初二英语同步辅导:is not it

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初二英语同步辅导:is not it

”John is smart, isn’t it?”


在公共场所或办公室里,只要稍为留心,不难听到“ isn’t it ? ”这个附加语。这种疑问句是英文几种疑问句中的一种,主要的用途在强制答话人提供问话人心目中的答案。




①Mary is happy, isn’t she?

②They w ill come, won’t they?

③Mary isn’t sad, is she?

④They won’t come, will they?



⑤You could hardly expect him to help you, can you?

⑥The minister will talk about regional cooperation, wouldn’t he ?


⑦The clerks are working hard, don’t they?

⑧Betty won’t be a sportswoman, can she?

“isn’t it”的滥用

最常见的错误来自“isn’t it”的滥用,如:

⑨Jason likes this book very much , isn’t it?

⑩She can sing well, isn’t it?

team won, isn’t it?

Singaporeans have become achievement - oriented , isn’t it?

our teachers are dedicated, isn’t it?

will go shopping on Sunday, isn’t it?


⑨Jason likes this book very much, doesn’t he?

⑩She can sing well, can’t she?

team won, didn’t it?

Singaporeans have become achievement - oriented, haven’t they?

our teachers are dedicated, aren’t they?

will go shopping on Sunday, won’t they?

”lsn’t it ? “在下列3个句子中才是正确的用法:

is fine today, isn’t it?

sto ry book is interesting, isn’t it?

is worthwhile learning a second language well, isn’t it?

现在再看看“John is smart , isn’t it ?”错在哪里。很明显的,错在附加语里的代名词:应该是“he ”,不是“it”,全句如下:

John is smart, isn’t he?
