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华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 中国电信运营商的商业模式研究 姓名:盘远华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:企业管理 指导教师:田志龙 20040419
摘 要
中国电信市场竞争日趋激烈,多项电信业务出现了增长乏力,增量不增收的现 象,对电信运营商的经营提出了挑战。如何持续地盈利成为电信运营商关注的重要 话题,而商业模式为解决该问题提供了参考思路和实践框架。 本文在文献研究的基础上,结合电信运营商经营实际,提出了一个商业模式分 析框架,包括“为谁”、“做什么”、“如何做”、“如何盈利”四大部分,并将 商业模式分为业务层和公司层两个层次。本文首先对固定电话及其增值业务、移动 电话及其增值业务、小灵通及其增值业务、互联网业务四项核心电信业务进行了研 究,发掘各项业务商业模式中影响绩效的核心要素,然后对中国电信、中国网通、 中国移动、中国联通四大运营商的整体商业模式进行研究,了解电信运营商的商业 模式,提出企业商业模式规划建议。 本文认为,电信运营商提供融合的业务将成为未来趋势;电信运营商的经营要 求从规模型向效益型转变;电信运营商需要找到科学、合理的收入模式;电信运营 商需要在价值链上发挥重要的作用。 商业模式是发展变化的,电信运营商有必要运用商业模式框架检查自身的商业 模式,适时创新商业模式,以更好地盈利,在竞争中取得优势。
With the intensity of competition in China telecommunication industry, many telecom businesses develop slowly, even increase with no income added. These challenge the telecom operators. How to make profit continuously has become the focus of telecom operators. Business model provides the reference for thinking way and practice frame on the subject. Based on literature study and the operation state of telecom operators, we propose an analysis frame on business model, including for whom, do what, how to do and how to make profit. And we divide business model into two levels, business level and corporate level. First we study the business models of four core businesses, including fixed-line telephone and its value-added services, mobile telephone and its value-added services, PHS and its value-added services and Internet business, find the elements that impact their business model. Then we study the whole business model of four operators, including China Telecom, CNC, China Unicom, China Mobile, and make suggestions on their development. This article concludes that telecom operators provide integrative businesses will become the tendency, telecom operators should develop from scale-oriented to benefitoriented, telecom operators should find scientific, reasonable income model, telecom operators should play an important role on the value chain. Business model is ever changing, telecom operators should imply the analysis frame to check their business models, innovate their business models timely, which would help them make profit continuously and gain competitive advantages.
Key words:Telecom operators;Business model;Profit
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