I'm great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness.但是我没事,真的 - 哦!谢天谢地214Oh... Umm... 喔...嗯...215Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南艾尔斯的汉斯王子216Princess Anna of Arendelle. -Princess...?我是阿伦戴尔的安娜公主 -公主?217My Lady.殿下!218Hi... again.嗨...呵呵219Oh boy.噢...欸220Ha. This is awkward. Not you're awkward,嗯...这有点尴尬,呃...我不是说你221but just because we're...I'm awkward.但我们确实...我是说我挺尴尬的222You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你很...优雅...呃,什么?223I'd like to formally apologize for我正式的为我不小心224hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...骑马撞上了美丽的阿伦戴尔公主以及... 225And for every moment after.之后所有的事情道歉!226No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess.哦...没关系的,我不是“那种”公主227I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...如果你撞到的是我姐姐艾莎,喔~~那可惨了...228'Cuz, you know...你懂的,哈哈...229Hello.你好啊~~230But, lucky you, it's-it's just me.还好,你...撞到的是我231Just you?你?232...The bells. The coronation.哦!敲钟了,典礼要开始了233 I... I...我...哎呀我...234 I better go. I have to...I better go.我要走了,我要...我真的得走了...235 Bye!再见!236Your Majesty, The gloves.陛下,手套!237(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok诵经238krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...诵经239...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎240Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎241Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎242Princess Anna of Arendelle!阿伦戴尔公主安娜243Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay.站这儿?你确定?我觉得有点...好吧244 Hi.嗨245Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi.跟我说吗? 噢...嗨246You look beautiful...Thank you.你很今天漂亮 -谢谢247You look beautifuller. I mean, not Fuller.你更“泡亮”...哦,不是“泡亮”248You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful.不是“胖”...我是说...你更漂亮一些249Thank you.谢谢250So, this is what a party looks like?原来,舞会就是这样的啊?251It's warmer than I thought.比我想的还要热闹一点252And what is that amazing smell?这是什么味道? 好香253... Chocolate.巧克力!254Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.陛下猥琐屯公爵求见255Weselton. The Duke of Weselton..威斯顿!我是威斯顿公爵...256Your Majesty,陛下257As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的贸易伙伴258 It seems only fitting that I offer you.我想邀请您跳加冕后的第一支舞259Your first dance as Queen.望陛下赏光260Thank you... Only I don't dance.谢谢...但我不会跳舞261But my sister does.不过我妹妹会262 Lucky you... -Oh, I don't think...你真幸运 -我可不觉得...263 If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you.如果你被我转晕了,我会接着你的264 Sorry.不好意思265 Like an agile peacock...看我像只灵活的孔雀266 Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.你们能打开城门真是太好了267Why did they shut them in the first place?以前干嘛要关上呢?268 Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗? 嗯?269 No. -No...不知道 -不知道?270Oh, all right. Hang on.好吧,我们继续271They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.我可是个“舞林高手”哦!272Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey... I fly.看我跳“鸡舞”...“猴子舞”...飞起来啦!273Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady.希望下次还能有幸邀您公主殿下274Well, he was sprightly.哈!他真是活跃275Especially for a man in heels.穿了高跟鞋还这么能蹦跶276Are you okay? - I've never been better.你还好吗? -我好得很呢!277This is so nice.我今天好开心278I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望永远都能像今天一样279 Me too...我也希望...280 But it can't.但是不行281Why not? -If...It just can't.为什么不行? -就是..不行282Excuse me for a minute.对不起我失陪一会儿283Glad I caught you. - Hans!又接住你了 -汉斯!284I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide...Oops. Sorry.经常只有我一个人在大厅里滑...哦不好意思285... Your physique helps I'm sure too....你这么强壮肯定没问题286What's this? I was born with it,这是什么? -哦,生下来就长了287Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.其实,我曾梦到被一个地精吻过288 I like it.真有趣289Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.对!整个都吞下去!哈哈,你做到了290Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?对了,你有多少兄弟来着?291Twelve older brothers.十二个哥哥292Three of them pretended I was invisible...其中三个哥哥在过去两年里...293literally... for two years.完全把我当透明的294- That's horrible. - It's what brothers do.太可怕了 -兄弟之间就是这样295... And sisters.姐妹之间也是296Elsa and I were really close when we were little.我跟艾莎小时候玩的可好了297But then, one day she just shut me out, and...可是有一天,她突然把我关在门外不理我了298And I never knew why.直到现在我都不知道为什么299 I would never shut you out.我的门永远向你敞开300Okay, can I just say something crazy?呃,我能不能说点“疯话”?301 I love crazy.你说什么我都爱听302All my life has been a series of doors in my face.我的一生总有很多门挡着我303And then suddenly I bump into you.直到今天遇见你304I was thinking the same thing, because like...我也是这么想的,因为...305I've been searching my whole life to find my own place.我也用我的一生寻找新天地306And maybe it's the party talking,大概是舞会上的偶遇307Or the chocolate fondue.不知是否有意义308But with you...直到遇见你...309I found my place.我看到新天地310I see your face.我找到新感觉311And it's nothing like I've ever known before.这种感觉我从来未有过312Love is an open... door!爱的门打开了!313Love is an open... door...Door...爱的门打开了314Love is an open... door...爱的门打开了315With you! With you!遇见你!遇见你!316Love is an open door.爱的门打开了317I mean it's crazy. What?我们很疯狂 -怎么了?318We finish each other's...Sandwiches!我们吃彼此的... -三明治!319That's what I was gonna say!你抢了我的词!320I've never met someone...Who thinks so much like me.我从未见过谁想法和我一致321Jinx... jinx again.巧合...你看多巧!322Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation,我们心有灵犀,这只有一种解释323You and I were just meant to be.我和你注定在一起324Say goodbye.跟昨天325To the pain of the past.的痛苦说再见326We don't have to feel it anymore!不用再感受它的折磨327Love is an open... door!爱的门打开了!328Love is an open door!爱的门打开了!329Life can be so much more...with you! With you!生活有多快乐...能够跟你一起!330Love is an open... door.爱的门打开了331Can I say something crazy...?我能不能说句“疯话”?332Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?333Can I just say something even crazier?我能说句更疯狂的吗?334Yes.我愿意335Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?哦!不好意思,借过!336Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢...哦,她在这儿337Elsa! I mean... Queen...艾莎! 我是说...陛下...338 Me again. May I present,我又来了我想向您介绍339Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南艾尔斯的汉斯王子340Your Majesty.女王陛下341We would like...your blessing...希望您能...祝福我们的...342of... our marriage!婚礼!343Marriage...? Yes!婚礼?! -是的!344 I'm sorry, I'm confused.不好意思...我有点晕345Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.好吧我们确实还有一些细节需要商量346We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.得花上几天好好策划一下我们的婚礼347Of course we'll have soup,宴会上要有鲜汤348roast, and ice cream and then...烤肉,冰淇淋还有...349Wait. Would we live here?等下我们可以住在这里吗?350Here? -Absolutely!这里? -当然!351Anna...安娜...352Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...也可以把你的十二个哥哥都请来住...353What? No, no, no, no, no.什么? 不不,等一下354Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...这里的房间足够给他们住,而且...355Wait. Slow down.不,等一下356No one's brothers are staying here.他们不能住在这儿357No one is getting married.你也不能和他结婚358Wait, what?什么?359May I talk to you, please. Alone.我能单独跟你谈谈吗? 就我们俩360No. Whatever you have to say, you...不无论你想说什么...361you can say to both of us.跟我们两人一起说好了362Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.好吧你不能嫁给一个你才刚认识的人363You Can if it's true love.我能,如果是真爱就可以364Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜你知道什么是真爱吗?365More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.比你清楚,你只会把人拒之门外366You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你要我祝福你们两人的婚礼我的答案是不可以367Now, Excuse me.不好意思,我失陪了368Your Majesty, if I may ease your...陛下,请允许我...369No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.我不允许而且我想...你该走了370The party is over. Close the gates.舞会结束了把门关上371Yes, Your Majesty.是,陛下372What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么? 艾莎不!不!别...373Give me my glove!把手套还给我!374Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.艾莎,求你了!我不能再忍受这样的生活了375... Then leave.那就...离开吧376... What did I ever do to you?!我到底哪里招惹你了?377Enough, Anna.别说了...安娜378No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!不为什么?为什么要把我拒之门外?379Why do you shut the world out?!为什么要把自己和整个世界隔绝?!380What are you so afraid of?!你到底在害怕什么?381I said, enough!别说了!382 Sorcery. I knew there was妖术我早知道383something dubious going on here.这里一定藏着不可告人的内幕384Elsa...?艾莎...?385There she is.女王来了386-Your Majesty! -Long live the Queen! -Queen Elsa...-陛下! -女王万岁! -女王陛下... 387-Come drink with us.-来跟我们一起喝酒388-Queen Elsa.-女王陛下389Your Majesty? Are you all right?陛下?你没事吧?390There she is! Stop her!她在那!抓住她!391Please, just stay away from me.求你们,离我远一点...392Stay away!远一点!393Monster... Monster!妖怪...她是个妖怪!394Elsa!艾莎!395Elsa...艾莎...396Wait, Please!请等一下!397Elsa, Stop!艾莎不要走!398Anna! -No.安娜! -不!399The Fjord.看!峡湾...400Snow?下雪了?401Yes, snow!是雪!402Are you all right? -No.你没事吧? -有事403Did you know? -No.你以前知道吗? -不知道404Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!看!下雪了!下雪了!405The Queen has cursed this land!女王诅咒了这片土地!406She must be stopped!一定要阻止她!407You have to go after her... -Wait, no!你们快去追她 -等等,不要!408You! Is there sorcery in you, too?你!你也会使妖法吗?409Are you a monster, too?你也是个妖怪吗?410No. No. I'm completely ordinary.不不我只是个普通人411That's right she is.当然,她很普通412... In the best way.我是说...很正常的人413And my sister's not a monster.我姐姐也不是妖怪414She nearly killed me.她差点杀了我!415You slipped on ice...-Her ice!你自己在冰上滑倒了... -那可是她变出来的!416It was an accident. She was scared.这只是一次意外她被吓坏了417She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this...她不是有意的,不是有意造成这一切... 418Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚全是我的错惹恼了她419So I'm the one that needs to go after her.我一定要把她追回来420-What? -Yeah. -Bring me my horse, please.什么? -把我的马牵来421Anna, no. It's too dangerous.安娜别去太危险了422Elsa's not dangerous.艾莎一点也不危险423I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会带她回来把一切恢复原样424I'm coming with you... -No.我跟你一起去.. -不425 I need you here to take care of Arendelle.我需要你留守阿伦戴尔426On my honor.十分荣幸!427I leave Prince Hans in charge!我授权汉斯王子暂时负责这里!428Are you sure you can trust her?你真的信任她吗?429 I don't want you getting hurt.我不能让你受伤430 She's my sister,她是我的姐姐431 She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我432The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight,白雪发亮今夜铺满山上433Not a footprint to be seen.与世隔绝的地方434A kingdom of isolation.孤寂的王国很荒凉435And it looks like I'm the Queen.我是这里的女王436The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.狂风呼啸就像心里的风暴一样437Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried...只有天知道我受过的伤...438Don't let them in, Don't let them see,绝对不能让人发现439Be the good girl you always have to be.做个好女孩就像你的从前440Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know.藏好,别让他人看见441Well, Now they know.但已被发现442Let it go. Let it go.随他吧随他吧443Can't hold it back anymore.回头已没有办法444Let it go. Let it go.随他吧随他吧445Turn away and Slam the door.一转身不再牵挂446I don't care what they're going to say.我不管随他们说什么447Let the storm rage on.任凭风吹雨打448The cold never bothered me anyway.反正冰天雪地我也不怕449It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small.远离喧嚣我心终得安逸450And the fears that once controlled me.曾经困扰我的恐惧451Can't get to me at all.已远离我回忆452It's time to see what I can do,现在开始放下一切453To test the limits and Break through.挑战我的突破和极限454No right, No wrong, No rules for me...没有规则,没有界限455I'm free!自由的天地!456Let it go! Let it go!随他吧随他吧457I am one with the wind and sky.与风和天空对话458Let it go! Let it go!随他吧随他吧459You'll never see me cry.眼泪不再掉下460Here I Stand And...让我坚持461Here I'll stay.让我留下462Let the storm rage on...哪怕风雪一直刮463My power flurries through the air into the ground.我的力量从空气中扩散到地上464My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around.我的灵魂与冰共舞塑造各种形状465And one thought crystallizes like An icy blast...我的思想结晶变成锋利的闪光466I'm never going back,我永不回头看467The Past is in the Past!过去已被埋葬468Let it go! Let it go!随他吧随他吧469And I'll rise like the break of Dawn.迎接曙光找回自我470Let it go! Let it go!随他吧随他吧471That perfect girl is gone.多年压抑全随风去472Here I stand in the light of day.拥抱阳光我重获新生473Let the storm rage on!就让风雪咆哮吧474The cold never bothered me anyway.反正冰天雪地我也不怕475 Elsa! Elsa!艾莎! 艾莎!476 Elsa, It's me, Anna...艾尔莎是我安娜..477 Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.我并不是想让你把全城都冻住478 I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault.对不起都是我...我的错479 Of course, none of this would have happened真是的,她以前怎么不告诉我480if she'd just told me her secret... ha...早知道的话,这一切也不会发生了...481She's a stinker.真讨厌482Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.啊!别跑别跑快回来不483Oooo-Kay.好...吧484Snow, it had to be snow,雪干嘛非要是雪485She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic她怎么不使个什么火焰系的魔法486that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...把峡湾铺上热带沙滩还有暖和的... 487Fire! Whoa!火!有人生火!488Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.旅行者的奥肯小屋489Ooh! And Sauna...喔!还有桑拿...490Big summer blow out.嗨!夏日大酬宾491Half off swimming suits, clogs,泳装半价木屐打折492And a sun balm of my own invention, yah?还有我自己发明的防晒霜,怎么样?493Oh, great.哦,好494For now, how about boots,不过...有靴子吗495Winter boots... and dresses?冬天穿的...还有冬装?496That would be in our winter department.都在冬季服装专区497Oh. Um, I was just wondering...Has another young woman,哦,嗯,我打听一下...有没有一位年轻的女士498The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?看起来像是女王什么的,可能是吧...路过这里?499Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.只有你这样的奇葩才会在这种天气出门,亲500You and this fellow... Hoo hoo.又进来一朵...哟呼!501Big summer blow out.夏日大酬宾502Carrots. -Hah?胡萝卜! -啊?503Behind you.你后面504Oh, right. Excuse me.哦,不好意思505A real howler in July, Yes?七月飞雪,好大的雪啊506Where ever could it be coming from?你这是打哪嘎达过来的?507The North Mountain.北山508North Mountain.北山?509That'll be forty.一共40,谢谢510Forty? No, ten.40? 10块!511Oh dear, that's no good. See.这可不行,亲512These are from our winter stock,这些都是我们冬季的存货513where supply and demand have a big problem.反季商品,我已经亏本卖了514You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?你跟我说亏本?515I sell ice for a living.我可是卖冰的啊亲!516Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now.晕,这种天气卖冰块...517 I mean, that is really...你可真会做生意518Ahem. That's unfortunate.倒霉孩子519Still forty. But I will throw in a不,不能还价,不过可以免费...520visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo!赠送一次奥肯桑拿哟呼!521Hi, family.嗨亲们!522Ten's all I got. Help me out.我就剩10块了,帮个忙523Ten will get you this and no more.10块,那就只能买萝卜了524Okay, just tell me one thing...What was等下,我先打听个事儿...525...happening on the North Mountain?北山那边到底发生了什么?526Did it seem magical?被人施了魔法?527Yes! Now, back up是的!你先闪边儿528while I deal with this crook here.看我怎么收拾这个奸商529What did you call me?你叫我什么?530Okay. Okay, I'm-Ow! Whoa!别别我...哇!哎呀...531Bye bye.拜拜532No Sven, I didn't get your carrots.没有,斯特,我没买到胡萝卜533But I did find us a place to sleep.但是我找到了一个过夜的好地方534And it's free.免费哦535I'm sorry about this violence.不好意思没吓着你吧536I will add a quart of lutefisk,我可以附送一罐腌鱼537So We'll have good feelings.作为小小的补偿538Just the outfit and boots, yah?衣服和靴子还要点别的吗?539Reindeers are better than people.驯鹿的心地比人好540Sven, Don't you think that's true?斯特你早知道541-Yeah, People will beat you & Curse you & Cheat you.-那些人会打你会咒你会骗你542-Every one of em's bad, Except you.-他们的人品可没你好543Oh, Thanks, Buddy.哈,谢了兄弟544But People smell better than Reindeers.但是驯鹿的气味可没人好545Sven, Don't you think I'm right?斯特,你说是吧?546-That's once again true, For all Except you.-没错人身上可没臭味,除了你547You got me. Let's call it a night.还说我赶快睡觉吧548-Good night.-晚安549Don't let the Frostbite bite.不要冻伤了就好550Nice duet.唱的挺好啊551Oh, it's just you.又是你552What do you want?有事吗?553I want you to take me up the North Mountain.我想让你带我去北山554I don't take people places.我不带人555Let me rephrase that...那么我换一种说法...556Take me up the North Mountain...带我去北山557Please.请带我去558Look, I know how to stop this winter.我知道怎样终结这个严冬559We leave at Dawn...天亮出发...560And you forgot the carrots for Sven.你忘了斯特的胡萝卜561Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't...噢不好意思我不是故意...562We leave now. Right now.我们现在就出发!563Hang on! We like to go fast!坐稳了!我要加速了!564I like fast!没事我不怕565Whoa, whoa! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer.喂!把脚放下来这可是刚上的漆566Seriously, were you raised in a barn?说真的你是在乡下长大的吧?567Ew. No, I was raised in a castle.呃,我是在城堡里长大的568 So tell me, what made the Queen go all ice-crazy?说说看,女王是怎么把全国都给冻上了?569Oh well, it was all my fault.唉其实其实是我的错。

My Big Fat Greek Wedding(Comedy) (2002)© 2003 by Raymond WeschlerMajor CharactersToula Portokalos…………………………………….Nia VardalosA 30 year old woman who lives with her crazy parents in Chicago andworks in the family’s Greek restaurant. She is sad, single and goingnowhere in life until she goes back to school, gets another job, and mostimportantly, meets Ian.Ian Miller………………………………………………John CorbettA young Chicago high school teacher who is smart, fun and looking forlove, and who is perfect for Toula, except for one thing---He’s not Greek. Gus……………………………………………………..Michael ConstantineToula’s Greek-American father who is convinced that almost all humanaccomplishments come from Greek culture, and thus Toula must marrya nice Greek boy. Maria……………………………………………………Lainie KazanToula’s mom, who spends much of her time helping take careof the family restaurant and feeding her huge family. Nick……………………………………………………..Louis MandylorToula’s younger brother, who loves to play practical jokes.Aunt Voula…………………………………………….Andrea MartinToula’s closest aunt, who offers her a job in her travel agency.Plot SummaryThis film is a sweet look at the American immigrant family, and specifically, the tension that has existed between many immigrant parents who want their children to marry a person from their own ethnic background, and those children who find partners from elsewhere in the great American “melting pot.”Specifically, it is the story of Toula, a 30 year old woman who lives with her Greek parents in their comfortable Chicago home, but who is sad and lost, in part because she thinks she’s too old and unattractive to ever find a husband. One day she decides she cannot work forever in her parents Greek restaurant, so she returns to school to study computers, gets a job in her Aunt Voula’s travel agency, learns to effectively use makeup, and then meets Ian, a warm and charming vegetarian high school teacher. Soon after, Ian and Toula fall in love and decide to get married.Gus has a hard time accepting that his oldest daughter is going to marry a long-haired American with no Greek background, but after Ian agrees to become an official member of the Greek Orthodox Church, Gus has no choice but to accept him into his family. Soon, all of Toula’s relatives, including her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and 27 cousins, are preparing for a traditional Greek wedding, with Ian and his very conservative parents soon caught up in all the love and insanity that such an event produces.A note on the language used in this film: Toula’s parents and aunt are first generation Americans, and as such, they often speak English with charming but incorrect grammar. Some of these mistakes are pointed out in the glossary, but regardless, you should be aware that a lot of what is said is not standard English. There are also quite a few times when Greek words are used, but they are only noted in the glossary when they are considered important to the film or of more general interest to ESL learners.The use of asterisks (*): If a line from the film has an asterisk at the end of it, this means the words were spoken in Greek and subtitled in English.Some Words and Expressions that You May not KnowToula tells us of her loud and crazy Greek-American family,and of her life going nowhere as a 30 year old single woman.The other girls were blond and delicate,and I was a swarthy six year old with sideburns.If a girl is “delicate,” she is pleasing to look at. A person who is “swarthy”has dark colored skin or complexion, like people from the Mediterranean.“Sideburns” refer to hair that grows down the face, in front of the ears. Eating their wonder bread sandwiches.“Wonder bread” is a well known type of American white bread.It’s moussaka. :: Mous-ca-ca!“Moussaka” is a well known Greek food made of meat andeggplant. “Caca” is a child’s word for referring to shit or crap.While the pretty girls got to go to brownies, I had to go to Greek school.A popular organization for girls who are still too young to be part ofthe “Girl Scouts,” which is the largest club of girls in the US.My mom was always cooking foods filled with warmth and wisdom…“Wisdom” is an important word meaning the ability to understand anduse knowledge or facts intelligently.…and never forgetting that side dish of steaming hot guilt.If a food is “steaming hot,” it’s so hot that steam rises from it.“Guilt” refers to the act of feeling bad for something you have donein the past---A key word in the Jewish and Catholic religions, andapparently, in Greek culture.Don’t play with your food. When I was your age, we didn’t have food.Note that mothers are always telling their young kids to not “play withtheir food” at the dinner table, but the second line is clearly not true!Our house was modeled after the Parthenon, completewith Corinthian columns and guarded by statues of the Gods.If a building is “modeled after” another one, it’s made to look similar to it.The “Parthenon” is a famous structure that was built in Ancient Greece, in Athens. “Corinthian columns” refer to thick white posts that were used to make buildings in Corinthian society, which was part of ancient Greece. In case the neighbors had any doubts about our heritage,they could just check out our subtle tribute to the Greek flag.In this case, a person’s “heritage” is their ethnic background, or morespecifically, where their parents or grandparents had come from.“To check out” something is to explore or look at it. “Subtle” is a keyword that means not obvious or difficult to notice or understand(Here, though, the word is being used sarcastically).He believed that any ailment, from psoriasisto poison ivy, could be cured with Windex.An “ailment” is a disease or medical problem. “Psoriasis” is a skin disease and “poison ivy” is a very itchy skin condition caused by touching apoisonous plant. “Windex” is a well known brand of window cleaner. Every morning our father would lecture us on thehistory of our people, the great civilizations, the Greeks.“To lecture” is to give a speech or talk, the way a professor might in aclass. A “civilization” refers to the culture of a particular time and place. Astronomy, philosophy and Democracy! :: Bravo, very good.An Italian word used in English to express great pleasure after a musicalor acting performance. People often scream “bravo!” while applauding. How about “arachnophobia?”A word, with Greek roots, that means fear of spiders.How about ‘kimono?”A Japanese word for a robe (And a word with no Greek roots at all!).My dad brought his mother over from Greeceto live with us because we weren’t weird enough.An excellent word meaning very strange, odd or bizarre.“Listen up, ugly Turk. You’re not kidnapping me!”*It’s worth noting that historically, Turkey and Greece have foughtmany wars and there is often tension between the two cultures.Niko, be careful. She has a very mean punch.If a person has a “mean punch,” they arestrong and can hit with great force.Here I am…thirty and way past my expiration date.An “expiration date” is the date that a product is considered no longergood or useable. It usually refers to milk or food, and not people! What’s up?A common and colloquial way of greeting a person if you havenot seen them for a while. An alternative to “what’s new in life?”She was supposed to come and curl my hairs.“To curl” hair is to shape it into a curved or circular shape (Note that inEnglish, hair is almost never used in the plural, though given this common mistake in Toula’s family, it apparently is in Greek).My brother has two jobs; To cook and to marry a Greek virgin.An important word for a person who has never had sexual intercourse.If nagging was an Olympic sport, my aunt Voula would have a gold medal.“To nag” is an excellent verb meaning to annoy, bother or harass. A“gold medal” is the highest award that an athlete can win in the Olympics. Sorry, sorry, don’t “sorry” me!Note the use of “sorry” as a negative imperative verb to show anger! Look at this rash!An irritation on the skin, often marked by redness or small bumps.My sister married young and became a Greek baby-breeding machine.“To breed” is a scientific word meaning to have children or reproduce. Come on, get out!The most versatile phrasal verb in English,in this case meaning “hurry up.”Pantyhose are on sale for 99 cents.Nylons or stockings that women wear over their legs.Then the priest is coming to bless the new house.A “priest” is a religious official in a Church. When a priest“blesses” a house, he officially asks God to take good care of it.Now I have to go open the travel agency becausesome jack-off and his big-assed girlfriend are too busy!As a noun, a “jack-off” is a rare but fun word for a jerk, idiot, etc.,although as a verb, “to jack-off” is a common and slangy way of saying to masturbate. If a person is “big-assed,” they, have, of course, a large butt! Do you know who’s at the dry cleaners?A store where clothes are cleaned in a way that does not use water. Angelo, bite me! :: Disgusting, be a lady!“Bite me” is a silly way of expressing anger or frustration with a person.“Disgusting” is a powerful adjective meaning very unpleasant, offensive, repulsive or more colloquially, gross.No more fun and games.What you would tell a person who you feel has not beenacting seriously enough or working hard enough.And the pizza for the buffet!A “buffet” is a meal that is served on an open table,where people serve themselves to various dishes.I want to drive. :: You’re driving me crazy!What you say to a person who is very much annoying or bothering you. You’ll always have Toula to run the restaurant.“To run” a business is to be in charge of it.Toula decides to change her life, sees Ian for the first time,and helps invite her grandma into the family house.Cool place. :: Yeah, it’s adorable.A common colloquial adjective meaning good, excellent or agreeable. You missed a hell of a party the other night.A slangy filler expression which means great or worthwhile.You set me up with her already.“To set up” one person with another is to bring them togetherin order to see if they would be interested in each other romantically. Have you ever had one of those days?A question that you would ask if you have justhad a horrible day where everything went wrong.I love the spice on those potatoes. What is that? :: Like I care.A cynical and fun way of saying “I don’t care.”I’m giving a pop quiz, and I can’t wait to hear the groans.A “pop quiz” is a small test a teacher will give to their students withoutwarning them that they are going to be tested. A “groan” is the sound aperson makes when they’re in pain (or, perhaps, when having sex). Man, you’re tough. :: I’m giving a test on Hamlet, but I give fair warning.In this case, if a person is “tough,” they are mean or even scary. “Hamlet”is a famous play by Shakespeare, and if a person gives you “fairwarning,” they tell you of the possible dangers so that you can prepare. You like this, pops, for the new menu?A slangy way of addressing your dad.Dad, I’ve been going through our inventory and I’venoticed that we’re doing a lot of unnecessary ordering.In a business context, “inventory” refers to the supplies that a companyorders and has in stock. Here, “ordering” refers to company purchases. Maybe we should update our system.“To update” a computer system is to make it asmodern as possible, or literally, to bring it up to date.I got all As in computers, but there’s a lot of new stuff to learn now.Here, “As” refer to the letter grade in school. “Stuff” is a widely usedword for things in general, though here it refers to computer technology. You have a spirit. You want to see things, you want to learn.In this case, a “spirit” is a lively or energetic attitude toward life.Dad is so stubborn. What he says goes.If a person is “stubborn,” they are inflexible and refuse to change theirmind. “What he says goes” is a way of saying that whatever he wants he gets, often said about a man who controls his house and family.The man is the head, but the woman is the neck,and she can turn the head any way she wants.This is Maria’s way of saying that she can convince Gus to do whatevershe wants, even though he thinks of himself as head of the family. Somebody will say “Take this bag down to the bus depot.”A “bus depot” is the same as a big bus station (and in some majorAmerican cities, it is the place where people sell illegal drugs).And I teach Sunday school!School that children attend on Sunday mornings, usually to learn abouttheir parent’s religion (so that, of course, it will become their religion).Lucky for me, I have you to tie my shoes!“To tie” your shoes is to the only verb to use when describing the actionof making knots for your shoelaces, to keep your shoes on your feet. There’s this course, it’s a seminar.A “course” is another word for a class, and a “seminar” is a class for asmall group of graduate or advanced students doing research on a topic. There are all the latest applications and programs.In the context of computers, “applications” and “programs” refer tosoftware that allow you to use the computer for different goals, fromcreating web pages to playing chess or video games.I could apply it here, and your business would double or triple.In this context, “to apply” a computer program is to use it.You could take a vacation. I could book it for you.“To book” a flight or hotel room is to officially reserve or pay for it. Would you hire me?“To hire” a person is to officially employ somebody in a job.We must let Kostko think this was his idea, that he came up with it.“To come up with” an idea is to think of it or create it yourself.Ma, he’s gonna figure it out.Note that in rapid speech, “going to” ---> “gonna.”“To figure out” a problem or mystery is to solve it.Oh, woe to me. Business is bad.An old-fashioned but still poetically used word for great sadness.Thanks for holding. OK, your request pulled up confirmed.“To hold” is the verb that is used when a person is told to wait on thephone. In this case, “to pull up” is to appear in a computer database.I’m going to need a hard click on that one.The soft sound that is made when tapping on a computer mouse. Roger, copy that.A ridiculously slangy way of saying “I understand.” Police and otherswho talk on two way radios will often use “Roger” to mean ok.“Bloodthirsty Turks!”*If a person is “bloodthirsty,” they are extremely violent or ruthless.For God’s sake, I know. Listen, keep your mother off my lawn.“For God’s sake” is said at the beginning of a sentence to express anger or frustration. A “lawn” is grass, often found in the front yard of a house.Toula and Ian meet, fall in love, and decideto get married---despite their families….Do you want to see some brochures?A “brochure” is a small booklet or pamphlet thatusually contains descriptive or advertising material.And then, whoosh, you were gone. I thought you fainted.“Whoosh” is the windy sound that a basketball makes goingthrough a basket. “To faint” is to lose consciousness and collapse.I was swept off my feet by your very cool opening line of ‘hi.’If a person is “swept off their feet,” they are totally charmed or seducedby somebody. “Cool” is a critical slang word meaning good or excellent.An “opening line” refers to the first words that a person uses, often when they want to romantically attract somebody.Was that a biker fight or a nose job?In this case, a “biker” refers to those people who drive big and loudmotorcycles, who are often in motorcycle gangs and getting into fights.A “nose job” is a common way to refer to plastic surgery which is done tochange the way a person’s nose looks.If I had survived an old lady ass-kicking, I think I’d brag about it.An “ass-kicking” is a very slangy way of saying to be badly hurt orphysically beaten by another person. “To brag” about something is totalk too proudly about it, or to show it off in a boastful manner.Hey, Jesus, ouch.“Jesus” is a common way of expressing emotion, from surprise to anger.“Ouch” is the most common way to express physical pain.Actually, I wasn’t in education. First, I was pre-law.An academic specialization that university students take if they eventually want to go to law school (Classes are taken is such subjects as logic andpolitical science).It just wasn’t for me, so I picked a new major.“It wasn’t for me” is one way of saying “I didn’t like it.” In an academiccontext, a “major” is a specialized area of study, such as history or math. The parents weren’t too pleased, you know.If a person is not “pleased” about something, they are not happy about it. You’re that waitress! :: Seating hostess, actually.A “hostess” in a restaurant is a person who escorts people to their tables.I was kind of going through a phase, up until now.“To go through” something is to experience it, often with great suffering.“A phase” is usually a short and separate period of time when a person is acting in a way they don’t normally (although in this case, Toula is saying that this phase lasted the first 30 years of her life!).I don‘t remember “Frump Girl,” but I remember you.This expression doesn’t really exist, but if a girl is “frumpy,”she is usually plain looking and dressed poorly.I’m taking a pottery class.The art of making pots, bowls and other tools that are made from clay. My mom makes roast lamb. :: With mint jelly?“Roast lamb” is a favorite Greek dish of slowly cooked meat.“Mint jelly” is a type of soft gelatin that is used as a sauce.My aunt Voula forks the eyeball and chases me aroundto make me eat it because it gonna make me smart.Although rare, the verb “to fork” means to stick or stab with a fork(In this case so Aunt Voula can scare Toula with the horrible sight of aneyeball stuck to the fork).I have 27 first cousins alone…and my whole family is big andloud and everybody’s always in each other’s lives and business.A “first cousin” is the child of one of your parent’s brothers or sisters(A second cousin is more distantly related). If people are “in each other’sbusiness,” they’re too interested in other people’s personal lives.Greeks marry Greeks to breed more Greeks, to be loud, breeding Greek eaters.“To breed” is a scientific word meaning to reproduce or have children. You’re wonderful, but I don’t see how this is going to work out.If a situation “works out,” it goes well for all involved.What’s to work out? We’re not a different species.“Species” is a scientific word that refers to the division of animals intogroups (For example, humans, dogs and bears are from different species). We come from different backgrounds….In this context, “background” refers to ethnic origin (Greek, German, etc.) You’ve got a weird family---who doesn’t?“Weird” is an excellent word for strange or bizarre. “Who doesn’t it?” is a clever way of responding to a person who is depressed that they have astrange family. This same type of question can be used in many contexts(“Sure, I’m completely insane, but who isn’t?”).I’m the least of your worries. :: Listen, the family knows.If a person tells you that they are “the least of your worries,”they are saying that you have a lot of other very big problems.Vikki Paulopolis saw you sucking the lipsoff his beard in the Denny’s parking lot.“Sucking the lips off his beard” is Nikki’s ridiculous way of saying thatToula was kissing Ian passionately. Denny’s is a well-known restaurant. She told her ma, who told your ma… Let me put it this way---You’re busted.“Ma” is a dated word for mom. In this case, “to put it this way” means to say or explain it in a certain way. If a person is “busted,” they have beencaught doing something illegal or wrong and are thus in deep trouble. You sneak around all over Chicago, but you nevercome here to ask me, can you date my daughter?“To sneak around” is to continue moving in a secretive way so as not tobe caught or seen. “To date” a person is to go out with them romantically, (Note that Gus fails to use indirect speech correctly; “….you never comehere to ask me if you could date my daughter).A nice Greek boy? No, no Greek. A xeno!A xeno with big long hairs on top of his head!“Xeno” means foreigner in Greek. It is not a word in English, butit is the root of some important English words, such as xenophobia(fear of foreigners). Note that the word hair rarely takes a plural ‘s’!It means orange, like the one that you peel, not the color.“To peel” a fruit is to take off its skin.Didn’t you once have a Greek receptionist?A person who answers phones and greets clients in an office.Is Armenia close to Greece? :: Not exactly.A small country East of Turkey (Greece is West of Turkey).Who?! :: My secretary, for heaven’s sake!A somewhat dated way of expressing frustration, anger or other emotion. Oh, that’s right. She was Guatemalan.A person from Guatemala, which is a small country in Central America.Is he from a good family? Is he respectful? I don’t know.If a person is from a “good family,” this generallymeans they are educated and at least middle class.My daughter engaged to a xeno.To be “engaged” to a person is to be officially planning to marry them.I always think she’s going to be married in the Greek Orthodox Church.The official Church of Greece to which most Greeks belong.Sometime the roof is so big that the roof can’t support itself so it collapses.If a building collapses, it caves in on itself or physically breaks down.Can we go to Vegas, or Niagara Falls or Fiji?Three places where people can get married fast and cheap, although onlyLas Vegas is famous for this (Niagara Falls is a beautiful waterfall between New York State and Canada, and Fiji is a small island in the Pacific Ocean). Our wedding should be this joyous thing, but itwon’t be for them, because it can’t be in our church.If something is “joyous,” it is filled with great happiness.Why do you love me? :: Because I came alive when I met you.In this context, “to come alive” is to find arenewed sense of energy and happiness.We’re not going to skulk off and get married, as if we’re ashamed of ourselves.“To skulk off” is to leave or move in a secretive manner, as if theperson is ashamed or wants to hide, but this verb is fairly rare.Ian joins the Greek Orthodox Church, and thuswins over the hearts of most of Toula’s family.So, you’re going to be baptized tomorrow.“To baptize” a person is to make them spiritually pure in a Churchceremony. Usually, it’s babies and young children who get baptized. Nikki’s going to be your godmother.A woman who sponsors a child at a baptism, or more generally, a closefamily friend who supports and inspires a child as they grow up.That’s where we dip the baby in a beautiful, little silver basin.“To dip” something is to lower it, and a “basin” is a shallowbowl or container that is used for holding water to wash.Are you kidding? Any minute he’s going to lookat me and go “Right, you’re so not worth this.”“To kid” about something is to joke around or not be serious about it.Note that here, “so” functions as an intensifier like totally or absolutely. Happy Easter.The Christian holiday which celebrates Jesus’resurrection, or rising from the dead (in theory!).“When my people we’re writing philosophy,your people were still swinging from trees.”*This is a funny line that shows how chauvinistic or overly proud Gus is of his Greek roots. “To swing” between trees is to sway or move back andforth between them while hanging on to a rope or other material.You turn their brains to mush.A good word for something soft and shapeless like thick soup orcornmeal. Here, it means crushed (brain) matter without the ability tothink, but it can refer to nonsense words or overly sentimental emotion. I’ll get you some earplugs, because the Portokaloswomen, if they’re not nagging somebody, they die.“Earplugs” are little devices put in the ear to keep noise from botheringyou. “To nag” a person is to constantly bother or annoy them, usually by constant talking, complaining or criticizing.Jesus, it’s just a joke.A common way to express surprise, frustration or other emotion. Yeah, I’ve got a gun, and I swear I’ll jam it right up …Ian, I got you again.“To swear” to do something is to promise to do it. “To jam” an object into something else is to force it in, often violently. Note that here, theversatile verb “to get” is used to mean to fool, or make to look stupid.I could snap you like a chicken!“To snap” a bone is to break it forcefully into two pieces.Come on, lighten up. :: I’ll lighten up when I take out your kidneys.If you tell a person to “lighten up,” you’re telling them to stop taking lifeso seriously, or perhaps to relax. A person’s “kidney” is a critical organthat is used to help the body get rid of waste products like urine.We set a day for the big day.“To set” a day for an event is to officially schedule it for that day. “The big day” refers to any important event, in this case, Ian and Toula’s wedding. The North Shore Country Club, for the wedding, of course.A “Country Club” is a building on a golf course, often where richand conservative people come to eat and celebrate various events.She tends to save things. This is from her prom.If a person “tends to” do something, she generally does it quite often.A “prom” is a large and important dance that is held for high schoolseniors just before they finish school.The Parthenon backdrop is optional.The Parthenon is a famous building in Athens. The “backdrop” to a viewor scene in a movie is what can be seen in the background or distanceIt’s like you’d rather go bankrupt than not invite anyone from the church.“To go bankrupt” is to legally declare that youcannot pay money that you owe other people.No more punching Thio Niko’s nads, ok?!“To punch” something is to hit it with great force. “Thio” is the Greekword for uncle, and “nads” is a slang term for a man’s testicles or balls(“Gonads” is the official medical word).Did she spit on him? :: It’s for good luck. Keeps the devil away.“To spit” is to eject or spray saliva from your mouth.“Nice boobs”*A common and not-too-crude slang word for female breasts.I don’t want something that your cash-only connections get us thatfalls from the back of a truck. :: Yeah, but they come through, right?A “connection” is a personal contact (here referring to a small informalbusiness that only accepts cash, as opposed to checks or credit cards).If a person “comes through,” they do what they had promised to do.For God’s sake, let the man talk. :: Why are you always so stubborn?“For God’s sake” is a common way of expressing anger, frustration orother emotion. If a person is “stubborn,” they refuse to change their mind and are generally very inflexible.I didn’t notice, so I bet they won’t.Note that “to bet” often means to be certain or sure.I’ve got the biggest scoop! Look at the earringsI have found to make the bride’s maids dresses.A “scoop” is a colloquial term for an important piece of secret informationthat you find out before others are told (It is also a large spoonful offood). “Earrings” are jewelry that hang from a person’s earlobes, anda “bride’s maid” is one of several women or girls who are called on to doofficial important duties for the bride in a wedding.We have a customer at the dry cleaners who is a custom jewelry designer.A “custom designer” is a person who manufactures things, in this casejewelry, that is individually designed or created, rather than manufactured in huge quantities.What do these match? Not that fabric you showed me last week.“Fabric” is any type of cloth or other material that is used to make clothes. That’s because you couldn’t visualize it.“To visualize” something is to see it in yourmind or to make a mental image of it.。

My Big Fat Geek Wedding (我的盛大希腊婚礼)The terminal幸福终点站When I see the My big Geek wedding.I find e Each country has its own culture. From the movie I find the Geek very love his country. And the Geek must merry Geek. They don’t like other country people.they think the Geek is the best country. They are proud of their country.After the movie I interest the culture about east and west. And I found a lot of things.The culture differences between the East and West.As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better und erstanding ,I will set examples of China and America.It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But peopl e in America prefer to forks and knives.This different result is based on different food they are like .Americans choose to eat beefsteak,bread,and salad,while Chinese peopl e choose noodles ,pancakes and rice.What is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly.However,there is a trend that the food in both countries has been mixture.For example,the coffee and bread have introduced to China.The famous KFC is very popular at children.The gap of teaching system between China and America is big.Chinese stud ents always complain about their homework.Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax.They have to recite many things as to get a high mark.Homework comes the first to them.In my opinion,the study in America is more interesting .Teachers pay attentions to training students skills in thinking in realastic life not to emphasis on the importances of memories.In a ad dition,the rate of going to school ,the salary of teaching ,and the job of gruduates are quite different,too.I shoul d say that Chima government should make great efforts to improve its teaching syetem.I am also expect to be one day ,the West give more cheers to our country.。

我的婚礼英语作文My Wedding Day。
My wedding day was the most magical and memorable day of my life. It was a day filled with love, joy, and happiness as I married the love of my life surrounded by our family and friends.The day started early with a sense of excitement and anticipation. I woke up to a beautiful sunrise and spent the morning getting ready with my bridesmaids. There were nerves and butterflies in my stomach, but I couldn't wait to walk down the aisle and say "I do" to the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.As I slipped into my wedding dress, I couldn't help but feel like a princess. The dress was everything I had ever dreamed of, and I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. My hair and makeup were flawless, and I was ready to meet my groom at the altar.The ceremony took place in a stunning garden, with flowers in full bloom and a gentle breeze blowing throughthe air. The sun was shining, and everything seemed to fall into place perfectly. I walked down the aisle with my father, and as I caught sight of my soon-to-be husband, my heart swelled with love and happiness.The vows we exchanged were heartfelt and emotional, and there wasn't a dry eye in the crowd. We promised to loveand support each other through thick and thin, and to cherish each other for the rest of our lives. As we exchanged rings, I felt a sense of unity and commitmentthat I had never experienced before.After the ceremony, we moved to the reception venue for a night of celebration. The room was beautifully decorated with flowers, candles, and twinkling lights. Our firstdance as husband and wife was a moment I will never forget, as we held each other close and danced to our favorite song.The speeches from our loved ones were touching andheartfelt, and it was clear that we were surrounded by people who truly cared for us. The food was delicious, the music was lively, and the atmosphere was filled with love and joy.As the night came to a close, we said our goodbyes to our guests and made our way to our honeymoon suite. We were exhausted but elated, and we couldn't wait to start thenext chapter of our lives together.Looking back on my wedding day, I feel incredibly grateful for the love and support of our family and friends. It was a day that I will cherish for the rest of my life, and I am so thankful to have married the love of my life in such a beautiful and meaningful way.。


梦中的婚礼英语作文1In my dream wedding, the world seemed to transform into a magical realm. The venue was a vast garden, filled with the most enchanting blossoms that danced in the gentle breeze. As the bride and groom walked hand in hand down the aisle strewn with fresh flowers, it felt as if they were treading on a carpet of soft clouds. Petals fluttered down like snowflakes, creating a shower of beauty and romance.The sky above was a canvas of soft pastels, with the setting sun casting a warm, golden glow. The light from countless lanterns was like a sea of stars, guiding their steps and illuminating their path towards a future filled with love and hope. The music played, a symphony of hearts beating as one, and it seemed as if time itself had stopped to witness this moment of pure bliss.The guests, smiling and teary-eyed, surrounded the couple with love and blessings. Their joy was palpable, like a gentle wave that washed over everyone present. And as the newlyweds exchanged their vows, their voices carried the weight of a love that was both profound and eternal.In this dream, love was not just a word but a living, breathing entity that filled every corner of the wedding. It was a promise of a journey together, through the ups and downs of life, hand in hand, heart to heart.And as I woke from this beautiful dream, I carried with me the hope that someday, such a magical wedding would become a reality, a celebration of love that would last a lifetime.2In my dream wedding, every detail was a masterpiece of enchantment. The venue was a sprawling garden, bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, creating a romantic ambiance that seemed almost otherworldly.The bride, that was me, wore a magnificent wedding gown. The delicate lace edges flowed like梦幻的clouds, adding an ethereal touch to the ensemble. The bodice was adorned with intricate beading that sparkled like stars in the night sky.The music that filled the air was a symphony of emotions. The gentle melody of violins and the soulful notes of the cello intertwined, creating a harmony that was both captivating and heartwarming. It was as if the music had the power to transport us to a realm of pure bliss.The guests, dressed in their finest attires, smiled and laughed, sharing in our joy. Their faces reflected the warmth and love that surrounded us on this magical day.As I walked down the aisle, hand in hand with my beloved, I felt a sense of completeness and utter happiness. This dream wedding was not just a celebration of love but a vision of a life filled with endless joy andtogetherness. It was a promise of a future filled with shared dreams and unwavering support.3In my dream wedding, every moment was a symphony of joy and emotion. The venue was adorned with countless fragrant flowers, creating an atmosphere of pure romance. As I walked down the aisle, my heart was pounding with excitement and anticipation.The most unforgettable moment was when we exchanged rings. Time seemed to stand still. Our gazes locked, and in that instant, I could see a lifetime of love and commitment in his eyes. It felt as if the entire world had faded away, and only the two of us existed in that sacred space.The blessings of our dear friends and family were like a warm spring breeze, enveloping us with love and support. Their smiles and teary eyes were a testament to the depth of our connection. The joyous laughter and heartfelt wishes filled the air, making the occasion even more special.The dance floor was alive with music and movement. We swayed to the rhythm, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. It was a moment of pure bliss, where all worries and fears vanished, leaving only love and togetherness.Even as I woke up from this dream, the emotions lingered, a reminder of the beauty and magic that a wedding holds. It was a vision that I will carry in my heart forever, a promise of a future filled with love andhappiness.4In my dream, the wedding was a magnificent affair, a symphony of love and beauty. The journey of its preparation was a thrilling adventure, filled with meticulous decisions and passionate pursuits.The search for the perfect venue was no easy task. We scoured the countryside and the city, inspecting every possible location. From grand mansions with sprawling gardens to elegant ballrooms in historic hotels, nothing was overlooked. Finally, we found a charming old castle by the sea, its turrets and balconies offering a breathtaking view.The decoration was another challenge. We traipsed through countless markets and stores, hunting for the most exquisite fabrics and ornaments. The flowers had to be the freshest and the most colorful, the ribbons the softest and the most lustrous. Every detail, from the table settings to the ceiling drapes, was carefully considered and chosen.The choice of music was equally important. We listened to countless bands and singers, seeking the ones whose voices could touch the hearts of our guests. The menu was a masterpiece in itself, with the finest delicacies from around the world.The planning of this dream wedding was not just about logistics and aesthetics; it was a labor of love. Every decision, every choice, was made with the sole aim of creating a magical moment that would last a lifetime.It was a testament to our unwavering pursuit of perfection and the depth of our love.5In my dream, the wedding was a scene of pure magic and beauty. The venue was a vast garden filled with blooming flowers of every hue, and the gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of love.The bride walked down the aisle, her gown flowing like a river of silk, and her smile illuminated the entire place. The groom, standing at the altar, had eyes that sparkled with anticipation and love.As I witnessed this dream wedding, I began to understand the true meaning of marriage. It wasn't just about the grand ceremony or the beautiful decorations. It was about the promise of a lifetime of companionship. The couple would be there for each other in times of joy and in times of sorrow. They would understand each other's dreams and fears, providing support and encouragement.Like the times when one might face failures and feel lost, the other would be the guiding light, offering a shoulder to lean on. Or when success came, they would celebrate together, sharing the joy and pride.In this dream wedding, I saw that marriage is a journey of mutual growth and learning. It's about accepting each other's flaws and celebrating the strengths. It's a commitment to stand by each other through thick and thin, creating a haven of love and understanding.This dream has left a deep impression on my heart, making me believe in the power and beauty of marriage.。

论文题目:解析《我的盛大希腊婚礼》中希腊和美国家庭观的差异The analysis of family value between Greek andAmerican in MY BIG F AT GREEK WEDDING2013年06月28日The analysis of family value between Greek andAmerican in MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING IntroductionWith the globalization of economy, international communication has been increasingly relevant today. Films play an important role in diversified forms of intercultural communication. The films in different country reflect the different spiritual connotations of values and morals, thus the film works are the significant means to achieve cross culture communication and the fusion of culture.The film MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING is a semi-autobiographical work of NiaV ardalos who write and star in. Toula portokalos, the heroine in the movie, is a 30 years old Greek woman with an old look. She is a middle class Greek –American woman who falls in love with a non-Greek upper middle class man, Ian Miller. Although Toula grew up in American, she has big Greek family with strong Greek tradition and culture. What would be happen when the traditional Greek culture meet the American culture? MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING shows us a typical case that Greek American immigrants face numerous culture shocks between Greek and American culture, and successfully blend in cross-culture environment. The essay will analyze the culture differences in MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING from the perspective of family values.Different family values in Greece and the USFamily is the basic miniature of the social economic activity, and it is the basic unit that constitutes the society. Family value is the core in the research of cultural values, and it has decisive influence on people’s behaviors. Because of the differences of geographical background, religious and belief, different nations have their own family values. Family value is the biggest differences presented in the movie MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING.Toula lived in a big Greek family with 27 first cousins alone. And her whole family is big and loud. And everybody is in each other life and business all the time. At beginning of their acquaintances, Ian talked about his summer camp, and Toula first blurts out:” Y ou don’t know your cousin got into?” Ian is very surprise about this question. After determ ine the relationship between two people, Toula go to Ian’s family to have a dinner. At dinner, there are simple foods and the quiet atmosphere. There is no hug and kiss between Toula and Ian’s parents. After asking the meaning of Toula’ name in Greek, his parents have nothing more to say. Contrast to the situation of Ian’s parents to go to the Toula’s home at first time, it makes for a sharp contrast. Toula have planed Ian’s and her family sit together to have a simple family meal, in fact her mother is invite the whole family to join the party. Facing the grand andboisterous sight, Ian’s parents are stunned and speechless. It also make Ian’s parents feel so dizzy when Toula’ s father introduce the relatives of their family to them. Also, when they heard To ula’s aunt talk about some personal issue such as her tumour and menopause, they feel even more surprise because they seldom talk about their personal issue with people. Ian can get marry with a girl who has big different culture background with him and his parent never intervene his decision even have no objection in his decision to accept the baptism of the Greeks. But Toula is taught that people Greek married Greek and to breek more Greek. Although she lived in American, she had to go to Greek school in childhood. Her wedding dress, wedding invitations even her earrings is all decided by other people in her family.These detail description and comparison reflect the big difference between Greek and American in family values and family structure.In Greek family concept, the family is always the first place in their heart at any time. The Greek family value is extremely strong. They are accustomed to live together with the whole family and work together with them. The family run business is very broad, the owner is that parents. Socrates, the ancient Greece thinker, philosopher and educator, also put a high value on the relationship in family. He is a strong advocate for keeping harmonious relations among family life. In his eye, without harmony, a city will not be a good city, as the same way, a family can not become a happy family. In Athens law, the son must support and wait upon his parents. Their moral value also teaches the young people to be humble and polite towards the elders.In Greek fa mily value, it’s especially important for them to educate the children.In Athens, the children under the age of seven should receive the family education and telling them the story and mythology to cultivate a variety of polite behavior. There are too many children not picky of food in the world, but have you ever heard that the whole country’s children not picky of food? That is ancient Greece. The Greek always educate the children do not pick food, be polite, respect the old and cherish the young, live elegant life.“Ancient Greek philosopher Plato said that better be unborn than untaught, forignorance is the root of misfortune. His student Socrates also said “the roots of education are taste, but the fruit is sweet.”[2]So the Greek pay more attenti on on children education. Just like Toula’s father’s behavior in the movie. “Every morning our father would lecture us on the history of our people, the great civilization, the Greeks.”For the United States, “the family is not a usual frame of referenc e for decisions in US mainstream culture. Family connections are not so important to most people” (p84) American family values can be summarized as: personal independence, individual rights, freedom and equality. The independence in American family value means every family member has right to do what he or her want choose what he or her like without controlling or interference from other members. American has burning sense of individual right, and this kind of sense of individual right means every family member obey individualism not collectivism. Thereby, each member of family has his own sacrosanct rights which refuse to be interfered. For the education of child in US, parents mainly use an equal way to educate their children. They respect children’s personalities and rights. Children in families are treated as independent individuals. Parents and children are equal.ConclusionThus, many cultural differences exist in family structures and values. In some cultures, the family is the center of life and the main frame of reference for decisions. In other cultures, the individuals, not the family, is primary. In some cultures, the family’s reputation and honor depend on each person’s actions; in other cultures, individuals can act without permanently affecting the family life.Although the cultural conflict is bound to exist among the people who maintain different cultural background, they will eventually get integrated by accepting each other. Just as Toula’s father said, on the wedding, “so here night, we have an apple and orange, eh…, we are different but…in the end we are fruits”. Hence, whichever cultural background we maintained, we are ultimately the earthman and we can notavoid the tendency of Globalization. Cultural differences should create the history of human civilization, rather than become the human communication barrier. So, as long as we are full of love in heart and willing to establish a communicative bridge, the cultural conflict is not the barrier between us anymore.Reference1.许力生新编跨文化交际英语教程,[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,20092./article/4946.html 2008-12-07。

这个周末,不如抽个时间,静静地陪她看一场充满爱的英文电影吧!1《孩子们都很好》The Kids Are All Right上映时间:1998剧情介绍:妮可和朱尔斯是一对女同性恋,结婚二十载,并通过人工授精的方式生下一对儿女。
爆发家庭危机不是最可怕的,能做到对彼此真诚坦然才是最可贵的,即使不完美,但这不就是对幸福家庭的最佳写照吗?2《我盛大的希腊婚礼》My Big Fat Greek Wedding上映时间:2002剧情介绍:一个生活在美国社会、传统希腊家庭下的30岁姑娘图拉,爱上了一个高大英俊的高中教师伊恩,但是他不是希腊人。

电影观后感英语作文(共9篇)电影观后感英语作文(共9篇)篇一:电影观后感英文版My Big Fat Greek Wedding 电影:我盛大的希腊婚礼 My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a movie about the heroin , Toula , ho is a Greek oman and failed to marry a Greek boy ,falls in love ith a non-Greek men .Despite the fact that her family ,especially her father , disagrees, they make every effort and manage to fight for their love, hich is hat true love should be ----ithout boundaries , regardless ofage ,nation ,race, or hatever… In the movie ,Toula is expected to marry Greek boy ,make Greek babies , and feed everyone until the day she dies ,hich makes me think about omen’s status in our old China .Greek omen have the role in mon ith our traditional Chinese omen in their family ---they do the cleaning ,cooking ,ashing and so on. Many people say that the United States is a big melting pot for the reason that after immigrants ere there for some time, they may bee Americanized, and differences gradually melt don .But in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the Greek family keep their on customs and identities. We can conclude that each country has its on culture. Therefore there are many cultures in the orld, and they are different but equal .So it is rong for the racists to think their culture is superior to other cultures, because all cultures have both strengths and eakness .And since the cross-cultural marriage beteen Toula and Ian Miller is reached, e ought to accept and respect foreign cultures ithan open minds and develop our aareness of globalization hen e are confronted ith the multicultural orld. 篇二:英文电影观后感The sho After atched the movie, my feeling is very large .For happiness, e all have the right to pursue it, and no one can deprive us of the pursuit of happiness. In the film, the hero very poor, stilldid not give up the pursuit of happiness, that is orthy of our learning. As contemporary college students, e ant to go to the pursuit of happiness. Is not only our personal happiness, but also people is happiness, happiness of the country. Students, our shoulders the historical mission of building poerful motherland, so, e should not live up to everyone is expectations, study hard, and the pursuit of happiness. 篇三:诺丁山电影英文观后感41204076 单林戈英师3班 Revie My feeling of the film Notting Hill It’s an old film hich shoed us a romantic love story. After atching it, I have some feelings to share. Firstly, I think it’s far aay from our real orld. At least, I never thought I can have such an opportunity to be ith a famous star. It is just like a dream. Because they are in different classes. Maybe they cannot share mon interests and topics. Their life s and friends can be different as ell. Hoever, it just happened in the film, maybe it is the reason hy this film is so attractive and popular. After all, art es from our lives and higher than lives. But I still insist that equal status as ell as perfect match is really significant. Secondly, that to guys, Anna and William, they fall in love at the first sight, hich impressed me a lot. Noadays, plenty of people talk about if they can fall in love at the first sight. It is really a hot topic. I am ondering that hat they can figure out just rely on the first sight. But love is an amazing thing indeed. We cannot kno hat ill happen hen e fall in love ith others. One more thing, William’s pride makes influence. But after struggling, he found thathe loved girl very much so he decided to strive for true love. To conclude, true love cannot be affected by time, space and any uncertain factors. Never give up. Finally, William’s sister makes a deep impression on me. She is a brave girl. I like her personality. By the ay, the music in the filmis pretty good. From my point of vie, if the plots ould be pact, the film ill be prefect. 篇四:英文电影赏析——雨人观后感课号:064J22A03 课程名称:英文电影赏析改卷教师:学号:116030126 姓名:徐欣得分:篇五:电影观后感,英文The film tells people to live in harmony ith nature, to care for animals, but the depth of the kind of film on faith and trust。

英语影评200字带翻译——我盛大的希腊婚礼My Big Fat Greek Wedding My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a movie about the heroin , Toula , who is a Greek woman and failed to marry a Greek boy ,falls in love with a non-Greek men .Despite the fact that her family ,especially her father , disagrees, they make every effort and manage to fight for their love, which is what true love should be ----without boundaries , regardless of age ,nation ,rac e, or whatever…In the movie ,Toula is expected to marry Greek boy ,make Greek babies , and feed everyone until the day she dies ,which makes me think about women’s status in our old China .Greek women have the role in common with our traditional Chinese women in their family ---they do the cleaning ,cooking ,washing and so on.Many people say that the United States is a big melting pot for the reason that after immigrants were there for some time, they may become Americanized, and differences gradually melt down .But in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the Greek family keep their own customs and identities. We can conclude that each country has its own culture. Therefore there are many cultures in the world, and they are differentbut equal .So it is wrong for the racists to think their culture is superior to other cultures, because all cultures have both strengths and weakness .And since the cross-cultural marriage between Toula and Ian Miller is reached, we ought to accept and respect foreign cultures with an open minds and develop our awareness of globalization when we are confronted with the multicultural world.我的希腊婚礼我的希腊婚礼是一部关于海洛因的电影,图拉是一个希腊女人,没有嫁给一个希腊男孩,爱上了一个非希腊男人。
电影赏析-My big fat greek wedding

For example, in the movie, Tula said her brain stopped spinning when she first saw Ian in the restaurant, and Ian was immediately attracted to Tula when he saw her at work in the travel agency, because she was different from other girls. Tula's brother said he hadn't seen his sister was so happy and full of smiles for a long time, and her Mom also said that Tula was in a good mood every day.
Tula is a Greek woman, who is 30 years old and still not married, her father desperately wants her to get married, because in the traditional Greek father's opinion, Greek women should marry a Greek man and have lots of Greek babies, but that's not what Tula has in mind. She doesn’t like working in the family restaurant. Contrarily, she likes to learn new things and make more friends, and hopes to change her life. When she meets Ian Miller, they are attracted to each other and quickly fall in love. Although there are big differences in race and religion which leads to receive opposition from the family, they fight together and finally have a grand wedding.

我的狂欢派对英文作文My Wild Party.The evening began with a sparkle of excitement and anticipation. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the city, while the stars twinkled brightly, as if they were also eager to join in on the festivities. I found myself standing at the threshold of my house, my heart pounding with excitement. Tonight was the night of my wild party, and I couldn't wait to see what adventures it would bring.The house was transformed into a veritable playground of fun and frenzy. Colorful lights twirled and danced, casting an otherworldly aura over the space. Loud music thundered through the speakers, a melodic blend of thumping bass and catchy beats that filled the air and set the perfect mood for the evening.Guests arrived in a flurry of activity, each onebringing their own unique energy and excitement to the party. Some arrived in flashy costumes, ready to let their hair down and dance the night away, while others brought their own drinks and snacks, contributing to the already abundant spread.As the party progressed, the atmosphere grew more and more electric. People danced, laughed, and talked loudly, their voices mingling with the music to create a cacophony of sound. The air was thick with the scent of food and drink, and the occasional burst of laughter or shout of joy added to the already vibrant atmosphere.I found myself laughing and dancing along with the crowd, enjoying the freedom and abandon that the party brought. It was a night to forget about worries and responsibilities, to simply let go and have fun. And as the night wore on, the party grew even more wild and chaotic.People began to play games, drink, and even dance on the tables. The music grew louder, and the lights began to flash and strobe in time to the beat. The air was thickwith the heat and energy of the crowd, and it was as if we were all caught up in a whirlwind of fun and madness.At some point, I found myself in the middle of a dancefloor, surrounded by friends and strangers, all of us moving in unison to the music. It was a moment of pure joy and freedom, and I felt as if I was floating on a cloud of happiness.As the night drew to a close, the party began to wind down. People began to leave, their faces still flushed with the excitement of the evening. I stood at the door, watching them go, feeling a sense of sadness that the party was over. But then, I realized that the memories and experiences of the night would forever be with me, and I smiled, knowing that I had just had one of the most incredible nights of my life.In the end, my wild party was more than just a night of fun and frenzy. It was an escape from the monotony of daily life, a chance to let my hair down and be free. It was a night that I would cherish forever, and one that I wouldalways remember as one of the most memorable and exciting moments of my life.。

Impression of view---My Big, Fat Greek WeddingBy Jenny (01) Someone says, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a very funny movie about an American girl whose family came from Greece. It is a comedy.”But in my opinion, My Big Fat Greek Wedding is not just a romantic comedy full of love. It tells us something about culture and difference between different people. I love it very much. It is moving.Toula Portokalos, the heroine in the movie, a 30-year-old Greek woman with an old look. She is a middle class Greek-American woman who falls in love with a non-Greek upper middle class WASP man, Ian Miller.I learnt a lot of Greek tradition. Such as, “Nice Greek girls are supposed to do three things in life: Marry Greek boys, make Greek babies, and feed everyone until the day we die.” The Greek say that there are two kinds of people in the world. One part is someone who is Greek, the other part is someone who wants to be a Greek.The heroine lives in a traditional family. She is not allowed to marry with her true love. In order to marry with Toula, Ian tries his best to enter this traditional family. He makes great efforts on it. In the end, they hold a big, fat Greek wedding. Every thing is possible if you work hard on it. Where there is a will there is way.This film tells us a love story. But I think it is a story which tells us a lot of things about culture. It is cool.Because of the difference between American culture and Greek culture, Toula’s relatives don’t want her to marry with an American. In American people’s normal viewpoint, when a child grows up, he will leave his family and has his own career. He will live in his own house. It is an opposite with Greek. The movie does not show the common circumstances of American family.Passion, liveliness, unity is a sign of Toula’s family. There are about thirty people in their family. They love each other very much. They care about each other. Greece is a traditional country. It has a long history and a unique geographical position. Because of the wars, the Greeks know how to respect and protect their culture. If every nationality will love its own culture, this nationality will become more and more strong.Chinese style about marriage is very traditional, too. Parents often tell us to marry what kind of people. Parents always tell us to do many things without our permission. In this movie, I see some scenes about getting together. In our country, we have many festivals and ceremony. During the festival and ceremony, all my family members will get together to celebrate. We sit around the table, eating, drinking and talking. It is similar with Greek. We enjoy the happiness of getting together.This is a movie which shows us something about the culture conflict.I’m touched by this movie. I think love is the most important emotion in the world. Toula loves Ian. So does Ian. It is love which encourages them to insist on their love. Love is difficult but sweet. This is the true love. They make efforts to live with each other just because of love.Another reason that I am deep ly impressed by the movie is Toula’s father. He is a strict, persistent and conservative man. He is a Turk. He married with Toula’s mother. In order toblend into this big Greek family, he gave up many habits and did a lot of self-surrender things. He studied Greek tradition and culture. He did all these things just because Toula’s mother. He loves Toula very much, so he wants Toula to marry a Greek man and live an easy life.It is really an impressive movie. It tells us there are many different kinds of cultures around the world. We should understand them and respect them. When you try to understand another culture and learn their traditions, you will find it is a fascinating thing and you will be infatuated with its charm.。

跨文化交际课程学期论文Analysis cultural differences of My Big Fat Greek Wedding学生姓名:岳良燕学生学号:201207050201422学生班级:2012-2学科专业:英语指导老师:赵燕学期学年:2015-2016所在学院:语言文化学院2015/5/30摘要《我盛大的希腊婚礼》是一个典型的跨文化电影,讲述的是希腊裔美国女孩图菈同非希腊裔的美国男友伊恩冲破重重阻碍,最后举行盛大的希腊婚礼的爱情喜剧。
关键词:文化差异;民族爱国主义;家庭传统观念;婚礼文化;态度;abstractMy big fat Greek wedding is a typical cross-cultural film, tells the story of the Greek American girl with non Greek American boyfriend Ian to break through the obstacles, and finally held a big fat Greek wedding romantic comedy. The film is a full range of the life of Greek American immigrants, with a sense of humor reflects the conflicts between Greek culture and American culture. This article will explain the differences between the American and Greek culture from four aspects: the national patriotism, family tradition, wedding customs, and the attitudes of different cultures.Key words: cultural differences; national patriotism; family tradition; cultural of wedding; attitude;Analysis cultural differences of My Big Fat Greek Wedding The movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a talk about lives of Greek American girl who Tula lives in a large and traditional Greek family, Tula is a thirty years old girl and her family hopes she “marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies, and feed everyone un til the day she dies.” However, to everyone surprise, Tula falls in love with Ian who an American man. they two were from different backgrounds, Tula lived in a big Greek family, they moved to American in the second world war. The family consisted of Tula’s parents, her brother, sister and a great numbers of relatives is big and loud. Ian is from an American family, he is the only child in the family which is in quiet and harmonious atmosphere. Ian in order to be accepted by Tula’s family of deep-rooted the Greek custom, it is no doubt that they has stood a lot of tests. Finally Ian and Tula entered the marriage hall through unremitting efforts, and they held a grand unprecedented "Greek wedding." In fact, The film mainly talks about the huge cultural differences between the United States and Greece, then from the "national plot", "family tradition", “wedding custom”“differences attitude” of the four aspects of the analysis of the cultural differences between Greece and the United States.First, cultural differences in national plot:Tula’s father is pride of Greek culture extremely distinct performance in the film. In the first place in the front yard of the house, their house is crammed with Greek statue and large cylindrical, it likes the museum display. Moreover, her family's garage is painted in the Greek flag. In the outside, the father of Tula to language is also emphasized the importance of contribution to human civilization. He often hung on word of mouth is" give me any a word of English, I can give you to find out the Greek root ". In addition, he feels that the Greek food to the Greek culture is also very important. Meat, especially lamb has important significance to the understanding of Greek culture. There is also a requirement for the girl that pride performance of the Greek cultural: " marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies”.Patriotism is also an important topic in Tula family. Her father always says "you should to be Greeks proud" or "only two kinds of people in the world, the Greeks and wants to be the Greek people". And they will celebrate various Greek festival at homewith the big family, at the same time religion is also very respect of Greece. When they learned that the Ian do not believe the Greek religion, they will not accept him, until he was converted belief to allow him to marry Tula. In the film Tula and Ian sends children to Greece elementary school lens also suggests that pride of Greek culture on the next generation.Second, cultural differences in family tradition:On the one hand, it is diet differences in different family. In the film Tula go to school with breakfast of eggplant with minced meat when she is a children, and American children eat a sandwich; In addition, Tula and Ian determine relationship, at the first time to have a meal with Ian’s family, the food very simple, just coffee and cheese cake. Cool atmosphere, only four people around the table to eat, no relatives, no hug and a kiss. But Ian’s parents is invited to Tula’s family eat dinner, unexpectedly, she mother invited the person of whole family. They eat together and very busy and happy. And the cause of the difference is the difference between the historical and religious factors, it leads to the differences in diet culture and habits. The Greek culture has a long history of nationality and religion deeply. So the Greeks advocating national unity and hope that the family is big. And as a result of the influence of religious culture, Greek food types are very rich, that's why the Greeks often hold parties, not only for dinner but for the feelings of the communication between each other. And the United States is a country which is full of the people of the world, the culture and customs of different countries is a big difference, each has a unique eating habits. So, different races and different families of Americans is not a strong cohesion, but they has strong independence, so diet is more delicate.On the other hand, they has differences family concept. In the film, when Tula talking about her own family personnel, "I come from Greece, I have 27 Cousins, and relatives, my family is big and noisy and everyone in other people's business. We know is the Greek, because the Greeks only marry Greeks". But in Ian’s home only with his parents. On either side of their wedding, the wedding is in stark contrast. This suggests that the Greek concept of family is very strong, the family is not only refers to a person at the core of the family, but the whole family.Third, cultural of wedding:This article from the m ovie "my big fat Greek wedding” in the view of marriage customs of the Greeks, summarizes the characteristics of marriage life, reveals the prevalent among the Greek with religious color, full of secular charm and reflect the local characteristics of the wedding.In Greece, affects both family wedding, but the wedding preparation is by a woman in charge, as small as the bridal gowns, to held a grand wedding banquet, in China or other countries, the husband family plays an important role in the wedding preparation. Bridal gowns When the bride dressed in wedding dress for a wedding ceremony and the reception of the dress. Marriage gauze can refer to the wearing apparel accessories, including the veil, bouquet. The color of the dress style as a result of each country's culture, religion, etc. In the movie Tula wearing a white wedding dress is very exquisite, wear in the outside white dress must by unmarried girls. On the wedding day, the bride good girlfriend in advance to the bride's family to help, because they helped put on the dress, and when must constantly chanting and wedding related folk songs. Also godfather to the bride and groom at the wedding wearing a wreath, respectively, the wreath has a white and gold, and by the opening of the four seasons of flowers, or wrapped in gold or silver as a symbol of love in the branches and woven cane. From behind looks beautiful and romantic, seems to be a symbol of the two men were closely linked together.Greece's new couple only in a church hold wedding, because only in a church hold wedding is admitted to a law. Orthodox church has always been the Greek people as a state religion, many young people still stick to witness the sacred moment in their church, Tula’s home as well. In addition, because the Tula wedding a nd relatives gathered, they all busy for the wedding of preparation. Gaston asked figure whether to invite Mary. Tula said: "I don't know them. Sister,” Tina answered: “why don't please, they are my in-laws.” Thus it can be seen in the eyes of the Greeks, marrying is not individual behavior, at least for the rise and fall between the two families, affects the interests of many people. Finally when they enter the palace, the Greek guests frequently to Tula and Ian spit on, maybe it says no respect in othercountries, but in the Greek said prayers and to ward off bad luck.Last, differences attitudes in differences cultural:In the new cultural context, people adapt to different cultural strategy usually has four kinds: assimilation, isolated and marginalized and fusion. In the film, Tula’s father as far as possible to keep the Greek culture is not influenced by American culture. He used to cut off action include: Greek houses, the Greek flag painted on the door to the garage, the hall is pat according to the temple of cylinder; Let children learn Greek, Greek values. A typical example is the Tula wants to learn the computer, even though she is thirty years old at that time, when she timidly solicit opinions from the father, and Tula wants to go work in her aun t’s travel agency, her father voiced strong opposition from the start, objection to people in distress situation. Father said the city has a lot of drug traffickers, fearing Tula involved. Visible, as a Lord of the Tula of the father to the society is full of anxiety and fear of the unknown. In comparison when Ian parents learned that his son is dating a Greek girl, they has neither surprised nor strong interests to get to know each other, not playing too much attention to this matter. From Ian and Tula fells in love, and marriage, to the wedding venue, even convert to Greek orthodox this big things in life are Ian own decide, without the consent of their parents, Ian’s parents do not have any intervention. They are quietly accept the Tula of Greek girl. Later, in Tula’s home party although they make feature, they didn't show any disgust and rejection. Finally in the wedding banquet, they take part in them, they begins to dance with joy and happy. ConclusionAlthough film reflects the huge cultural differences between Greece and the United States, but a lot of details in that the two kinds of culture is gradually converge. Tula is from the locked Greece family bravely go out. The Tula not only successfully win the happiness, but also greatly encouraged the other members of the family, including the Tula’s brother Nick. And Ian do not hesitate to change beliefs, convert to orthodox, active melt of Greek culture. Visible, the two cultures to fusion, can't completely on weak cultures concession and compromise, but on both sides positive efforts and cooperation. Finally in the wedding banquet, Tula’s father words aboutapples and oranges, though that burst into laughter at the time, but enjoying them, let a person feel warm. So whatever what is the difference of the background, what's the difference of religious belief, we are fused end up in the world because we are lived the same earth, the cultural differences consists in early human brilliant civilization, it shouldn't be our communication obstacles, and it should be to our mutual understanding and deepen friendship bridge. At the same time, the film also truly reflects the confusion faced by the second generation of immigrants in the United States, stick to the previous generation inheritance of national culture, and fully accept American culture, or the balance line in two cultures go? But in any case, as the film's end suggested that two kinds of culture no matter how big differences, to fusion is inevitable trendy.References1 电影《我盛大的希腊婚礼》my big fat Greek wedding [J] 电影文学2002年10期2 狄金森著,彭基相译,希腊的生活观,华东师范大学出版社,2006:2543 旷丽娜,从《我盛大的希腊婚礼》看希腊裔美国第一代和第二代移民的跨文化冲突和融合。

关于自己的婚礼英文作文My wedding was a dream come true. The venue was absolutely stunning, with breathtaking views of the ocean. The weather was perfect, with clear blue skies and a gentle breeze. The ceremony took place on a lush green lawn, surrounded by blooming flowers and towering palm trees. It was like something out of a fairy tale.I wore a beautiful white gown that made me feel like a princess. The intricate lace details and flowing train added an air of elegance and sophistication. As I walked down the aisle, I could see the love and excitement in my husband's eyes. It was a moment I will never forget.The reception was a lively celebration filled with laughter and joy. The tables were adorned with elegant centerpieces and twinkling candles. The aroma of delicious food filled the air, and the sound of clinking glasses and happy chatter created a festive atmosphere. Friends and family came from near and far to join us in our special day,and their presence made it even more meaningful.The highlight of the evening was our first dance as husband and wife. We had spent weeks practicing our moves, and it was a magical moment as we glided across the dance floor. The music swelled, and we were lost in our ownlittle world. It was a perfect blend of romance and fun,and our guests cheered and clapped as we twirled and spun.The night ended with a spectacular fireworks display.As the sky lit up with bursts of color, we stood hand in hand, feeling overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude. It was a symbol of the bright future ahead of us, filled with love and adventure.Looking back on my wedding day, I am filled with asense of awe and gratitude. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. It was a day that marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and I couldn't be happier. My wedding was truly a dream come true.。

1.《亿万未婚夫》The Bachelor“24小时内不结婚,亿万财产就飞了。
2.《我最好的朋友的婚礼》My Best Friend's Wedding朱莉安(朱莉娅•罗伯茨Julia Roberts 饰)和迈克尔(德蒙特•莫罗尼Dermot Mulroney 饰)是大学时候的情侣。
但他绝没料到,在人生的十字路口,会碰到娇媚可人的安娜,并情不自禁地陷入爱河……3.《落跑新娘》Runaway Bride艾克(理查•基尔Richard Gere 饰)是一名专栏记者,他的妻子就是顶头上司。
一次偶然,艾克在酒吧里听闻了马里兰州一名女子玛琪(朱莉娅•罗伯茨Julia Roberts 饰)三次踏上红地毯时临阵脱逃的故事。

跨文化交际教程学期论文论文题目:“苹果”和“橘子”的婚礼——从电影《我的盛大希腊婚礼》看文化的差异与融合The wedding of “apple”and “orange”--------Analysis cultural differences and fusion学生姓名满丽丽学生学号201107050201418学生班级英语2011-2班学科专业英语学年学期2013-2014学年指导教师赵艳所在学院语言文化学院2014年06月24日“苹果”和“橘子”的婚礼——从电影《我的盛大希腊婚礼》看文化的差异与融合The wedding of “apple”and “orange”--------Analysis cultural differences and fusionIntroductionThe movie my big fat Greek wedding is a story about a a middle class Greek A merican girl who marry a non-Greek upper middle class "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant"Ian Miller. Tula is thirty years old who is the only women who has “failed”her trad itional Greek family hope she “marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies, and feed every one until the day she dies.” But unexpected Tula fall in love with an American man. Though Tula live in America her family is a big traditional Greek family, the family c onsisted of relatives was big and loud and all her family are the Orthodox Eastern Ch urch. Ian is a typical American, he is the only child in his family, compared with Tul a‟s family his is quite and boring. Just like Tula‟s father said: “they are dry, just likea piece of toast no honey, no jam, just dry.” The great differences between the twocultures have been a big obstacle of their marriage. Tula‟s family ask her mu st marrya Greek man so at the beginning her family disagree their marriage, especially her fat her, Tula‟s father is proud of they are Greek and their traditional Greek culture. In or der to be accepting by Tula‟s family Ian is baptized, he changes himself and finally m arries Tula. They have a great wedding ceremony, it is quite a beautiful and happy we dding ceremony, in the wedding Ian‟s “quiet ” and “boring ”parents dance and drink ing with Tula‟s family In the wedding Tula‟s father said: “So, okay, here tonight we h ave, uh, apple and orange... we all different, but, in the end, we all fruit.”Here “appl e” and “orange”represent three different meanings: first, of course, they mean different fruits, second they means different person and third they represent different culture.BadyI.Different LanguageLanguage is the basic of interpersonal communication, and also the most direct interc ultural communication. The Greek have strong sense of their race identity so that the Gr eek American has t heir language till now. In the movie Tula‟s father is prod of their Gr eek language very much, he fever for got a English word and then found its source in Greek language but for Tula and her brother they prefer to speaking English ,but they st ill have a good learning of Greek language, it is a fusion of two culture. Sometimes th ey also speak Greek language at home. It is funny that Tula‟s brother kid Ian because he do not know Greek language but at the end of the movie Ian has began to learn Greek languageII . Different life styleTula‟s family is a big traditional Greek family as Tula said: “my family is big and loud bu t they‟re my family. We fight and we laugh and yell, we roast lamb on a spit in the fron t yard. And where ever I go, wh at ever I do they will always be there.” As we saw in the movie Tula‟s family consisted of her parents ,her brother ,sister ,and a great members of r elatives was big and loud, they like dancing and eating roast together. Tula‟s parents have t heir own business—a restaurant “ Dancing Zorba's”, she and her brother work in the resta urant. But Ian‟s family is totally different, like other upper middle class American family Ia n‟s parents are quiet and not outgoing. His parents have their own job, and even Ian is the ir only child, he do not live with his family. For eating diet, Tula‟s family love all kinds o f good food, her mother are good at cooking , and they think the roast meat is the beat fo od, and Tula‟s family also love drinking a special drinking. On cont rary, Ian‟s family are v egetarian and they are not good at drinking. But at the end of the movie, Ian‟s parents lau gh and dance with Tula‟s family, they are even a little drunk, obviously Ian‟s family has fa miliar with Tula‟s aunt. The two different family finally enter into each other.II. Thinking patensAs Tula‟s father always said: “nice Greek girl are supposed to do three things in life: marry boys, make Greek babies, and feed everyone until the day we die.”we can see tr aditional Greek thinking in tulle‟s family, and it influence Tula …a sister and her. But Tu la born in America she also influence by American culture she desire new free different life, so Tula is 30years old but she have not got married. On the other hand in Tula‟s family her father plays a leading role, all the thing should got his agree, the father thi nk Ian should ask his agreement before they get together. But in American family when child become adult the parents do not have the right to bother they private life. And e ven a girl she is able to keep her own career, family is just a part of their life but not the whole thing.In the movie, Tula‟s got her mother‟s support and she went go school to learn computer course, at last she got a good job in her aunt‟s tour agency, right that time Ian meet a new and charming girl when she was working and fall in love with her, and then Tula decide to be together with Ian with ignorance her father‟s rules. It reflect that Tula hav e as an American Greek girl has change her family‟s traditional rules, because she influ enced by American culture. She has her own thinking and she want to lead her own me aningful life.And after several years when Tula has her own children she sent them to learn Greek a t Greek school but she promise her children could make their own choice on their love. And her husband, Ian begins to learn Greek language. Their marriage finally gets over differences in language, life style, and thinking patens and religion. Their happy marriage is a symbol of cultural fusion.III. ReligionThe Greek Orthodox Church as the Greek‟s state religion is the symbol of Greek race. I n Greek 90 present of people believe the Greek Orthodox Church. And the Orthodox Ch urch play an important role in Greek American people, they hold all their important cere monies in the church, like baptism, wedding, funeral, and so on. As a traditional Greek family Tula‟s family also believe in the Orthodox Church but Ian‟s family have different believe, though they have different background and different believe they still love each other. In spite of Tula believes the Greek Orthodox Church but she does not like her parents so fever for their belief. At first, Tula‟s families were opposed to their marriage. On the contrary Ian‟s par ents agreed with it. On this situation, Ian is willing to change himself, he decided to be baptized and join the Greek Orthodox Church. And at last, t hey hold their wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church, but one thing we should kno w that though Tula does not as fever as her parents for their believe their marriage attri bute to Ian‟s compromise.ConclusionTula and Ian finally married , it is the important symbol of the culture fusion , they get over the different background ,language ,believe, life style , the big fat Greek weddi ng is so happy. But at the same time their marriage brings integration of two families. The re are many different culture in the word, first of all we should respect them, toda y as the development of world more and more intercultural communication in our life. We could see culture differences and culture fusions everywhere. Form the movie my bi g fat Greek wedding I feel deeply about the culture different Tula and Ian come form d ifferent background, they have different language, costumes, lifestyle, eating habits, and r eligions. But at the progress of two families‟communicate, they influenced each other. The different culture possibly cause conflicts but our life is colorful, sometime we need understanding and a little change, that is the culture fusion.。
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Fotoula "Toula" Portokalos (Nia Vardalos) is going through an early midlife crisis. At thirty, she is the only woman in her family who has "failed". Her family expects her to "marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies, and feed everyone until the day she dies." Instead, Toula is stuck working in the family business, a restaurant, "Dancing Zorba's". In contrast to her "perfect" sister, Athena (Stavroula Logothetis), Toula is frumpy and cynical. She fears she's doomed to be stuck with her life as it is. At the restaurant, she briefly sees Ian Miller, a handsome school teacher. This event, combined with an argument with her overly-patriotic father, Gus - who merely wants his daughter to marry and settle down rather than pursue a career motivates her to begin taking computer classes at a local college. She also gets contact lenses, wears her hair curly, and begins to use makeup. Maria, her mother, and her aunt Voula (Andrea Martin) then contrive a way to get Gus to allow her to work at Voula's travel agency. Toula feels much better in her new job, especially when she notices Ian hanging around looking at her through the window. They finally introduce themselves and begin dating. Toula keeps the relationship secret from her family until some weeks later when Gus finds out. He throws a fit because Ian is not Greek and orders Toula to end the relationship, but Ian and Toula continue to see each other against Gus's wishes. Ian proposes marriage to her, she accepts. Gus is hurt and infuriated, feeling his daughter has betrayed him, and Ian agrees to be baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church and speak fluent Greek to be worthy of her family.
Nia Vardalos as Fotoula "Toula" Portokalos John Corbett as Ian Miller Lainie Kazan as Maria Portokalos Michael Constantine as Kostas "Gus" Portokalos Andrea Martin as Aunt Voula Louis Mandylor as Nick Portokalos Gia Carides as Cousin Nikki Joey Fatone as Cousin Angelo Stavroula Logothettis as Athena Portokalos Ian Gomez as Mike Bruce Gray as Rodney Miller Fiona Reid as Harriet Miller Jayne Eastwood as Mrs. White Arielle Sugarman as Paris Miller
The film was shot in Toronto and Chicago. Toronto's Ryerson University and Greektown neighborhood feature prominently in the film. Despite its writer being from Winnipeg, and the use of Toronto for location shots, the film was set in Chicago. Walking tours of Greektown on Danforth Avenue point out scene locations. The home used to depict Gus and Maria Portokalos' residence (as well as the home bought next door at the end of the film for Toula and Ian) is located on Glenwood Crescent just off O'Connor Drive in East York. The real home representing the Portokalos' residence actually has most of the external ornamentation that was shown in the film. Also, some minor parts of the movie were shot in Jarvis High School in Toronto. After a February 2002 premiere, it was initially released in the United States on April 19, 2002. That summer it opened in Iceland, Israel, Greece, and Canada. The following fall and winter it opened in Turkey, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Argentina, Australia, Hong Kong, Brazil, Norway, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Taiwan, the Philippines, Egypt, Peru, Sweden, Mexico, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland (German speaking region), France, Poland, Kuwait, Estonia, and Lithuania. It was finally released in South Korea in March 2003, and Japan in July 2003.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a 2002 Canadian-American romantic comedy film written by and starring Nia Vardalos and directed by Joel Zwick. The film is centered on Fotoula "Toula" Portokalos, a middle class Greek American woman who falls in love with a non-Greek upper middle class "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" Ian Miller. At the 75th Academy Awards, it was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. A sleeper hit, the film grossed $241.4 million in North America, despite never reaching number one at the box office during its release (the highest-grossing film to accomplish this feat).
My Big Fat Greek Wedding became a sleeper hit and grew steadily from its limited release. Despite never hitting the number one spot and being an independent film with a $5 million budget, it ultimately grossed over $368.7 million worldwide, becoming one of the top romantic films of the 21st Century according to Echo Bridge Entertainment.[1] It was the fifth highest-grossing film of 2002 in the United States, with USD$241,438,208, and the highest-grossing romantic comedy in history.[2] Domestically, it is also the highest-grossing film never having been number one on the weekly North American box office charts.[3] The film is among the most profitable of all time, with a 6150% return on an (inflation adjusted) cost of $6 million to produce.[4] Despite being hugely successful for an independent film, according to the studio, the film lost money. Accordingly, the cast (with the exception of Nia Vardalos who had a separate deal) sued the studio for their part of the profits. The original producers of the film have sued Gold Circle Films due to Hollywood accounting practices because the studio has claimed the film lost $20 million