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二、股票市場係賺錢地方 , 因此絕對要跟紅頂白而非鋤強扶弱 , 幾時都應吸納強勢股,沽出弱勢股。

三、持有蝕本股不放有兩大損失: A、股價上既損失 , B、失去將資金投資其他項目既損失。因此絕對要止蝕。

四、股市唔係低價買入高價賣出既地方 ( 冇人做得到 ) , 應該高價買入更高價賣出 , 因此宜高追不宜趁低買入。

五、牛市中錯失獲利機會冇有怕 , 因為下一浪更高 ; 熊市中寧可賺少D,亦


六、股市表現可能同自己想法背馳好耐 , 所以淡市莫估底 , 旺市莫估頂。

七、第一次出現裂口上升時不妨買入 , 如出現製裂回落係時候離開。

八、旺市時不妨膽大D,因為形勢在我 , 淡市時少玩 , 因為?仔浸死人。

九、投資成功先了解基本因素 , 再利用技術分析決定買賣時機 , 只識技術分析唔了解基本因素者 , 只係花拳繡腿 ( 睇得但唔打得 ) 。

十、升市將盡小心「單日轉向」或「單周轉向」走勢 , 通常幾有用。最簡單的技術分析最有用 , 太複雜的技術分析只係用黎嚇初學者。

十一、了解群眾心理亦十分有用 , 因群眾常常睇錯市。

十二、止蝕唔止賺 , 通常賣出之後股價才大升 , 我地少賺 50% 或以上。獲利回吐易 , 止蝕賣出難 , 只有克服上述心理 , 才能在股市立足。



1. Never, under any circumstance add to a losing position.... ever! Nothing more need be said; to do otherwise will eventually and absolutely lead to ruin!

2. Trade like a mercenary guerrilla. We must fight on the winning side and be willing to change sides readily when one side has gained the upper hand.

3. Capital comes in two varieties: Mental and that which is in your pocket or account. Of the two types of capital, the mental is the more important and expensive of the two. Holding to losing positions costs measurable sums of actual capital, but it costs immeasurable sums of mental capital.

4. The objective is not to buy low and sell high, but to buy high and to sell higher. We can never know what price is "low." Nor can we know what price is "high." Always remember that sugar once fell from $1.25/lb to 2 cent/lb and seemed "cheap" many times along the way.

5. In bull markets we can only be long or neutral, and in bear markets

we can only be short or neutral. That may seem self-evident; it is not, and it is a lesson learned too late by far too many.

6. "Markets can remain illogical longer than you or I can remain solvent," according to our good friend, Dr. A. Gary Shilling. Illogic often reigns and markets are enormously inefficient despite what the academics believe.

7. Sell markets that show the greatest weakness, and buy those that show the greatest strength. Metaphorically, when bearish, throw your rocks into the wettest paper sack, for they break most readily. In bull markets, we need to ride upon the strongest winds... they shall carry us higher than shall lesser ones.

8. Try to trade the first day of a gap, for gaps usually indicate violent new action. We have come to respect "gaps" in our nearly thirty years of watching markets; when they happen (especially in stocks) they are usually very important.

9. Trading runs in cycles: some good; most bad. Trade large and aggressively when trading well; trade small and modestly when trading poorly. In "good times," even errors are profitable; in "bad times" even the most well researched trades go awry. This is the nature of trading; accept it.
