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a private discussion a conversation over lunch a gossip in the lift a chance meeting in the corridor an informal gathering of staff instructing subordinates dealing with clients formal meetings interviews conferences/seminars
Secretarial Procedures & Secretarial English
Study Tasks for the Eighth Week
Section Two, Unit Fourteen About the Mid-term Examination
Section Two, Unit Fourteen
If you aim to make a success of your secretarial career, and whatever career may follow that, your success will depend on much more than your practical skills. No matter how good your shorthand or typing skills, or your ability to present documents effectively, you will not get far if you cannot get along with people. Oral communication is the life-blood of our personal and business lives. Our ability to communicate is a process which begins in childhood;the roles we play become gradually more complex as we become adults and assume more responsibility.
Face-to-face Communication
In your business life you will probably spend much more of your time talking and listening to colleagues and clients than writing and reading. Problems will need to be discussed, information requested, instructions given. To achieve co-operation and effective teamwork, good human relations skills must be developed. Face-to-face communication can take a variety of forms:
Checklist for Effective face-to-face Communication
Let us consider: 1. Plan what you will say. Prepare supporting notes and gather any relevant documents. 2. Consider the person to whom you will be speaking. Take account of their position, background knowledge and experience. 3. Speak appropriately to the situation. Be chatty, friendly, informal or formal, etc, in accordance with the situation and the topic. 4. Be open-minded. Consider the matter from the other person's point of view and be as open-minded as possible, but have counterarguments ready just in case they are required. 5. Consider the location. You will feel more comfortable in a familiar environment. Try to avoid distractions like telephone calls or other interruptions. 6. Dress appropriately. Your appearance indicates your personality and what you represent.
Speaking in Public: Preparing the Material
You must be certain of what you want the audience to learn from your talk. Know your facts by doing reading and research. Your talk should progress logically, using these guidelines:
Speaking in Public: An Example
The Company Anniversary Party
Speaking in Public
Although you may never aspire to address audiences as a professional speaker, the chances are that you will be required to give a talk, explain a procedure or propose some plan in the course of your career. When faced with such a task, you should aim to communicate with your audience and not feel intimidated by them. Every good speaker suffers from nerves or butterflies. A certain amount of tension is not a bad thing. It means the speaker cares about getting through to the audience and about putting on a good performance. Common faults include not identifying the main ideas to be put across. This results in your talk being vague and ineffective, sliding from one point to another without clear indication, or repeating points already made. If a speaker is not thoroughly prepared and is disorganized, the audience will feel their time has been wasted.
Face-to-face Communication
In face-to-face communication, you have various means of conveying information – intonation of the voice, facial expressions, gesture, posture and movement. These factors add impact to a meaning, and they combine to provide an instant impression in a way that written communication or telephone calls cannot. Face-to-face communication has many advantages. Most importantly, it is immediate, so there is more chance of understanding being achieved quickly. It is also possible to obtain instant feedback. Of course, there are also disadvantages. Inaccuracy may result due to there being no permanent record. It is also often less concise because it is not prepared as carefully as written communication. Most people find talking easier than writing because phrases can be used in speech which would be unacceptable in written communication. However, if understanding is to be complete and effective, language needs to be chosen carefully. Effective oral communication should be planned just as carefully as planning what you are going to write. Flexibility is provided, however, in that it can be changed if necessary.
Acknowledge the person who has introduced you to the audience. Introduce your subject clearly and conciselyห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ outlining the purpose of your talk and what you hope to achieve. Use key sentences to introduce each main point. Explain and expand with details, examples, or short stories to illustrate each point. Recap with a summary or restatement of the main point. End your talk on a positive note. Have a closing sentence ready. Nothing lets down an audience more than:“… ell, I guess that's all I have to say ...”